Speaker Johnson says he believes the CR will pass and a government shutdown will be averted.
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00:00action towards some of these members after the Greene incident, some conservatives have
00:05called for additional discipline. Is that something you would endorse?
00:08We're considering that. I mean, I've talked to a lot of Republicans over the weekend that were
00:13really disturbed by what happened on the floor. And it was an unprecedented break of decorum.
00:19It's the first time that anyone has had to be ushered out of the chamber while a president,
00:24an honored guest was delivering an address like that. And we have to maintain the dignity of
00:28this institution. And so there are a lot of people very concerned about that. Mr. Greene's
00:33comments after the event have not helped. He's effectively said he will, would do it again,
00:37or will do it again, or something to that effect. I haven't had time to follow what he's saying,
00:40but others are, and people are upset about it. The censure is pretty serious. I mean,
00:44there's only been 20, I mean, isn't this going back to the history of the institution?
00:47Isn't this going back to the well again, if you were to do that?
00:49Well, I don't know. These are the things we have to evaluate. I got to talk with my members. I
00:54mean, every member has the right to bring a privileged resolution, as you know, which
00:58is effectively an end run around the speaker. It's not always my decision on these things,
01:02but I'm trying to talk with my members about governing and demonstrating the difference
01:06between our side and theirs. I think it was on vivid display. I think that what they did
01:12was an affirmation of why we won the election cycle decisively and why they did not.
01:17And so if they want to continue to act like that, I think that is something that every
01:20American can see and evaluate for themselves. And I encourage them to keep acting like that.
01:24Mr. Speaker, if the CR does not pass the House or the Senate, what is the plan B?
01:29The CR will pass.
01:30If one of it gets blocked?
01:31I don't think it's going to get blocked.
01:33What makes you so confident that it will pass?
01:35Because no one wants to shut the government down. And we are governing,
01:38doing the responsible thing as Republicans. It's going to be up to Chuck Schumer and the Senate
01:43Democrats to do the right thing. And I don't think they're going to shut the government down.
01:46Mr. Speaker, do you have a vote?
01:47Do you have a Republican vote?
01:47I'll let him get through, guys.
01:48What do you think of Trump's comments that he didn't rule out a recession?
01:52You wouldn't say that there would not be a recession. Does that concern you?
01:55I didn't see those comments. I was pretty busy over the last few days.
01:59Are you worried about a recession?
02:00I'm not. I believe that the policies that we're putting forth are going to
02:03improve the economy and bring down costs for people. It takes a little while. We're
02:07in a transition period between Bidenomics and the disastrous economy that the previous
02:11administration left us. And it takes a while for these policies to be ingrained. We're going to
02:16codify this with the reconciliation process as the bill is coming forward. But what the
02:20president's doing right now is trying to transition us out of that economic disaster that he was left
02:26with. And it's going to be a little growing pains to do that, but it's happening.
02:29Mr. Speaker, on the budget, how can you guarantee that you'll actually have anywhere close to $1.5
02:33trillion in funds?
02:35We have weeks to go through and say and fine-tune the details of that. Just stay tuned. We're not
02:42going to have final answers on that for weeks, but this is what we anticipated. We'll finally
02:46get it straightened out one time to get all the votes that we need on that.