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Delta Force is back! The iconic series returns as the definitive free-to-play modern team-based tactical shooter and featuring three distinct gameplay modes: large-scale PvP warfare, intense extraction shooter action, and a remake of the legendary Black Hawk Down campaign. Play For Free since Feb 21, 2025 first on PC and later on Consoles.

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00:00Transcriber & Translator Alina Silka Reviewer Mirjana Čutura
00:07In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
00:29One minute.
00:31Roger. Visibility of the target area is poor.
00:35You're on your own to find a landing site.
00:38We need to get closer to the target zone!
00:41I'll try.
00:42C2, I need the bird down.
00:46Prepare for landing. Two-peach, one-foot, down.
00:51One-foot, leader, okay.
00:53One-foot, I think I hit him.
01:08Watch out!
01:16Need to reload!
01:22Enough! Okay!
01:28Let's go! Come on!
01:31I need extra security on these trucks!
01:35Go! Go! Go!
01:38Cover me!
01:42Keep moving!
01:51Six-one, going down! He's going down!
01:53I repeat, Super Six-One, going down!
02:01We got a Black Hawk down! We got a Black Hawk down!
02:05All personnel, proceed to the crash site immediately for rescue!
02:22Come on!
02:31Need to reload!
02:35Come on!
