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In this Minecraft video on the Lifesteal SMP, I get the mace, a weapon which has been only in ClownPierce's possession for the last 6 months...

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00:00The mace is Minecraft's strongest weapon. You can literally one-hit anything with it.
00:05And on the Lifesteal SMP, there is only one.
00:08Six months ago, I participated in the peace trials, hoping to be awarded the mace.
00:12But after all of that, it was decided that Clown Pierce was the one that was worthy,
00:17leaving everyone to believe that no one else would ever obtain the mace.
00:24And yet, if you're watching this video, that means that I've somehow done it.
00:27And so this is the story of how I, SB737, obtained Lifesteal's mace.
00:33Oh, and if you're new here, you're definitely gonna wanna hit subscribe.
00:38Our story begins on the 6th of January, 2025.
00:42Minitech announces that Lifesteal has updated from 1.21 to 1.21.4.
00:48This didn't change much, it just added the pale garden and the creaking,
00:51as well as make a few other small changes.
00:54But this is a key detail later on in the story.
00:59And realistically, if I want to get the mace, I'm gonna have to somehow take it from Clown.
01:03What you have to remember is that there can only be one mace on the server at a time.
01:06So even though I have 49 heavy cores and I have loads of breeze rods,
01:12the crafting recipe simply does not work.
01:14You just can't do it.
01:16I've even tested it using the crafter, but it still, unfortunately, just does not work.
01:21So yeah, taking it from Clown is the only option.
01:23It actually happens to be online right now,
01:25but I'm not sure I want to try anything just yet.
01:28Because whilst I do have unlimited hearts and unlimited god apples,
01:32I still don't think that makes me enough of a match to defeat Clownpierce
01:36when he can use the mace against me.
01:37And he's also pretty good at Minecraft.
01:40So the way I see it, my best option is not to choose violence,
01:43but instead to just ask Clownpierce for the mace and see what he says.
01:46In the previous video, we agreed a deal where I'll give him 25 notch apples
01:51if he gives me five hearts.
01:53So we're going to be doing that deal.
01:54And I've arranged to meet up with him in three hours time.
01:56Yeah, the timer is ticking.
01:58And bringing up the mace is probably not going to end well for me.
02:01Because as soon as Clownpierce realizes I want it,
02:03he's probably going to view me as a bit of a threat.
02:05And he's probably going to try and kill me.
02:06So with that timer ticking, there are three preparations that I must do.
02:11Starting off with getting an elytra.
02:14I currently only have one of these.
02:15So if the worst should happen and Clownpierce kills me,
02:18getting a second one of these back without being able to fly will be very, very tricky.
02:22So I've taken a trip to the end to see what I can find.
02:25I was also actually told that not only was the overworld border expanded,
02:28but apparently the one in the end has been as well.
02:30I haven't actually confirmed this.
02:32But it'll be very good news if that is the case,
02:33because it means there'll be a bunch of new end cities for me to loot.
02:37I'm kind of sure that all of the end cities haven't been looted anyway.
02:40But yeah, a border expansion definitely works in my favor.
02:42First end city spotted.
02:44I'm almost certain that this has been looted.
02:46Yep, it looks like the dragon head has gone.
02:48There's signs of life here, isn't there?
02:49To be honest, though, we're not even remotely close to where we need to be.
02:52We've only traveled a couple thousand blocks.
02:54But if I had to do this without owning any elytra,
02:56it would just be so, so hard, which is why we're doing it now.
02:59So if we do die, we'll be okay.
03:01At this point, I'm about 7,000 blocks out.
03:03I still think we'll need to go quite a bit further for new end cities.
03:07Because look at this.
03:07Somebody's actually made a bridge.
03:09So we're still in the areas of civilization.
03:11And the one thing I have got to be very, very careful about
03:14is not letting my elytra break.
03:16Because if my elytra break over the void,
03:17it's just going to be a really embarrassing way to die, isn't it?
03:20So I'm using the skull catalyst that I've got from my warden farm
03:24as a pretty cheap source of portable XP.
03:27End city spotted.
03:28But make that a looted end city also spotted.
03:31I'm guessing it's the exact same for this one right next to it too.
03:33Yep, the dragon head had gone.
03:34I can assume the elytra is also not going to be there.
03:37And the border has not been expanded.
03:39Alrighty, whoever told me that has lied to me.
03:42And what that means is finding unlooted end cities
03:44is going to be very, very difficult.
03:46There must be some somewhere that people haven't explored.
03:48But with the timer ticking until I meet Clownpears,
03:50I really didn't want this to be a long task.
03:53I think it is very, very smart to do it now
03:55rather than if I lose my elytra at some point.
03:57But yeah, it's still a pretty annoying task.
04:00Another end city and another letdown.
