00:00Previous years, they would just get rid of the coach and then hope that that would fix everything now
00:03You get rid of so many players. Do you think the trades were?
00:07Just based on the players on the ice and like what they could get in return or do you think?
00:12Chemistry played a factor in these as well
00:14So I think it was mostly based on just what they can get in return
00:19But I also think they weren't sad to shake up the locker room a bit
00:24You know
00:24I don't know that that was the driving force where it was like
00:27We have to trade these guys because our locker rooms a mess like I don't think it was that but I also think they've recognized
00:34This team what I could come back to with this season is like how often they've just let things get away
00:39like whether it's in a game that they allow a one or two gold deficit to turn into a blowout or
00:45One or two losses to turn into a losing streak and like that's stuff that just didn't happen before
00:51They always found a way to to fight back and like pull themselves out of it
00:55And they haven't been able to and that's
00:57That's where I think they look at the room and go like well, maybe it's time for a little bit of shit