• last week
As title
00:00:00I've never been to Lake Tahoe before.
00:00:11You'll love it.
00:00:15This is your family's summer home?
00:00:17Yeah, it was my grandparents' place and they willed it to my parents.
00:00:21We'd spend every summer here growing up.
00:00:24I loved it.
00:00:26My parents renovated it a couple years ago.
00:00:28But no one lives here right now.
00:00:29Every year round, I call my mom and she said we could come and dust it off.
00:00:39Feel free to call me to dust this place off anytime.
00:00:41I know.
00:00:42I barely recognize it.
00:00:45I don't think I've been here since before my freshman year in college.
00:00:49Wow, has it been that long?
00:00:51Do your parents come here often?
00:00:53Uh, not as much as they used to.
00:00:55I think they rent it out here and there.
00:00:58Hey, uh, who's that?
00:01:03Uh, I don't know.
00:01:09No one else should be here.
00:01:11Maybe he's the gardener.
00:01:15Uh, excuse me, can I ask what...
00:01:24So, not the gardener.
00:01:25It's great to see you.
00:01:26Yeah, you too.
00:01:27I wasn't expecting you here.
00:01:28Well, I noticed there was a problem with one of the sprinkler lines and wasn't getting
00:01:29enough water to the area, so I thought I'd come over and see if I could fix it.
00:01:30Well, that's nice of you.
00:01:32Uh, hi, I'm Kate, Eden's friend.
00:01:33Hi, Riley.
00:01:34Oh, yeah.
00:01:35Riley's parents own the cabin next door, so we would see if we could come and dust it
00:01:37Uh, I'm Kate, Eden's friend.
00:01:38Uh, hi, I'm Kate, Eden's friend.
00:01:39Hi, Riley.
00:01:40Oh, yeah.
00:01:41Riley's parents own the cabin next door, so we would see if we could come and dust it
00:01:44So, what brings you here?
00:01:58here ah well I needed a break you don't understand our product we won't be using
00:02:04this are you firing me no no I just I want you to take a break though take a
00:02:13week or two off recharge figure out what you need and then come back fired up
00:02:20okay what about you you're living here dad got tired of the winters so he moved
00:02:29to Arizona I took over the cabin started a business that's great what kind of
00:02:35business hot-air balloons you sell them no no I do hot-air balloon rides around
00:02:42here that's certainly different it's a work in progress I'll let you get
00:02:47settled it was great to see you yeah you too it's nice to meet you Kate and
00:02:54uh sorry about the oh no that's that's fine thank you for doing that no problem
00:02:59I'll just be a few more minutes here thanks yeah well I'll see you around
00:03:05yeah okay
00:03:09see ya so Riley seems nice did you see him a lot here I did I don't remember
00:03:16how we became friends I think it was convenience he was next door when we
00:03:21came here in the summer and he became my default friend only a friend yeah why
00:03:26do you ask just a vibe I got
00:03:34it's Michael hi hey did you and Kate make it all right we did hi Michael hi
00:03:42so how is it so far so good good hey I hate to ask you so soon but when do
00:03:49you think you're coming back miss me already I certainly do
00:04:18the water is gorgeous isn't it lucky you come in here each year I'm surprised
00:04:25you stayed away I wasn't on purpose just work life you know how are you feeling
00:04:31about work conflicted how so huh part of me feels what's the word annoyed that
00:04:40they're questioning my work and the other part ah I know it wasn't my best
00:04:46work lately I care but I don't enjoy it I don't know maybe I'm maybe I'm relieved
00:04:54I thought you liked it there I don't know I didn't even really think about it
00:05:00until Reese benched me well it'll be fine when you get back after you have
00:05:05had time to recharge I just want my decision Reese seems supportive about me
00:05:11coming back but only if I'm back on my game
00:05:16sometimes I wonder what else I could have tried I don't know maybe I'm just
00:05:22overthinking it why can't work just be work well it depends on what you want
00:05:27from it you know a simple paycheck or do you want some fulfillment hmm that's the
00:05:32real question isn't it come on let's go try the water okay this was my favorite
00:05:43hangout spot in town I'd always get the milkshake hmm that sounds really good
00:05:47right now yeah no mr. Weber there's a familiar face Eden Clark that's right
00:05:55you're finally back oh just for a little bit resist this is Kate I'm showing her
00:06:01Tahoe and I was just telling her that this is my favorite place thank you it's
00:06:06a pleasure to meet you Kate you too go ahead and order something of course I
