#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Cash, what are you doing up there?
00:02I'm trying to get as high as possible real quick.
00:04Why are you doing that?
00:05I'll show you guys in just a second.
00:06I have this item.
00:07It's called a Death Upgrader.
00:09You didn't tell us anything about this until now, bro.
00:11I want a Death Upgrader.
00:12Well, let me just show you how it works.
00:14I need to use all my blocks.
00:15And you're still going.
00:17And now I will see you later.
00:21Oh gosh.
00:22Okay, now I respawn and it works.
00:24Random upgrade.
00:24What'd you get?
00:25Oh, I got a Netherite Shovel.
00:27It has efficiency five.
00:28I want it.
00:29No, no, I want to use it.
00:30I need to get more death so I can get more items.
00:32You can't not give it to the peanut.
00:34Did you hear him?
00:34He's adorable.
00:35I want it.
00:36He is pretty adorable.
00:37Okay, maybe I'll give you the shovel.
00:39But first I want to get more stuff.
00:40I'm getting more blocks first.
00:41Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:43Hey, take that item from him.
00:44Leave me alone.
00:45Stop it.
00:46Shake him of it.
00:46Shake him off of it.
00:47Do not shake it off of me.
00:48I'm going to use these blocks to get out of here.
00:51We should just stop him from getting more.
00:52Yeah, wait, we can't let him keep dying or he's just going to get OP items.
00:55Oh, it's too late.
00:56I'm going to jump off of this.
00:59Yeah, do it.
00:59Okay, why?
01:00Do you have a water bucket?
01:01Okay, Martin.
01:02Well, you're not going to be able to catch me.
01:06Oh, man.
01:08Okay, another random upgrade.
01:10What am I going to get this time?
01:11I'm ready.
01:11Oh, another ice sword.
01:13Wait a second.
01:13Where'd he spawn at?
01:14I can kill you guys.
01:15Hello, shady.
01:16Oh, get off me.
01:17Get in the lava.
01:17Get in the lava.
01:18Wait, why did I do that?
01:19Thank you, actually.
01:21Oh, my gosh.
01:23Another random upgrade.
01:24Okay, what am I going to get?
01:25Oh, this is not good.
01:25Yes, a pickaxe.
01:26Okay, this is perfect.
01:27This is literally all I need.
01:28Other than an axe, obviously.
01:30We need to stop him from dying or he's going to beat the game immediately.
01:32Yeah, do you have creative keys?
01:33I do.
01:34Okay, give them to me.
01:35Wait, creative keys?
01:36Oh, no.
01:36Everyone, grab one.
01:37You guys are going to use that to try and stop me from dying, aren't you?
01:40Yeah, I'm locking in.
01:41I don't like that.
01:41Okay, well, it's okay.
01:42I could just get away from y'all and you won't be able to find me.
01:44You're very predictable, Cash.
01:46I'm literally flying.
01:47So what's up?
01:47Oh, you have creative mode.
01:48Wait, that means I can't kill you.
01:50Instant health potions, really?
01:51Yeah, how are you going to die now?
01:52I'm going to go underground.
01:53I'll see you later.
01:54Wait, where'd he go?
01:54Where'd he go?
01:55I'm coming too.
01:56No, no.
01:56Oh, no.
01:58Yeah, you thought you could run?
01:59Wait, hold on.
01:59Hold on.
02:00Yeah, get me out.
02:00Get me out.
02:00Get me out.
02:01No, wait, I forgot you have creative mode.
02:02You can literally break so much faster than me.
02:04Wait, where is he?
02:05He's down here.
02:05You're slow at tracking me.
02:06Yeah, come on.
02:07You can help me by...
02:08Oh, cobwebs?
02:09Wait, I could use that string.
02:12You're not going to die.
02:13Yeah, you're not dying anymore until I get that thing.
02:15What, the random upgrader?
02:16It's a...
02:17Oh, Zoe.
02:18Oh, my goodness.
02:18No, wait.
02:21Make sure he doesn't mine in any lava.
02:22Come on.
02:22There's got to be a cave under me.
02:23Hey, guys.
02:24I'm digging straight down, Mia.
02:26Stay safe, my friend.
02:27What just happened?
02:28Am I being TP'd?
02:29Oh, can we do that?
02:30No, you can't.
02:31How do we get admin command?
02:32Oh, iron ore.
02:33I'll take that.
02:35What are you doing?
02:36No, okay.
02:36Hold on.
02:37I just got to get down to a cave.
02:38Stick them in there.
