• 2 hours ago
Going to Rome with my sister and a photoshoot with the girls! Love you guys, see you next Sunday! This video is sponsored by Beautypie.

Shop my favourites here!
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: https://bit.ly/3QHNTrh
Youthbomb Double Vitamin Radiance Concentrate: https://bit.ly/41rNrCd
Featherlight SPF50: https://bit.ly/3QGEMqO
Seamless Foundation Buffing Brush: https://bit.ly/41HAPs6
Superluminous Undereye Genius: https://bit.ly/4i3hFmb
Quick Contour Supergel: https://bit.ly/41HkVhl
FOLLOW MY TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@amelia.liana
FOLLOW MY IG: https://www.instagram.com/amelialiana/
FOLLOW MY HOME IG ACCOUNT: https://www.instagram.com/amelialianahome/
Black Top: https://amelialiana.co/bwfloraltop
Black Shorts: https://amelialiana.co/bwfloralshorts
Boots: https://amelialiana.co/brownpatentboots
Dress: https://amelialiana.co/velvetbowminidress

Outfit 1
Fur Coat (similar): https://amelialiana.co/acneblackfurcoat
Bag: https://amelialiana.co/vcblackminikelly

Outfit 2
Top: https://amelialiana.co/blackturtlenckbody
Bag: https://amelialiana.co/hermesblackpicotinvc
Heels: https://amelialiana.co/dgleopardheels

Outfit 3
Jumper: https://amelialiana.co/revolvebrownjumper
Jeans: https://amelialiana.co/grlfriendbluejeans
Belt: https://amelialiana.co/khaitebrownbelt
Bag: https://amelialiana.co/miumiuminibag
Necklace: https://amelialiana.co/messikanecklace

Hannah’s Jacket: https://amelialiana.co/hannahbrownleatherjacket

Outfit 4
Cardigan: https://amelialiana.co/browncardigan
Jeans: https://amelialiana.co/grlfriendbluejeans
Coat (similar): https://amelialiana.co/revolvecameltrenchcoat

Vic’s Bag: https://amelialiana.co/alaiburgundysuedebag
Suzie’s Heels: https://amelialiana.co/yslslingbackpatentheels

Outfit 5
Jumpsuit: https://amelialiana.co/blackstraplessplaysuit

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: https://bit.ly/3QHNTrh
Youthbomb Double Vitamin Radiance Concentrate: https://bit.ly/41rNrCd
Featherlight SPF50: https://bit.ly/3QGEMqO
Seamless Foundation Buffing Brush: https://bit.ly/41HAPs6
Superluminous Undereye Genius: https://bit.ly/4i3hFmb
Quick Contour Supergel: https://bit.ly/41HkVhl

Mascara Remover: https://amzn.to/3XoFRqN
Self Tan Cream: https://amelialiana.co/selftanblendingstick

Beautypie Undereye Genius (medium/deep): https://bit.ly/3Pi0Ojm
Merit Moisturiser: https://shop.meritbeauty.com/AmeliaLiana202408_YT_Moisturizer
Charlotte Tilbury Foundation (8): https://amelialiana.co/ctbeautifulfoundation
Clé De Peau Concealer (4) (AMELIA20 for 20% off): https://amelialiana.co/cdpconcealer
Rodial Banana Lowlighter (AMELIA15 for 15% off): https://snapt.io/Vckpw
Benefit Brow Pencil (2): https://amelialiana.co/benefitbrowpencil
Cle De Peau Brow Gel (AMELIA20 for 20% off): https://amelialiana.co/cdpbrowgel
Persona Stick Bronzer: https://amelialiana.co/personabronzestick
Haus Labs Concealer: https://amelialiana.co/hauslabsconcealer
Charlotte Tilbury Highlighter: ht


00:00Good morning guys. The sun has literally peeped through in London and I'm already trying on
00:13summer clothes. That's how excited I am. Like, I had this set on pre-order. It has been sat
00:19here for probably about two weeks and it's been collecting dust and as soon as the sun
00:24comes out, I think, yeah, you are being tried on today. I have self-tan on. I have summery,
00:30like not really any makeup on. I literally just have a scar and lip liner on for some
00:34reason because I can't try on clothes without makeup on. But I'm not sure what I think of
00:38this now that I put this on. I feel like it makes me look a bit like a square and I think
00:42one maybe perhaps should be a bit longer to wear this. The shorts are really cute. I do
00:47really like the shorts and I do really like the top. I just actually don't know if I like
00:51them together, even though the whole point of this was so that it's a set. But do you
00:54see what I mean? I feel like I look very square in this, not actually giving what needs to
00:59be. Oh, maybe if I pull this up? No. I think the shorts are actually so cute and I think
01:05maybe I return the top. Now, I just had a thought. What if I put it with a black tee,
01:09which I do really like. I think it looks cute, but I don't really want to be wearing black
01:13in summer unless it's like a little crop top set situation like it was supposed to be.
