• 7 hours ago
Wazifa | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

Notable scholar Mufti Sohail Raza Amjadi, will do a daily segment in Shan-e-Seher where he will suggest different virtuous supplications to audience.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of my heart has been overshadowed again.
00:05How can I face you?
00:10I am falling, please hold me.
00:15Welcome once again, Mr. Qibla Mufti Suhail Ahmedzadeh.
00:19He is with us for the segment on religions.
00:21Assalamu Alaikum.
00:22Walaikum Assalam.
00:24How are you?
00:25Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
00:26Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah.
00:28I pray that Allah keeps you fresh like this.
00:34Inshallah, Jazakallah.
00:35So, today is the 9th day of Ramadan and in many countries of the world,
00:39today is the last day of the first ten days of Ramadan.
00:42See, we will be sitting tomorrow, Inshallah.
00:45So, we are saying farewell to the first ten days of Ramadan.
00:47Yes, that's right.
00:51I will come to the question.
00:52Mr. Faraz Khan is from Lahore.
00:54My life has been spent in a foreign country.
00:55Alhamdulillah, I have earned a lot.
00:57I have raised my family on their feet.
00:59Now, I have reached the age of old age.
01:01Now, there is no means of income.
01:03I have children and I don't have time to look at them.
01:07And there is no means of income.
01:09Just pray for me and tell me a prayer.
01:12That till now, I have been spreading my hands only in front of Allah.
01:15And till the end of my life, I will be like this.
01:19In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22O Allah, bless our master and our master.
01:25O Allah, bless our master and our master.
01:31Yes, respected Mr. Faraz Khan.
01:35Waseem Bhai, this is not just their problem.
01:39There are many of our people who go abroad to earn money.
01:44And after working hard for 15-20-25 years, they come back.
01:50So, they have left their children behind.
01:54Then, they come back once or twice a year.
01:58They don't care about their children's upbringing.
02:02After 20-25 years, when they come back with everything,
02:07they have a lot of wealth.
02:10They have good properties.
02:13They are happy that they have done a lot for their children and future generations.
02:21Now, the rest of their life will be comfortable in their country.
02:26But when they come here, they are shocked.
02:29For a while, they live like guests.
02:31But when they see that their children are coming to their head,
02:37their children are not ready to listen to anything.
02:39Their children are saying, you didn't give us time.
02:45Waseem Bhai, this is a shock that stays with them for a lifetime.
02:54I keep saying this to you, the Ulema and me on various forums.
03:02My brothers, your assets are not your property.
03:09They are not your property. They are your children.
03:12They are your children.
03:14If you don't educate them, they are empty-handed.
03:19When a person starts scolding his young children,
03:25his children become even more rebellious.
03:27His wife also agrees with his children.
03:33There is no other way but to feel regret.
03:36For God's sake, if you go out to earn, go with passion.
03:42But the arrangement for the upbringing of children must be there.
03:48Otherwise, in the end, there is nothing left but regret.
03:53I am saying this for those who have these problems.
03:58Let me tell you something so that it is easy for you to understand Arabic.
04:05Whenever Allahumma comes, it means, O my Allah.
04:10I seek refuge in Allah.
04:12I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:15Whatever you want to earn, it is hunger.
04:19What is wrong with poverty?
04:21When we say, what is wrong with poverty?
04:24Poverty is used for this.
04:26I am reciting this prayer.
04:29Listen to it carefully.
04:31Look at the screen and if possible, take a photo of it.
04:35So that it is easy for you to repeat.
04:38In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:08I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:13The translation of this is,
05:15O Allah, I seek refuge in You from hunger and from the accursed companion.
05:23And I seek refuge in You from the accursed Satan.
05:26Because it is a bad habit.
05:28O Allah, I seek refuge in You from hunger and from the accursed companion.
05:35And I seek refuge in You from the accursed Satan.
05:39Because it is a bad habit.
05:41This is one prayer.
05:42But it is so comprehensive and meaningful.
05:46The special thing about the Prophet, peace be upon him,
05:49is that it is a short prayer, but deep inside, it is like an ocean.
