• hace 2 semanas
Fans del cine de horror, prepárense para un viaje impresionante por 30 teorías de fans que terminaron por confirmarse. Desde universos escondidos hasta revelaciones impresionantes de algunos personajes nos sumergiremos a las profundidades de las teorías de películas más increíbles que resultaron ser ciertas.


00:00Hello, hello Gail.
00:02Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:05Today we will know the 30 theories of the fans about horror movies that were confirmed by the directors or the movie itself.
00:12There are important spoilers, so let's activate this alert.
00:17Come on man, the little guys with the big eyes.
00:20Yeah, there's lots of theories.
00:23Number 30. It's a montage. The Cabin in the Woods.
00:26So you wanna come over Monday night? I'm gonna pick up some power drills, liberate my cabinets.
00:33Are you even listening to me?
00:37This smart subversion of the classic horror movie plot is actually a montage.
00:43Some scientists attract teenagers to a fake cabin and then send them terrifying monsters in an effort to kill them, harvest their blood and satiate the underground demons.
00:54Although the scope of the plot was not visible from the beginning, people correctly assumed that it was a montage.
01:00There are numerous images in the trailer that show some kind of laboratory.
01:04And that, combined with the tropical nature of the story, made some people correctly deduce that not everything was what it seemed.
01:12They have to choose to ignore him, and they have to choose what happens in the cellar.
01:16Yeah, we rig the game as much as we need to, but in the end, they don't transgress.
01:20They can't be punished.
01:21Number 29. It's a simulation. Don't Worry Darling.
01:25Do you consent to the physical and medical requirements for entry to victory?
01:30Although it's more of a psychological thriller, Don't Worry Darling has disturbing images and follows many classic horror movie tropes.
01:39It's very Black Mirror.
01:41That includes the presence of extravagant technology such as simulations.
01:45We learned that Alice is a modern woman who lives in an idealistic simulation of the 50s.
01:51Once again, many people guessed it based only on the tests and trailer.
01:56In fact, the film had a mediocre reception, and many criticized such an obvious twist that they showed too late.
02:10Your re-entry has begun.
02:12Number 28. The Candyman hive. Candyman.
02:16So, he's real?
02:20Belle is real. Samuel, Sherman, Daniel Rubenstein, they're all real.
02:26Candyman is how we deal with the fact that these things happened.
02:29That they're still happening.
02:31And if Daniel Rabbitail wasn't the only Candyman, this is what some fans have been theorizing for years
02:38and the answer was finally revealed in the sequel of 2021.
02:43The film had a new cast of characters and a modern setting.
02:47It was also co-written by Jordan Peele, who loves social criticism.
02:52In addition, fans theorized that the legend of Candyman could be related to some kind of social justice issue.
03:00This theory was confirmed through the hive,
03:03which is where the souls of murdered black men go to reincarnate in vengeful murderers.
03:08Daniel seems to be the main figure of this hive,
03:12as evidenced by the fact that the resurrected Anthony turns into him at the end of the film.
03:23Number 27. Impostors. The Visit.
03:34Another trailer, another twist that we all theorized correctly.
03:41M. Night Shyamalan is known for his crazy stories, but this one is refreshingly simple.
03:47Some children go to visit their grandparents, and Nana and Pop Pop behave strangely.
03:53Unfortunately, simple stories generally have simple twists, and this is one of the easiest of the director.
04:00Once again, people theorized from the trailer that Nana and Pop Pop were impostors.
04:06And well, yes, that's exactly what they were.
04:09The couple of elderly people are actually escaped patients from the psychiatric hospital where the real grandparents work,
04:16who assumed their identities after murdering them.
04:31Those aren't your grandparents.
04:33Number 26. A co-conspirator. Saw 2.
04:37I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know all this?
04:44Because I've played before.
04:46The first Saw was a pretty simple movie, but like most sequels, Saw 2 increased production values.
04:54Instead of a decrepit bathroom, this happens in a huge house and involves numerous elaborate traps,
05:00in addition to a secondary trap with Detective Matthews.
05:03The first movie established that Jigsaw was sick, and in this one he can barely stand.
05:10Naturally, many theorized that he had an accomplice, and that he couldn't have done this alone.
05:15Of course, it was the woman from the first movie.