00:06:11know what she likes chocolate brownie milkshake oh that's because of the
00:06:15homemade brownies you put in it yeah and how about you okay I'll try your cookie
00:06:22dough shake mmm sensible choice you know Eden I hope you stick around this time
00:06:29I'm starting to miss all the old-timers I've become a rare breed well I'll try
00:06:36to come often while I'm here I'm gonna hold you to that okay why don't you go
00:06:41ahead and go in there and have a seat and I'll bring your order up okay okay
00:06:45thank you
00:06:47I thought you didn't like salad ah well that's when I was 12 it's not so bad now
00:07:02ah I see you still love bananas allergic now no yeah it was a sad day when I had
00:07:10to give those up oh I'm sorry you know I was surprised that you're still living
00:07:15here I'd have thought when you're old enough you'd leave and conquer the world
00:07:19in fairness I did leave and try a slice of life somewhere else but then I came
00:07:24back well I'm happy to see you again how long you in town a few weeks it's a bit
00:07:33fluid right so you'll relax read a book swim shop that all sounds perfect oh and
00:07:42hiking you know you have to do while you're here what you got to go to our
00:07:46spot her spot the overlook oh we should go together and you can show your friend
00:07:55too I'm sure she'd love it what do you think let's do it so what's so special
00:08:04about this overlook well we'd go there every summer it was tradition we you and
00:08:11Riley and me oh so you just hike there it's a really pretty hike and and it's
00:08:24where we had our first kiss wait what
00:08:34Eden Kate come on
00:08:41I need to get out more how are your feet forgotten worth it just as I
00:08:49remember it's okay what do you do I'm a hairstylist that sounds fancy I cut in
00:09:02style hair it's really not but hot air balloons sound amazing that's what you
00:09:05do right yeah that must do well here I mean what a great view of the lake right
00:09:12it's uh you'd think but it's been a bit of a slow start you know it's a little
00:09:17pricey so it's difficult for the casual or budget-minded tourists but it's Tahoe
00:09:23people come here to vacation and burn cash well people come here you hike like
00:09:28we did see the view maybe that's enough you don't believe that do you it's a
00:09:35hot air balloon it's unique yeah well I can only run tours early in the morning
00:09:43or in the early evening if I'm lucky so I'm starting to think maybe I should get
00:09:47another job to live on while I keep this as a side job why don't you add more
00:09:51tourists well the temperature affects how well we can rise and there's the
00:09:55wind which picks up throughout the day that's tricky yeah it is fun though you
00:10:02both should come see it for yourselves you mean in the air yeah that'd be fun
00:10:21gonna open your eyes at all how far off the ground are we why don't you take a
00:10:27look for yourself just give me a number 25 feet we're like yards but it's not
00:10:33that high
00:10:38you are kidding
00:10:41you see the lake are you like steering us over there doing my best yeah okay
00:10:46well where's the wheel or whatever this doesn't really work like that but it's
00:10:51okay trust me I'll get us there
00:10:57all these years coming here I've never seen it like this I have fond memories
00:11:04of this place but this this is the best well then you're gonna love this hey
00:11:13Kate hang on what are we
00:11:27and this is the less impressive side of my little company here I can tell I've
00:11:33just set him down over there how long have you been in business almost a year
00:11:37what's your favorite part about it
00:11:42floating in the balloon just above the lake surface I don't think there's
00:11:47anything more peaceful it's pure serenity what's the worst part
00:11:58what well I work in marketing and it sounds like you need more customers and
00:12:07this experience is amazing it should nearly sell itself if enough people try
00:12:12it out but you're here on vacation I could use an opportunity to sharpen up
00:12:17my skills people can't even tell you're here most people just call so I give
00:12:24them directions but you're on Main Street and there's lots of traffic this
00:12:27building can be an advertisement it sounds expensive we don't have to do
00:12:32anything crazy this place can work for you I just don't know if it'll make a
00:12:37difference well what have you done advertising wise you know poster here
00:12:41and there around town and I have a website too we can do more if you'll let