04:02And whilst this one does have a ship,
04:04I'm not the first person to visit it.
04:06Hang on a minute.
04:08There's a dragon head here.
04:09And usually that's a good sign that there's an elytra.
04:14That's absolutely huge because it means
04:16not every elytra on the server has been taken.
04:19And we're in a bit of an area where there's hopefully
04:21going to be even more to be found.
04:24Now, this is definitely a very sad moment, guys.
04:27There is an elytra.
04:28It's just outside of the border.
04:30That's very annoying.
04:31If a border expansion occurs,
04:32I will at the very least know where to find one.
04:35This might be the most random and cursed thing
04:37I've ever seen.
04:38Floating what?
04:39Wait, it works as well?
04:40What on earth is this?
04:42How is this here?
04:43What is going on on Lifesteal?
04:45The annoying thing is,
04:46I guess that means a player's been in the area
04:48because there's no other way
04:49that water would get in the end.
04:50Even weirdly glitched ones like that.
04:52Yeah, I guess glitched water person
04:54must have looted this end city as well.
04:56Elytras really are a scarce commodity.
04:57I probably only really need to worry about getting one more
05:00because it would have to be a pretty big mess up
05:01for me to lose three elytra altogether.
05:04Sadly, not one in here as well.
05:06But there is a dragon head,
05:07which I suppose is always worth grabbing.
05:09I think I found one.
05:10I have. Oh, perfect.
05:11I've literally come to so many looted ones.
05:13I was just assuming it'd be the case again,
05:15but no, we've got one,
05:16which means I now have a total of three elytra.
05:19That's probably enough.
05:20So I'm going to search for an end gateway.
05:21And if I happen to come across an end city on the way,
05:23then I will still loot it.
05:24But in reality now,
05:26we're going to be ready for phase two,
05:27which is probably a good thing with that timer ticking.
05:30And there is the portal.
05:31I don't know what I've just found,
05:32but it looks like some sort of raid farm.
05:35I see a totem in there.
05:37I don't know why though.
05:38Is there more to it?
05:39Why is that?
05:39Yeah, this is very, very strange.
05:41I mean, yeah, totems don't work on the server.
05:43So I don't know what the benefit of this is.
05:45I guess I'll just ignore it
05:46because it is kind of a distraction.
05:48Instead, I'm going to focus on phase two,
05:50which is to find a netherite upgrade.
05:52I can't actually apply it to my armor or my weapons,
05:55but I can put it on my pickaxe and on a shovel.
05:58Why is that useful?
05:59Well, if Clown Pierce decides to start attacking me
06:01and I need to escape,
06:02which means if Clown doesn't have netherite tools,
06:04I've got a higher chance of getting away.
06:06And if he does have them,
06:07he's got less chance of catching me.
06:08So I feel like it's a pretty important thing to have.
06:11And considering I have about 30 stacks of ancient debris,
06:13I might as well use it on something.
06:15So netherite tools seems like the only option.
06:17It's just a shame that I can't put it on my armor.
06:20You can find a netherite upgrade in any bastion,
06:22but if you find a treasure bastion,
06:24that's one that's not being looted,
06:25which might be a little bit tricky,
06:27then the chest will have a netherite upgrade in it
06:28100% of the time.
06:29Other chests throughout the bastion,
06:30I think it's got something like a 10% chance.
06:32So it might still be doable.
06:34I think I did used to have some,
06:35but I've lost them all.
06:36I haven't got them anymore.
06:37And on a side note,
06:38I've once again run out of firework rockets.
06:40Good job that I've got plenty of paper
06:43and gunpowder as well.
06:45I really don't know why I'm keeping this totem.
06:46They don't work on the server,
06:47but I just feel like they're cool to see.
06:49And would you look at that?
06:50A little bastion that I wouldn't have spotted is right here.
06:53Now, yeah, in a bastion,
06:54I have to be so, so careful.
06:57Not only do the piglins do a lot of damage,
06:58the brutes are also very, very dangerous.
07:01Okay, I was gonna say,
07:02imagine if I got it in the first one.
07:03It'll be very, very difficult to tell if...
07:05Hold on a second, we're all right.
07:06Yeah, it'll be difficult to tell
07:07if the place has already been looted.
07:09I think I'm going to grab the smithing template as well,
07:11because I've never got that one before.
07:13I mean, I literally have the most boring armor on the server.
07:15I'm probably gonna upgrade that as well,
07:17since I do have a lot of silenced armor trims.
07:20Now in this bastion...
07:21Oh, okay.
07:21Well, there you go.
07:22Straight away, we're in danger.
07:24I've got fire resistance.
07:25So if I need to jump in the lava,
07:26I will not hesitate.
07:27But yeah, from finding loads of ancient cities
07:29in my previous video on Lifesteal,
07:31I have so many silenced armor...