01:18So I'm not sure about this. What do you think? I think it might have to go back, even though
01:21getting my legs out and like my little legsies being in the sun feels so nice right now.
01:25I don't. No, it's going back. It's going back, right? One person tells me to keep it, I'll
01:30keep it. Next, let's open this. I think these are some boots from Rae. These are so cool.
01:38Look at that. Oh, hello. Oh my gosh. Sexy, sexy, sexy. Look at the brown patent vibe
01:46we have going on. Okay, back in my pajamas. These are my self-tan pajamas and I'm a freak
01:52that loves the smell of self-tan and they just smell so good to me. They smell delicious.
01:59I know I'm weird. I know I'm weird. Anyway, I'm going to have these apple cider vinegar
02:03gummies, which are new. I'm so excited because I love gummies so much. These are from Beauty
02:09Pie. I just love gummy tasting things and I feel like it's better for me than eating
02:13Haribo, you know? These are apple cider vinegar ones and they have vitamin C in them as well.
02:18They taste great. Speaking of Beauty Pie, there is a new upgraded formula of one of my
02:22favourite serums from them. This is the Youth Bomb Radiance Serum. It has 15 active ingredients
02:27and vitamin C from Radiance, which I really think it does such a great job at delivering
02:31radiance. It has niacinamide in it. It is one of the most cult, I would say, vitamin C serums on
02:37the market and one of the best-selling products from Beauty Pie and I love using it as a base
02:42before makeup. I think it just delivers like an instant glow and plumpness to the skin. I
02:47absolutely love Beauty Pie products, especially Beauty Pie skincare. I think they're really,
02:52really well priced. Another product I love and use a lot from Beauty Pie is this Featherweight
02:57SPF. Now that the sun is out, SPF 50. It's UVA and UVB and it also just adds to the glow. You can
03:04see like how quickly did that sink into my skin. It's amazing. Literally don't need to rub it in
03:09your face. There is one Beauty Pie product that I have ran out of three times now that I don't
03:14even have with me and my under eye bags are suffering so much without it. It's the Beauty
03:20Pie Under Eye Genius. I don't have it, which is so upsetting because I thought I ordered a new one
03:26and I didn't and I genuinely noticed such a big difference in my under eye bags when I use it
03:32versus when I don't and it's really annoying because I'm going to shoot today and I don't
03:36have it and I'm going to notice in the pictures that I'm not wearing my under eye genius, which
03:41is like really annoying me. I've tried every under eye corrector on the market. Let me tell
03:45you the Beauty Pie one is the best and I ran out of it when I was in New York and I was like,
03:49let me be organized and have it waiting for me. Maybe I ordered it to my office. Anyway,
03:54point is I don't have it and I'm very upset and unamused at myself. So if anyone knows me well,
04:01they know that I stalk my sister. Like I literally stalk her. I'm the needy
04:06sister and I'm very, you know what? I'm very happy being labeled as the needy sister. I don't mind
04:10that at all because I know it's the truth and where my sister goes, I shall follow and I like
04:16to think and pretend that she would do the same even though she definitely would not. I think I
04:20said this last week. I am going to Rome. My sister and I have been to Rome together before. Anyone
04:26that has watched the OG vlogs like back in the day, that was I think one of like our first ever
04:32like sister trips I ever vlogged. And I have to say, if I was my mum and my daughters were going
04:36on trips together, like voluntarily, I would think I've nailed life as a mum. I'd be like,
04:41oh my gosh, my girls are so cute. They're obsessed with each other. One is more obsessed with the
04:46other one than the other one basically. Either way, we're going away together and I think that
04:50is very, very cute of us. Got to be said. I am planning on having as much gluten-free pasta as
04:55I can get my little mouth on and ice cream for breakfast. I'm just using this contour wand from
05:01Beauty Pie, which I love. A little bronze in the hairline. We love a good bronze in the hairline.
