• 2 days ago
00:00Hi, I'm Tim Parrish, one of the rangers at Exmoor National Park. I've been working on
00:04Exmoor now just over 20 years. Here this is Patch, he's been a terrier for just
00:12over 13 years and we are here today to talk about one of the most important
00:17times on Exmoor which is lambing. Here we have a shed full of expectant mothers.
00:24These will all be out with their new lambs in the fields on Exmoor and so
00:30what is so so important is if you are out with your dog please keep it on a
00:35lead. Research by the RSPCA shows that 25% of all owners admit to their dog
00:43having chased animals at some point and also research shows that the vast
00:49majority of stock attacks are done by local dogs either through you know
00:55coming out from their garden and maybe wandering off or because they're off
00:59the lead somewhere maybe that has been walked a lot and people aren't aware
01:04that suddenly now there's stock nearby or in that field. So in a few weeks time
01:08the fields of Exmoor will be full of ewes and lambs so if you're out and
01:12about with your dog do please keep it on the lead. Thank you