05:18In the climax, Amanda reveals that she has been working with Jigsaw since his first game,
05:23and that she helped him prepare the elaborate test.
05:40Number 25. God's incarnation. Shingotsuila.
05:44What do you mean?
05:45There's only one hint.
05:48It's a word that means the incarnation of God in the former professor's hometown, Odo Island.
05:53Nobody really knows where the name Gojira comes from,
05:56but it's believed to be a contraction of the Japanese words gorira, which means gorilla, and kujira, which means whale.
06:04Yes, Godzilla is a whale-gorilla.
06:06When the title was translated into English, it went from being Gojira to Godzilla,
06:10and many people thought it meant God Lizard, or something like that.
06:15This agrees with the theme of the divine retribution of the movie,
06:18since Godzilla is a warning of nuclear war.
06:22This theory was confirmed, or at least recognized, in the 2016 movie Shingotsuila.
06:28Shing can be translated as new, true, or you know, God.
06:32This is also confirmed in the movie by Patterson,
06:35who explicitly refers to the divine origins of Godzilla.
06:42A divine retribution...
06:44Number 24.
06:46Teddy is a patient.
06:48Shutter Island.
06:49Which would be worse?
06:51To live as a monster,
06:54or to die as a good man?
06:56The final twist of Shutter Island is often praised,
06:59but some people predicted it only because of the trailer.
07:02A detective goes to an isolated psychiatric hospital to ask about a missing patient.
07:08This type of movies of mysterious remote places almost always have a twist,
07:12so the viewers were already interested.
07:15In addition, the trailer shows Teddy having visions and suffering some kind of delirium.
07:20There are also numerous shots of a blonde woman and a child,
07:23including one in which she disappears,
07:26another in which they are wrapped in fire,
07:28and another in which Teddy screams over a corpse.
07:31If you put them together, you guess everything.
07:33Teddy is the patient who murdered his wife after she drowned his children.
07:52Number 23.
07:53Failed resurrection.
07:54Puppet Master 2.
08:04This franchise has a strange chronology.
08:07The third, fourth and fifth movies are prequels of the first and second.
08:11In this last one, the puppeteer Andre Toulon is reanimated by Pinhead
08:16and is played by Enrique Chané.
08:18In this movie he is a violent murderer,
08:21which contrasts a lot with his characterization in the prequels.
08:24This led many fans to believe that, as usually happens in horror,
08:28his resurrection went wrong and became different.
08:32This was finally confirmed in the comics Puppet Master,
08:35a canonical series made by Actual Lab Comics between 2015 and 2018.
08:53Number 22.
08:54Norman killed the ghost.
08:55What lies beneath?
09:02If there is something you should learn from this list,
09:04it is that you should not watch the trailers of horror movies.
09:07The marketing of What Lies Beneath makes it look like a simple story of a haunted house,
09:13only with an important twist.
09:15A twist that the trailer essentially reveals.
09:18It makes it explicitly clear that Norman ended an adventure,
09:21the woman took her life and her ghost chases him for revenge.
09:25They tell us directly.
09:27Yes, they omit the detail that Norman killed her,
09:29but this twist was theorized instantly by practically everyone who saw the trailer.
09:34The movie ended up receiving mediocre reviews
09:37and many criticized its painfully obvious arguments.
09:51Number 21.
09:52Alien and Blade Runner are in the same universe.
09:55Alien and Blade Runner.
10:06How important are the easter eggs and the director's statements for the established lore of a franchise?
10:11If they are very important, then it is a fact that Alien and Blade Runner exist within the same universe,
10:17a theory that fans have suggested for years.
10:20Both share themes such as dystopia and artificial intelligence,
10:24and both have established interspatial colonies.
10:27In addition, the easter eggs seem to connect the franchises,
10:30including an identical computer screen that Ripley and Gaff share,
10:35and the Alien DVD confirms that Dallas once worked for Tyrell.
10:40Scott confirmed the connection in his comment on Blade Runner,
10:43which stated that the Alien crew could live in the same city as Descartes.
10:54To begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.
10:59Number 20.
11:00The Thing.
11:03As you surely know, the key feature of The Thing is its ability to mimic any form of life it assimilates.
11:11This led the fans of the 1982 classic to wonder how it would look if they took everything away from it.
11:18Director Mattesh Van Hunningen Jr. answered this question,
11:22stating that it looks less like a real creature and more like a virus.
11:38Of course, we would have liked more information from Master John Carpenter,
11:41but he has been cautious with the details and said that he knows who the Thing is at the end of his film,
11:47but that we will never know.
11:58Number 19.
11:59Nope, it's about aliens. Nope.
12:02Since Get Out, Jordan Peele's films have inspired an endless analysis and theories,
12:07even when they have not yet been released.
12:10In the promotional materials they have also loved to make fun of this way,
12:15as the first posters contained certain reasons.
12:18While the first of Us showed a character with scissors in his hand,
12:22the poster of Nope only showed us a cloud with a comet tail.
12:26In the absence of details about the story, fans began to speculate
12:30that inside that cloud there was an unidentified flying object.
12:34Ok, or maybe you're in a UFO hotspot.
12:38No one believes in that.
12:39Undoubtedly, the film ended up showing a UFO,
12:42but no one could have predicted its true nature.
12:54Number 18.
12:55Sidney and Mark end up together.
12:58Scream 3.
12:59Sidney Prescott has not been very lucky with relationships,
13:02although he deserves a happy forever.
13:04He finally got it, but we didn't know for a while.
13:08In Scream 3, the girl from the franchise seems to have some chemistry
13:12with the Los Angeles detective, Mark Kincaid,
13:15but nothing is said explicitly or acted as a consequence.
13:26Mark is seen for the last time in the epilogue of the film with the group of friends,
13:30which leaves fans with the doubt of whether it is just a friendly relationship or something else.
13:35When it seemed that he would never recognize the existence of a sequel,
13:39the fifth installment, 22 years later,
13:41confirmed that Sidney and Mark are not only married, but have children.
13:47Do we?
13:49Oh my God, how long has it been?
13:51I'm just trying to get a run in before I take the girls to school.
13:54How are you?
13:55I'm good, really good.
13:57How are you? How's Mark?
13:58I think I'll keep him.
14:16Transformers' live-action film emerged.
14:19Few will know that it also produced several horror remakes,
14:22like Friday the 13th, 2009.
14:24What both films share is actor Travis Van Winkle,
14:28who plays a character named Trent in each one.
14:36It is true that the characters have different surnames in the novelizations and in the deleted scenes,
14:42so we will let you decide if this eliminates the canon,
14:45but the same attitude of the characters has led many to believe that they are one.
14:50Why doesn't my little bunny just hop in the back seat?
14:54Oh God, I can't even tell you how much I'm not your little bunny.
14:57Several publications have reported that Bay confirmed it,
15:01but it seems that the main source cannot be found.
15:04Even so, Michaela did well to leave it,
15:07if not, she would also have ended up in Crystal Lake.
15:11Number 16.
15:13Midsommar is a fairy tale.
15:16This theory goes deeper into the themes than the dynamics of the plot,
15:20but it is fascinating anyway.
15:22The visually captivating film by Ari Aster, Midsommar, follows Dan,
15:27a young woman who suffers the tragic loss of her family in the first minutes.
15:31Later she joins her boyfriend and friends on a trip to Sweden,
15:36where they study and live with a pagan cult.
15:39Things, of course, do not go well,
15:41since Danny's friends are murdered before she is crowned as the Queen of May.
15:58Many of those who saw it first compared it to fairy tale themes from the old school,
16:03and it was not long before Aster shared the same feeling.
16:06Now that it is a fairy tale,
16:08just wait for the Disney version.
16:10Number 15.
16:11Clover is a creature of the sea depths.
16:15The Cloverfield franchise has embraced the mystery
16:18and has even gone back to the marketing campaign of the first movie.
16:22Naturally, since it is a found film,
16:25it focuses more on the first-person experiences of the characters during the attack of the sea.
16:30And less on the story and exposition of the creature.
16:32This led the fans to propose their explanations
16:35as if Clover came from outer space,
16:37but the producer J.J. Abrams denied it.
16:40Instead, the theory that it came from the Atlantic Ocean after being awakened by humans
16:44was confirmed in the additional material.
17:01Abrams also confirmed that this Clover was a baby,
17:04which explains why the one seen in The Cloverfield Paradox is much bigger.
17:16Number 14.
17:17Numerous killers.
17:18Scream 6.
17:19This is not the first entry of Scream and it will not be the last either.
