• 2 days ago
Swathi of Guntur Shining in Power Lifting And Weight Lifting : అమ్మాయిలు ఆటల్లోకి రావడం చాలా అరుదు. అందులోనూ పవర్‌ లిఫ్టింగ్‌, వెయిట్‌ లిఫ్టింగ్ వంటి క్రీడలు మాకొద్దంటారు. ఐతే, మానసిక, శారీరక సామర్థ్యాలు పెంచుకునేందుకు అలాంటి క్రీడలే ఉపయోగపడతాయని భావించిందా యువతి. ఆర్థిక ఇబ్బందులు వెంటాడుతున్నా ఆత్మస్థైర్యంతో ముందడుగు వేస్తోంది. ఆరో తరగతిలోనే ఆటల్లోకి అడుగుపెట్టి అద్భుతంగా రాణిస్తోంది. మరి, ఆ క్రీడాకుసుమం కథెంటో తన ప్రయాణం ఎలా సాగుతుందో తెలుసుకోవాలంటే ఈ స్టోరీ చదవాల్సిందే.


00:22This girl is from a poor family
00:24But she has a strong belief that she can achieve anything if she has a talent
00:30She has the attitude of not backing down even in the face of financial difficulties
00:37As a result, she is able to do powerlifting and weightlifting activities
03:21I played weightlifting and powerlifting in the 6th grade
03:24I won 2 gold medals
03:26Then I played in Satyanapalli state
03:31I won silver medals
03:33Then I played in Bihar stadium
03:36I won gold medals in weightlifting
03:40Then I won gold medals in powerlifting and weightlifting in Tenali
03:46Then I won gold medals in 68th SGF in Chilakallu, Jaggaipet
03:57Then I was selected for nationals
04:00But I did not have money, costumes and loads
04:05So I could not go
04:27I won 5 medals in Dadaabu state
04:32I was selected for nationals
04:34I wanted to win medals in nationals
04:37But I could not find sponsors
04:39I wanted to win medals in nationals
04:41I wanted to help my daughter
04:43But financially, I could not help her
04:45Her father-in-law introduced me to him
04:49He told me that I should help my daughter in weightlifting and powerlifting
04:54I asked him about his financial background
04:57He told me that he was ready to help my daughter
05:00My parents are both businessmen
05:04So I could not help my daughter financially
05:08My daughter is a good girl
05:10She is good at running competitions
05:15She won gold medals in school games
05:19She won gold medals in school games
05:22She won gold medals in nationals
05:25She is a good girl
05:28She is a good girl
05:29She studies well
05:32She has her own discipline
05:34She has self-discipline
05:37She was not financially well
05:42So she could not participate in many tournaments
05:44Swathi's parents say that she works hard for 4 hours a day
05:49But they say that she cannot participate in national competitions
05:56Swathi's parents say that they are ready to help her
06:00I studied in a private school
06:03I studied in a government school
06:05I scored 443 marks in 10th standard
06:08My father-in-law helped me in sports
06:15I joined Kamaruddin
06:19My father-in-law taught me everything
06:25We are a poor family
06:28We are poor
06:31My father-in-law helped me in sports
06:36My father-in-law helped me in sports
06:41My father-in-law helped me in sports
06:45I want to participate in international competitions
06:50I want to participate in international competitions
06:53I want to participate in international competitions
06:58Swathi has gained weight and power lifting skills
07:03She is financially well
07:08Her goal is to win gold medals in the future
