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Nancy Scott wins Inverness Half Marathon 2025
00:00Yeah, congratulations Nancy. Thank you. What did you find in the course today? Was it quite warm?
00:06It was pretty much the right temperature actually. I did kind of down myself with a couple of little
00:11water pups on the way just to keep cool but it was like pretty much perfect conditions.
00:15Okay, good. So tell us how the race actually unfolded because we were told that there was
00:20a group of you for quite a while. Yeah, so there was a group of us hanging back I'd say
00:26and I took it quite conservative on the hills because I knew that they were coming in the race
00:33and then a few of us then broke away at kind of mile 10 so we actually left it quite late
00:38and then were slowly catching up. Okay, so do you know who was in that group? I didn't actually
00:44know. I think I've run with a couple of them before but no I didn't actually know any of them.
00:48They're kind of spontaneous little forms. So was it you that was pushing the pace after 10?
00:53Um, me and another guy actually. It was the classic kind of perfect combination of a
00:58tall, strong man who was also kind of pushing me along. So do you know when you got away from Naomi?
01:04I'm not too sure. I could hear kind of the first six miles I think up to the first hill I could
01:10hear someone cheering for Naomi behind me but I didn't want to look behind to kind of spur her on
01:15so I'm not actually sure when you pulled away. Okay, so you knew you were hours ahead? I knew
01:20I was near her but I didn't know I was ahead so yeah that's why I didn't want to go too fast. I
01:24was conscious if I blew up Naomi would be there to sprint ahead. So I mean your time um roughly
01:321.13? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, so I was happy that actually. I thought it would be a bit slower with
01:38the hills in the course and yeah so no I'm really happy with that time. Yeah, well particularly
01:43coming after a couple of other big races in the last few weeks. Exactly, no it's not been the
01:47perfect kind of build-up for this race so I'm really glad I was able to finish strongly.
01:54So you've won the Scottish Short Course. I have, yeah. So this is your first road title. It is,
02:01yeah. So I'm hoping to do the Silvernose 5k as well. Oh yeah. This is another one in there.
02:08We were on a train and just kind of watching the clock tick over to 6pm so I managed to get an
02:13entry this year. Oh yeah, you went really fast. Yes, they did go very quickly. So between now
02:19and then what are you planning? So probably just uh easy week of running next week and then I'll
02:24try and do a few shorter sessions if I can. Yeah, I'll hopefully do something Kirsty and
02:30Sandy's group in Edinburgh. Yeah, okay there's no more races at the moment. Probably no,
02:35no I'll knuckle down and just do a bit of training and also focus on work as well.
02:39Are you thinking about any 10k or half marathons? I think so but I think I'm going to give them a
02:46bit of a rest because I'll probably do some in September, October time. So yeah, so no races
02:51on the horizon really. No, but I've really enjoyed this one. So yeah, it's been a perfect day.
02:55Apart from the hills, did you enjoy the course? Oh yeah, no I did. The hills weren't too bad
02:59actually. I'm glad they didn't take them too hard. No, it was a really good course. I really enjoyed
03:03the downhills obviously and there's a really good community spirit around. And the atmosphere
03:08was really good. Yeah, no, I really enjoyed it. It was nice to finish on the track as well and
03:11have a bit of bounce at the end. Yeah, yeah. No, I really liked it. Okay. Yeah, thanks very much.