00:12:47me help you sure you want to get into this I
00:12:50want to help you all right sure well so much for relaxing it almost pains me
00:13:01though I can see you can do more and make his business succeed how can I
00:13:06ignore that I guess you really do like marketing I just want him to succeed
00:13:10okay so how do you plan to help well for starters he could use some more photos
00:13:17and video on his website especially of that view and the balloon launching I
00:13:24bet we can get some social media buzz going to some simple ads I know he's
00:13:29nervous about spending a lot but I know some easy stuff that will get the ball
00:13:33rolling he definitely needs a sign for his warehouse
00:13:43is that going to be enough though
00:13:48you know how you always see a gazillion tour brochures when you stay at a hotel
00:13:53no I don't travel much well guess look through those and plan out activities
00:13:58for their stay we just need to get them to see Riley's hot air taco
00:14:13I so owe you no you don't yes I do this is amazing
00:14:19oh god you like it you can still make changes I didn't want to put in a big
00:14:23order until you saw it in real life it's perfect
00:14:26that's pretty great and then let me take you out to dinner Riley you don't serious
00:14:32thank you there's the least I can do
00:14:37thank you so you never told me why you're taking a break from work
00:14:44oh that unless you don't want to talk about it oh no it's not horrible or
00:14:50anything but my boss told me to take some time off so I can come back and be
00:14:55better at my job ouch sorry you asked well from what I've
00:15:00seen you're great at your job I used to be I think that this was easier because
00:15:06the stakes were more important than say selling sandals well hot air balloons
00:15:13are a lot cooler than sandals so I get it do you like marketing I thought I did
00:15:20you told me that flying airplanes lost its appeal for you I guess we all
00:15:27change maybe you haven't changed as much as I would have thought no no I
00:15:33still see the same girl next door same girl that would steal my shoes off the
00:15:39porch if I left them out that's because you stuff snails in mine you're always a
00:15:44bit mischievous and you always got me back I couldn't let you in no of course
00:15:49not do you ever wonder when it was that we started to grow up
00:15:58it when you stopped coming to Tahoe
00:16:02yeah oh thank you thanks
00:16:10thank you for dinner my pleasure I still owe you
00:16:15you've been by mr. Webber's of course you know he still remembers my favorite
00:16:20milkshake flavor mine too bananas Foster oh you're allergic keep having to remind
00:16:27him so he doesn't get offended when I turn it down you want to go see him I'll
00:16:32trade your banana Foster for my chocolate brownie if he unknowingly
00:16:36insists deal you two have made my day it's just like old times you work too
00:16:47hard don't you have anyone to help I got a couple of kids that come in and work a
00:16:52shift now and then but this is my pride and joy and here's your bananas Foster
00:16:58I'm always trying to get mr. Webber to take a vacation where would I go that's
00:17:04better than this seeing you two back together again that's the jury on top
00:17:13thanks for the milkshakes sure I wouldn't want you to have an allergic
00:17:22shock here well it's more like I break out in hives but still not fun so no
00:17:30more bananas no more bananas Foster you're not an airline pilot what else
00:17:36has changed I'm a terrible businessman apparently you just need some marketing
00:17:41tips that's all that's a very nice way of putting it what else has changed I
00:17:46don't know maybe I'm the same at heart have you ever been married no I had a
00:17:57girlfriend few actually but one wanted to get married and then I realized well
00:18:05I didn't love her so what about you
00:18:12never married
00:18:18Trevor we used to sneak out to the lake at night yeah last night of our trip we
00:18:26go to the dock and lay out and watch the stars talk about what we wanted what
00:18:34worried us anything that was on our minds first day at school or parents
00:18:39fighting gossipy friends back home I remember on more than one occasion you
00:18:47wished you could stay in Tahoe forever me too I miss those talks me too hey
00:18:59Kate you ready yes do you want me to grab you a drink oh I just filled up my
00:19:04water bottle I'm good oh hey how was your dinner Friday it was good kind of
00:19:09seemed like a date no no it's not like that no was it ever I mean you said you