17:23Although before it was not a constant,
17:25it seemed that the franchise felt comfortable with having two killers per movie.
17:31But increasing the count to three has been a popular theory in each sequel,
17:35so it makes sense for the fans to end up being right.
17:38While Scream 2 originally went down that path
17:41before a script leak forced them to change course,
17:45it finally happened in Scream 6,
17:47when it is revealed that the Bailey family is behind the murders in New York City.
18:00But I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro, it wasn't me.
18:03How do we know that? Of course you didn't.
18:05What do you think this is based on? Some bullshit conspiracy theory?
18:08Technically speaking, you could consider four killers including Jason from the beginning of the movie.
18:13Now I see something red.
18:17Number 13.
18:18Jason is a Deadite.
18:20Jason Goes to Hell.
18:21The Final Friday.
18:22Once again, this is just the interpretation of the director of a sequel,
18:26but it counts for the list.
18:28Well, I was actually referring to your claim that Jason Voorhees is not truly dead.
18:32What you think of as Jason is not Jason.
18:37That body he's wearing, that's just meat.
18:40That boy knows how to dress.
18:42In the ninth Friday the 13th movie, Jason Goes to Hell,
18:45you can see the Necronomicon, also known as the Book of the Dead,
18:49along with the Daga Kandarian from the Evil Dead franchise.
18:53It's just an easter egg, but according to director Adam Marcus,
18:56it's a complete explanation.
18:58His reasoning about the evil and undead nature of Jason
19:02is due to the fact that Mrs. Voorhees read the book to resurrect her son.
19:06Believe it or not, it apparently had the approval of the creator of Evil Dead, Sam Raimi.
19:11And of course!
19:13The most similar real crossover we'll have will be the comic book miniseries
19:17Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash.
19:21Number 12.
19:22Predators breed aliens.
19:24Alien vs. Predator.
19:26It's true that Alien vs. Predator movies are in their own branch of the universe,
19:31but it is undeniable that they answer some questions about two species.
19:34In Predator 2, fans saw a xenomorph skull aboard the Yauja ship.
19:39Given the animal nature of the first and the hunter of the second,
19:44this essentially confirms that one species fed on the other,
19:47but some fans speculated that things went further.
19:51Since the breeding of xenomorphs can be a controlled process,
19:54some thought that predators could have done it with the express purpose of hunting them.
20:00Indeed, the first crossover movie reveals that they have been doing this for thousands of years,
20:07no less than with human incubators.
20:22Humans were used to breed the ultimate prey.
20:25Another theory is that predators created xenomorphs.
20:29Number 11.
20:30Time Travel.
20:31The Blair Witch Project.
20:33This is a movie that is better to leave ambiguous,
20:35but what are you going to do when the sequels arrive?
20:38With the few details that have been given about the real plot of the first,
20:42some fans have come to the conclusion that the three characters were transported to the 40s
20:48by the titular witch before meeting Rustin Parr's cabin.
20:58It is a bit complicated to explain here,
21:00but the manipulation of time is confirmed at least in the sequel of 2016,
21:05simply titled Blair Witch.
21:08In this the protagonists separate in the forest before meeting,
21:12only there is a significant disagreement regarding how much time has passed.
21:19Earlier this afternoon.
21:22I'm not lying.
21:23It's been five days since we saw you.
21:25Since the experience of the witch is also apparently confirmed,
21:29it is also at her capacity to manipulate the perception of time.
21:33Number 10.
21:34A different death.
21:36Pet Sematary.
21:37When you remake a well-known horror movie,
21:40it is obvious that you want to stay within the general limits of the first,
21:44but retouching some small details to keep things fresh.
21:48With this in mind, the fans foresaw a way that Pet Sematary of 2019
21:53could be his classic story.
22:02In Stephen King's novel and in the 1989 adaptation,
22:06the boy Gage Creed dies tragically run over by a truck
22:10and his father Louis revives him in the mythical grounds of the cemetery.
22:14The problem is that nothing is the same again.
22:17Since Gage has an older sister, Ellie, in all versions,
22:21the fans thought it would be interesting for her to become,
22:24and this was confirmed when the second trailer was released.
22:41Number 9.
22:42Michael Myers is cursed.
22:44Halloween franchise.
