• last week
Get ready to laugh uncontrollably as we dive into the most hilarious moments when Chris Farley completely broke character and made his fellow cast members lose it on Saturday Night Live! These legendary comedy moments will have you in stitches!
00:00My name is Matt Foley.
00:02Yo, yo, soy Trace Divorciado.
00:09That's funny.
00:11Well, get over it.
00:13Sweet mother of God, what is the holdup?
00:23Muchachos, yo comprendo que ustedes beben tequila.
00:30Full man marijuana.
00:33Y bailan al flamenco.
00:38I told you, David.
00:39Didn't make any sense, but you were like...
00:42Yeah, well, you're like...
00:43No, you're like...
00:45David and Chris, ladies and gentlemen.
00:47David and Chris.
00:53For the love of all things holy,
00:57let the boy rub the dog's belly.
01:00He said he likes to do it.
01:02And you know damn well the dog likes it, too.
01:08Just let it happen.
01:10That's all we want, dear.
01:12Just let it happen.
01:19Oh, hey, Derek.
01:20Back from the gym just in time.
01:21Look who's here.
01:22It's Canteen Boy.
01:23You guys used to be real tight.
01:25Hey, Canteen Boy.
01:26Does this bring back any memories?
01:36Tonight my host is Jeff Daniels,
01:38one of the greatest actors around, I guess.
01:45God, I hate doing this part, man.
01:47I never know what to say.
01:48No, no, you're doing fine, Chris.
01:49You're doing good.
01:52No, I'm not.
01:56Thank you, Chris.
01:57I've really learned some lessons tonight.
01:59You know what I've learned?
02:01I've learned lessons about responsi...
02:05Being responsible, not only to myself,
02:08but to the people around me.
02:09That means you guys.
02:11I think it's time to quit goofing around.
02:13I think it's time to grow up, fellas.
02:15I want you to know that everything's gonna be okay.
02:17All right, man.
02:18Anyway, I got a package here for Dante.
02:20I am Dante!
02:22All right, here you go.
02:24Sign on the X.
02:27I'll sign your precious Federal Express receipt.
02:31And now I wish you could do me a favor
02:34and buzz off.
02:36Oh, man.
02:37There you go.
02:41Irish number one!
02:44Irish number one!
02:47Get the hell out of here, you dead pig!
02:51That's really something.
02:53So do you let me...
02:55Oh, my God!
02:57Damn it!
02:59That fish really got me!
03:02Son of a bitch!
03:04Oh, my God.
03:06Let me begin with an obvious question.
03:09Who threw the eggs?
03:13I don't know, but I can tell you
03:16what you had for lunch.
03:17A chili dog.
03:20Really, I-I don't know.
03:22I don't know.
03:25Well, that and a nickel get your hot cup
03:28a jack squat!
03:35Hey, now.
03:43Whoa, whoa.
03:46While you take your, uh, coffee break
03:47and we continue pedaling
03:49I'm paying for this class, okay?
03:52Shut your pie hole, missy!
03:57All right.
03:58Look, Matt.
03:59Look, Matt.
04:00Take it easy.
04:01Look, this is not gonna work out.
04:03I'm gonna have to ask you
04:04to take-get out of here.
04:05Can we stop this cruel game
04:09and allow the boy
04:11to keep one shred of dignity?
04:14For God's sakes!
04:16I can't stand to see him
04:19You vicious bastards!
04:23Let him move in with you!
04:25Is it so bad to see somebody happy?
04:28So just let him move in!
04:30For the love of God!
04:33Let the boy move in with you!
04:39Why, yes!
04:43On the brace.
04:45Say when.
04:46All right, all right.
04:50Wait a second.
04:53Here you go.
04:57Why, thank you, pepper boy!
05:00That's the perfect amount of pepper!
05:06Oh, grazie.
05:08Oh, you did it, Carlo!
05:10You did it!
05:11Yeah, Misty.
05:13You're so dumb.
05:15When they were passing out brains,
05:17you thought they said trains.
05:19Then you got on it,
05:21and on a train,
05:23and then went for a ride.
05:29And on that highly successful burn,
05:32I'm going into the polar bear cage
05:34and get myself some wallets
05:36so I can get some beer money.
05:40I'm flying!
05:42I'm flying!
05:43I'm flying!
05:45Holy schnikes!
05:48Look at Devin!
05:49You're almost flying!
05:50But I'm doing something!
05:52You're almost flying!
05:53I have a weight problem.
05:54Can't they lift me?
05:56You're almost flying, buddy.
05:58There you go.
05:59This is life!
06:00Come on, Devin!
06:06The city steakhouse serves the best beef in town.
06:10Their sensual setting will set the mood
06:13for any romantic rendezvous.
06:16Oh, hear that, hey?
06:20I love you.
06:30Give me cancer now, guys!
06:34Hoagies and grinders,
06:36Hoagies and grinders,
06:37Navy beans, navy beans,
06:40Navy beans, navy beans,
06:42Hoagies and grinders,
06:43Hoagies and grinders,
06:45Navy beans, navy beans,
06:47Navy means, Navy means meatloaf sandwich.
06:51Sloppy Joe, it's time for Sloppy Joe, yeah.
06:55Sloppy Joe, it's time for Sloppy Joe, yeah.
06:58Sloppy Joe, it's time for Sloppy Joe, yeah.
07:02Sloppy Joe, it's time for Sloppy Joe, yeah.
07:07You're pretty funny.
07:09Let me rephrase that.
07:11That's funny, and you're purdy.
07:17Now, hang on to your sense of humor, young fella.
07:21You're going to need it in here,
07:23because they can't take that away from you.
07:25Believe me, I know.
07:27I had it all.
07:29Van, river, the whole kitten caboodle.
07:34Now I wonder, Brian, from what I've heard,
07:39you're using your paper not for writing,
07:42but for rolling doobies.
07:45You're going to be doing a lot of doobie rolling
07:48when you're living in a van down by the river.