00:19:15two kissed that was one time when we were like 17 or something okay I just I
00:19:21don't know you two seemed close there were a lot of summers I mean sure we
00:19:30liked each other but we never dated really it was just when we were teens
00:19:36and when we were younger you know playing on the swing set some monkey
00:19:39bars okay just wondering oh oh that's Riley oh what's he want let's know what
00:19:47we're doing today do you want to invite him along sure I'll text him back
00:20:00got sunblock on your face you bet I do oh you have a smudge of it on your cheek
00:20:06oh should I get that no I'll be right back
00:20:24hey honey hi sorry mr. call I was on the water the water huh are you and Kate
00:20:30having fun yeah we are all play and no work actually there's a little bit of
00:20:38work I'm helping out and neighbor without promoting his business well good
00:20:44for you just don't overdo it I won't what's going on with you are you and
00:20:50Eden so close I don't know if we still are we were when she was here maybe it's
00:20:57my boss came to me today and he told me I'm being recognized internally at the
00:21:01firm you so deserve that congratulations well the annual company dinner is coming
00:21:06up and they always give out awards and whatnot well this year I get one along
00:21:09with a nice little bonus that's amazing the dinners at the end of next week do
00:21:14you think you can make it of course you and Kate will be back from your trip by
00:21:18then I'll make sure we are I'm so proud of you thanks I miss you I miss you too
00:21:26have fun at the lake I will bye bye
00:21:36so everything's nice yeah is he dating anyone
00:21:42nobody mentioned does he know you're dating Michael he doesn't matter and we're
00:21:50just friends so it's your relationship is just simple nostalgia what's Michael
00:21:59then he's wonderful supportive grown-up don't you think yeah yeah I agree then
00:22:11what's the problem nothing okay let's just enjoy the trip here okay
00:22:22so your feelings for Michael aren't changing correct and your feelings for
00:22:38here this is a good one thanks enjoy
00:22:48thanks for letting me put this up have a nice day
00:22:51you too
00:23:03you beat me here I figured mr. Weber would be very supportive he says you
00:23:28owe him so you finished then yep you pretty much I wonder how long it's
00:23:34gonna take for us to see if this is working I do have some online ads
00:23:37scheduled to start running I should probably check on those stats
00:23:40calm down it'll be fine I haven't been this anxious about an ad
00:23:44campaigns performance in a long time I doubt that I'm serious I want this to go
00:23:50well for you well relax the rest is out of your hands
00:23:55in fact maybe it's time you stopped thinking about work any work
00:24:15Oh just like old times yep
00:24:24I love the sunset over the lake don't get that back home huh no sometimes I
00:24:32come down here by myself but it's not the same it's probably quieter
00:24:38quiet so we're rated never gets this quiet back home you'd always come back
00:24:45here I guess so if you come back here more
00:24:50often I've missed this me too do you ever think about the last time you were
00:25:00we went on that gondola I remember my stomach didn't like it yeah I was
00:25:09worried about that with the hot-air balloon ride I wasn't sure if it was a
00:25:11heights thing it's more of a rockin back-and-forth thing oh and then
00:25:18afterwards we went on that hike to our favorite spot was overcast that day but
00:25:24I was determined to go really wanted to see how you felt about me we kissed I
00:25:34thought about that for a while me too and then I went home and I wrote you a
00:25:44letter you did yeah well I I never sent it but I thought about you what did the
00:25:54letter say oh you know tell me I wrote that I wish that I lived here and not so
00:26:05far away
00:26:08so that I could see you more and I missed you
00:26:17I've missed you too
00:26:21and I've wished every time I've come out onto the stock that I could see more
00:26:38you kissed him does that make me a horrible person no of course not but you
00:26:44do need to come clean what why because he deserves to know do you mean Riley or
00:26:52Michael both yes we kissed but it was a spur-of-the-moment thing I'm with Michael
00:26:59and Riley is what what is he a nice memory it can't lead anywhere do you
00:27:08want it to okay look you you're all conflicted about should you have or
00:27:15should you not have kissed him but the fact is you did you don't know what you
00:27:19want I didn't say that and that's fine but you can't move forward unless you
