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The Unnamed Show | The Unnamed Show
00:00Hey, guys. Hello. Hello. Unnamed. Whitney's here. Dave's here.
00:03I'm here. What are you doing, Kirk?
00:04Dave's in the rainforest. You were fine, Dave. Why?
00:08Because you said you need a mental break.
00:10So I want to make sure you're my you're my friend.
00:12I thought it was for the case.
00:13Not what I did. Not completely what I said, though.
00:16I said I'm going to continue to work other than the show
00:18because I'm going to work on the case.
00:19As you know, I well, I mean, I don't want to give out private emails,
00:23but you said you want to get away from people.
00:25Texts. Yeah, no, you're welcome to talk about.
00:28But no, I did. But I'm not taking a break professionally.
00:32I'm still doing this. I'll be in Chicago.
00:33So it's not. It's not. All right.
00:35I thought you were taking like one of your little mental breaks.
00:37I was asking you how you're doing.
00:38Well, I'm here, man. This is dirty.
00:40Just like one of my little mental breaks.
00:42One of my little mental breaks.
00:44The guy was at the train station at one point.
00:47One of my. I started this by asking.
00:49You're such a belittling cocksucker.
00:51I know. And he's like, hey, not to make a private email public.
00:54Jesus Christ. Well, I think that's a it has to be some HIPAA violation.
00:57Yeah. Get Rico in here.
01:00I was just checking in.
01:01I was trying to be a nice friend.
01:03Such. It was really sweet. Thank you.
01:05I am as I. Well, I'm here today.
01:07So clearly it's not a break break.
01:08Yeah. Well, I don't know.
01:10Like me and Whitney are agreeable guys.
01:13So maybe you can deal with us, but you can't deal with the colonnades
01:17and the people you deal with.
01:18The colonnades for sure. No, I'm I'm OK.
01:20I guess I think, you know,
01:22other than the case season three, which we're now working on, there's other
01:25I can't get into specifics.
01:26There's other cases. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:28I do know that for a couple of weeks to do a million things.
01:30But thank you once again. Can I fuck? Can I get it like?
01:34Some info on this on the side or something, Kirk?
01:36I mean, I'm just like, I don't know shit legally.
01:39We can't talk about it.
01:40But thank you as always, Dave, for having my mental health
01:42foremost in your mind.
01:43I do always hear anyone telling Dave you need a mental health break.
01:46Just know it'll be first thing on the unnamed show.
01:49He always says, yeah, I could tell I was taking five years off.
01:51You would say to be fair.
01:52He'd say, OK, as long as you know. Correct.
01:54And then the next time I saw you, I'd be like, how are you doing?
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03:26Visit for the people dot com slash unnamed or dial law.
03:30Hashtag law.
03:32Hashtag five to nine from your cell phone.
03:34That's for the people dot com slash unnamed or dial.
03:37Hashtag law.
03:38Hashtag five to nine from your cell phone.
03:41This is a paid ad.
03:42If you couldn't tell, it's a paid break.
03:43Are you breaking in a new tongue?
03:48Seems along that seems a little heavy today.
03:50That was a long, long ad.
03:52I don't have a list.
03:53It's a it's a phone.
03:54I've had this happen to me.
03:54I've done shows on your phone.
03:55You have a little list.
03:56Oh, well, my office is under construction.
04:00There's talks. So
04:03there were like toxins coming into my office.
04:06Hawkins toxins, toxins.
04:09OK, that is it.
04:10Maybe if I left it, is this better because it's on the do I sound better now?
04:14Yes. Yeah, you sound better.
04:16Go ahead. Toxins.
04:18So there are toxins.
04:19And now I'm going to have to hold this sound better.
04:22Yeah, because the speaker is on the bottom of the phone.
04:24So I rested the phone down.
04:28There's toxins in my office.
04:30They're trying to get it out.
04:31That's why I get a headache every time I'm in there.
04:34It was supposed to be done. It's not done.
04:36It's always something else.
04:37The contractor built my house, one of the great crooks of all time.
04:42Two hundred million dollars you're worth, right?
04:45And you built a brand new house.
04:47How much are you spent on this office, do you think?
04:50Well, no, the office is nothing special, but like there's water that was not.
04:54I mean, how much of it would you think you've had to spend on this?
04:58On my house? No, no.
04:59I'm all the stuff you're currently working.
05:02Oh, I don't know. Maybe another million to fix it.
05:05If I was you, I'd let those toxins keep seeping into my brain.
05:09Then call Morgan and Morgan.
05:11Thanks. You could be worth 400 million.
05:13Yeah. And dead.
05:16That's true. That is true. Hmm.
05:20What is going what's jumping out with you guys in the past week?
05:23Big Cats gambling streak to me, I saw Dave's tweet.
05:27He's won 12 in a row. Kirk hasn't lost in March.
05:29I haven't bought it one time.
05:31I did see that.
05:32Unbelievable. And you thinking about hopping in, that would be.
05:37That's a no go for a friend.
05:40He said, do it. He said, fine.
05:41Oh, OK. I didn't know that.
05:43I asked. I want in if he didn't want me to.
05:47Speaking of friends, I saw Yandel on the dozen.
05:50What a moron. Very funny clip.
05:52What do you say?
05:53You didn't see that Minnesota clip?
05:55No, we have played this clip from the dozen.
05:58Very funny moment.
05:59First of all, I don't even know how this team was constructed.
06:02It's like Yandel, David Andrews and Marty Mush.
06:05The very strange team is a likable team, though, I will say that.
06:08I don't see that team doing much in the dozen this year.
06:10Do we have that clip?
06:14Boys. Yandel actually said he's
06:19last time you brought him up, you were carving him for his pizza review
06:23performance with you, like, oh, that's funny.
06:25Yeah, well, he said next time he cars, I want to get in.
06:29I want to get in because I watched him do something with
06:33the cooking show.
06:35And he's like, it was the fucking most unfunny thing I've ever seen.
06:39He was horrible in it.
06:40He was like, I want in on that guy.
06:42He's calling me unfunny on a pizza review.
06:44How am I supposed to be funny on a pizza review?