05:54It is one prayer.
05:55In this, he asked for refuge from hunger.
05:58And in the same way, he asked for refuge from the accursed Satan.
06:01And he asked for refuge from bad habits.
06:03One prayer is three things.
06:04And when you don't have these three things with you,
06:07your life becomes full of happiness.
06:11So, my brothers, you must observe your prayers.
06:13And now, I would like to tell you all,
06:16that you should not come to this stage and fight with your children.
06:20Yes, don't put pressure on your children.
06:23You should go towards damage control.
06:26So that you become important.
06:28And your children sit with you.
06:30So that they can talk to you and you can also talk to them.
06:34So, with the restriction of prayers,
06:36after Fajr prayer and after Isha prayer,
06:39these are both times of peace.
06:42After Isha prayer, even if you do this before going to sleep,
06:45go and sit for prayer and recite this seven times.
06:49And first and last, recite Durood Sharif three times.
06:52Any short Durood Sharif, recite that.
06:54God Almighty will bless you.
06:57And your situation will definitely change.
06:59And let me tell you one more thing.
07:01Waseem Bhai, there is a very easy recipe.
07:07I think, even if you ask a child,
07:10they can easily say Rabbana.
07:12Everyone remembers it.
07:15In the Holy Quran, there is Surah Al-Imran.
07:18Its verses are from verse 91 to 94.
07:24From verse 191 to 194.
07:29There are four verses.
07:31In these four verses, Rabbana is mentioned five times.
07:36Rabbana ma khalaqta hadha baatila.
07:38Rabbana innaka man tudkhilil naara.
07:40Rabbana innana samina munadi yunadi.
07:42Rabbana amanna faqfil lana.
07:44Rabbana wa atina ma wa'atana.
07:46Five times.
07:48And in verse 192, God Almighty says,
07:53Fastajaballahum Rabbuhum.
07:55O My servants, have I accepted your prayer?
07:58We have accepted his prayer.
08:00Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:02I read his narration.
08:04He said,
08:05When you pray in solitude in the presence of Allah,
08:10I will suggest,
08:12have you ever tried to talk to Allah?
08:14I am saying this to the people.
08:17Have you ever sat in solitude,
08:19and paid attention to the presence of Allah,
08:21and called out to Him, Rabbana?
08:23Have you ever complained about Him?
08:25Keep your situation in front of you.
08:27You will feel that spirituality is being instilled in you,
08:30and the answer is also coming from there.
08:32So, Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq says that before prayer,
08:37the one who says Rabbana five times,
08:40there is an angel there.
08:42He says, O servants of Allah,
08:45you have said it, right?
08:46Now, whatever you ask for, Allah will grant it to you.
08:50So, do keep this prayer.
08:52Whenever you pray, say Rabbana five times.
08:55InshaAllah, the prayer will be accepted.
08:56And one is Mane'a.
08:59This is the attribute name of Allah.
09:01It means, the one who stops.
09:03Like in Urdu, they say, there is no command that is not to be obeyed.
09:05Yes, yes, yes.
09:06It is Mane'a, Mane'a.
09:08That is what it means.
09:10Mane'a, the one who stops.
09:12Rashid, the one who plans straight.
09:15By combining these two divine names,
09:18Ya Mane'u, Ya Rashidu.
09:21Ya Mane'u, Ya Rashidu.
09:23Read it while walking, whether it is ablution or not.
09:25It is better if it is ablution.
09:26But whether it is ablution or not, keep reading it.
09:29May Allah, my brothers, my sisters,
09:32bless all of you with His special blessings.
09:34JazakAllah, JazakAllah.
09:35Thank you very much.
09:37Janab-e-Qibla Mufti Sulaimani Sahib was with us.
09:39And InshaAllah, the segment of Wada'if is going on in the same way.
09:43One is our normal Wada'if.
09:46And one more Wada'if, many people have asked.
09:49I will tell you about that in tomorrow's session.
09:50Okay, okay.
09:51InshaAllah, we will take a short break.
09:55And we will be back again, InshaAllah.