02:39Stick them in there.
02:39If I could find lava, you guys aren't going to do anything about it.
02:42What else keeps him safe?
02:43Slime blocks?
02:43Oh, no.
02:44Where is he?
02:45Where is he?
02:45I got to get slime blocks under him.
02:47You know, I could collect that obsidian.
02:49Oh, gosh.
02:49I hit him.
02:50Hey, heal him.
02:50Heal him.
02:51Heal him.
02:51Get me down.
02:52I need to get out of here.
02:53If I can die.
02:54He's going to drown.
02:55Take the water away.
02:56It's fine.
02:57It's fine.
02:57He's not going to drown, bro.
02:58He's fine.
02:59I'm totally not going to drown.
03:01Don't worry about me.
03:02Look, water breathing pot.
03:03Easy dubs.
03:04Wait, what?
03:04Oh, perfect.
03:05He didn't die.
03:06Hold on.
03:07This is actually a lot tougher than I assumed.
03:09You are not dying anytime soon, brother.
03:11If you guys have creative mode and you can just put fire res on me and whatever.
03:15I got to find another way.
03:15Ah, suffocation.
03:17No, no, no.
03:19Well, I found gravel.
03:21Here, break it out.
03:21Break it out.
03:22Break it out.
03:22Did I really not get any flint?
03:23Oh, yeah, that's right.
03:24It's silk touch.
03:25Well, that's embarrassing.
03:26I was trying to get flint so I could use it for a flint and steel.
03:28Ooh, diamonds.
03:28We're not letting you die here.
03:30Oh, really?
03:30You guys want the death upgrade or that bad?
03:33Hand it to us and we will stop healing you.
03:35I want it.
03:36Oh, my goodness.
03:36You're all flying around me.
03:38Did you guys forget that creative keys only last for 20 minutes?
03:4220 minutes.
03:43Smutty minutes.
03:44We're keeping you safe.
03:45That was just bad, Mia.
03:46Bro, I was hip and cool.
03:49That was not.
03:51Shady, you got to be with me here.
03:52Like, what was that?
03:53Come on.
03:54Come on, lava.
03:55Oh, no, I hit bedrock.
03:56Where is he?
03:56Where is he?
03:57Where is he?
03:57No, no, no, no, no.
03:58I'm just looking for a lava pocket around here.
04:00Oh, I went through the void.
04:01Don't go through this block.
04:02Which block?
04:03I covered it with a slime block.
04:04Oh, wait a second.
04:05If Mia broke a hole.
04:06Oh, I found diamonds.
04:07How do I get back in?
04:08Oh, yeah.
04:10I found the hole that she made.
04:12Mia, really?
04:13That means I get a random upgrade.
04:15He's on surface.
04:15We got to go.
04:16Go, go, go.
04:16Random upgrade.
04:17I'm ready.
04:17Give me something good.
04:18Oh, wait.
04:19Another right hoe.
04:20Well, that was just not worth it.
04:22Are you serious?
04:23At least maybe I can find a cave now.
04:25Now that they're far away from me, it's going to take a while.
04:27I found him.
04:27Wait, what?
04:29There's no way you already found me.
04:30Oh, it's because he has that giant tower in the air.
04:32We could just find the village.
04:34Oh, no way.
04:37He died again.
04:39I found a huge cave.
04:40He dug straight down.
04:42Random upgrade.
04:42Oh, yes.
04:43Give me something good.
04:44Come on.
04:44I don't even care that you guys are healing me.
04:45I got another right axe.
04:47I don't care that you broke your elbow.
04:48Really, bro?
04:49Keep him safe.
04:49I'm at the village.
04:50At the village.
04:50What else do I need?
04:51I already have all the tools.
04:53I could probably just go straight to a cave and find wherever there is lava pools.
04:58Oh, wait, you have obsidian for me.
05:00Hey, hey.
05:00Keep him healed.
05:00Keep him healed.
05:01I can use this obsidian to help me.
05:02Wait, he's stealing it.
05:03Whoa, what's going on?
05:04Ah, there's water.
05:06Are you serious?
05:07He's stuck.
05:08No, I'm not.
05:09I'm not stuck.
05:09I'm just trying to get items for myself and I'm trying to get away from y'all.
05:12Don't be like that.
05:13You bloody.
05:14Just because you guys want this upgrade are so bad.
05:16It's really cool.
05:17Wait, she's digging straight down.
05:18You find a cave in here?
05:19No, I just wanted you to come down so I could trap you.
05:21Oh, no.
