Saut ul Quran - Tilawat Competition
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#SautulQuran #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:22In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:24Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Glory.
00:26He is the Creator of Glory.
00:28Your status is exalted.
00:30What a beautiful description.
00:32You are like a piece of dust.
00:34You are not even on the moon.
00:36You are like a bright light.
00:38You are not in any house.
00:40You are like a beauty.
00:42The fingers whisper in the ears.
00:44There is a strange noise in the heart.
00:46There is a strange noise in the heart.
00:48There is a strange noise in the heart.
00:50And the world does not understand anything.
00:52And the world does not understand anything.
00:54This is your Mu'amma.
00:56Now there is a group of people.
00:58There is a bed in its lane.
01:00The one who is the beloved of good souls.
01:02Your beloved.
01:04This is the second last fast.
01:06The ten days of mercy.
01:08The Prophet of Allah taught us a prayer.
01:10My generous Master taught us a prayer.
01:12Our Lord, in this world give us good in this world.
01:14And in the hereafter give us good.
01:16And protect us from the fire.
01:18These are the ten days of Ramadan.
01:20The first ten days are the ten days of mercy.
01:22For the world.
01:24The second ten days are the ten days of forgiveness.
01:26For the hereafter.
01:28And the third ten days are the ten days of freedom from hell.
01:30So the first ten days of mercy want to end.
01:32O Lord of the worlds.
01:34Give us a share of your mercy.
01:36And accept our broken prayers and efforts.
01:38With us is the great name of the country of Pakistan.
01:40Al-Azkari Wajid Zafar Qasimi is present.
01:42As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
01:44Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
01:46Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
02:16Qari Syed Murtaza is present.
02:46Qari Syed Murtaza.
02:48Qari Lamsali.
02:50Qari Muhammad Usman Khalid.
02:52All three of them are small children.
02:54All three of them are small children.
02:56Today these small children will recite from the book of Allah.
02:58They will choose the verses.
03:00Qari Syed Murtaza.
03:02First of all you come to the rostrum.
03:04I think you don't need the dice.
03:06You don't need it.
03:08Your time starts now.
03:16Al-Azkari Wajid.
03:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:36Allah has created the universe.
03:54Allah has created the universe.
04:18Allah has created the universe.
04:42The sun, the moon, and the stars.
04:58The sun, the moon, and the stars.
05:24Allah has created the universe.
05:36Allah has created the universe.
05:48You have tried your best.
05:50Qari Syed Murtaza was reciting the verses.
05:52Next is Qari Lam Sali.
05:54You don't need the dice.
05:56Ismail Jalali will recite.
05:58He has said it.
06:00Even IJ has said it.
06:02Let's write IJ in capital.
06:04Now tell me.
06:06Are you ready?
06:08Be confident. Relax.
06:10Take a deep breath.
06:12This is it.
06:14Your time starts now.
06:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:36Have We not created him with two eyes?
06:48And his tongue and two tongues?
07:02And guided him to two ways?
07:14Have We not created him with two eyes?
07:24And his tongue and two tongues?
07:32And guided him to two ways?
07:42And guided him to two ways?
08:04And guided him to two ways?
08:32Qari Lam Sali.
08:34What a beautiful recitation.
08:38Sit down.
08:40Qari Lam Sali was reciting the verses.
08:42Next is Qari Muhammad Usman Khalid.
08:44Come son.
08:46Your dice is yours.
08:48I am yours.
08:50Pakistan is yours.
08:52You have a rare chance to read the Quran.
08:54Read it well.
08:56Be confident. Relax.
08:58Your time starts now.
09:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
09:24And the figs and the olives and the dates.
09:40And this beautiful land.
09:52Indeed, We have created man in the best of creation.
10:12And the figs and the olives and the dates.
10:22Indeed, We have created man in the best of creation.
10:32Indeed, We have created man in the best of creation.
10:50Except for those who believe and do good, and they will have a reward other than what they deserve.
11:18Except for those who believe and do good, and they will have a reward other than what they deserve.
11:44Indeed, We have created man in the best of creation.
11:50Subhan Allah.
11:52These were Qari Muhammad Usman Khalid and his three children.
11:54Qari sahib, did you hear the recitation?
11:56How did you feel?
11:58I think there was a lack of Tajweed today.
12:00But you tell us.
12:04All three of them have recited the words of Allah.
12:06This is a great blessing for them.
12:08And I will say this for Sayyed Murtaza.
12:42I will say this for him.
12:44Express the word Ni.
12:54Express the word Noon.
12:56But overall, you recited beautifully.
13:02For Usman, I will say that I felt a lot of weakness in Tajweed.
13:06Like Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
13:08Secondly, your Waqf was weak.
13:14And you made a mistake in one place.
13:16It is not Watoori.
13:18Taa is always read thick.
13:20Taa is always read thick.
13:26There are seven letters in the Qur'an that are read thick.
13:28In which Taa is also included.
13:30So it has to be read thick.
13:32So it has to be read thick.
13:34And you made a mistake in Fama.
13:36You made a mistake in Fama.
13:38Don't do that.
13:40It is not Fama.
13:42It is Fama.
13:44So your Tajweed mistakes are enough.
13:46So in my opinion,
13:48Sayyed Murtaza and Lamsali,
13:50Sayyed Murtaza and Lamsali,
13:52Sayyed Murtaza and Lamsali,
13:54These two will go ahead today.
13:56These two will go ahead today.
14:00Both of you stand up.
14:02These two princes will go ahead.
14:04In fact, I will say for Lamsali,
14:06He has recited very well.
14:08His Tajweed was a little weak.
14:10But if you make it strong,
14:12As Qari Sahib said,
14:14You have to take care of Tajweed.
14:16So that it will be difficult for you in the next phase.
14:18Thank you very much. Congratulations.
14:20You both recited very well.
14:22You also recited very well.
14:24But no problem, next time.
14:26Okay, sit down.
14:30Selani Spices
14:32Educate Publications
14:34Crisp Beauty
14:38Marhaba Gulbahar
14:40The Ostrich
14:44Roo Afza
14:46Nelson Paints
14:48Khursheed Fans
14:52You will go with us in this break.
14:54We will meet you after the break.
14:56Assalamu Alaikum
14:58Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh