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00:00I mean, I would just sit in front of the camera.
00:02This is my life.
00:03Honey, just watch.
00:07All together and everybody.
00:09Hi, Boobie.
00:13Do you want to see me?
00:15Zeke slips along because I taught him how to hop a little bit.
00:22Well, it was a joke about, I mean.
00:30If you tell me who I am for you.
00:49Do we have lime?
00:50Good morning, you guys.
00:52Today is my dad's 45th birthday, so we're making him breakfast in bed.
00:57It's a little tradition we do where we just walk into my mom and my dad's room on their
01:01birthday or Mother's Day or Father's Day and we just give them a cute little platter of
01:04breakfast foods.
01:05Gavin is bullying Brock right now, but that's what brothers do.
01:08We have some watermelons, some mango, some mountain dew.
01:12No, I'm just kidding.
01:13Yeah, this is his favorite.
01:14And then we're also going to put lime in here as well.
01:15This is the aftermath of last night.
01:17Good morning, Emmy.
01:18He likes Powerade, so I'm pouring him a cup.
01:219.30am, Powerade.
01:23Jackson, 9.46am for your information.
01:26Thank you, Jackson.
01:27If you guys know Venice Beach, you know, or I guess maybe a lot of places have it.
01:30There's always fruit stands in L.A.
01:32And when we lived there, we always would go down to Venice Beach and have mangoes with
01:36watermelon with squeezed lime on top.
01:38Gavin Butler, I'm trying to film.
01:41This is our little platter we got going on.
01:44I'm so excited to come on a bite.
01:46Can I have a bite?
01:47Well, I've had seven.
01:48Hey, Jackson.
01:50We should go to the gym.
01:52Can I come to play basketball?
02:00He also likes coconut water, so I'm pouring him a cup of that.
02:02He's going to have Variety this morning.
02:08Wow, this is beautiful.
02:10We each wrote him a heartfelt letter, so we're all going to hand them to him.
02:18And this is Gavin.
02:20And Luca.
02:21I know, I was thinking that, but it might be cuter if we're all holding it individually.
02:31Happy birthday to you.
02:37Happy birthday, birthday to you.
02:45We went and farmed these mangoes and watermelon just for you.
02:49And it's coconut water and Powerade, your favorites.
02:52Look at these royal hounds.
02:54They're so beautiful.
03:01I got to skip school.
03:03We're waiting on our turn for dad to read our letter.
03:08Good morning, Noah.
03:09Good morning.
03:10Rise and shine.
03:11Ah, you little loaf.
03:16You guys, I just squoze into- is squoze a word?
03:18It is now.
03:19I squeezed into my little brother's snow pants because we're going skiing today.
03:22So, shout out to Brock.
03:23Thanks for letting me borrow these.
03:24As you guys saw, it's my dad's birthday.
03:26And one thing about my dad is he values family time more than absolutely anything.
03:30One thing I told my family when I came back for this trip is I don't care what we do,
03:33as long as we go skiing at least one time.
03:35And thankfully, my dad loves skiing just as much as I do.
03:38Honestly, he loves skiing a lot more than I do.
03:40So, we're going skiing today, and I'm excited.
03:41I think I'm going to film a little TikTok vlog.
03:43Also, does this look familiar?
03:44If you've been a longtime watcher, then you know that I moved out of my home in October
03:48of 2023, and my little brother stole my room.
03:50We always had a basement in this house, but it was never renovated.
03:53And this past year, there was a fire.
03:55Yeah, there was a fire in this house.
03:57My little brother had it plugged in an electric skateboard, and because of the lithium batteries,
04:01it just literally started sparking when him and his friends were in his room.
04:04And so, they had to move out, and they had to tear all the carpets up, and basically
04:07clean everything because soot damage can cause lung cancer.
04:10And my mom has been wanting to renovate for so, so long.
04:13So, the fact that we now had an excuse to do it kind of just set us back or set us forward
04:17than if we would have taken longer to do it.
04:19So, now our whole home is renovated.
04:21There's new carpets, new paint, and the basement is now renovated.
04:24So, now I have a room here, which I didn't before.
04:26I would just stay in the guest room slash office or my sister's room.
04:29But now, I actually have my own official room.
04:31We actually went shopping yesterday and got bedding for her.
04:34So, it feels good to have a room and to have somewhere where I'm welcome.
04:37Anyways, let's go skiing.
04:39For my dad's birthday, he decided that he wanted all of us to go skiing so much more
04:42because I only get to do it a couple times a year.
04:44I did end up crashing into my brother, Gavin, showing off once again.
04:47But this time, they're actually cool. I'll admit it.
04:50You got my lamp!
04:52And it's so cute!
04:54Move it to like dim it.
04:56That's going to be so helpful.
04:57I have a reading lamp.
04:58Thanks, mom!
05:01I'll see if I can see.
05:02So cute.
05:03Wind tore her.
05:05But Selena kept her focus on Knox, falling so fast, so far from her outstretched hands.
05:09I don't know if that's how you pronounce her name.
05:10Selena? Selena?
05:12It's a beautiful name.
05:13You're reading it so you can decide.
05:16I'm going to go to bed.
05:18I'm probably going to watch you while you're moving out.
05:20I've been reading Throne of Glass.
05:22I'm on chapter 22.
05:23There is a prequel to this book, but it was published the third...
05:26It was the third book published.
05:28So, I'm just going to read in the order that she published them
05:31because I started reading the prequel and it was not easy to get into.
05:35I've been here for three days and I leave in two more days.
05:37So, it's been such a short trip, but it's been so good to be with family, obviously.
05:40Being back in my small town is so weird.
05:42It's so...
05:44Deja vu is my number one emotion while being here.
05:47I'm whispering because everyone's going to sleep, by the way,
05:49but as much as I love coming back to my hometown to visit my family,
05:52I'm going crazy over here.
05:54Like, there's nothing to do here.
05:55And my goals, I can't accomplish my goals here, so it makes me want to leave.
05:59But I love being with my family here.
06:00Anyway, I'm going to journal and write down some affirmations
06:03because I've been needing some self-love recently
06:06and I have not been giving it to myself.
06:08I've been giving it to everyone else.
06:09And obviously, it's important to give love to everyone else,
06:11but I need to give it to myself, too.
06:13We're going to go to the gym in the morning with Emi and Brock.
06:15I'm excited to go to the gym with them.
06:17I always go with Gavin or by myself.
06:18I don't really go with the younger siblings, so it's going to be interesting.
06:21And we'll see what happens.
06:23They're so old. I hate that they're growing up.
06:25It's so weird.
06:27Good morning, you guys.
06:29Me, Emi, and Brock just got back from the gym.
06:31I was so surprised Brock got up,
06:32except he was two minutes late to come into the kitchen.
06:35I said, be in the kitchen by 6.45.
06:37No, no. 5.45.
06:38No later.
06:39Bro showed up at 6.48.
06:42Are you kidding me?
06:43And I told Emi, I said, just leave.
06:44We got to teach him a lesson.
06:45But then she was too nice.
06:46She's like, no, wait for Brock.
06:48Then we came home to egg quesadillas and apples.
06:52My mom is so fun and cool and she cooks for us.
06:55Having someone that cooks for you is really awesome.
06:58I haven't had to cook one meal this whole entire week.
07:00It's been awesome.
07:01But now I'm waiting for Emi to take a shower so I can take a shower.
07:03She's going to skip half of school today so we can hang out.
07:05Because it's my last full day here.
07:07I don't know what we're going to do.
07:08I'm going to go to a cafe and get work done
07:10while she's at her first three classes of school.
07:12And then we might film a podcast on my mom's channel.
07:15I'm excited.
07:16All three of us haven't filmed a podcast together.
07:18I filmed one with my mom once, just me and her.
07:20But Emi hasn't been on the podcast.
07:22So I think it'll be a fun dynamic with all three of us
07:25just kind of yelling over each other.
07:28Just kind of what we usually do,
07:29which is the best kind of content
07:30because it's our most authentic selves.
07:34Also, it's snowing this morning.
07:36And it's kind of beautiful.
07:37Low key.
07:39Hey guys, I feel like myself again.
07:40I did my hair and just had a little thinking session.
07:42And I'm feeling good.
07:44I love when I feel like this.
07:45I dropped off Emi at school.
07:46I now have her whip.
07:47Let's go crash it!
07:49I'm just kidding.
07:50Her freaking aux doesn't work unless it's her phone.
07:52So we're just playing music from my phone.
07:55And we're starting the song over.
08:01I can't believe I'm listening to music out of my phone.
08:19I just picked up my sister from school.
08:22Emi, you know you're beautiful just the way you are.
08:25You're welcome.
08:26I need an offer.
08:27I need an offer!
08:28You guys, there's nothing to do in this town.
08:30Get us out of here, please.
08:34Me and Emi are just cuddling in bed.
08:35We just took a 10 minute social media break.
08:37She TikTok scrolled and I read some of my book.
08:40That made me sound...
08:42I'm sorry.
08:44We basically just took like a 10 minute break.
08:46But now we're trying to think of something to do.
08:48We were going to go to Crumble.
08:49But also we need to get our summer bods.
08:51But summer, it's like...
08:52It's TJ.
08:53It's TJ, so...
08:54And the flavors this week look really good.
08:55Honestly, they don't look that good.
08:56But Emi, they look good.
08:59The s'mores cookie looks good.
09:00So it checks to go get Crumble.
09:02I changed into Emi's crew neck.
09:04It's from Princess Molly.
09:05Thanks, Emi.
09:06Shout out to my sis.
09:13Please leave me alone.
09:19Help me.
09:20Help me.
09:23Help me.
09:45Okay, do you want to open it?
09:48Here we go.
09:53They're so cute.
09:54They're little.
09:55So it just like cancels it out, you know?
09:57We already went to the gym this morning.
09:58Yeah, we did.
10:01Oh no, that was in the chaperone clip.
10:04Okay, which one should we try first?
10:05The least appetizing one.
10:07You okay?
10:08I think this one's the best.
10:09We're first testing out the chocolate chip.
10:11Which one do you want?
10:12I'm just trying to be nice.
10:14Fine, I'll take the bigger one.
10:16Okay, oh, three, two, one.
10:19That's one.
10:20I've never even had this one.
10:21They actually put chocolate chunks on top today, so it was even better.
10:23I like the sea salt on it.
10:27I'm gonna say eight.
10:29I'm gonna say nine.
10:30I usually drive a hard...
10:31Actually, I don't know if this is the right terminology.
10:33I don't drive a hard bargain.
10:38Never mind!
10:39Next cookie!
10:40What was this one?
10:43Oh, it's like warm.
10:44We're doing the Pop-Tart one.
10:45Oh, it's like gooey.
10:46It's falling apart.
10:48Were you gonna moan?
10:49I had a feeling you were gonna moan.
10:51Oh, there's filling!
10:53This is dangerous.
10:54Oh my gosh.
10:55This is incredibly dangerous.
10:56Okay, ready?
10:58I love how you wait for me every time.
10:59That's what I'm trying to do.
11:04It's pretty damn good.
11:05It's like raw.
11:06I think there could be a little bit more of the frosting on top because I'm kind of just
11:09getting the mitt inside.
11:11Can I not speak English?
11:14I think a little bit more frosting on the top would be most applicable, but it's still
11:17pretty good.
11:18I'm gonna give that one an eight out of ten.
11:19I'd probably give it a five.
11:21I feel like it just doesn't taste like a...
11:24I just feel like it doesn't taste like a Pop-Tart.
11:25I think that being in our family, we can't speak sometimes because we always get interrupted.
11:29I think I have a speech impediment.
11:34Oh, shucks!
11:35So we never feel...
11:41I don't even realize I do it.
11:44I don't even realize!
11:46Oh my gosh.
11:47I'm so sorry.
11:48Okay, guys!
11:49Because I think that we can't finish our sentences because we just get cut off, and when we don't
11:53get cut off, then we don't know what to say because we've never finished our sentence
11:57I almost just cut you off again like fourteen times.
12:01Okay, next cookie.
12:02I really want to try the s'mores one.
12:03Which one do you want?
12:04This one.
12:05You're being so nice.
12:06You can pick one.
12:07Well, I paid, so I want this one.