07:32Oh my goodness, we just got the netherite upgrade already.
07:34That was way easier than I thought it was gonna be.
07:36And that is gonna be so huge in my quest
07:38to fully prepare for Clown Pierce.
07:40I could search for another one.
07:42I think I'm just gonna check the chest over here that I saw.
07:45Yeah, it's there.
07:46I might as well check it.
07:47It's gonna save me like seven diamonds,
07:49even though I have loads of...
07:50Will you leave me alone, please?
07:51Yeah, I'll save me about seven.
07:52Okay, I don't even...
07:52Right, you know what?
07:53If I die when I'm getting a netherite upgrade
07:55that I don't need,
07:55how embarrassing would that be?
07:56You get a spleef, sir.
07:57Literally checking a chest that has no reason to be checked.
08:00Let's 1v1 them.
08:02Okay, hold on, hold on.
08:03You've not got totems now, I speak.
08:04I mean, I've got 20 hearts,
08:06so I haven't really got anything to worry about,
08:07but I still do feel like I should be so, so careful.
08:11Nothing in there.
08:12I don't even know why I bothered looking.
08:14The chances...
08:15I mean, I had about a one in 10% chance, really, didn't I?
08:18And when you consider the fact that I have
08:19so, so many diamonds to make more of them...
08:22Yeah, it really was just a waste of time.
08:23On a side note, I don't know why
08:25I've got two and a half stacks of crafting tables.
08:27That just seems like a complete waste.
08:28Anyway, let's not get distracted.
08:30Instead, I'm going to go ahead, make loads more of these.
08:33I have no idea what else I'm going to do with all these diamonds,
08:36so I might as well, yeah, craft plenty of them.
08:38And then I need a smithing table,
08:40and I need netherite ingots.
08:41I mean, I've got ancient debris,
08:42but for some reason, I don't seem to have any gold.
08:45Yeah, that's a slight problem.
08:46So the new plan now is to head to my gold farm
08:49and hope that it's still working
08:50because they have been destroyed lately of a lot of farms,
08:52and it's entirely possible
08:54that one of mine has suffered the same fate.
08:56There's going to be a netherite upgrade in here.
08:57If this hasn't been looted, it will have one,
08:59but is it, am I asking for it?
09:02Oh, well, what's the worst that can happen other than I die?
09:05I just, I can't, I can't resist, can I?
09:08Whoa, okay.
09:09Well, I speak, don't panic,
09:11but just got smacked in the back.
09:13It's the magma cubes that are actually
09:14the thing that worry me the most.
09:15Their reach is just crazy.
09:17These guys are just walking in the lava anyway,
09:19so we don't have to worry about them.
09:20But yeah, these guys can hit you from so far away.
09:22Although, you know, it wouldn't be a problem
09:23if I wasn't getting shot in the back.
09:24Let's just splash myself with that.
09:27Eat some gapples as well.
09:28Just probably a smart idea, isn't it?
09:30We don't want to be dying for no reason.
09:32And in the chests, oh, we have a netherite upgrade.
09:34It's not even been looted, fantastic.
09:35Is it just one chest?
09:36Oh, gold, just what I needed.
09:38Well, that's actually quite handy.
09:40I don't think there's anything else in it.
09:41Excuse me, guys, get out of it.
09:42I should probably just break the spawner.
09:43That would be my best option.
09:45Yeah, I'm glad I came here.
09:46It means I can actually do all of this
09:47without heading back now.
09:48There's also a chest here.
09:49Sometimes they have ancient, hey, golden carrots.
09:52That's not bad.
09:52And I'm not sure if there's actually an easy way out.
09:55Oh, well, there is an easy way out.
09:56We can just mine out.
09:57Put that on and then grab black stone for a furnace.
10:00I might actually already have a furnace in my ender chest.
10:03I can't remember.
10:04I have that much stuff in there,
10:05but I suppose there's no harm in making another one.
10:07Smelting the ancient debris.
10:09And then I can make the ingot and officially,
10:12for the first time on Lifesteal,
10:13own a netherite pickaxe.
10:17I don't know why I waited six months to do that.
10:18I literally feel so much better now.
10:20I can also do the same thing with my shovel,
10:22which is actually a terrible one.
10:23Efficiency four and breaking three.
10:25I don't even know what I'm playing at, guys.
10:26I have two here that are way, way better.
10:28Yeah, these are the ones that are meant to be netherite.
10:30So I shall get them both upgraded.
10:32All right, perfect.
10:33We can now move on to phase three.
10:35And phase three, again,
10:36is something that a lot of people don't really use on Lifesteal,
10:39but it could give me the edge in an escape.