05:21Oh, gosh.
05:22Hold on.
05:23Wait, I have an idea.
05:24Listen, how about you guys just separate yourselves and go over here?
05:27Get out of the way.
05:29Stop it.
05:32Am I stuck in a cobweb?
05:33He's trying to suffocate.
05:34He's trying to suffocate.
05:35No, I'm not.
05:35It ain't gonna happen.
05:36Oh, really?
05:36Okay, hold on.
05:37I gotta think of another way.
05:38Ain't gonna happen.
05:39You know what?
05:39Maybe I'll go back to surface.
05:40It could work.
05:41Nico, get off me.
05:42You're not suffocating it here.
05:43No, no, no.
05:44Heal him.
05:44Heal him.
05:45Oh, my goodness.
05:45I'm suffocating it here.
05:46I think he's healed.
05:47I think he's healed.
05:48No, I'm not healed.
05:48Don't worry about me.
05:49But he's taking damage.
05:50Are y'all spamming me with instant health?
05:52Yeah, you ain't gonna die.
05:52You're right.
05:53I'm actually not gonna die to that.
05:54You'll be careful.
05:54He's digging straight down.
05:55Give me another cave.
05:56Oh, I'm at half a heart.
05:57Oh, my goodness.
05:59No, Pino.
06:00Why'd you shoot him?
06:02He shot me with a healing arrow.
06:04Oh, my goodness.
06:05This is good.
06:05Oh, and I got a netherite chestplate.
06:07Oh, my goodness.
06:08Wait, maybe I shouldn't put that on because death's actually helped me.
06:11But you know what?
06:11For now, since I'm trying to get to the end, I might as well.
06:13And my friends were all the way down in that cave.
06:15Chad, I don't know where he went.
06:16We must scour the area.
06:18You don't know where I went.
06:19Oh, my goodness.
06:19Nia was right there.
06:20Okay, I need to hide underground.
06:21Okay, this is good.
06:22Quick question.
06:22Who has the better plushies?
06:24Or Cash?
06:25Decide for yourself.
06:29Village is empty.
06:30They're not gonna find me anymore.
06:31There's two villages.
06:33They don't know that I'm far away.
06:34Please just give me a cave.
06:35I already have enough iron to make a water bucket.
06:36So I could use that for a portal.
06:38And then I just need to find a lava pool.
06:39Okay, now is not the time to die.
06:40Because if I respawn at that village, they're gonna see me instantly.
06:43So let's try and keep it low-key for now.
06:45I see you.
06:46Peanut, no.
06:47You don't want to...
06:47Yeah, yeah, uh.
06:48Hey, I'm being creative.
06:49Oh, yeah, that's right.
06:50You aren't creative.
06:50Okay, listen.
06:51I will give you the death upgrader first if you spare me.
06:54Oh, okay.
06:55And don't tell anybody where I'm at.
06:56Okay, got it.
06:57Oh, yes.
06:58The peanut's actually helping me.
06:59Hi, he's not over here.
07:01I think he made that a little obvious though.
07:03Okay, Peanut.
07:04I'll keep looking.
07:05They actually believed him.
07:06That's good.
07:09Do I have any coal?
07:09I have wood.
07:10Oh, no.
07:11Okay, water pool right there.
07:12And then I need a lava.
07:13I could use this iron to make the rest of my armor.
07:15But if I could just die multiple times, I could...
07:17I found him.
07:18I found him!
07:19No, you did not.
07:20I went to a cave.
07:21He's down here.
07:22That's a fake cache, Mia.
07:23You're following a fake cache.
07:24Wait, really?
07:24Oh, that's not him.
07:26Yeah, Peanut's saying it's not him.
07:27It's somebody else.
07:28Stop it.
07:29Is that you?
07:30Stop hitting me.
07:30That is you!
07:31You know what?
07:32I'm getting out of here.
07:32No, you're not.
07:34No, he's...
07:35Dude, he's running.
07:35He's running.
07:38I will keep you safe.
07:39I won't let you die.
07:39Real quick, I gotta make this crafting table and then make a bucket.
07:42That's good.
07:43Now I can get some water.
07:44Don't worry about me, Mia.
07:44I'm not gonna die.
07:45That'll never happen.
07:46Listen, just give me the upgrader and we're all good.
07:48Oh, really?
07:49So if I just hand it to you, you'll leave me alone?
07:51Oh, gosh.
07:51Nico's here.
07:51Oh, no.
07:52Nico, I was gonna give it to Mia, dude.
07:54Here, Mia.