00:27:24let go of Riley or Michael I I don't have anything figured out and I'm more
00:27:33confused than when I got here and I still don't know what's going on with my
00:27:36job and I I'm a mess no you're not but if you don't figure it out you will be
00:27:44hey oh hey mr. Weber called for you he did yeah he said it was an urgent freezer
00:27:50emergency and he was calling in a favor I've got things here under control if
00:27:53you want to go and see him all right
00:27:59have you seen much of your neighbor lately spending some time together you
00:28:06ought to take her on a proper date I mean all I hear is people hanging out
00:28:12together and I don't never knew where that saying came from it it's like a
00:28:17bunch of monkeys hanging from a tree it's less risky that way nothing risked
00:28:25nothing gained I always thought you two suited oh we never really took that step
00:28:30our lives went in different directions and ended up right back here now for now
00:28:37it's temporary well I suppose you don't want it to be temporary do you you
00:28:44better get with it
00:28:48now you fixed it so what it usually sounds like yeah okay then
00:28:56race what do you want on my first time off
00:29:03hope you're enjoying your break could use your perspective on a project when
00:29:07you get a moment looking forward to having you back
00:29:21Eden hi hi am I interrupting um I have a few minutes
00:29:28how are you I'm okay uh-oh uh I guess it's good
00:29:34Reese just emailed me sounds like he wants me back fantastic yeah so are you
00:29:41coming back sooner I'm trying to decide it's been nice out
00:29:47here oh I bet Todd sounds like a great place
00:29:51hey I say take whatever time you need oh but don't forget about my company
00:29:55dinner right no problem I'll be back for it
00:30:00thanks hey great news about Reese I knew it all worked out yeah it's good I'll
00:30:06talk to you later thanks for calling okay bye I need to get out
00:30:22thanks for coming with me happy to I don't know when my parents got these
00:30:28this wasn't really thing when we were kids making us sound old I thought it
00:30:33was neat and I figured we're here so might as well try it well I'm glad you
00:30:37called me I think once you try this you're gonna get addicted never gonna
00:30:40want to go home speaking of home I got an email from my boss today and he
00:30:50wanted my input on some things isn't that good yeah I guess it is good it's
00:30:57good to be missed I'm finding I don't miss it at all
00:31:01maybe you should consider a career change that's too scary I did it so
00:31:07could you we're still flying you could still market but is that what you want
00:31:13to do
00:31:15it's not that I don't like marketing there's a thrill in it sometimes like a
00:31:22pride in it how so when I figure out the best way to make something great like a
00:31:30puzzle that I put together you do like marketing I think I miss it so what's
00:31:37wrong is it what you're working on I think it's easier to work on something
00:31:43you believe in that could be it well the way I see it you have three options I do
00:31:53yeah first one go back to your old unexciting job next option please second
00:32:03come work for me as a poorly paid marketer hey I'm all for you sticking
00:32:08around can't blame you for trying the third option do nothing just take your
00:32:19time you don't have to make a decision now or even next week I do have to make
00:32:25a choice eventually but when you're ready maybe after you've even had time
00:32:30to discover some new options you know if this hot air balloon thing doesn't work
00:32:37you could be a career advisor let's hope it doesn't come to that
00:32:43should we do this yep
00:32:50okay I think I got this oh now use your to move yourself around
00:33:00okay this is cool right yeah so what's your secret trust yourself gee thanks and tighten
00:33:16your stomach supposedly it helps with balance okay so let me guess you do this every weekend
00:33:26no every other weekend
00:33:38hey what are you doing out here nothing really I'm just thinking about
00:33:48if I tell you you're just gonna lecture me I don't do that okay seriously I won't do that I promise
00:33:59Riley kind of insinuated that he wants me to stay here Wow cutsy is that even tempting
00:34:14it is it shouldn't be though right I have a life back home and a job sort of what he's saying is a
00:34:27huge change and not just for job and home but relationship wise too I know it's crazy and
00:34:37Michael is amazing supportive stable exactly why would I let that go maybe I just need to put this
