• 2 days ago
So her rescuer threw her a stuffie party. We talked to Lisa about Sugar Pie's very adorable habit, and how she's still looking for a home!


00:00She was just sitting in her kennel waiting to be chosen and she was on her last day.
00:08I sent my friend Justin and he picked her up and brought her to my house and
00:12totally fell in love. Wow look at your face, look at her face.
00:16Within an hour we gave her a toy and she started sucking on her baby.
00:21Is that your emotional support baby? So it was such a cute little habit.
00:26Excuse me, sugar. Sugar, get in the bath. Does that feel good?
00:34She was definitely sweet right away but you could just hear the deep breaths and the sighs
00:41and she became relaxed more and more each day. So they're like um she's just suckling on her
00:48stuffies. She really finds comfort. Is that your new pink elephant?
00:58Sugar Pie is coming over today for a stuffy party. I can't wait for her to see all this stuff.
01:04So I hadn't seen her for about a week so I just
01:06wanted to give her all the stuffies that she wanted. Is she going to choose the pink elephant?
01:18She actually was rather calm. She just kept taking them away one by one and
01:24she would take them off to the side and suckle on them. Oh you chose the green frog?
01:33She's like a perfect family dog, like a hidden gem.
01:38She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She definitely needs a lifetime of stuffies.
01:44Is that your favorite? Is that your baby?