07:55You want it?
07:55No fair.
07:56I want it.
07:57Yes, yes, I do.
07:57What about me?
07:58All right, I'm throwing it off this cliff.
08:00Who did that?
08:01Oh, my gosh!
08:02Whichever one of you gets this upgrader first can keep it.
08:06There you go.
08:06It's off the edge.
08:07Wait, what?
08:07I want it.
08:08Oh, give me, give me, give me, give me.
08:09Yes, I got it.
08:10Wait, this says raw copper.
08:11Oh, my goodness.
08:12Get me out of here.
08:13Yes, raw copper.
08:14Where'd he go?
08:14Hide in the wall.
08:15Oh, my goodness.
08:16Please tell me they don't see me anymore.
08:17Where'd he go?
08:18I'm gonna decimate this whole place.
08:20No, because then he'll die.
08:22Actually, that's good if Shady decimates this whole place.
08:24I need to run out there.
08:25Oh, nah.
08:25Okay, I gotta wait for him to explode again.
08:27Then I can run inside of it.
08:32He's running toward the TNT.
08:38Dude, I thought he left.
08:39Does that mean I get another piece of netherite armor?
08:43Oh, I'll take it.
08:44In a way.
08:45Sorry, guys.
08:45You're all stuck down in that cave now, and I respawned.
08:48I'm coming back to the village.
08:49Where is it?
08:49Well, too bad when you come back to the village, you won't see where I went to.
08:52So goodbye.
08:53Now it's time to get that lava pool.
08:54Come on.
08:55Where's that?
08:55Oh, okay, good.
08:56I'm pretty sure this is the same cave I was in earlier.
08:58But I wasn't able to find a lava pool because all my friends found me.
09:00I got a couple diamonds here.
09:02And I bet if I keep searching, I'll be able to find that.
09:04Let me just collect these real quick.
09:05Can't ever leave diamonds missing behind.
09:07And oh, would you look at this?
09:09A little skippity lava pool.
09:10All right, I'm going to use this to my advantage.
09:12You know, I could definitely easily die right now.
09:14But I don't want to do that because I actually want to get to the nether.
09:16So I'm going to spare my life for a little bit.
09:18And to build another portal, all I have to do is build out a block right here
09:22with a water bucket next to it.
09:23Now we'll build a little bit of a structure.
09:25Why is there water?
09:26Hey, what's going on?
09:26Who found me?
09:28Shady bruh!
09:29I thought I was alone.
09:30How did you even find me?
09:31Yeah, you thought you were just going to build another portal like that?
09:32Yeah, let me show you how to actually build one, bro.
09:34Look at this.
09:35Yeah, I know how to build another.
09:36Yeah, I didn't think I could do that.
09:37Yeah, no, you're right.
09:38You're totally right.
09:39You don't know how to build another portal.
09:41Hey, why are you going in it?
09:42No, don't worry about it.
09:43Get me in here.
09:43Come on!
09:45Shady just messed up big time.
09:46I found my way into the nether.
09:47Oh, no, he's following me though.
09:49Oh, gosh.
09:49Hey, where are you going?
09:50Yo, yo, I got to run.
09:51Good thing there's a forest here.
09:53You're not going to find me.
09:54I'm red.
09:54I blend in.
09:55Shady, where is he?
09:56Don't worry about it.
09:56He's in the nether.
09:58Oh, no.
09:58I think I lost him.
09:59This is good.
10:00I just got to make sure that I don't get caught over here.
10:02I could hide in the wall.
10:03Uh-oh, Nico found me.
10:04Hey, guys, I found him.
10:05He's over here.
10:06Wait, where?
10:06Oh, no, he splashed me with fire res.
10:08Get him!
10:09Oh, gosh.
10:09Oh, gosh.
10:10Oh, gosh.
10:10No, no!
10:11Where is he?
10:11Where is he?
10:12Get me out.
10:12You know what?
10:13I'm jumping in.
10:13See ya.
10:14Wait, what?
10:14I have fire res.
10:15Oh, that's embarrassing.
10:18There's got to be another way for me to die.
10:20What is that?
10:21Get rid of those things.
10:22Heal them.
10:24Oh, they're killing me.
10:25Oh, my goodness.
10:25I'm going to die.
10:26Wait, what?
10:26Splash them with resistance.
10:28Somebody get resistance.
10:29I got resistance.
10:29Don't worry.
10:30I died.
10:32What even are those things, bro?
10:34I don't know.
10:35Random upgrade time.