00:34:48aside and enjoy the rest of my time here I it sounds like good advice but you still need to
00:34:57be careful not to hurt one of them or yourself okay okay
00:35:10and the cards expiration date all right you're all set for Monday party of five
00:35:16yeah sure thing all right I'll see you then party of five the phone has not stopped ringing all
00:35:23morning we have every single day book for the next two weeks are you serious that's amazing
00:35:29your friend has really got things rolling here I'm gonna go get things prepped for tomorrow's tour
00:35:40hot air Tahoe can I help you
00:35:42so guess how many calls I got how many 33 no actually it was more than that I lost count I
00:35:50haven't had to answer the phone that often ever but our people booking yeah that's the crazy thing
00:35:56I'm starting to wonder if we need to raise prices you probably could but maybe wait a bit I don't
00:36:00want this to be an initial rush with no continued traffic from customers you talking all business
00:36:07so what you working on web ads what do you think it looks what
00:36:16legitimate well good because you are I feel professional and I'm not even doing any work you
00:36:22are and I'm gonna give you options that way you don't have to use the same ad all the time what
00:36:28for uh to change it up for season or whatever you want to call it and I'm gonna give you options
00:36:34uh to change it up for seasons holidays stuff like that got it okay
00:36:42and there you go I don't know what I'm gonna do without you
00:36:46oh I think you'll do fine I'd rather not find out any chance you'll stay
00:36:57you can get anyone to help you with this and don't worry it's not like your business will lose out
00:37:03well it's not my business I'm worried about losing
00:37:12um so uh what are your plans for the rest of your stay
00:37:18yeah just a few more things to load up and should be all set
00:37:21great yeah I've got to get to bed early I've been used to sleeping in oh yeah well I'd say
00:37:26I'm sorry but no sleep means working a paycheck yeah I'll take it oh um Eden mentioned we should
00:37:32do something to encourage customers to leave reviews yeah like a follow-up email or something
00:37:39or we could give away a free t-shirt for every good review I don't think bribery is the way to go
00:37:45uh I'll have to ask for some ideas on that what is she saying well I'd like her to but but what
00:37:52well too early to tell are you two dating too early to tell all right well it sounds
00:38:01like you've got a lot to clear up uh I'm just gonna finish loading up all right uh thanks Spencer
00:38:11these are beautiful
00:38:16there you go great thank you thank you
00:38:21this is just about done great
00:38:29oh I'll get it
00:38:31so I was thinking about your call and seeing you and about Tahoe and it dawned on me
00:38:34why not come for the weekend at least I'm glad to see you
00:38:41Riley Michael oh hi Kate
00:38:46uh Riley uh this is Michael my boyfriend hi
00:38:55good to meet you yeah nice flowers I got there for uh you know a little bit of a
00:39:00surprise and I'm here to talk to you about something I heard you were doing
00:39:04at the library and I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming to the library with me
00:39:10good to meet you yeah nice flowers I got there for uh Eden and Kate as a thank you for help with
00:39:18my business oh you're the neighbor that Eden's been helping out uh I guess so uh you didn't
00:39:25have to do that oh I know but yeah um dinner's ready oh great I'm starving oh nice tan thanks
00:39:40I just wanted to drop those off Riley I I didn't know that the response to the flyers and
00:39:49everything has been great you've been getting a lot of business so thank you Riley
00:39:58you have company
00:40:01good night Eden
00:40:02good night
00:40:15ah these look great yeah oh I got another plate okay
00:40:25is everything all right sure yeah okay good
00:40:32all right so are you having fun down here yeah it's been great
00:40:41yeah they're quite nice
00:40:56uh yeah I'll be right back
00:41:10you're right I'm sorry I don't like being right at least not with this should I tell
00:41:18Michael about Riley um I think you could I don't want to hurt him too I think he would understand
00:41:29but it's more urgent you talk to Riley
00:41:47I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Michael I didn't mean to keep it from you
00:41:59I have no right to be upset it's your life
00:42:04and we're just old friends you're more than that but not enough that's not true