10:42You see, whilst for general traveling around,
10:44outside of combat,
10:45going to see someone,
10:45all that kind of stuff,
10:46you're allowed to use your elytra to transport around.
10:50But as soon as you're in combat, you're not.
10:52You cannot use your elytra in combat.
10:54This is just to stop people flying away
10:56every time they're in danger.
10:57So what's the next best thing that you can use in combat?
11:01Oh, some diamonds, by the way.
11:02Don't mind if I do.
11:03Well, it's not a Riptide Trident
11:04because you're also not allowed to use those.
11:06I've just found exactly what I'm looking for, by the way.
11:09And that gives you a clue.
11:10Yes, a horse is very, very useful when you want to escape.
11:14A horse is especially useful if the other player doesn't have one.
11:17Why is there so many diamonds in here, by the way?
11:19And just to put this into perspective,
11:20if a player is sprinting,
11:22they move at 5.612 blocks per second.
11:25And the fastest possible horse is 14.23 blocks per second.
11:29So it's nearly three times faster on a horse.
11:32And if you splash...
11:33How many diamonds, by the way?
11:34But yeah, if you splash a horse with a speed two,
11:38then that means it'll go at a speed of 19.92 blocks per second.
11:42Basically nearly 20 blocks a second with a horse,
11:45which is crazy fast.
11:46Aha, a saddle.
11:47I'm also going to need that, aren't I?
11:48So I've got two of the crucial items that I need.
11:50I don't want my horse to die,
11:51which is why the armour is kind of important.
11:53And obviously I need the saddle to be able to ride it.
11:55But on the other side of that, I also need a horse.
11:58And I don't need just any horse.
12:00I need one that can run as fast as possible.
12:02Because yes, they don't all go at the same speed.
12:05In order for me to get the fastest possible horse,
12:07I'm going to have to test out their speeds
12:09and then breed the best ones
12:10until I keep getting one that is faster and faster.
12:13And eventually the one that I have will be the very best.
12:16So this is actually going to be probably the most time consuming task
12:18out of the three.
12:19But let me tell you this, it is going to be well worth it.
12:22I'm pretty sure that you can use golden carrots to breed them.
12:24So I've got loads of them.
12:25That is not an issue.
12:26And because there are a couple of players online,
12:28namely ClownPierce,
12:29I don't want him to get any ideas of what I'm up to.
12:31I'm going to head far, far away
12:32so that when I build the portal,
12:34I'll be at the world border
12:35and I'll be able to breed horses in peace.
12:38Basically, the way this is going to be done
12:39is I need to tame them first.
12:41And I've just realised now that I've got the advancement.
12:43Everybody knows that I'm on the server and up to something.
12:46But I suppose there's nothing suspicious
12:48about getting a dog or a horse.
12:50Oh no, Clown's going to be suspicious that I'm getting wolves or something.
12:53Oh no, what have I done?
12:54Look at that, this horse is murdering.
12:56What on earth are you doing?
12:57Why did you walk under here?
12:59Wait, hang on a minute.
12:59I've not even got the netherite shovel to remove this.
13:03I'm just doing a general test of the speed of the horses.
13:05Both of these ones are rubbish.
13:08These ones inside of the pen are okay,
13:09but there probably is still quite a bit of room for improvement.
13:12And as for you all the way down there,
13:14I don't know what you think you're doing.
13:16Don't walk up.
13:17Honestly, if you walk off and get me killed,
13:19I am not going to be happy, mate.
13:21Oh no.
13:24Okay, well, we're both still alive.
13:26I hope you're not a fast horse.
13:26Imagine if you're a really fast horse
13:28and I have to get you all the way down.
13:29Why, how is he jumping so high?
13:31That was very interesting, wasn't it?
13:32It doesn't seem faster than the other ones at first glance.
13:34So I'm going to leave them in the ravine
13:36and I'm going to make these two right here.
13:38The new horse breeding project.
13:40Basically, every time you breed some horses,
13:42there's a small chance that the baby can have better stats than its parents.
13:45It's not a high chance,
13:46but with enough breeding,
13:47you can definitely get faster horses by doing that.
13:49We also need to test their exact speeds.
13:51So I'm going to nip back to my base
13:52to get the items for a redstone contraption.
13:55Here I am with less than 40 minutes before I meet Clown Pierce
13:57and I'm messing about breeding horses.
13:59I really hope that this all turns out to be worth it.
14:01That's all of the items.
14:02I told you there wasn't very many.
14:04Ideally to build this,
14:05I'm going to need a nice flat area of land.
14:07So I'm going to remove all the grass.
14:08I mean, the grass doesn't really affect anything anyway.
14:10And the way this is going to work is a trip wire
14:13is going to detect when I run through here with a horse.
14:16And then a second one will detect it when it reaches this point.
14:20In between, there's going to be redstone that detects when this happens.