05:08Bronze on the chin. Why do I say bronze like this? Because I do. Also, this Beauty Pie brush is so
05:13great. The dual fibre brushes from Beauty Pie are amazing. Look how easily that blends. I mean,
05:19Beauty Pie products are really foolproof. Look at that. And I'm going to put on TikTok asking
05:24for Rome recommendations because I want to go to some new restaurants that I haven't been to
05:28before. I have been to Da Bolognese, I think it's called, which I feel like is like a staple that
05:33everyone recommends everyone. And I've been there, so I kind of want to try somewhere new. We're not
05:37there for very long. I've heard Al Moro, I think it's called, is really, really good. And now I do
05:43this really funny thing. I don't know if this is funny or just me, but I do this thing where I don't
05:49Google search. I don't search on Instagram. I TikTok search for a restaurant because I want
05:54to see someone like actually in this restaurant. I want to see video. I want to see, I don't know,
05:58like for some reason, I now just TikTok search restaurant. Which I think is very Gen Z of me.
06:03So I'm going to try on one more dress that's arrived. It has potential. It has potential.
06:09Thank you very much, Madame. Right. Breathe in, everyone. No one exhale. Oh my God.
06:17Okay. Right. What do we think of this? I can tell Pia's face, that 10 seconds of Pia's face,
06:24I can tell she hates it. Pia hates it, in case anyone was wondering, but what do we think?
06:28I think the cleavage is cleavaging, but apart from that, I'm not a big fan of the bow, to be honest.
06:33I just, it's the bow with the shoulder combo. Like am I Minnie Mouse? Don't know that I am Minnie
06:39Mouse. Not with these teeth. Am I Titty Mouse? I don't think I am Titty Mouse. I don't think this
06:50is giving what needs to be given. What I do like is this bow. Yeah, I do like the sleeves. They
06:54are a bit claustrophobic, not going to lie. I feel like I'm having my arm circulation cut off.
06:58You know, I'm partial to a bit of cleavage, as we all know. This is more than a bit. I'm well
07:02aware. And I like having my legs out too. And it does cinch in at the waist. You know, there are
07:07some good elements of the dress. However, an overall residing Minnie Mouse vibe. Also, like,
07:12I have my hair curly. And like, as someone that has their hair down and curly, like the whole
07:16thing, just, I also don't think anyone would look at my face, which is maybe a good thing.
07:21But, you know, it's going back. Shame. Look what I found in my office. Look what I found in my
07:28office. I can't believe this. It was here all along. I am so happy. This actually is so
07:34moisturising under the eyes. It has vitamin E in it. And this is my brand new. I'm going to be
07:39using this tomorrow. I'll show you the before and after. Oh, super luminous under eye genius
07:44from Beautypie. I'm so happy. And I was organised and I did get a new one waiting for me at home.
07:51Go me! Even if I forgot that I did that. Oh my gosh, this is one of the cutest corridors
07:59I've ever seen. Knock knock. Aha. Are you naked? Yes. I'm crying. Oh my God, this room is so cute.
08:09This is adorable. This is so you. Oh my God, this is so me, Lilliana coded this hotel. I'm not,
08:14okay, look at this bathroom. This is literally the most you. This is the most me place ever.
08:19Wait, everything is green and yellow. What? Hannah just goes, I thought you weren't bringing
08:24anything. I was like, yeah, I know. I don't have makeup remover. No, no, no, no. I still have some
08:34clothes and things. Oh my gosh, this is so cute. The carpet. This is the cutest hotel room I've
08:40ever seen. Oh my God, we're sharing a bed. Yes. I'm so happy. I can't actually pin the camera
08:45around because Hannah's walking around. Let's see. Stalkers. Hold on. Let's see this bathroom.
08:49Oh my gosh, this is adorable. Did you sleep well? How cute is this? This is so good. Wow.
08:56Interiors. I've already showered, ready to get into bed because no one is awake yet. It's a bit
09:03early. They leave these on your pillow at night at this hotel, which is so cute. Eye masks. So
09:08let's do them. Hannah's getting into her room to finally putting on some clothes. Nothing like a
09:13naked sister to start the morning. This room is so me. I can't cope with how me this room is.