06:46I saw him do Chef Don.
06:47He's cooking shows the most boring vanilla thing since his Rogan interview.
06:53Oh, that's what you got to talk about.
06:54You sit around me like, oh, you didn't.
06:56He's not good at the interviews.
06:58I have nothing. I have nothing against Yandel.
07:01I like him as you built him up into an impossible like figure.
07:07Yeah, he's
07:08we have a sandbagger coming out.
07:10Very, very. Oh, also.
07:13We have a sandbagger.
07:14April Fool's Day being filmed chicklets.
07:18First foreplay.
07:19Wow. Yeah. Yeah.
07:20You guys had to do that, right?
07:22Because like I actually texted Frankie right away.
07:24We did Bob does Bob does sports.
07:26We did it for their channel.
07:28Ours drops Thursday, next Thursday
07:31on our channel because it was back to back matches.
07:34And right away I texted Frankie.
07:35I said, hey, buddy, we just did two sandbaggers with Bob does sports.
07:38You tell me when and where.
07:40And I'll be there for foreplay.
07:42Like, that's the company, man. I am.
07:44Well, you know, I mean, you're going to dump foreplay backwards, isn't it?
07:47Yeah, correct. Thank you.
07:48No, because Keith just like joined it.
07:52This is our first one where we're now doing the three on three scrambles
07:55to play foreplay does and then to do Bob does.
07:57Technically, yes.
07:58But in the end, it's still happening.
08:00That's a lot of words that I mean, you know what you're talking about?
08:05A lot of words, a lot of words.
08:08Either way, I think it'll be great.
08:09I think it'll be great.
08:10Yans biz myself versus Frankie Trenton Riggs.
08:13Where are you doing? Can you say where you're in Atlanta?
08:16Oh, do you still hate Riggs?
08:18No, we talked about this. No, I don't.
08:21I hate this goddamn clip.
08:25I was thinking back, I was thinking back to the time.
08:27Oh, go ahead.
08:29This is for the ice dogs.
08:30Name this city based on these hints in the Midwest.
08:33Jingle all the way is set there.
08:34Chris Humphries is from there.
08:36Target is from there.
08:37Minnesota, Minnesota.
08:40Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:42Can I just say, I trust you 100 percent.
08:44But why did you know that from all the way?
08:47Target field.
08:49I got it.
08:50Brandon, shut up. Brandon, shut up.
08:52Final answer.
08:57Minnesota is not state, unfortunately.
08:59That is a state.
09:00Minneapolis. Oh, my God.
09:04Minneapolis, Minneapolis.
09:12You're so dumb.
09:13What the fuck, boys?
09:15Hey, I want to point out that Brandon really wanted to tell you.
09:18He wanted to. Yeah, I want to.
09:20Trash you two are for not letting them.
09:22Yeah, yeah.
09:24Yeah, I just went up in my books.
09:26You're now at a one.
09:27I contemplated saying it, but once Brandon made it a thing
09:29and they come by, I got to keep my mouth shut.
09:31Yeah. When did you say?
09:33Why? Why isn't his teammates saying no city, city, city?
09:37Because they're all stupid, too.
09:38That's a dumb team.
09:40Yeah. Oh, yeah.
09:40I don't like that.
09:41It's not that complicated.
09:43Yeah. Brandon's on that clip.
09:44So he this Davey keeps teasing is what?
09:47Tomorrow. When is that?
09:48Mark is lying down to you, right, Dave?
09:52Yeah, I guess. I don't know.
09:53I mean, this is all this is all like professional wrestling or is this
09:56like is he already signed?
09:58I was blue. And if it's already, I'd like to get ahead of it.
10:01Yeah, no, no. He's flying down here.
10:03Why are you why are you acting so weird about this?
10:06OK, right. Oh, it's oh, geez.
10:08We're going that much of bits by Brandon.
10:11Jesus, you're going to participate in this day of this professional wrestling.
10:15I don't know.
10:19Well, I actually love mostly sports has kind of
10:23I think they're more into hockey than they are basketball now.
10:26And Brandon's all nuts about Brady Kachuk and Team USA,
10:29and he's got Blackhawks season tickets.
10:31Did you see him drop the puck at the Milwaukee?
10:34Oh, my God. A little dance.
10:35Do we have that? That's him in a nutshell.
10:37That was a weird like I almost want him not to be involved in hockey now.
10:42That was very on him trying to do his thing.
10:46And he was probably like really mad about it.
10:48If I know him, what is that?
10:51That's a practice jersey, by the way, that jersey.
11:12It's disgusting.
11:14Oh, that's great.
11:19Oh, I don't know.
11:22Just to like slip and drop the puck.
11:25But he draw I've never seen a puck drop, not get to the ice,
11:29like to drop the puck on the mat.
11:30It was actually I don't think it was.
11:32We should've been that difficult.
11:34No, you just lean over and drop it.
11:36He made it a little more difficult with his theatrics and his dancing.
11:40And then just he dropped.
11:42He almost fell on the way out to.
11:45And what what about this?
11:47Nadu and Rico?
11:48Yeah, what's going on here?
11:50It warms my heart when I see some more true bad blood
11:55between Nadu, Nadu.
11:58Rico did a big like Alabama basketball tweet
12:01and Nadu hit him with you on on the team, little bro.
12:04But yes, that's a great comeback.
12:08It's a great comeback.
12:09And then so Rico went directly to his burner account
12:14and said, and you didn't break your dick off on the female.
12:18On the female boy's blog, you used to comment on,
12:21I guess not everyone can be a winner.
12:22Then off we went with the news saying he's ready to kill Terry Bayrose
12:28and just the normal the normal theatrics between these two.
12:33Do you think that now that
12:35Rocker and Mahomes Senior is off the table
12:39and now Rico is just he's in such a better place?
12:42He's crushing it, doing great.
12:44Would you still have that big offer for rough and rowdy with those two?
12:47Yeah, I would.
12:48I'd like to put an asterisk and nobody likes Rico more than me.
12:52We're crushing it.
12:53And I was I have to admit, I love Rico.
12:55Well, I'm getting there with Rico.
12:57What am I missing?