00:42:15isn't it but it's okay I've really enjoyed seeing you again me too
00:42:26and my business I really got a shot now thanks to you thanks for letting me help
00:42:34you and for being my friend
00:42:48here you go thank you better get that to Riley right away before it melts oh it's not for him
00:42:55um I'm gonna miss these are you leaving oh yeah it's been wonderful but too bad it's just
00:43:09temporary now now wait a minute not everything is temporary the way you feel here and now
00:43:15that'll stay with you uh I should let you go Eden if you go back what do you leave behind here now
00:43:32thanks Mr. Weber
00:43:33oh what is it oh it's Reese he wants to know if I can make it to an all hands-on meeting Tuesday
00:43:48wow he really wants you back yeah he's seen what life's like with you out of the office and he
00:43:54doesn't like it I'm so glad this worked for you me too
00:44:05is that everything yep I double-checked even under the furniture you're thorough
00:44:09ready uh yeah I'm just gonna lock up okay sounds good
00:44:33hi hey
00:44:35hey we're leaving work and all that going back to it huh yeah I hope it works out thanks
00:44:50uh well I I should go yeah hey if you're in town again you should
00:44:54come by the shop see if we're following your advice well or not I definitely will
00:45:00goodbye Riley
00:45:24hey you want me to drive uh yeah sure
00:46:00so good news we have two brand new clients under contract now castle vacuums and men floral air
00:46:13fresheners right this is gonna be great for us they're eager to hit the ground running so let's
00:46:18get to work asap Bobby you take castle vacuums Eden you up for men floral absolutely excellent
00:46:30uh come in
00:46:37hey honey how was work today good did you cook uh no it's a new client product
00:46:45min floral air freshener min floral yeah I think it's because it's pure minerals
00:46:51added with floral scents at first I thought min meant mini but this isn't that small so
00:46:57interesting yeah so I wanted to plan out Friday's dinner oh what time does it start
00:47:02well for once I want to be early so are you okay if I pick you up at 5 30 I'll be ready
00:47:08great what's the dress code I'm wearing a suit and a new tie a new tie
00:47:14hmm okay I'll be sure not to embarrass you then oh well thank you
00:47:43hey hey Riley how you doing ah good I just uh wanted to check on that freezer is it running
00:47:51all right ever since you fixed it it's got a few more years on it now thanks to you good
00:47:57so uh what can I get you uh nothing I was just passing by I thought I'd check in okay well how's
00:48:03that business doing I see your balloon floating around every morning yeah it's been popular
00:48:07lately good good so uh have you heard from Eden lately um no no not since she went back home well
00:48:16you could call her you know yeah I think she's moved on you know I'm in her past and uh
00:48:27that's okay as long as she's happy you're a good kid you know that
00:48:37are you nervous about the pitch no not really but maybe I should be because then I'd come across as
00:48:44excited about it well I'll admit air fresheners are pretty dull yep could you ask grease for a
00:48:51different assignment uh it was either this or vacuums oh wow that's fine it's it's work right
00:49:01well you know you could still make a change what do you mean you know quit your job
00:49:08I can't you just you don't seem happy to be back and and maybe it's not just because of the job
00:49:22imagine you feel a migraine coming on the weight of the world constantly on your shoulders
00:49:31but whether you're at work or at home min floral can be a sanctuary and a shield let the natural
00:49:43mineral aromas lift your spirits invigorate your body ward off the stressors that come at you in
00:49:51every direction in an array of award-winning and inventive aromas
00:49:59min floral is the element missing to feel stronger and renewed
00:50:09min floral mineral ingredients floral scents fresher life
00:50:17thank you
00:50:18I like it what type of bad campaigns do you see being most effective for min floral well the
00:50:25standard for the air freshener industry is print-based but I think that's outdated I want
00:50:31to get you on video for the coupon and shopping apps as well as targeted campaigns in the online
00:50:38and broadcast space targeted to your demographic of course I love it one question though I don't
00:50:46think the hot air balloon fit oh Eden uh well we can uh leave that part out I was going for
00:51:01a parallel of open fresh air like when you're in a hot air balloon