09:22I feel like I'm in your old house. I know. You're going to want to re-renovate your existing house.
09:26Oh my God. No, I don't. I don't have the capacity for that. Oh, I love a good eye mask. This is so
09:31fun. Now this is my idea. Oh no, wait, where's the other one? Oh, they're stuck together. Oh,
09:36so nice. I can't believe they leave this on your pillow here. Do you know where we're having lunch?
09:41Yeah, Rocca. Rocca what? That's it. Oh, okay. And they also leave you gummies, melatonin and CBD.
09:50Eat with caution. Oh my God. Anyway, we're just going to do our eye mask and wait for the day
09:55to begin. Guys, I just fell asleep for like not that long, just 45 minutes. Hannah's already out
10:02and I'm going to go meet her now and have some lunch. I don't have time for makeup. She's like
10:07hungry and wants to eat. So I'm going out. I got my sunglasses on, got my little MK on and I'm
10:16still, sorry, you'll have to excuse me. I'm literally still half asleep. I don't know how
10:20the American girlies do it where they come to Europe for like two days and then go back. I need
10:26to sleep for about eight hours, but I'm in Rome and I'm going to go have lunch. No time to sleep
10:31apart from my nap. Wow, we really cleared out this restaurant. It was amazing, wasn't it? Thank
10:43you. Bye. We're going shopping now. Shopping. Why do I look so pale? Really? Am I okay? Do I look
10:49pale too? Yeah. Hannah dyed her hair brown because we copy everything. Because you dyed your hair
10:55brown. Yeah, no, you actually, she actually did dye her hair brown because of me. Although mine's a
11:02bit more brunette and yours is a bit darker. Yes, maybe I'll go later. Okay. So we look like sissies
11:08again. They actually do suit you. I like them. I really like them on you. You've got a good base
11:14of sunglasses. Yeah, you do. Now I can hide behind my sunnies again while I talk to you. The world
11:20through sunglasses is much more peaceful to me. My sunglasses are so dirty that I can't really see
11:26out of them. And Hannah's like, you need to clean your sunglasses. And I'm like, you know what? I
11:30like not seeing. I have seen enough. I just asked Chachi BT if there's anything to do on the Spanish
11:37steps and it was go up the steps while making a wish. So we all went up the steps and made a wish,
11:42but let me tell you, it's a lot of steps. I'm all out of breath now, but it is a beautiful view.
11:48Last time Hannah and I were in Rome, you were sick when I came to Spanish Steps.
11:52Apparently I'm David Attenborough of my own.
11:57My sister just told me I look like a whatsit. She said you're very brown,
12:01you look like a tangerine whatsit, which is funny because today I feel like I was really,
12:06really fair. I was not wearing self tan, but I've kind of put on all my usual foundation and stuff
12:12and it's for my self tan shade. But I don't think that matters because who doesn't love being a
12:17little bit orange? Why not? Okay, what am I going to wear tonight? Oh, actually, I just want to see
12:21what my sister's wearing first and then we can decide what to wear. The sis is helping me with
12:26what to wear after slagging off these shoes, these ones. She was like, why did he buy these? These are
12:32so tragic. And then she puts them on. I just wasn't sure about the material. What does she say? She
12:36goes, oh, these are actually really cool. I actually really like these. Well done you.
12:40Thanks. What, for buying something of my own accord? No, for making excellent decisions.
12:46Just waiting for my sis here. Oh no, what? I'm coming. Yeah. I'm being a bit slow.
12:52She's just sorting out her floor robe situation. I genuinely create a floor robe anywhere I go.
13:00Guys, I have been severely conned because this coat was Mama Rachel's. Yes, why have you been
13:06conned? Because I wanted it. Like, how amazing is this coat? I'm not okay. It's so cute. Mama
13:17Rachel, I want this coat back. This restaurant is so cute. Everyone's laughing at me because I
13:27just put you on an empty wine glass. Nothing you haven't seen before, gals. When I'm with Hannah,
13:33I literally turn off my brain. I don't even read the menu. I didn't just read the menu. I asked you
13:38what I wanted. I was like, what should I order? And you were like, oh, why don't you get this?
13:42You don't even realise you're doing it. Because you revealed Vitello Donato. You were like,
13:45you should get the Vitello Donato. And I was like, yeah. Brain off. Sister on. How cute is this?