12:58Yeah, that he blogs regularly.
13:01Did one show got canceled?
13:03No, he has funny clips that come out of Pick Central quite often.
13:06I believe he's blogging regularly and it's turning time coming up.
13:11And, you know, he's doing his job.
13:13He's blogging.
13:14He's crushed.
13:16Crushing it.
13:16Yeah, we go.
13:17Just remember, there's one guy on here.
13:19Well, look, he's got me in the back.
13:21Is he what's easy?
13:23It's in San Antonio this year.
13:24Is he doing that?
13:25Yeah. So the deal is.
13:27Because again, I had nothing to change.
13:29If someone offered Rico like a coaching assistant, he'd leave us in a second.
13:33So he likes going to this pump party.
13:36It's like a coach's party, right?
13:39He acts like this is the toughest invite in town.
13:43So he's got a deal.
13:45If Alabama makes the final four, we'll fly him out first class.
13:50You can stay in a suite.
13:52He gets the royal treatment.
13:53Dan and I will go to the pump party with him.
13:57But if Alabama doesn't make the final four, he's going to take a bus
14:02to San Antonio and basically.
14:05Which has to be 50 hours.
14:08Yeah, no fun.
14:09Forty five, 50 hours, like six hops.
14:11And yeah, that's so he's do.
14:13But he did it last year. He'll do it.
14:16Oh, yeah. Well, last year.
14:17Didn't he do it last year?
14:18Maybe it was it last year, the year before.
14:21That was right after he was last year.
14:23I was there. It was in Chicago
14:25because we did the free throw thing right after.
14:27Yes, that was when he was at a low point, right?
14:29That was right after he quit.
14:32You know, it was a harassing wives and, you know, the ball away.
14:36Memory showed up and he had the Butler uniform on.
14:38He was giving us drinks and stuff.
14:40Yeah. Yeah. Who was it?
14:42Very funny.
14:43Somebody just owned him on Twitter.
14:45I think he was talking about the Meek Phil.
14:48That was. Well, yeah.
14:50Me, Rico said was the last time Bill Self, Kansas
14:54coach, had 10 losses in a season, if ever.
14:57And Meek Phil's just replied under he had 11 last season.
15:01That's Rico all the way right there.
15:02All right. If I'm like, man,
15:05if the Panthers had a Stanley Cup and say, yeah, they won it last year.
15:09Yeah, exactly.
15:11Do you guys watch a night with Stu Feiner?
15:14No, that was that that was last night, wasn't it?
15:18The beginning of this show
15:20honestly looks like it's just play the beginning of a night
15:25with Stu Feiner, if we can.
15:27It looks like it's the most well-produced
15:31show. I mean, it looks like the beginning of Saturday Night Live or something.
15:34Well, let's see it.
15:36It's long, but.
16:00Stu is making his way down to the stage as we speak.
16:23OK, Stu, no bullshit
16:26telling everyone how big your dick is.
16:28It's fucking showtime.
16:30Who's the best in the world?
16:31Stu Feiner. Who's the funniest in the world?
16:33Stu Feiner. Who fucking kills?
16:35Stu Feiner. Ready to roll. Ready to roll.
16:39Hey, Stu, let's fucking go.
16:41I love you. I love you. I love you.
16:58I'm a feminist.
16:59He does a line of low.
17:03I told you it's long.
17:04This is great. You said it.
17:06He didn't stand up.
17:07Did he lose a bet or was this his idea?
17:08No, no, this is a night with Stu Feiner.
17:16Trim it, maybe trim 40, 45 minutes out of this.
17:21Fucking brutal as hell.
17:24Stu, I got a problem.
17:25What's wrong?
17:26I think I knocked a girl off and I need to go on 10K.
17:29I'll give you a hanger.
17:30Mincy crushes it again.
17:38We're not even close yet.
17:39No, no, no, no.
17:40I mean, so far, terrible, you know?
17:44Am I wrong or no?
17:46That was interesting.
17:47Hey, Stu, that giant dick cost me $10,000, you fat fuck.
17:52I fucked your mother and she paid me $10,000.
17:55I'll give it back to you.
17:56Have a good night.
18:00So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, here he is.
18:05Fuck, that was a long intro.
18:06I don't know.
18:08It's a packed house.
18:11Yeah, good crowd.
18:20How long is the whole thing?
18:22I don't know.
18:22I, I, I, I don't know.
18:27Like, start screaming.
18:29That's it.
18:32Full thing's 40 minutes.
18:3440 minutes.
18:3440 minutes.
18:3540 minutes.
18:36He did that.
18:38That's a long time.
18:41I'm biased.
18:42I'll admit I'm, I'm, Stu went out.
18:45I guess Stu was killing me behind my back in Chicago for all the Dan stuff
18:49last time.
18:50And then when I saw Mincy, I thought Mincy was.
18:52Yeah, I got that one wrong.
18:53And right.
18:53I was told the wrong person.
18:54That was my fault.
18:55But, uh, but when I saw Stu, he was just like sucking me off.
18:59So like, I'm not, not high on.
19:01So, well, I'm just being fair.
19:03That's very Stu.
19:05I'm with you.
19:05No, I understand where he's coming from, but it's very me to be like, well,
19:08fuck this guy.
19:09What do you mean?
19:09It's very Stu.
19:10Who else has he shit on?
19:11And then been nice to you.
19:12Well, Stu will shit on everybody and then be nice to your face.
19:16And he loves Dan.
19:16So I get it.
19:17But I'm just like, I mean, he loves Dan.
19:20He literally has his living room is called big cats cave or something.
19:25That's what I'm saying.
19:26So I get where he's, but you know, it's like, well, okay.
19:28You know, I don't know.
19:32You brought back Mutt.
19:34Well, so Mutt was banned from the show for a year.
19:37We did the live show at the theater in New Hampshire was great.
19:39The on Saturday night crowd was unbelievable.
19:43And the deal was, if he got rid of that hair, if he shaved his head,
19:46he could come back.
19:48At first, he said no.
19:49Then a woman with long hair volunteered to do it as a fan of the show.
19:52Said I couldn't do it.