10:36Let's go.
10:37And I got boots.
10:38Give me that.
10:38Okay, it's time to put all this stuff on.
10:39Every time I die, it's basically like a reset for all the hunters
10:43because they have to find their way all the way back to me.
10:45And if I could just run away in time, then I'm chilling.
10:47Like this.
10:48Okay, perfect.
10:49Now I got to actually make it back to the nether.
10:50I don't think they're going to expect me to find the portal that quick.
10:53So I'm just going to make another one.
10:54And this time I'm going to have to be a lot faster because Shady found me way too quick.
10:58So let me just get some water first.
11:00Ah, perfect.
11:01Give me that.
11:02And now let me show you how to make a real nether portal.
11:04All you have to do is build out a block here with the water bucket next to it.
11:07Break this block and the ones on the bottom.
11:09Then you fill in the bottom.
11:10Do this little archway with the water on top.
11:12And then you fill in each side like this.
11:15Now, do I have a flint and steel?
11:16I don't.
11:17I'm going to have to break some gravel by hand.
11:19Ah, whatever.
11:19I guess it's not the end of the world.
11:20Come on.
11:21There's one piece of flint.
11:22That's all I need.
11:22Give me, give me, give me, give me.
11:23Okay, really?
11:24I've broken like 10 pieces now and it's still not spawning.
11:26Oh my goodness.
11:27I wish I could break this with my shovel.
11:29I have silk touch though.
11:30Just one piece.
11:31Oh, there we go.
11:32I see it.
11:32Okay, perfect.
11:33I got one piece.
11:34Now I just put that there with an iron ingot and we can light the portal.
11:37Okay, thank goodness I made a different one.
11:38If I went back to that same portal, there would probably be camp in it or something.
11:41But now I can finally get away from my friends.
11:42This is good.
11:43I got to make it to a bastion or a fortress before they find me in here.
11:46And I got to make sure not to die right now.
11:48They're definitely at my spawn point.
11:49Okay, guys, I got rid of all of the monsters in the nether.
11:53Oh no, what?
11:54They're all dead.
11:56Good job, Peanut.
11:57Peanut got rid of all the monsters.
11:58That means I'm not gonna be able to die to them.
12:00It's fine.
12:00If I need to die, I could just go into the lava.
12:02There's plenty of that stuff in the nether.
12:03Let me just find that fortress.
12:05Aha, perfect.
12:06Fortress acquired.
12:07Now I just got to find that blaze spawner so I can get some rods.
12:10That's definitely gonna help a lot.
12:12I actually have a netherite hoe.
12:13So this is gonna come in useful for breaking stuff like this down.
12:16If you didn't know, it insta-breaks a bunch of nether wart blocks and leaves.
12:19Oh, and we got blazes.
12:20Okay, perfect.
12:20I just need about seven blaze rods.
12:22So I really wish this sword had looting on it.
12:24But it doesn't matter because it has a sharpness five.
12:26So I could literally two-shot whatever I want.
12:28Anybody got eyes on him?
12:29I think he's in the nether.
12:30Oh no, that's not good.
12:31She knows I'm in the nether.
12:32They're gonna start searching for me.
12:33They'll probably find that bastion.
12:35I don't see him either.
12:36Okay, maybe I could just keep quiet.
12:37Just six more blaze rods and I can get out.
12:39Also, I'm just gonna block this off and make it seem like there's nothing on this side.
12:42Nobody will suspect a thing.
12:43If I stay crouched, my name tag won't show either.
12:45It's not like they're gonna find me anyways.
12:46Okay, I've literally looked through this whole nether fortress.
12:49He's not here.
12:50Okay, let's go check the bastions.
12:51All right, let's go.
12:52Oh no, they're gonna be at the bastions.
12:53It's fine.
12:54I still have five more rods to go.
12:55So I'm chilling.
12:56Oh, perfect.
12:56More blazes.
12:57Yep, good.
12:57There's one, two, three blaze rods so far.
12:59Oh, and here's another one.
13:00It looks like I have thorns on my armor.
13:06Oh gosh, I'm definitely getting seven once I kill all these guys.
13:10Come on, five blaze rods.
13:11Six and one more for good measure.
13:13Get over here, blaze.
13:14Okay, that's awkward.
13:15I didn't get a drop from him.
13:16I meant you.
13:17Yeah, thank you guys.
13:18Okay, perfect.
13:18There, now I have eight.
13:19That's more than enough.
13:20I hope they're not in the bastion anymore because I need to get there and get some ender pearls.
