• 2 days ago
Students Poultry Farming : వ్యవసాయం అంటే చిన్నచూపు. సాగులో సరైన పురోగతి ఉండదనే అపోహ. పెట్టుబడి అధికం. లాభాలు తక్కువ అనే భావనను పటాపంచలు చేస్తూ నేటితరం అగ్రికల్చర్‌లో అధిక ఆదాయం ఆర్జిస్తున్నారు. ఈ నేపథ్యంలో ప్రైవేటు రంగాలతో పాటు విద్యాసంస్థలూ యువతకు అగ్రికల్చర్‌పై ఆసక్తి పెంచేందుకు కృషి చేస్తున్నాయి. అందులో భాగంగానే వ్యవసాయంతో పాటు కోళ్ల పెంపకం చేస్తున్నారు విజయవాడకు చెందిన విద్యార్థినులు.


00:00Agriculture is a small vision.
00:02It is a pity that there is no proper growth in the crop.
00:05It is too much.
00:06It is a feeling that the benefits are less.
00:08They are distributing the crops.
00:09They are increasing the income in agriculture like today.
00:12In this way, along with the private sector,
00:14the educational institutions are working to increase the interest on agriculture for the youth.
00:19As a part of that,
00:20the students are raising their daughters along with the farmers.
00:31Agriculture is a small vision.
00:34It is a pity that there is no proper growth in the crop.
00:36It is a pity that there is no proper growth in the crop.
00:49Maristella College in Vijayawada has collapsed to teach the students the remoteness in agriculture.
00:54of agriculture.
00:55BSc Agriculture and Rural Development students are getting education in the fields of agriculture.
01:01In the last semester of the third year, they are participating in the AELP project and
01:06the AELP project.
01:36The girls themselves are growing poultry farms and raising up to 60 hens.
01:41They are taking care of the environment so that the hens are healthy.
01:44They are providing the hens with the necessary food by giving them grains, corn, and other crops.
01:53They are taking care of the hens so that they can be raised properly.
01:58In the 8th semester, we have an ALP program.
02:02In the ALP program, we have been allotted the poultry unit.
02:07In the ALP program, the main concept is to earn while learning.
02:16In the poultry unit, we have two breeds.
02:24One is Kadaknadu and the other is a country hen variety.
02:28We brought these two varieties when they were small and brought them up to this age.
02:35ALP stands for Agricultural Experiential Learning Program.
02:38We are learning how to earn while learning through the poultry unit.
02:46We stay here from 9 am to 4 pm and do all our work.
02:52We brought this hen when it was 1 month old.
02:56It is now 133 days old.
02:59We are raising it for the purpose of meat.
03:02We can learn a lot from it.
03:05Agricultural students are giving importance to nutritional food by not giving steroids to increase the weight of the hens.
03:11They leave the poultry in the afternoon after having their nutritional food in the morning and evening.
03:17Because of this, the hens in the agricultural area eat the poultry and become healthy and strong.
03:22They are taking care not to get any diseases and to increase the immunity of the disease.
03:28In this, we dry the fruits that we harvested in the last semester and use them for poultry feed.
03:40We do not buy the feed from outside.
03:43We use the organic feed that we harvest.
03:48The hens are healthy and we gain a lot from it.
03:54We do not have the experience of running our own business.
03:58We do not have the capacity to run a business with our parents or our relatives.
04:06After learning this, we understood that we can run our own business without facing any job.
04:17This is a small scale business.
04:22We can use this as a practical experience to run a bigger business.
04:28Agricultural girls say that they can raise hens at a low cost.
04:32They say that they can raise hens at a low cost.
04:36They say that they can raise hens at a low cost.
04:39They say that they can raise hens at a low cost.
04:47Normally, if farmers grow their own food, they can raise hens.
04:54If farmers grow their own food, they can raise hens.
04:57If farmers grow their own food, they can raise hens.
04:59This is how we can earn 2,000 rupees per day.
05:02This is how we can earn 2,000 rupees per day.
05:05Students can also use this as a business opportunity.
05:09Students can also use this as a business opportunity.
05:15We can raise hens for 40 rupees.
05:19We have 50 hens.
05:22All of this comes to 1500 rupees per kg of food.
05:29All of this comes to 1500 rupees per kg of food.
05:37If we combine these 50 hens, we earn 50,000 rupees of profit.
05:43This is an earn-while-learn program, where students learn and earn their own money.
05:56The students who work in the poultry unit will be paid Rs. 50,000 at the end of the semester.
06:01When they leave, the students will get their stipend.
06:06Along with poultry farming, Maristella College students are also engaged in farming.
06:11To make use of every crop in the poultry unit, they have turned the College farm into a farming area.
06:17They are cultivating different types of crops in a natural farming method.
06:21Along with local varieties, they are cultivating Udyana and Vanuja crops.
06:25For this, they are following traditional methods like mulching and drip irrigation.
06:30Along with Basmati rice, we are using an integrated farming system.
06:33We are also cultivating fish.
06:35We are using Kormeen paddy.
06:38We are using Azolla paddy because we don't need to use fertilizers like Urea.
06:45We are using Azolla paddy because it helps in the nitrogen fixation process.
06:51We are cultivating sweet corn, spinach, bitter gourd and brinjal.
07:01By learning these methods, we can grow our own vegetables and produce healthy food.
07:10By learning these methods, we can grow our own vegetables and produce healthy food.
07:18There are so many crops in the poultry unit.
07:21There is Azolla cultivation, maize cultivation.
07:23Farmers should not depend on these crops.
07:25Farmers should not depend on these crops.
07:27If a farmer has a loss in paddy, they can get income from poultry.
07:31If a farmer has a loss in paddy, he can get income from poultry.
07:35If a farmer has a loss in paddy, he can get income from poultry.
07:41So, we can reduce the number of farmer suicides.
07:45School teachers are working to cultivate their own chickens.
07:51School teachers are working to cultivate their own chickens.
07:58School teachers are working to cultivate their own chickens.
08:01We can cultivate our own vegetables without fertilizers.
08:10In the last season, we incorporated fish into the integrated farming system.
08:16Now, we just use azolla to grow crops.
08:20I have allotted 20 credits to this system.
08:22In this 20 credits integrated farming system,
08:25in the current season, along with paddy, we have also done fish cultivation.
08:29If we do fish cultivation, we can get 15 kgs of fish out of 60 small seedlings.
08:38Along with that, without misusing any space,
08:43we have cultivated screaper varieties, different varieties of kukri beets,
08:48like churakai, potalakai, kakarakai, dosakai.
08:54When we do paddy cultivation, along with paddy, we have done fish cultivation.
08:59Along with that, we have done other vegetable cultivation.
09:02We have given 5 credits for that.
09:04Along with that, we have also established poultry farming.
09:07The students of Maristella School of Agriculture,
09:11who are studying and working hard,
09:15say that such education will be very useful in their lives.