19:53So the end of the show, Mutt did shave his head, came back for one show.
19:56Then I said, I'm taking six weeks off after one show.
19:58So this guy has absolutely no self-pride.
20:02He looks Kirk or Mutt Mutt.
20:04He looks great bald.
20:07It was like Dave.
20:08It was like White Sox, Dave.
20:09Like he shaved his head to go get the hair surgery and he looked way better bald.
20:14But he has no pride.
20:16What is he doing now?
20:17He's do you know what he's doing?
20:18He's doing Mutt stack.
20:19He was handing out Mutt stack cards before the show of the people.
20:24I don't even like talking about him.
20:26He doesn't deserve the air.
20:29Yeah, I know.
20:29It's on the sheet, but it's like I we just got to find out how he lives.
20:33You thinking back to Mutt on this show.
20:36All you to do is say yes, and he had a job with Barstool.
20:40He's got a regret.
20:41You would never offer him a job again, right?
20:43No, no dead.
20:45Yeah, I'm not dead to me.
20:47I just wouldn't do it.
20:48Yeah, I think that's right.
20:49Move Dave.
20:50Did you see it?
20:51Kirk show him kiss that creature, Justin.
20:54I see the picture on it here.
20:55I did kiss.
20:58I kiss all my producers.
21:00Justin looks great.
21:01Oh, just as I was like 40 pounds.
21:03How he's been, you know, he's been eating back.
21:07Just factor.
21:09Oh, good for him.
21:10Yeah, right, Justin.
21:12Yeah, he's lost 40 pounds.
21:17Why did that happen?
21:18I forget.
21:19It was a middle of either.
21:20Who knows?
21:21That's like the office.
21:22God, the gaydar episode.
21:26Oh, what was I going to?
21:26What was I going to mention?
21:28What is this?
21:29Michelangelo thing you see is at the end.
21:32What happened?
21:35Well, there's a story behind this.
21:36Do we know this or no?
21:38The painter.
21:38The company fire me in response to movie storm chasers.
21:41What is that story?
21:42Does anybody know that story?
21:46What's this?
21:48He just quote tweeted a tweet of storm chasers being like this
21:52company fired me.
21:53Dante retweeted it.
21:55Oh, so he's like chirping that content.
21:57Oh, I got you.
21:58Why didn't Michelangelo got fired?
22:01He just said this company for he's like, this is the company
22:03that fired me.
22:04Oh, in response to the storm chambers.
22:06Oh, he's saying.
22:08It was bad.
22:11Okay, Michelangelo.
22:12I have nothing against them, but he's a whiny little baby
22:15who never fit in here.
22:17Oh, really?
22:18I thought he was like a behind the cameraman.
22:21Yeah, and he wants to be like Scorsese.
22:24It's like he was on my stuff and I had to get him off my
22:28stuff because it's like I'm not trying to turn this into, you
22:33know, Oscar film.
22:36Like I just need the thing edited.
22:38He wanted to make movies and do stuff.
22:40He just never fit here.
22:41Now why he would chirp like that.
22:44I don't know.
22:44You got fired because you don't fit in here.
22:49By the way.
22:50Yeah, what?
22:51No, I get a lot from people like my crowd, like the storm
22:55chambers, the storm chambers are stupid or the movie clips
22:58are dumb.
22:58I agree.
22:59They're dumb, but I'm 50 years old.
23:00Like that's I'm supposed to think they're dumb.
23:02It's like, yeah, I didn't love them doing storm chasers, but
23:06that's on them because I just know it's already been done.
23:09That was my idea.
23:10Originally, I think it's a good concept, but like Caleb and
23:12Roan and then I think that's a sales thing.
23:15They're like, we can sell it and moves to her credit will
23:18quite literally do anything.
23:19You ask moves is super.
23:21Yeah, we know that we're well aware that we did survive.
23:24We're very aware and and she's killing it and smelly is
23:28killing it.
23:28And I actually is killing it.
23:30I actually think her smelly and Ray in the slot is funny and
23:34I'm not saying that like.
23:38I watch it.
23:39Their clips make me laugh.
23:40Yeah, I got like I'm not like it's for like my daughter and
23:43her friends.
23:43I I'm not supposed to think it's funny.
23:45Like I think it's awful.
23:46But like I also know who cares like it's not for me.
23:49Yeah, there's both to that.
23:50Yeah, but you actually think it's like funny.
23:52Yeah, I think there's something old man.
23:55There's something unique about their chemistry to me.
23:58Yeah, what's working?
23:58Whatever it is.
23:59It shows with, you know, I don't know what so that's like this
24:02girl, Gabby Whitney gas when you reached out to her something.
24:05Yeah, I mean, but she's like really popular right now, but
24:09she's very unique.
24:12Same thing or what is she?
24:13What does she do?
24:14I don't know what she does.
24:15I don't know how to describe what she does, but it's it's I
24:18think is good when you see things that you haven't seen
24:21It's like, oh, this is very different from things I've seen.
24:24So yeah, our crowd.
24:25Obviously, they think they know everything about everything.
24:28It's like we have a lot of content.
24:29If you don't like it, don't watch it.
24:31But but but Michelangelo, by the way, has chirped and said
24:35and when I talked to Michelangelo, he's a little mouse
24:37because like something happened with.
24:41People sometimes think I'm or Barstow's like far more involved
24:45and things like no one gives a fuck about Michelangelo or
24:47his monkey boy or any of that shit.
24:49Like we were like, that's a shot at monkey boy.
24:53It's a ricochet.
24:54It's clever.
24:56Who was it?
24:57It was clever, right?
24:58Like people think we had some long like I got asked about
25:01this monkey boy thing and gals would call me or someone's
25:05like in my answer be why the fuck do I give a two fucks about
25:09monkey boy?
25:09What are you wasting more than five seconds of my time now
25:12if they're legal issues and what I don't give a fuck you
25:15think I'm thinking about Michael monkey boy, Michelangelo.
25:18Yeah, Michelangelo.
25:19You got fired.
25:21Moves is about a thousand billion percent more popular than
25:25you'll ever be and will generate more.