14:23And an activator rail will mean that this hopper minecart
14:26will not be pulling items out of this chest.
14:29If I remove the redstone block, it suddenly does.
14:31And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how we are going to measure speed.
14:36Allow me to demonstrate.
14:37You, sir, are going to be the candidate.
14:39Although before that, I'd kind of like to just breed an extra horse as well.
14:41So the horse runs through there and deactivates the activator rail
14:45because it's no longer powered.
14:46When it runs through again, the redstone block goes back.
14:48So in between all of that, the hopper minecart pulls items.
14:52So it took a stack and 13 out of this chest.
14:56That's your speed, horse.
14:57You're a stack and 13.
14:58Then I can take another of these horses and run the exact same experiment.
15:03Ideally, you don't want a horse in the-
15:05Okay, I didn't expect anything.
15:06And this time, a stack and 23.
15:09Well, you know what that means?
15:13Don't worry, that horse is in a better place now.
15:15All righty, if I were you, I'd be running as-
15:17Wow, you can jump high, by the way.
15:18But yeah, I'd be running as fast as I can if I were you.
15:22He did actually feel pretty good there.
15:23A stack and five.
15:24Okay, this is officially the fastest horse so far.
15:27And therefore, these are the ones that I will breed together
15:29to hopefully get an even faster baby.
15:32This baby horse has now grown up, so we grab the saddle.
15:34And let's see if you're any faster than your parents.
15:37And the answer is...
15:39Okay, you're basically just the exact same speed.
15:41But that means you're officially the slowest horse.
15:44Yeah, I'm very sorry about that.
15:45It was necessary.
15:46I do feel kind of evil doing this,
15:47but these horses offspring, it just seems to always be slower.
15:50And the three-hour window before I had to meet with Clownbears
15:53has come to an end.
15:55It would be the time to now go and speak to him,
15:58but good news, he's had to log off the server.
16:00He's not gonna be back for a few hours,
16:02which would allow me to get a much faster horse
16:04if I also didn't have to go out for a few hours.
16:06So I'm hoping I get a faster horse,
16:08but if not, the speed of these is still pretty good
16:11for getting away.
16:12So I'll continue breeding these guys
16:14and see you when Clownbears is ready to meet.
16:16And this horse is also slightly faster than his parents,
16:19which is very, very cool.
16:20There's a new speedy boy on the block.
16:23Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a horse ready,
16:25but it's all been happening.
16:27It would seem that Clownbears has been killed by main.
16:30I don't know exactly what's going on,
16:33but I think main bear now has the maze
16:35and they wanna talk with me.
16:37What's going on gamers?
16:40How's it going, bro?
16:41I've had an interesting day.
16:43Fill me in, what's going on?
16:44Maypick has the mace now.
16:46Maypick has the mace?
16:47Maypick has the mace, yes.
16:48Maypick, leader of Mawn and Maypick,
16:51who be one and got the mace.
16:52Maypick's the one who picked it up and then escaped.
16:55So we're trying to make a move on Mawn here.
16:58What is your opinion on Mawn, SP?
17:00Oh, I mean, the thing is I don't like wardens.
17:02I've had bad experiences with them,
17:03so I didn't like that whole, that arc.
17:05What do you think about Maypick prancing around spawn
17:07and claiming it as his own?
17:09I also don't think that's really acceptable.
17:12I don't want spawn to be blown up,
17:13but I also don't think anybody should own spawn.
17:15Like I think it's, it's, it's life steals.
17:17That's what I'm saying, bro.
17:19Yo, SP, dap me up, bro, real time.
17:22I mean, I'm here.
17:25I actually heard that dap of you guys did it.
17:29So after some introductions,
17:31they gave me a proposition.
17:33A proposition that I did not expect.
17:36All right, here's the question, SP.
17:38You want to join us?
17:40Naturally, I was surprised.
17:42Clownpierce and Mainpair, two players in the past
17:45have killed me on the server now wanting to team.
17:49So being naturally suspicious,
17:51I asked them a few questions.
17:53Well, why, why, why me?
17:54That's, that's what I want to know.
17:55Why, why have you come to me in this, in this hour?
17:58Um, it was my idea.
18:00And don't say you're desperate, okay?
18:02No, no, it's not because we're desperate.
18:04You're a competent player.
18:05And I think like having you on our side
18:08would even the odds a little bit.
18:09And you're also a very intelligent grinder.
18:14And you know, I haven't got any brains,
18:16but no, I haven't got any skill,
18:18but I've got plenty of brains.
18:23You know what?
18:23Those reasons are good enough for me.
18:25So I agreed to join the team.
18:27So, I mean, I, you know what?
18:29I'm in, I'm in.
18:31Let's go!
18:32Thank you, guy.