13:52It's literally a plate of butter with zucchini flowers, some rapture anchovies, which I will not
13:59be touching, and peppers. Wow, that looks amazing. Thank you. Is this than an ice cream?
14:12Wow. This is the best one. This is the maddest thing I've ever had.
14:17We're going to go to the trevi fountain now, but everyone's going to make a wish,
14:23except Hannah, because what more could she want? What more could you wish for apart from me?
14:30There's no wishes for you. Oh, this is so beautiful and romantic. How cute.
14:36Wait, this is so stunning. It's so nice. It's very beautiful.
14:50Wishes are done. Chat, GVT said if you throw one coin, you're returning to Rome.
14:55Two coins, you'll find love and three coins, you'll live happily ever after. But
15:00we're not doing it the chat GVT way. I have something so cool to show you. Well, you have
15:05seen this last week. If you watched last week's vlog, but Hannah has not seen this and she's going
15:11to be ultra impressed, I think. This is so cool. It's a mascara wand and you do this and it takes
15:19off your mascara. Wow. That is cool. Isn't it? That is amazing. It literally melts off your
15:26waterproof mascara. It's so cool. Why are you always naked? Are you good? I'm never naked.
15:33Really? No. I'm naked in the shower. That's about as naked as I get. I'm not walking around with my
15:43pillow out all the time. Really? Hannah said she never sleeps in pyjamas and this trip she's
15:50packed pyjamas because she knew I wouldn't want to share a bed with her if she was starkers.
15:54Which is true. I'm glad you did that. You've been thinking of me. You know I like to cuddle and I
15:59don't want to be there cuddling you. Maybe it's my tactic. Well, it's on you because you pack pyjamas.
16:06I sleep so much better with someone else in the bed. Today my nap. Really? Yeah, my nap. No way.
16:11Yeah, I keep waking up to check you're still there. I sleep so much better. So calming. You
16:18know why? Because I also feel like I'm like missing out on stuff. Really? So I'm like,
16:23oh my god what am I missing out on? But if you're there I'm obviously not missing out on anything
16:27because you're here. Wow. Isn't that great? That is so blessed. It is a bless actually. I'm going
16:32to have that CBD yummy they put next to it. Are you actually? Yeah. It has melatonin in it so
16:37what if tomorrow you wake up? Well, you could wake up tomorrow and be like completely out of it. I
16:43don't think it will be that strong. You think so? What if it's like the Lenny gummies and you just
16:47like don't wake up tomorrow? Really? Yeah, you could just like not surface. That would be a
16:53disaster. I'm sure it will be so. Okay. Are you actually going to have it? Yeah. You should have
16:58it now then. Yeah, I'm going to have it now. Oh my god, I'm petrified. Do you want to check how
17:03many milligrams? Is it that bad? Check how many milligrams of melatonin it has because if you
17:07never had any sleep aid, I mean do you need help sleeping? I don't think you do. A little bit of
17:12gummy just sounds quite nice. By the time I've taken off my entire makeup you're still taking
17:17off yours. Yeah, I wear waterproof mascara. You're still showing me your magic trick.
17:26I'm still here trying to tell you what's going on. Am I good? Like what is going on in the house
17:34of commons? Good morning from Rome. We are packing up. Hannah forgot to pack her coats and her tiny
17:40little carry-on. I don't know how you fit that in there. Don't fit, don't fit, trust. I don't know
17:45how you did that. We slept, oh I look very very weird without lip liner on, don't I? Let me put
17:50some lip liner on. We slept nine hours straight, didn't we? It was amazing. It was unbelievable.
17:57Nine hours straight. I actually can't tell you the last time I slept nine hours straight. Like
18:02can you? Do you often sleep nine hours? No, I often sleep eight. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah.
18:09No, I cannot relate. That is unreal though, gotta be said. I really really appreciated that night's
18:16and I tried to cuddle her in the bed, she said no. I tried to get her to stroke me,
18:20she also said no. Stroke, stroke. Stroke, stroke. Stroke, stroke. I literally put my arm out,
18:26I'm like stroke, stroke. Stroke, stroke and then I'm falling asleep and I hear stroke, stroke.