12:09We got a six-pack, so we each...
12:10There was one extra cookie we could get, so we both got a s'mores.
12:13So basically we already have a six-pack, so we're both...
12:27I'm sad.
12:29I love s'mores so much, and I'm a little bit disappointed.
12:31No, I think it's good.
12:32It's good, but it's boring.
12:33There could be more flavor, I think.
12:35I feel like it just tastes like a chocolate chip cookie with a marshmallow on top.
12:38I think the s'mores, the graham cracker flavor, could be more dominant.
12:40But I think it's good.
12:41Me complaining after I ate the whole thing.
12:43I'm gonna say 7.2 out of 10.
12:44I'm gonna say 8.
12:45This one's cake batter.
12:46Wait, let's do this.
12:47Is this helping at all?
12:48Let us know in the comments down below.
12:49The thing is, I don't like this much frosting on cookies, so I'm kind of scared.
12:52Yeah, I was gonna say, you're not really a frosting girl, which is so weird to me,
12:55because when I look at you, I think that you would be a frosting girl.
12:58But you're just not.
12:59I just don't...
13:00I'm a frosting girl.
13:01It tastes like yogurt.
13:02Kind of like the cream cheese frosting.
13:03It does taste like yogurt.
13:04Alright, what's the last one?
13:05This one is like toffee, churro, white macadamia or something.
13:09I don't know.
13:10Dude, she just got...
13:11She just copped like five boxes of crumble.
13:14I'm trying to be where she is.
13:15She had maybe two trips.
13:24That's a three out of ten for me.
13:25It's just like...
13:26Oh, we didn't even rate the last one.
13:27Yeah, we did.
13:29Oh my gosh, we didn't.
13:30I'm a liar.
13:31The last one, I'm gonna say nine out of ten.
13:32Probably like six.
13:33I love that our ratings are so different.
13:34It just proves to always try something, because you always are gonna have different tastes
13:37than someone else.
13:39This one, I'm gonna say like a seven and a half.
13:40The one we just tried?
13:42Like, it's good.
13:43It's just kind of plain.
13:44Like, it's not the first cookie I'd choose.
13:46The Pop-Tart cookie was kind of my favorite low-key.
13:48The chocolate chip was good, and then the one we just had, the cake batter one, was
13:51pretty good.
13:52What about you?
13:53My favorite was probably S'mores.
13:55See, I thought...
13:56I don't even know.
13:57That would be my favorite.
13:58I'm sad because...
13:59This is literally raw.
14:00I know.
14:01I'm sad because Emmy was excited to try the brownie one, but they don't come in the minis,
14:03I'm sorry, babe.
14:04It's okay.
14:05We love you, Crumble.
14:06If you ever want a sponsorship...
14:08Hit me up.
14:16We're about to go to Costco.
14:22We just filmed a podcast for my mom's podcast channel.
14:25Daxson just came up to me and said, hey, let's do the quarterback cheer TikTok, the nice
14:29cash cheer.
14:30Not my name, quarterback.
14:31That one?
14:33I don't know if anybody knows about that.
14:36New shoes.
14:37Hey, yo!
14:38New shoes!
14:40Are you kidding me?
14:42We got to act like we're in a music video.
14:45Hey, yo, guys, we got to act like we're in a music video.
14:46We're about to watch our music video.
14:49Sticky, sticky!
14:51Sup guys!
14:52Sticky, sticky, sticky stick!
14:54This is behind the scenes of our TikTok.
14:563, 2, 1...
14:58Yo, go on, Chase!
15:013, 2, 1...
15:04Wait, stop, stop, stop.
15:06The coat's in it.
15:08There's props in the back.
15:09Chase, come on, Chase.
15:10Go Chase, go long.
15:123, 2, 1.
15:18Nice catch, cheer.
15:20Good, good, good.
15:223, 2, 1.
15:24Not my name, quarterback.
15:28I don't know if I like that.
15:30Try to catch it.
15:32Yeah, don't go like this.
15:34No, just catch it.
15:40Get the rest of them out.
15:42Crunchy grapes.
15:44Costco has the best crunchy grapes.
15:46Okay, we're done.
16:10Go Chase, go long.