• last week
Economistas coinciden en preocupación por alza de tasa de cambio del dólar; entienden Banco Central tendrá que intervenir


00:00The type of minimal intervention in the exchange market is evidently that there is uncertainty, not only in the United States, there is global uncertainty, volatility, basically in the markets, as a product of Donald Trump's policy.
00:17This threatens that the prices in the United States are much higher, and so the reaction of the Federal Reserve is that there may possibly be an increase in the interest rate.
00:33And that also brings as a consequence a strengthening of the dollar as an international currency, and then when the dollar is strengthened at an international level, that generates pressure in the Dominican Republic to devalue.
00:48That the dollar, all instruments without dollars, are much more attractive, and so many people in the Dominican Republic could exchange their pesos for dollars and make investments in the United States, and those are elements that could be occurring.
01:05But there are also elements of the national character. Uncertainty generates a reaction of the economic agents that, as we will see in the future, that there may be a devaluation.
01:20They buy dollars today, and that creates an additional demand in the exchange market, and that causes the exchange rate to rise.
01:32That is why we understand that the Central Bank would have to intervene at some point because it would have enough reserves, more than 14,900 million dollars in reserves.
01:45Therefore, I believe that there will have to be a certain level of intervention, minimally, because the exchange rate is already around almost 63.1, it is reaching the goal, or not the goal, but the value that was put in the national budget.
02:03Therefore, I believe that we have to calm that market a bit, and the Central Bank will have to make a certain level of intervention.
