• 2 days ago
八点最热报 | 热带气旋“阿尔弗雷德”,昨天登陆澳洲东部沿海地区,恶劣天气带来的狂风暴雨,横跨昆士兰州和新南威尔斯州,并导致当地超过30万户家庭和企业面临断电情况。当地一家能源公司坦言,住户需要做好停电好几天的准备。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the hot spot website.
00:30I want to assure Queenslanders that our resolve from one end of the state to the other who in the last month have been hit with a series of challenges.
00:59Our resolve to see that job through and to make sure that this great state gets back on its feet will be unwavering.
01:29Thanks for watching.