18:32Like stroke me. Stroke me, stroke me. Look, I'm a physical touch love language person and like I
18:38like to be in physical contact at all times but my sister on the other hand refuses to touch me with
18:45a barge pole. We're in a bit of a sticky situation. Anyway, stroke, stroke. Isabella will
18:50stroke me. Stroke, stroke. Stroke, stroke. We are getting ready to put our bags downstairs and then
18:57we're gonna go see Rome. It's a beautiful sunny day. We just went to get our jackets because
19:01actually it's sunny but it's a little bit nippy. I love your jacket so much. It's such a good one.
19:07Let's go. We are contemplating ice cream for breakfast. They have tiramisu ice cream.
19:18I would get hazelnut I think. Hannah is looking up all the different ice cream places
19:24and comparing them to see where we should have our ice cream. Ice cream for breakfast,
19:29thank you so much. That is really good. Can I also try the cream? I love cream ice cream.
19:37Cream ice cream. Is it the same as the last one? No, it's more creamy. Can I get a cup
19:44with hazelnut and cream? Oh my god, this looks so good. The cream looks amazing. Thank you.
19:51Wait, this cone looks so good. Stunning. Wow. This is unbelievable. Look at this. I got cream
20:01from hazelnut and I got tiramisu. It is so good. Best breakfast ever. Apparently,
20:08this is amazing pizza and I love to be able to sit outside so we're waiting. Hopefully,
20:14they have a table soon. Oh la la, look at this. I'm home. I'm so happy to be home. I literally
20:21just walked in from the airport so I need to shower. I need to wash my hair because I have a
20:27photo shoot tomorrow and it is so greasy. Look, it's literally slicking back on its own self. I
20:34don't know why but sometimes planes just make my hair really greasy even though the bottom of it
20:38is nice but the top from the plane, no. We need to shower. I'm going to scrub. I'm going to do an
20:43everything shower. I'm going to do a face mask. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Guys, the first shower
20:50when you get home, there is nothing like that first shower. Do you know what I mean? You get
20:55in the shower straight off the plane. I literally don't do anything else. I walk in and I walk into
21:00my shower. That's literally what I do and it feels so good. There is literally no better feeling.
21:06Actually, no, there is a better feeling. The better feeling is getting into your own bed.
21:10You're freshly made, freshly sheetsed. Not a word but you know what I mean. Bed after you've been
21:17traveling. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. I think I might even get into bed like at 9.30 which is
21:23literally in 10 minutes. I'm going to blow dry my hair, rough dry it so I can just get into bed and
21:28just soak up all the bedness that is my bed. I am just so happy to be home and I just messaged
21:35our family group and I said, does anyone want to have early dinner with me this week? Nice and
21:40early 7pm Persian food vibe. Let's see if anyone is interested. I've already put my phone on airplane
21:47mode though so I'll put it back off airplane mode before I actually go to bed but I just don't want
21:52to be on my phone in bed. I just really enjoy all the nice coziness that is my bedroom. I might even
22:00light, oh I already lit a candle. I said I might even light a candle but I've already done that.
22:04I did that before I got in my shower. I completely forgot. Oh my gosh, I feel unbelievable. Let me tell
22:09you this shower, oh my gosh, really sorted me right out. I'm going to take off all my jewelry. I can
22:18self-tan myself, take off all my bracelets. Everyone always wonders how I sleep in these
22:23and the answer is I don't know, I just do. I just feel naked without my jewelry on but
22:29tonight I'm going to take most of it off. Some of it, not all, I keep this on. The things that I can't
22:34put on by myself, I keep on. This is a really great little stick that I do before I self-tan,
22:40it's from Isle of Paradise. I need to get another one actually, it's like basically like a cream so
22:45you don't get any bits like you know clumpy bits of tan on you and it's like a tan smoother so
22:52you apply it before your tan so that you can look all nice and blended. I just need to do that thing,
22:58I do a really bad thing when I'm lazy and I want to self-tan, I just can't even bother and I just
23:02kind of slap it on and then it always looks blotchy but I need to not get lazy tonight
23:06because we have a photo shoot tomorrow. The day before I left New York, Audrey asked me if I
23:12wanted to go to Woodbury Commons, I think it's called, which is a designer outlet. I think it's
23:18like an hour outside of New York and I was literally leaving the next day and I just
23:22couldn't manage it time-wise which reminded me that I really need to book in a trip to Vista
23:28Village soon because I feel like in transitional periods it's always a great time to go to outlets.