18:34Thank you, guy.
18:35And then we met up.
18:36On top of that, I agreed to help get a bunch of resources
18:39to help in the fight against Mapig and Morn.
18:42Oh, and we were going to win.
18:45We were going to win because
18:47I had one extra trick up my sleeve
18:49that I wasn't going to tell them yet.
18:51And I'm not going to tell you guys just yet either.
18:55Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
18:57I did not expect things to go this way.
19:00From preparing to try and get the mace from Clown,
19:03he's now lost it.
19:04And the new target is Mapig.
19:07And I'm teamed with Main and Clown.
19:08I mean, what, what is going on?
19:10So yeah, it's very important now
19:11that I help gear up Main as much as possible.
19:13Clown seems to have things covered pretty well himself.
19:16And there's also talks of asking Penta
19:17to join the team as well.
19:19I've been very, very busy.
19:21I've got so, so much XP and a lot of golden apples,
19:24but I reckon I could probably still get more of them.
19:26So I'll buy a load more apples from these two farmers.
19:30Don't ask where all the other farmers have gone.
19:32I could just get more of the villagers,
19:33but I can't really be bothered.
19:35Clerics, on the other hand.
19:36Yep, I've got absolutely loads of them now.
19:39And then I'm going to head out of this base
19:41to get a load more gapples from the gold farm.
19:45Mapig has just logged on
19:46and he is definitely just the person
19:49that I want to speak to.
19:50Now he's actually refusing to meet up in person
19:53and speak with me,
19:54probably because he's worried about losing the mace.
19:58But he's agreed to get in a call with me.
19:59So I'm going to threaten him.
20:02You're going to be quite confused
20:03by what I'm going to say to him.
20:04But trust me guys,
20:05as soon as I finish this call,
20:07it will all make sense
20:08and I'm going to deliver on what I say.
20:10I know what Mapig's response is going to be,
20:13but I'm still going to speak to him anyway.
20:16Yo, what's up SV?
20:18I wanted to speak to you about Mon.
20:19I wanted to ask you about Mon.
20:21I hear a lot about it on the server,
20:23but I don't really know what it stands for.
20:25I don't know what it's all about.
20:26And I wanted to ask you
20:28what exactly is going on with it.
20:30Okay, so basically Mon is like kind of like a team
20:34or like an entity that I run
20:37that just basically like has ownership over Mon.
20:39But like not in like an evil way or anything.
20:41We just like enforce rules
20:43that like make it better, you know?
20:44So like the rules,
20:45like you have to make builds at spawn and stuff
20:48or like you can't like hold a shield at spawn
20:50or you just have to take one piece of armor off
20:52at least at spawn.
20:53There's no way to sugarcoat it.
20:54It's a team that basically owns spawn.
20:56And who, is this like the Empire's thing
20:58or is it a separate thing, Mon?
21:00No, it's a separate thing actually.
21:01So it's right now the only people on the team
21:04are me, Flamefrags and Jpex.
21:07And I don't know if you heard
21:08but Clown died like yesterday.
21:10I did hear about that actually.
21:12So did you get the mace from him then?
21:13Yeah, I have the mace now.
21:15Well, I want to make you a proposition, okay?
21:19I, SB737, will support Mon.
21:22I will fight for it
21:23and I will make sure that no one can defy it.
21:26You know, I can build the best farms.
21:27I'm the richest player on the server
21:29and I can come up with a lot of complex ideas
21:32to keep spawn in the correct hands.
21:34Keep that rulership.
21:35But in return, I want the mace.
21:40If you give me the mace,
21:41I'll become your greatest ally.
21:42And now I understand
21:44that your answer to that is probably no.
21:46But if you decline this offer,
21:50I will destroy Mon.
21:51I'll make it impossible for you to rule the server.
21:53And trust me, I will make you wish
21:55that you had not declined this offer.
21:58So what do you say?
22:00What the heck, SB?
22:03That's a no deal.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:05That's a no deal.
22:06Well, I knew you'd say that.
22:08And trust me, you are going to regret that.
22:10But I thought I'd give you the opportunity first.
22:14Well, I appreciate your strive for peace.
22:17My strive for peace is now over though.
22:19Thank you so much for speaking with me, Maepic.
22:21Yeah, for sure, man.
22:22You'd better prepare.
22:24Take care.
22:25Take care, Maepic.
22:26See you later.
22:28And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
22:29What a threat that is.
22:31SB737 is not messing about.
22:33And now you're probably thinking,
22:35can I actually do it?
22:36Can I destroy Maepic?
22:39Trust me, he is going to regret that.
22:41Because ladies and gentlemen,
22:43it is now time for me to reveal
22:45how I'm going to get the mace.
22:47That's not how I'm going to get the mace.