25:27You make him go make an indie film, but it doesn't fit for
25:30us and I don't like when you fucking tweet shit like that.
25:33I didn't know Dante retweeted that but Dante's a crazy fuck
25:38that I had to yell at today because Gaz is like, hey Dante
25:42will keep posting copyrighted music.
25:44We get sued for that every fucking second.
25:48It's not a dozen or something.
25:50But yeah, we had to stop that Dante will be like and I'm
25:53like, I don't understand.
25:55I don't think it's fair.
25:55All right.
25:56Well, do you want to pay a hundred grand fine Dante and
25:59then you can be fair in your in your mind.
26:01Like it's not up to me.
26:02So Dante, I'm now mad at Dante and I'm going to call down.
26:05Can we get Dante on this?
26:07Get that fucking guy.
26:09He retweeted fucking Michelangelo saying that.
26:15But that's just Dante stirring the pot a little like just.
26:19It's not like I don't know.
26:20I'm going to stir the pot, Ryan.
26:23I think it's fair.
26:23If he's going to throw a punch out there, you can punch back.
26:26Yeah, novel on Twitter about the Chicago mayor.
26:29It was crazy.
26:30Buried the guy buried him.
26:33Well, Dante's a fucking lunatic.
26:35He thinks I'm in the Illuminati.
26:36Although I did get invited to Illuminati event.
26:39Basically, where is that taking place?
26:41It was like the Fox guy is it's a baby oil.
26:48Do we have him up?
26:49Sorry, Dave.
26:50Sorry, Dave.
26:51I sent him the link.
26:52All right.
26:52Thanks Austin.
26:54Did you watch any of before we get him on?
26:55Did you guys watch any of the second annual Clemmer Mincy?
26:59No, I did see.
27:00I got to watch the baby thing.
27:02That looked funny.
27:04I need to hear this Illuminati thing.
27:07You know, what is it like?
27:08Who's there?
27:09Well, I don't know.
27:09That really is.
27:10It was like who's the Fox guy?
27:13Murdoch Ranch in Montana.
27:16Yeah, that's where it's taking place.
27:18It is.
27:18You got to go to that.
27:19No, no, I'm not.
27:21Just for the story.
27:22You wouldn't go.
27:23It's to fly out there for like.
27:29I thought you might want to go to that.
27:33No, no.
27:34Okay, fair enough.
27:35I guess we I'm Austin.
27:37No, he hasn't responded.
27:39I see the tweet.
27:40He's telling you to fuck off basically day by not showing up
27:43here to him.
27:44I don't understand.
27:45Oh, why is complex get to post music and I don't I don't fucking
27:49know what complex gets to do.
27:50I know I'm getting sued and our lawyers up my ass every day about
27:55So what is it?
27:55So let's say the dozen plays a Bruce Springsteen song, right?
27:59So what happened?
28:00So it's a each song in the law suit and they're like, there's
28:02another 20 grand fine.
28:04Oh each time you get hit.
28:05So it's a Jesus last year.
28:07We were getting sued or you were getting sued.
28:09Yeah, we're getting sued.
28:11Don't don't isn't like I don't know anything.
28:13Do you don't you pay a certain bulk to allow it to have the
28:16rights on something or no?
28:17It doesn't work.
28:18It's like they're going back.
28:20It's like an ambulance chasing thing.
28:22It's crazy.
28:22Oh, they're going back years or whatever.
28:24Yeah, and like this, it's just crazy but and we're trying to
28:28stop it.
28:28But then you have people like Dante like I know it doesn't
28:32make sense to me on a on a on my intellectual level.
28:36So I think I'll just ignore our legal and everyone is like
28:40what the fuck you doing?
28:41Oh, I didn't know it was that bad.
28:43What do you think?
28:43Gaz is telling you to take it down because he wants to because
28:47you don't like you like what the fuck?
28:50What is this guy's more disrespectful?
28:51He's not here right now.
28:52This is a real shot at you.
28:54This is a fuck you every employee during you know what it
28:56is ready to come on.
28:57Can I take a ricochet shot?
28:59Can I take a ricochet shot?
29:00Please tweeting like that.
29:02I got fired from this company.
29:04Michelangelo four foot two.
29:06That's like that is a blind Mike shot blind Mike.
29:10That is like what blind Mike likes to do it like a thousand
29:14percent, right?
29:15Take your mother fucker.
29:17I can't disagree with that guy.
29:19Oh, you should have heard him behind the scenes this weekend.
29:22Holy fuck.
29:22Was he killing Dave Jesus right?
29:24Justin killing who was bad.
29:26You hate Dave, right?
29:28Like the Portnoy.
29:31Oh, it was bad.
29:31It was bad.
29:32Why Mike made me uncomfortable blind Mike head when I hired
29:36first of all going.
29:37Yeah, when blind Mike came in for an interview, it's right
29:40out there playing to see he was so boring.
29:43I wasn't I was like, all right.
29:44You're you're literally vanilla ice cream and then he's like
29:48I'm blind and you can make fun of it.
29:49It's like, all right, you're in always held a grudge about
29:54Well, you threw a wallet at his face.
29:56I mean, he did throw a lot.
29:57He was lying.
29:58Well, what a way to prove it.
30:00What a way to prove that.
30:01How about tell me what letters on the wall?
30:03I did Whitney.
30:04I'd be one way to do it.
30:05I put you want pull up the ping-pong clip.
30:07I've seen the ping-pong clip.
30:10So after the ping-pong you needed to throw the wallet in
30:13his face.
30:13Was that the order Dave ping-pong then wallet?
30:16I think ping-pong.
30:17I think spike ball was after the wallet in the face.
30:20I don't know if that's true.
30:21I think ping-pong you would you would made your case to the
30:24I think it also has a blind Mike guy for blind guy.
30:27It's all right.
30:28All right.
30:29I'm going to have to go more by sound to be honest.
30:31Okay, let's go.
30:32All right.
30:32That was unbelievable.
30:38From a baby.
30:39This is going to be a blow-up.
30:40Can't take a candy from a baby.
30:43Oh, he's making contact.
30:45I can see.
30:46Yeah, you can kind of see.