23:33Now I'm gonna blow dry my hair. Oh my gosh, look at this beautiful, beautifully plump bed.
23:40World's largest bolster can come off. Oh my gosh, this thing is like, I actually need both hands
23:46for this bolster. There we go, oh my goodness. You go over there, down you get. One, two, three,
23:53oh my gosh, what a stunningly perfect bed. You are beauty, you are grace. Good morning guys,
24:02I feel so much better now that I have a layer of tan on, I've got the vibes going, it's great,
24:08it's great. So I'm ready to go to a photo shoot now. I'm just wearing some chilled brown and
24:13camel vibes, although I feel like I'm gonna be a bit hot but I don't know if that's just because
24:17the heating in my house is like too hot. I'm like boiling over. I'm going to the Nomad Hotel,
24:23which is a gorgeous, gorgeous hotel, copper garden, I have stayed there before. Thank you,
24:28thank you. Hello? Wow, this is very sexy. Isn't this sexy? Meeting you in a hotel room like
24:38this. Hi guys. Hello, how are you? I've missed you. Hello, how are you? These sunglasses going
24:46on, hello. This is my makeup on this day, I'm not about this life. Diva life, we're about to
24:53shoot with Charlotte Tilbury and it looks so gorgeous in here, I will be taking these home
24:58with me. My mum, if my mum sees this and I don't bring her back a magic cream, I don't think she'll
25:02ever talk to me again. I love getting ready with girls, like it's just so fun. Getting ready when
25:07we're all in the same place, like how great. Okay, I'm going to perch myself on the floor, I think.
25:12Oh, she's on the floor. Vic has got. No, I don't have got, but I have pictures of my lounge.
25:18Let's see. It's looking so pretty. I've got a new bag as well, I've got a new bag. What bag?
25:23Cherry red. Oh my god, I need a cushion. Look at Vic's new bag. Wow. It's beautiful, isn't it?
25:31It's that colour straight, like. Not bow matching the bag. I know. It's a beautiful colour and
25:36suede, that's really nice. Yeah, he's really into suede, you know me. I mean, like, obviously I've got this one.
25:41That is amazing. But I'm just really into anything that's cocoa, burgundy. Yeah. Or even navy at the moment.
25:46Show me your lounge. The lounge, guys, it's so different. Oh my god, I can't wait to come in. Of course I'm going to.
25:50I know, I can't wait to help you move. Do you remember it before? It was a red room.
25:56It's unforgettable. Do you remember them? The big red wall. Like as if I've never been to your house.
26:01No, I know, but I'm just trying to get it in your mind so that when you see it. Okay, fine.
26:04I have it in my head. It was red, the wood. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh, you've got an L now.
26:12Yes, and this isn't the actual sofa. This is on boat. This is amazing. Oh, okay.
26:16So it'll come out longer than this. And I've got a fireplace coming here. Oh my god, so we can all cuddle.
26:21Yeah, yeah. And also I've got curtains coming. Well, this is the overall look. This looks amazing.
26:25Isn't it so different? I love this, like, little detail. This is so nice. This looks amazing.
26:32This is so YSL energy. Thank you. Oh my god, my fireplace, though, looks so good. Where did you get
26:39your fireplace from? It's this place called Victoria Stone. Okay. Is that where you're
26:43getting your pink marble? No, that's somewhere else. Oh, really? I'm doing three different rooms
26:48at the moment. I'm doing the closet, the en suite, and then this living room. I cannot wait to see
26:53everything. I know. As soon as it's done and I've got my rooms back, I can have a look over to see
26:58Oh yeah, it looks like this. Look how beautiful that is. Oh my god, that's amazing. Three rooms,
27:03that's basically like doing a house all over again. I know. How are you doing that? I know.
27:07The amount of time I've spent looking at taps and finishes of taps and which taps are on and which
27:11shower mists are on. Oh my god. Taps are actually much more expensive than you'd think. Yeah. I
27:16remember thinking that too. I remember thinking I had no idea how much taps were. I haven't done
27:21winged eyeliner today because I'm literally out of winged eyeliner, so I've kind of just done like
27:26a smoky something, which I feel is very Suze, so I'll have to judge. Smoky something? A smoky
27:31something. Oh, I love that. We look and we don't judge. No, your eye makeup's always amazing. We
27:36look and we don't judge. No, this is good. I feel like this is better than I do. You're very good
27:42at a smoky something. Do you think? Yeah. It seems like I can't be bothered to do winged
27:45eyeliner anymore, so I just do it with the eyeshadow. Really? Yeah, this is literally
27:48with eyeshadow and crayon, pencil, whatever you want to call it. As always, the only people that
27:54I'm ever ready with first. True. And Suze. I'm never, ever, ever ready first otherwise, ever.