22:50The 80s were plagued by slashers that seemed impossible to kill,
22:54most silent and clumsy.
22:56Although the fans, as is natural, will give many explanations,
23:00this 1995 sequel can be proof that some things are better left to imagination.
23:10Some method behind Michael's madness.
23:13And the common link I found is Thorne.
23:15In The Curse of Michael Myers, the producer's version reveals
23:19that the titular villain had entered the cult of Thorne,
23:22who had endowed him with supernatural abilities
23:25and encouraged him to kill his family to ensure the prosperity of the community.
23:29Michael, your final sacrifice.
23:34Michael, you can make him stop it.
23:39Honestly, it's a bad story wherever you look at it,
23:42but luckily it's just one of the many continuities of Halloween,
23:46so you don't have to watch it if you want to continue enjoying the franchise.
23:59Number 8.
24:00Kirby survives.
24:01Scream 4.
24:11The Scream franchise has so many favorite characters from the fans
24:14that it became famous for revealing at least one survivor long after the climax.
24:19However, the fate of a character that was left in the air for several years
24:23was Kirby Reed, from Scream 4.
24:27I know, I know.
24:29It's okay, we'll take our time.
24:31It doesn't happen as fast as it does in the movies, I know.
24:33After being stabbed twice and given by death by Charlie,
24:37it seemed likely that he would bleed to death before the authorities arrived.
24:41Later, Dewey only informed Jill that Sidney had survived,
24:45but the fans theorized that the family confidentiality laws
24:49could have prevented him from mentioning Kirby.
24:53But I saw Trevor kill her.
24:55Look, we don't know yet, but she's hanging on.
25:00It seemed that we would never know when the initial plans for the sequels were archived,
25:06but finally Scream of 2022 confirmed his survival with a subtle easter egg.
25:11Hayden Panetti resumed the role in Scream 6,
25:14but this time his survival is definitive.
25:17Oh my God, did you hear that? I'm gonna be next.
25:20Number 7.
25:21Get Out is a sequel to Pin Jan Malkovich.
25:24Get Out.
25:25I know, I know, I know.
25:26Okay, I'm trying to work towards this.
25:29Look, what I'm about to tell you is gonna sound crazy.
25:31You ready?
25:34Try me.
25:35Well, this is almost too ridiculous to be true,
25:38but when the creator confirms it, well, what do we do?
25:41Can I be anybody that I want to be?
25:45Well, you...
25:48You can be John Malkovich.
25:50It's perfect.
25:52It's my second choice, but it's wonderful.
25:55This theory arises from the inclusion in the films of actress Katherine Keener.
26:00Supposedly, she plays the same character,
26:03who, after having experience in the management of a business
26:06by which people can enter and control John Malkovich's mind,
26:10adopts a new identity and associates with the elders to shake things up.
26:15She marries someone in the Armitage family who has experience in neurosurgery
26:20and together they manage to perfect the process
26:22and start importing people to large-scale bodies.
26:25Now, sink into the floor.
26:29Wait, wait, wait.
26:52And don't ever, ever say that I'll do nothing for you.
26:59This theory actually goes back to Stephen King's original novel.
27:08The readers deduced that Richie's and Eddie's jokes were more than friendly,
27:13although King didn't write it like that on purpose.
27:16The theory resurfaced in 2017 with the arrival of the first adaptation to theater.
27:30With the release of It Chapter 2 in 2019, Richie's sexuality was indeed confirmed.
27:37Not only that, but it also solidified the notion that he felt something for Eddie
27:41before the death of the latter.
27:43Who stabbed Bowers with a knife he pulled out of his own face?
27:46Also me.
27:47Who married a woman ten times his own body mass?
27:56You're braver than you think.
27:58Although King, who is known for criticizing important changes to his adaptations,
28:02approved the official inclusion and described the detail of the character as a kind of genius.
28:07This shows that stories evolve constantly, often for good.
28:12Be who you want to be.
28:16Be proud.
28:17Number 5.
28:18Split happens in the Unbreakable universe.
28:22For many, the release of Split in 2016 meant the return to the form of the screenwriter and director M. Night Shyamalan.
28:28Some suspected beforehand that it was a sequel to Unbreakable from 2000.
28:33I almost gave up hope.
28:37There were so many times I questioned myself.
28:40You killed all those people.
28:44But I found you.