30:48Mike will take shots at other points.
30:50He's not done that for years.
30:52He's not done that for years on behind the scenes.
30:54He still does but and Dave as a blind Mike guy, would you not
30:58say he's he's become like way more successful than you thought
31:02he would be.
31:03You thought he was nothing.
31:03He's got a I mean, he's got a patron.
31:05He makes money from that card, right?
31:06That's all right.
31:07He's got payment assistance.
31:10A patron is now I mean anybody can have patron on that says
31:15not that's right.
31:16Oh, yeah, he has a Twitter account if he's making if he's
31:19making 40 grand a year off patron.
31:21You can't say everyone could do that.
31:26Yeah, Dave.
31:26You want to make 40 grand a year on Patreon?
31:28Not you.
31:30You guys are something else.
31:31You two are the meanest two pricks on the internet.
31:34I mean Ryan there is an element of you're on the Kirk Minahan
31:38You are a Barstool employee and yet like he doesn't do that
31:42anymore to be fair.
31:43He's not done that in a long time.
31:44You know, I think he's still rips on employees.
31:46If you bring random people up on the show.
31:48So do I Dave.
31:49I killed employees.
31:50I just killed.
31:50Oh, you no way.
31:52I'm just saying.
31:52I mean, what's the difference?
31:53I could write.
31:54Yeah, but but all right in my previous experience is blind
31:58Mike is he doesn't own up to it.
32:00When you call him on it.
32:01He's kind of like waffles.
32:03He's gotten better.
32:04I think he's gotten better.
32:05Is it behind me?
32:05No mutt stack exists on the mutt stack.
32:10So I mean, I think the the the level of like, well, he's
32:14a six months on food stamps.
32:16You can't compare mutt to blind Mike.
32:18Where the hell's Dante?
32:19I'm trying to get away from the Kirkman.
32:21The intrigues are fucking bringing it up.
32:23What's it?
32:23Where is?
32:24Yeah, where is Dante Austin?
32:25He tweeted eight minutes ago.
32:27Wait, where is this tweet that I'm all mad about?
32:31It was just up.
32:35Dante reposted.
32:36See up top.
32:38Years ago years ago.
32:40It was a I want to say like 2008 ish.
32:44I was out one night.
32:46The old bar Rev rock bar in Boston.
32:49Yeah, and and I I woke up and the next day like somehow got
32:54word that this guy Dante like hates me and I'm a scumbag that
32:57I big-timed him.
32:58I was like what and then I finally met him and I feel like
33:01we get along great, but he told somebody at big time.
33:05I was like, it's 1 30 in the morning.
33:06I'm crippled.
33:07I'm like single trying to talk to girls.
33:09Sorry, if you came up to me and said you work at Barstool and
33:12I say, oh nice to meet you.
33:14He was he was I was getting word from other people that I big
33:17The guy would never do that.
33:21What what does it really matter to you though?
33:23If Dante Dante reposting it means nothing.
33:25It doesn't nobody bothers me.
33:27I don't but nobody's I get it.
33:29I feel the same way sometimes but nobody's not going to watch
33:31it because of Dante.
33:32It is that retweet is literally meaning.
33:34Oh, it just bothers me, right?
33:36It's it's it's you think it's in principle of like again, I
33:40know it's I've used this analogy in this where it goes is like
33:43being dead horse.
33:44But like I think moves is doing great job in in good for
33:48Barstool everybody and to just have Dante is a low-life like
33:54take a shot at she doesn't know Dante is like it's just so
33:58do you think Dante's more showing that Michelangelo's talking
34:02shit or Dante's shitting on moves and Stormtrooper shitting
34:06on moves.
34:06Oh, I took it the other way more just like look at Michelangelo.
34:10This guy's pissed off.
34:11No chance.
34:12No, I don't think that's right be for sure.
34:15Definitely be because he's doing Barstool backstage with
34:19fucking White Sox.
34:21Dave who generates negative dollars gets us sued every three
34:26seconds and you're taking shots at moves who's out there doing
34:30a paid fucking advertising gig being a good soldier.
34:33She didn't come up with the idea that like will you do it?
34:36It's a big day.
34:37What no, I believe that she didn't come up with the idea that
34:41yeah, I would I would think that's so don't wait.
34:43So Dave on bald stool.
34:45What bald stools killing it?
34:48That that White Sox Dave doesn't get credit for being bald.
34:54Yeah, but but don't don't don't he does on a great video by
34:59don't give Donnie credit, but don't be like White Sox.
35:03Let me tell you White Sox Dave story.
35:05I've already told but we're at our Chicago bar for an event.
35:09I am in the revivalists were playing in Chicago that night.
35:14They're my favorite band.
35:16They're my favorite band.
35:18They're there.
35:18We're at an event and White Sox Dave everyone was supposed
35:23to be there.
35:23He's like I have tickets to this country thing is like can
35:26I go I'm like, I'm not going to tell you to go or not go.
35:29You I'm going to tell you this the revivalists are playing
35:32and I'm not there.
35:33I'm here and I'd love to be at the revivalist but you do
35:36what you have to do.
35:38This fucking moron got up and left.
35:43Hey, I kind of give him some respect like he's just spitting
35:48in your face and he didn't get it.
35:51What do we point?
35:52What's Grayson James?
35:54No, it's 43.
35:57Geez, don't do that.
35:59That's Austin that that is like gas gas to the T right there
36:0443 43 views but it costs us 20 grand.
36:08That's good.
36:09That's good value.
36:10That's what these guys do.
36:11We're going to deliver 13 views and it's going to cost you
36:14150 grand because we got I'm watching like a Tate McRae like
36:20a live performance and he's like Dante.
36:22That's not copyright.
36:23Like what are you talking about?
36:25Who's like?
36:26What are you talking about?
36:28Well, saddest thing is we're just waiting for him Dante
36:30may come on the screen with the AR-15 and just shoot your
36:34spot on his iPad.
36:37Well, I just don't know why him and Michael Angelo is another
36:41guy's like I love Barstool.
36:42I'm not gonna take shots.
36:43That's a fucking shot.
36:44Like what you got caught up in budget cuts.