22:48I ain't going to get the mace by asking for it.
22:50Nobody's going to give it to me.
22:51And I know this.
22:52I've known this for a long, long time.
22:54But I'm SB737.
22:56I build farms that are broken.
22:57I know Minecraft on the most technical levels
23:01that there is.
23:01And the mace is just another item.
23:04Can't be crafted, you say.
23:06Well, can't be crafted under most circumstances.
23:10But like anything,
23:12there's always a way around rules that people set.
23:16And so this, ladies and gentlemen,
23:17is how I discovered a bug in the Lifesteal code,
23:21allowing me to do the unthinkable.
23:24I'm so excited to reveal this.
23:26There it is, ladies and gentlemen.
23:30I'm on Lifesteal.
23:31Look, all these people are online.
23:33It works like you'd expect a mace to work.
23:36Guys, this is insane.
23:39And so can I take down Maypik who has the mace?
23:41Of course I can because he's not the only one
23:44on the server with the mace.
23:45For the entire season of Lifesteal,
23:47there has only been one mace that ClownPierce has had.
23:49But with more than one mace on the server,
23:51it changes everything.
23:53Honestly, Lifesteal just isn't ready.
23:55And I'm telling you now,
23:57Maypik is going to regret it
23:58because that mace is either going to MainPair or ClownPierce
24:03or maybe to both of them.
24:05How do you guys know that I haven't got
24:07more than one mace by doing this?
24:09Who knows?
24:09I will explain how I did it.
24:11I promise you I will explain how I did it in this video.
24:13And you're going to want to find out.
24:14I feel like Lifesteal's members are going to want to find out,
24:16but I don't know if they'll be able to replicate it.
24:18But I can't show you whilst these players are online
24:21because if they go to spawn,
24:23they're going to want to kill me,
24:24especially Maypik after I've threatened him.
24:25And I just don't want to get jumped.
24:27So instead, the priority is to upgrade this mace,
24:29to give it all the power that it needs.
24:31That means Fire Aspect.
24:32That means Breach, Unbreaking, Mending,
24:35and Curse of Vanishing.
24:37Because if at any point I die,
24:39I do not want somebody else to get this mace off me.
24:42I'd argue that that in fact is the most important thing,
24:44that the maces do not fall into the wrong hands,
24:46that they do not fall into the hands of players
24:48that are not going to help me in my purpose of destroying Morn.
24:52ClownPierce and MainPair, we've had issues in the past.
24:54I'm not going to excuse that,
24:56but they've taken me in, they've trusted me,
24:58and they've asked me for help of all people.
25:00They came to me.
25:01And you know what?
25:01That's nice because not many people come to me
25:03and ask to team with me,
25:05nevermind two of the best players on the server.
25:06So yes, they shall be rewarded for that.
25:08And I believe Pentar has also joined the team,
25:11which I'm very happy with.
25:12He's always been good to me too.
25:13So who knows?
25:14I might give Pentar a mace.
25:16So we will find out.
25:17And I am going to get to work,
25:19getting the trades that I need for the mace.
25:23I was talking to Maypik
25:25and he did tell me that you gave him a little bit of a deal
25:28about the mace.
25:29Well, I mean, to clarify that,
25:31I would destroy Morn, not Spawn, okay?
25:33Well, this is a weight off my shoulders.
25:35I was worried that, you know,
25:36there's been a lot of people
25:38threatening to destroy Spawn in the past.
25:40And it's good that you're on the side of Spawn looking nice.
25:44Yeah, was Maypik in a bit of a...
25:46Did he just not know what I meant?
25:47Did he just think I was going to destroy Spawn?
25:49Was that his...
25:49He was kind of worried you were going to destroy Spawn.
25:51And so that's why he talked to me.
25:52Because we've been sort of...
25:53He's been helping me with repairing Spawn.
25:55And so I just wanted to make sure.
25:57Well, good luck with whatever you're trying to do.
25:58Thank you. I'm going to need it.
26:02I can't believe in that short space of time,
26:04Maypik talked to Bacon.
26:06Maypik has no idea, does he?
26:07Maypik has absolutely no idea what I'm planning.
26:09He thinks I'm going to blow up Spawn.
26:10No, I'm just going to make him so annoyed
26:12that he doesn't have the only mace.
26:14He's worked so hard to get the mace.
26:15He's probably so excited.
26:17And I'm just going to tear that away from him.
26:19Oh, he's never going to forgive me for this.
26:21But anyway, I have a little bit of a situation involving maces.
26:25So I'm going to get to work.
26:28Perfect, mission accomplished.
26:29We've got a Curse of Vanishing.
26:31We've got a Fire Aspect, a Breach and a Density.
26:34All the ones that I could possibly need.
26:37And one of each book right here.
26:39I'll buy more very, very shortly.