29:00This is so cool!
29:06They're gonna believe we exist now, right?
29:11They're gonna have to.
29:13Since conversations about a sequel to Shyamalan's superhero movie intensified at the same time,
29:19fans wanted to know if you were Split.
29:21Fortunately, the secret was well kept for most of the audience,
29:25so the appearance of David Dunn as Bruce Willis was a surprise in the end.
29:29Is this like that crazy guy in the wheelchair that gave me away 15 years ago?
29:34And he gave him a funny name too.
29:37What was it?
29:40Mr. Glass.
30:00We all gotta get off.
30:02What are you talking about?
30:03The bridge is gonna collapse.
30:06We're all gonna die.
30:10The final scene reveals that it happens in 2000,
30:12and that the protagonists are on flight 180 of the original movie.
30:16It's an ingenious twist, and the movie surprisingly got the highest rating in the franchise.
30:22Get off the plane!
30:24Get off the plane!
30:31What's all that about?
30:33I have no idea.
30:34Even so, the fans of the deduction can't be left out,
30:38since this part of the plot became a popular theory on the internet.
30:43The moment they saw the movie and noticed the subtle clues,
30:47they already knew that the revelation was imminent.
30:54Oh my God!
31:01No. 3. Lawrence Gordon became an accomplice.
31:11The Saw franchise premiered 7 movies every October between 2004 and 2010,
31:16but it wasn't until the supposed final chapter that the oldest question had an answer.
31:21What happened to Dr. Gordon?
31:23I'm gonna kill you, you sick asshole!
31:29In one of the most shocking endings in the history of cinema, in the original Saw,
31:34Gordon amputates his foot and crawls in search of help.
31:37The idea of ​​the character bleeding seemed anticlimactic to the fans,
31:41so his survival made more sense.
31:44However, the fact that he needed immediate medical attention and that the bathroom was never discovered,
31:50led the fans to believe that their own captors had helped him.
31:55Since Jigsaw recruits multiple victims, it made sense for Gordon to join the team with a new life opportunity.
32:05No. 2. Jesus Christ was an engineer. Prometheus.
32:09This revelation doesn't happen in the movie itself, and frankly, it would be pretty crazy if it were.
32:14But anyway, it has been confirmed by director Ridley Scott.
32:25I guess it's a good thing you can't be disappointed.
32:30In this sci-fi and horror prequel of the Alien franchise,
32:34it is revealed that humanity was planted by an extraterrestrial race biologically similar, known as the Engineers.
32:41About 2,000 years before the events of the film, the Engineers tried to annihilate humanity,
32:47but they didn't even make it to Earth.
32:49How long has it been dead?
32:522,000 years, give or take.
32:55As for the timeline, the fans theorized that it coincided with the days of Jesus Christ.
33:01In fact, Scott clarified later that the attempt at genocide would have been in response to the fact that humans crucified an emissary of the Engineers,
33:09but later removed this detail for having said it too lightly.
33:14It is New Year's Day, the year of our Lord, 2094.
33:21My name is Elizabeth Shaw, last survivor of the Prometheus.
33:27And I'm still searching.
33:30Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
33:32Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
33:39You will surely like them.
33:41Now yes, let's go to the end.
33:43Number 1.
33:44Jack Torrance is the reincarnated conserj, The Shining.
33:49Here's Johnny!
33:55The Shining is one of the movies that transcends any interpretation, perhaps even that of its screenwriter and director.
34:01But for the sake of the list, we will refer to Stanley Kubrick's statements around 1982.
34:08Words of wisdom lied, words of wisdom.
34:12Although the film took a long time to become a classic,
34:15the most acerbic cinephiles were already analyzing it.
34:18In this case, some considered Jack Torrance's appearance in a photograph taken at the Overlook in 1921
34:26as a sign that he was the direct reincarnation of a previous caretaker.
34:30I'm sorry to differ with you, sir.
34:35But you are the caretaker.
34:41You've always been the caretaker.
34:44While others deduce other things, such as that Jack was absorbed by the hotel,
34:49Kubrick was actually a supporter of the theory of reincarnation.
34:53Although his opinion has more weight than that of others,
34:56we will always like to consider the multiple interpretations of this film so disconcerting.
35:16Did you already know that any of these theories were true?
35:19It's just a theory of mine.
35:21Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo Español.