36:47Well, who cares if he's taking a shot like I do I would to
36:51I you would to buy that would piss me off.
36:53So I'm trying to think of an analogy.
36:55Yeah, I guess if somebody if somebody took a shot like you
36:58wouldn't care of someone and seriously, it was like at your
37:02little boy at Grinnelly and they're like Grinnelly still got
37:05a job like he saw you're right.
37:07You're right or have already left the company and all of a
37:10sudden just started tweeting negative shit about chicklets.
37:12He'd be pissed off.
37:14Well, yeah, I guess I guess you're right.
37:16I guess you're right.
37:17I take that back like there's no there's just no need to say
37:21and he never says that like when I've ever talked to he got
37:25caught in budget cuts because he wants to be like a director.
37:29Yeah, great.
37:30We're going to win an Oscar someday and just bury you on stage.
37:34I see it now.
37:35Where's fucking Dante?
37:37Why am I waiting for this person?
37:38I guess he may not be there.
37:39I we send a link.
37:40Who knows?
37:41I saw a picture.
37:42Guys, I had a picture sent to me.
37:44Oh, OK. Of Jerry's outfit for Mr.
37:47Jerry. And he looks he looks unbelievable.
37:51Guys, his outfit is the perfect choice.
37:55I can't wait for episode one.
37:57He's got to be signed to a new deal before this thing launches.
38:01What's his current deal?
38:02That shows that you're a little nervous that this may pop off
38:05It's not being nervous.
38:06It's just like I want it to pop off provided we get benefit.
38:11We're not using all these resources to just make Jerry a
38:15billionaire and we get nothing.
38:17What's it?
38:17How much does he have up his current deal?
38:18Do you know?
38:19It's brand new.
38:21Well, we just signed.
38:23Oh, so you got to get her.
38:24We just signed.
38:25We had a big new deal for Jerry after dark.
38:28But she doesn't do anymore, correct?
38:31Any other contract situations?
38:32Anybody coming up?
38:34Well, I'm not counting.
38:36I'm not counting.
38:36WrestleMania 56.
38:38Brandon Walker, right?
38:40Real ones.
38:40I mean, no, not that.
38:43Do you this person you reached out to?
38:45You're not going to sign.
38:46You just you'll do that every once in a while.
38:47Yeah, I'll be I would I haven't talked to her.
38:50She was in Portugal and she's gas.
38:53I mean, she's way bigger than I realized when we sent it.
38:56Like she's over.
38:57She's she's very hot in the streets right now.
39:00She's on that show traders.
39:02Oh, yeah.
39:03So she's blown up like she's all over my feed.
39:06So I don't even think we could get her if I wanted to.
39:10Okay, that was a real quick.
39:11I want to spend too much time on this unless you want to you
39:14That was a wild scene, but Trump the other night, just like
39:17not not real world.
39:19Just crazy.
39:20It's like watching ski.
39:22We know that here.
39:23There's no not even Congress.
39:25Yeah, Congress.
39:26Yeah, just just crazy.
39:28Like just talking calling Elizabeth Warren, but Pocahontas
39:30just to her face.
39:31Just up just the whole thing.
39:33You're like, am I this is really happening?
39:35It was surreal.
39:37The clip I've seen that went really viral where he's listing
39:40the money spent on all the all these little thing.
39:42Yeah, it's his delivery.
39:44Like he's his deliveries unbelievable on me.
39:48Like the way he like gets the punchline out, but I mean,
39:52I'll tell you right now biz had to get on chicklets and defend
39:56Wayne Gretzky Canada.
39:58We mentioned this.
39:59Yeah, Canada.
40:01I got to be careful here.
40:02Like this is no joke.
40:05They fucking despise Donald Trump enough to the point where
40:08I'm like, we got to make sure these Canadians are still
40:10listening to our show but biz to his credit is very close
40:13with Wayne.
40:14He's like, this is bullshit.
40:15Wait, I think Wayne's hurting from this stuff.
40:18Because because Wayne's like buddies with Trump, right?
40:21We got but but that's but you got to know that if you're
40:23Gretzky, I'm not saying it's fair, but you do have to be aware
40:26that if you know, the president of the United States is
40:28threatening doesn't want you to be a country anymore.
40:31I know but like at the same time like Wayne like it's not
40:33like he he doesn't know what he's going to like.
40:37He has no say in what he tweets and what he says.
40:39They play golf together.
40:40I'm with you.
40:41I think it's crazy.
40:42But like you can't if you're Gretzky can't be like, geez,
40:44I'm kind of surprised Trump's nuts.
40:46I mean, that's I need to introduce that to keep booing
40:49the national anthem.
40:50Trudeau, Trudeau, Trudeau in the do show.
40:53That'd be a banger.
40:54Trudeau said to keep booing the national anthem.
40:57I know there was a clip of Brady Kachuk and he's in Ottawa
41:00and the crowds booing.
41:01He's the captain and he you can tell he's just like what
41:04the fuck I said.
41:05I said on Twitter.
41:05He sends fans.
41:06Keep this up.
41:07He'll say see ya and people are coming at me.
41:10I got I got reporters from the Toronto Globe and Mail calling
41:13me an imbecile.
41:14But do you think it's more you guys think it's more with
41:16like even with this Gretzky Trump thing?
41:18Is it like how people in small towns in Nova Scotia feel
41:22or is it how the media in Canada feels?
41:25I sense Western Canada, Western Canada, maybe not including
41:29British Columbia.
41:30So Alberta, Saskatchewan.
41:32Yeah, it seems like it's a little bit more maybe like the
41:35South in the United States Midwest and then you get to
41:38the coast.
41:39Although I don't I shouldn't say I don't know about Nova
41:41Scotia, but I I was just you know, I was taken aback by
41:44the comments coming to us after just well, I mean Trump's
41:48basically like we're just going to annex you.
41:50Yeah, you're gone.
41:51Yeah, the 51st the 51st state comment.
41:54I understand these people being pissed.
41:56I did say that you can't be calling him governor.
42:00That's funny.
42:00Even I mean it is funny and it's kind of like, you know,
42:03it is Canada.