26:41But now you probably want to know how did I do it?
26:44How did I get the mace on the Lifesteal SMP?
26:49Well, you see, it's all thanks to this room right here
26:53and these five crafters.
26:56You see, I realized two months ago
26:57that due to a slight change in Minecraft's code in 1.21.4,
27:02the mace would be obtainable if Clown Pierce ever died
27:06with it in his inventory.
27:08Whilst there can only be one mace on Lifesteal at a time,
27:10if that one gets deleted, then a new one can be crafted.
27:14And that's what we took advantage of.
27:15You see, as the fight between Clown, Main and Mapic raged on,
27:20Clown Pierce found himself in a very sticky situation
27:23as the final blow was dealt.
27:26For a split second, as a few lines of code were executed
27:29within a single Minecraft tick,
27:30the mace was non-existent on the server.
27:34As the data for it was transferred
27:35from Clown Pierce's inventory into a physical entity
27:39to be dropped on the ground.
27:41And this tiny, tiny window of opportunity
27:44was what allowed me to craft more maces.
27:48You see, deep underground in the spawn chunks,
27:50the crafters were being updated every tick
27:52trying to craft a mace.
27:54Now, because they were in the spawn chunks,
27:56they would always be loaded
27:57and they were also facing West into a chest
28:00beyond the chunk border into what is known as a lazy chunk.
28:04The reason for them facing West
28:05is because block updates occur
28:07in the order West, East, Down, Up, North, South.
28:09And this crafting execution had to happen
28:11within the first lines of code of the tick.
28:15And as for the chest being in lazy chunks,
28:16well, only block updates are processed
28:18within a lazy chunk, not block entities.
28:20So this effectively unloaded the crafted mace immediately,
28:23allowing five to be crafted at once.
28:26And there you see it, five maces in one chest.
28:31And the best thing about this is it can't be recreated
28:34because even if Maybig dies with the mace,
28:36these other five ones will stop the game
28:38from detecting there being no mace on the server.
28:41So the entire method will not work.
28:44So that is how I've done it.
28:46And now I'm going to give one mace
28:47to each of my teammates, Penta, Clown, and Main Pair.
28:51But before doing that, I want to put Curse of Vanishing
28:54on every single one of them
28:55so that if somebody dies with a mace,
28:58it will not fall in to the wrong hands.
29:01And whilst I'm at it,
29:02I might as well add all of the other enchantments as well.
29:05The packages are ready.
29:06I've got one for Main, one for Clown, one for Penta.
29:10And before I head over,
29:11I feel like I should add some bling to my armor.
29:13Having plain diamond is basically the version
29:15of being a peasant in Lifesteal.
29:16Netherite armor isn't allowed,
29:18but I'm going to go from this to this.
29:20Netherite silence armor trims and a cool shield as well.
29:25Yeah, I now feel like a proper warrior
29:27on the Lifesteal SMP.
29:29And I think I'm now ready to meet up with my team
29:31to give them the maces.
29:34Gentlemen, are you ready for the biggest moment
29:37on the Lifesteal season?
29:40So far.
29:42I am so ready.
29:43I'm so ready, let's go.
29:44We're ready.
29:45I have here three shulker boxes.
29:48Three shulker boxes containing
29:50what can only be described as impossible.
29:53And I promised you all that we would take down Maepic
29:57and that we would take down Morn.
29:59So I present to you, not one mace, not two maces,
30:04but three maces for you to take into battle
30:09and completely destroy Morn.
30:12Oh, I did it.
30:14Oh my God.
30:16Wait, how in the world?
30:18Wait, no, Jen, wait, how in the world do you get three maces?
30:23That's me.
30:24Come here, bro.
30:25Wait, no, no.
30:26It's me, the goat.
30:28You don't have to worry about a thing, guys.
30:30I powered it.
30:31You'll find out on Saturday how it was done.
30:33I'm going to test it on me.
30:33I want to see if they actually work.
30:35Oh, trust me, they definitely work.
30:36Wait, do they actually work?
30:38They are maces.
30:39Oh my God, that's huge.
30:41We can take so many people off guard with that.
30:43Like, they don't expect you to have the mace.
30:48I got a mace for myself as well, don't worry.
30:50It's for me.
30:51We are team mace now.
30:52Like, imagine this, guys.
30:54We rock up, all right, and we literally destroy.
30:58Like, they're not going to know.
30:59The element of surprise, guys.
31:01Oh, shoot.
31:01We're actually OP, bro.
31:03And so there you have it, ladies and gentlemen.
31:05The handover was successful, and now the entire team has the mace,
31:09and we are ready to take down Morn.
31:13Also, make sure to subscribe because you're not going to want to miss
31:16the next lifestyle video I post when we follow through on that.