00:51:09oh all ads will get your final approval before we run so don't worry about anything it seems
00:51:16out of place right if we hurry we can get this locked in now I'll add a notorious high
00:51:23I think we can negotiate better placements now rather than waiting for too long that sounds
00:51:27sensible you had me slightly worried with the hot air balloon thing but you handled it great
00:51:35thanks there's a lot to do in a short time on min floral but I think you can do it if you're
00:51:38willing to put in some extra time and then I have a plant fertilizer client that I want to
00:51:43assign to you plant fertilizer the landscape and gardening industry's number three company
00:51:48they're aggressively trying to take the lead so I'll add that to your accounts
00:51:58maybe you should give that to someone else what do you mean I mean
00:52:03maybe you should give all my accounts to someone else
00:52:40hey hey
00:52:45I'm so sorry oh today was crazy and I totally forgot I'll be right out
00:52:55okay the freeway is gonna be a mess right now but we could probably make up time on another route
00:53:01good so work was crazy today huh sort of I quit my job you quit you did yep is everything all right
00:53:12that's kind of sudden isn't it I mean what are you gonna do uh I don't know yet but um I wasn't
00:53:19happy you know maybe you should think it over you could talk to Reese on Monday no it's fine okay
00:53:27if you say so
00:53:31I didn't know your job made you so unhappy
00:53:35I don't think it's just my job though what do you mean
00:53:42all this time I know it's hard because I love and care for you so much
00:53:52I feel the same way about you
00:53:56I guess we were never really in love with each other it was comfortable and we let it go on
00:54:06so when did you figure this out when I got back but I guess it started in Tahoe
00:54:15there was a friend there Riley and I realized that what I felt for him was
00:54:25different than how I feel for you oh
00:54:31are you upset
00:54:39actually I know exactly how you feel
00:54:41there's something I want to tell you too you and I started dating but as it went on we spent
00:54:46time with each other's friends a lot of time well I started to Kate yeah I couldn't bring
00:54:55myself to tell either of you I would hate myself if I ever came between you I get it
00:55:02I want you and Kate to be happy you do definitely
00:55:14this day has gone very differently than I thought for me too oh your dinner
00:55:24you know what don't worry about it I'm not going to tell anyone
00:55:34no you can still make this yes
00:55:43Eden what's going on go put on a nice dress well why because you are going to a dinner party in
00:55:49honor of Michael well I am yeah okay okay Eden seriously what's going on there's not a lot of
00:55:57time but to sum it up Michael and I broke up and Michael has secretly been in love with you for a
00:56:03while and as I think of it more and more you love him too and I couldn't be happier for the both of
00:56:11you okay wait what just think about it even in Tahoe you were worried about me yes but you didn't
00:56:18want Michael to get hurt and you've been such a good friend to me but I don't want you to miss
00:56:23out on something special with him and speaking of special Michael's dinner started about five
00:56:29minutes ago so what do you say Kate will you come with me be my date yes
00:56:39what will you do I don't know yet don't worry about it have fun
00:57:04you all have a nice day thanks bye how was it
00:57:09oh fine no wind really good uh did the no-show come while we were in the air nope I guess they
00:57:16just forgot
00:57:21uh who's that if that's the no-show maybe they just got the time wrong
00:57:37did I miss the tour that was you I drove as fast as I could to get here I'm sorry you missed it
00:57:47sorry you missed it well that's too bad
00:57:54you know normally there's no refunds but uh well maybe I could take you up for a private tour
00:58:00another day if you're in town for a while I am and I'd like that
00:58:09maybe I might give you a good review
00:58:13I didn't think you were coming back it's like you said I needed time to figure it out for myself
00:58:22and have you
00:58:27I think so good because I didn't want to wait another 10 or 15 years to see you again
00:58:36me neither
00:58:57I uh had two resorts contact me about running a marketing push for them
00:59:05well I'm not surprised I think I'm gonna pick one to work on
00:59:10good for you nice huh this whole uh working for yourself idea isn't bad
00:59:17see why I like it I do I really do