42:04Like I mean, I like Canadians, but I just don't like that.
42:07Like I've always felt, you know, forget the hockey rather
42:10be caught us Canada.
42:11We're fucking we're tight.
42:14I want to be tight with them again.
42:15I don't need this shit.
42:17No, I get it.
42:18I love Canada.
42:18It's a little bit of like, you know, me and me and Bosco
42:23like, all right, like I you live under my protection like
42:26then you went out on your own and it's like you got nowhere
42:29to go.
42:29You come running back.
42:30Anyone messes with you.
42:31I'll get him but I can mess with you type thing.
42:34Yeah, it's like Bosco's our little guy, you know, I don't
42:36want to call Canada Bosco.
42:38I that's tough.
42:39Yeah, I don't what would you call him then?
42:46That's kind of fit.
42:50Okay, this is not that crazy.
42:51That's it would be if Alabama wins it all this year.
42:53I'm down with it.
42:54I'm down with it.
42:56Canada has some big wins.
42:58My dad.
42:59I was talking to my dad.
42:59My dad hates Trump so much.
43:01He went on a 45 minute rant and his thesis was Trump's like
43:09the luckiest guy in the world because he doesn't look his
43:11age. He does look great for you.
43:14He's like 82, right?
43:15It doesn't really look any age though.
43:17He's just so no, he doesn't so orange that he doesn't but
43:20it also helps.
43:21He's kind of fat.
43:22Like me how these guys stay awake.
43:24Hey, Nate naked.
43:26He's got to be horrible.
43:27Oh good tough.
43:28Look horrible.
43:29He can't be 80.
43:31I know but like I'm talking huge like almost like I think
43:35like Justin kind of Kirk.
43:37Yeah, gross like a big wall pig.
43:39Yeah, that's true.
43:40But I don't but like you see to your dad's point though.
43:43You see like they're a little older but like Pelosi can't
43:46move like she can't even like form a word and she's still
43:50in like so Trump is, you know, Biden a the clip of Biden
43:53on the beach.
43:53You see him last week.
43:55There's no wandering to the water.
43:56There's a guy like, you know, so old.
43:59I don't know how like Trump like what drugs I like.
44:03I fall asleep.
44:04Like he's just always awake and on top of sleeps.
44:07He said, yeah, can you take like an IV of Adderall?
44:10Like I was always wondering is there something they give
44:12him like a shot.
44:13They have that something's going on.
44:15He's he's elderly like you but he has 30 diet Cokes a day.
44:19Those things get you buzzing.
44:20That's true, but he must know because I can drink coffee
44:23and coke, but I'm tired all the time.
44:24Like I fell asleep during that and there's other old people.
44:27Everyone's old.
44:29He's also like that age drink that many Cokes.
44:31He's up there that long.
44:31I would have pissed like six times.
44:33He's crazy.
44:34I'm unbelievable.
44:36It is my mom's like your dad though.
44:38Dave like she hates.
44:40I don't think she hates a person more in the world.
44:42That's my dad.
44:43It's it's it's on my and I can't even really have a discussion
44:46now granted.
44:47I never have like the other side to argue back.
44:50So I'm always just getting put in a blender by her but she's
44:52like horrible man horrible horrible.
44:55My dad says he studied Trump more than any other person alive.
44:59He knows more about Trump than anybody's like I followed him
45:02from a little kid when he was in elementary school and I'm
45:05telling you that his thesis he was building on the reasoning
45:09looks like he does is because he hasn't worked a hard day in
45:12his life.
45:13So he that's his entire theory is the luckiest guy in the
45:16world and he just keeps calling him the Trumpster that you
45:20don't know the Trumpster like I do.
45:22He's also like I miss my miss your dad on that.
45:25So how's he doing?
45:27He'll you want to get mom will go another two hours.
45:30Not this.
45:30He's home alone right now.
45:31Just looking looking at he's looking at his old yearbook photos
45:35of Trump fifth grade.
45:38Yeah, right.
45:39All right.
45:39Well, I mean, are we waiting for now?
45:42No, no.
45:42Where's Dante?
45:44We're just gonna respond.
45:46No, he tweeted 20 minutes ago.
45:48I sent a link 18 minutes ago, but this is so this is a direct
45:52dying coming on day until you get the music rights.
45:55He ain't coming on.
45:57Yeah, put up another video.
45:58How many views that has that that channel is it exploded
46:02since we last put it up?
46:04Are you like going at it with Nick Cannon?
46:07I saw on Twitter.
46:08Yeah, he's got more.
46:09He has more money than you pretty funny tweet by you pretty
46:12funny unless he if he still has more money than you that is
46:15incredible way.
46:16Not with that many kids 40 kids.
46:18Yeah, you can't it's impossible.
46:20You you like Elon and that money is what you need without
46:24my kids.
46:25I don't know.
46:25I don't even want to go to the crypt.
46:26I think it was this other crypto guy.
46:28He was actually running a crypto scam that was running his
46:32It does credit the crypto world still.
46:34I'm in the middle of that.
46:36I'm happy you're out.
46:36It seems like you're out of it.
46:37Like I haven't done those 10 days on Twitter.
46:40It was like I think I texted Kirk like this.
46:43We might be seeing the as worried as a friend.
46:45Well, I mean, that's because you lost like 30 grand with
46:49it's true 44 views.
46:52Well, this is dirty to go at a guy's trying to make new content.
46:55You guys are fucking pricks.
46:57It's like try try try and he's trying to your dog in his
47:00numbers, but you can't shit on the company.
47:02They're not back on.
47:04I wasn't I didn't shit on him.
47:06I said the legal thing until he retweets Michelangelo taking
47:09a shot of all the people to take shots at like people just
47:13don't I would put moves and smelly and this is going to be
47:17like what I'd say they're the top 10 most profitable people
47:21we have at the company.
47:22Well, I'm happy for smelly brands are like dying to be
47:25attached to them.
47:26Yeah, good good for them.
47:28And I have no good fucking Dante and Michelangelo like taking
47:34shots from left field blind Mike style.
47:37Yeah, why Mike style?
47:38All right.
47:39See you next week guys.