27:59I'm trying on Suze's shoes. Oh, they are so nice, these YSL shoes. I love them. They're beautiful,
28:06aren't they? They're so pretty. They're amazing, but then about three hours in, the feet are like,
28:12ah. Three hours, aren't they? Yeah, about three. I love how you know what your most comfortable
28:16pair of heels are. Oh, maybe you're a Victor Rossi. Really? Or Jimmy Choos, although you
28:21don't like the Aries. No, me and you have completely different feet styles. Like,
28:28Jambita Rossi's, death for me. No, really? Yeah, death, death. Were you wearing your
28:33loobies all the time? Loobs, oh my god, loobie dollies. But these are really giving,
28:39gonna stab someone in the face. I love how good they look. Yeah, they look very sexy.
28:44They are the best. Oh, if you like loobs, you should look at the ones that Zendaya's been
28:47wearing, because everyone was like, oh, she's wearing the Kate ones to all of the premieres,
28:51she's not wearing, like they've done a Zendaya shoe, called like the Ziggy or something like that.
28:55Oh my god, you're so cute. You look so stunning. You look great. Christmas day and stuff.
29:01What are the different things you make up? It's like, extra, extra amazing. Oh my god,
29:08you need to show your bum, you look so cute. Yeah, you look absolutely amazing.
29:11Pregnant women turn me on. Wow. This dress, oh my god, so fit in this dress.
29:17Suze. With that little bum. A bit turned on, like a pregnancy. Don't you just think,
29:21like, there is nothing more sexual than a woman growing life. Yeah, like earlier when you just
29:26like, stood there with your hand on the bum, like it was giving you, like, all this energy.
29:33Energy grabbing from the belly. From the baby. I know, but I was watching you doing it, like,
29:38I want to do that too, yeah. Yeah, like, you're growing a toe. Nothing is stronger than growing
29:45a toe. You know? But me and you have just been out here getting ready. Suze's getting ready and
29:51growing fingers. Yeah, growing fingers. Wow. No, a cantaloupe. She's a cantaloupe. Honestly,
29:56I love a cantaloupe. Might be one of my favourite fruits, actually. Do you find that you have your
30:01hand in it constantly? Only just recently, because it's actually, it's because your back
30:06fucking starts hurting. Suze's like, can I have my shoes? Give me my shoes. Yeah, I'll give you
30:10your shoes. Um, I don't know if this is a safety hazard for you or not. Oh, don't, don't give me
30:17that. The last time I saw you, she was like, a few weeks ago, was like, are you allowed to wear heels?
30:22I was like, what? Sorry. I was just saying that because I just wanted to steal your shoes.
30:30I have no doubt of your heel wear-ability.
30:33We're definitely slower in heels. Slower? Yeah, when we were going to fix lunch,
30:38I could tell Alex was like, looking at me like, can you fucking walk faster? Oh my god, yeah.
30:44I was like, carrying this suitcase, and with heels. And I was like, dude, you don't realise,
30:50I've got the weight of the suitcase. He was like, let me take the suitcase. I was like,
30:53I still have the weight on the front. Like, that's not, you can't take that.
30:58We're ready. Too long to roll in black. Did we even prepare this? Because it does very well.
31:03We had a whole discussion in the group chat. So our photo shoot went really, really well.
31:10Thank goodness. We were all really, really efficient. And it is now time for me to,
31:16to go to bed. Which I'm really excited about, actually. I just realised how that sounded,
31:22like, I'm so excited to get into bed. I love bed so much. This is one of my favourite cleansing
31:28balms. It's the Beauty Pie Plantastic Cleansing Balm. It's really, really hydrating. And I have
31:34had a lot of stuff on my face today from our photo shoot, so it feels really good to take it off.
31:40And that will be coming soon to my TikTok. But I hope you've enjoyed this vlog, my weekly vlog.
31:49And I hope you are having a great March so far. I'm sending you a big hug,
31:53and I will see you next week with another vlog. Bye, guys.