13:23So let me hurry this up and find it.
13:25Aha, I see a bastion right there.
13:26And there's a bunch of piglins in like a group.
13:28Okay, I only have three pieces of gold.
13:30So before I go in, I should probably mine some gold.
13:32Although I could just go to the bottom where that root is.
13:36Oh no, what is a peanut talking about?
13:37I see him.
13:39Where is he?
13:39He's in the bastion.
13:41You're supposed to be on my side.
13:42Oh gosh, peanut's ratting me out.
13:44This is not good.
13:44We gotta baby proof this bastion.
13:47Baby proof?
13:47I'm not a baby.
13:48Oh, Zoe's here.
13:49Oh gosh.
13:50I won't let you die.
13:51Well, I guess I could just jump down here.
13:52This looks kind of cool.
13:53Where'd he go?
13:54Where'd he go?
13:54Don't worry about where I'm going.
13:55Oh, I see him.
13:56Oh no.
13:57Someone cover up all the lava.
13:58Come on piglins, you want to trade with me?
14:00Oh gosh, no, this is not good.
14:01How do I get out of this?
14:02Let me just try and hide from them first.
14:04Where is he?
14:04This piglin is beating me up.
14:05All right, I don't have to kill you, dude.
14:07Zoe's spamming regen pots on me.
14:08So I can't die to these guys.
14:10Good stuff, Zoe.
14:12But it doesn't look like she put any fire resistance on me.
14:15Okay, why are these piglins taking so long to die?
14:17Oh, it's because they're getting healed by Zoe.
14:18Zoe, stop.
14:20I'm not going to die.
14:21I have netherite armor on anyways.
14:23You can stop spamming that.
14:24What's he doing down there?
14:26Don't worry about what I'm doing.
14:27Worry about what you're doing.
14:28Don't worry about what I got on.
14:29Okay, fine.
14:30What did she say?
14:31You do not know the meme.
14:33I don't know the meme.
14:34Oh, Peanut found me.
14:35Oh no, Peanut.
14:35Wait, totem of undying.
14:36Oh, well, thank you, Peanut.
14:38Yeah, now you'll never die.
14:39Yeah, you know what else would help me not die?
14:41Some enderpearls.
14:42Oh, yeah.
14:44Don't you dare trick Peanut.
14:45I wasn't trying to trick him, Mia.
14:47No, Peanut, do not give him those.
14:49Yes, give me, give me.
14:49Oh, I got enderpearls.
14:51Thank you, Peanut.
14:52You're the greatest.
14:52All right.
14:55What happened?
14:56Don't worry about it.
14:57You just helped me.
14:57Peanut, you just let him get the enderpearls.
14:59We can get eyes of ender.
15:00Oh no.
15:02Is it messed up to trick the peanut?
15:03I don't know.
15:03Yes, he's wholesome.
15:05I know, I feel bad, but I'm hopping in the lava.
15:07Oh, fire res.
15:09Oh, perfect.
15:10Man, that is just embarrassing.
15:11I thought I was doing like a cool transition bit where I die,
15:14and then you guys just interfered with it.
15:15Okay, how do I get out of here now?
15:17You got any ideas, Mia?
15:18I'm not gonna let you die,
15:19and I'm gonna set my spawn point so then you can't leave.
15:21Wait, spawn, ouch.
15:23Oh gosh.
15:23Okay, he's still alive.
15:24He's still alive.
15:24Wait, hold on.
15:25Do you have another bed?
15:26Can you place it down?
15:27I just want to see why the color is so weird on it.
15:29It looked like it was gray.
15:30Yeah, and then it turned rainbow.
15:36I'm an eye dot.
15:38That means I get another upgrade.
15:39Did you say eye dot?
15:41Oh, and I got the helmet.
15:43We got the full set on.
15:44What'd you think about that, girlies?
15:45I got a full set.
15:46Count your days, buddy.
15:48What does that mean?
15:49What's a full set?
15:50Oh, don't worry about it, Nico.
15:51Oh gosh.
15:52How did Shady just find me?
15:53Yes, I've been waiting at the village for you, bro.
15:54Were you camping my spawn?
15:56Okay, well, it doesn't matter because I already got my ender pearls from the peanut.
15:59Doesn't matter.
16:00You're not going anywhere, dude.
16:01Oh, really?
16:01I just made some eyes of ender.
16:03So I could start searching for this stronghold.
16:05It doesn't matter.
16:06Okay, have fun with that.
16:07Did you splash me with slowness six?
16:09Turtle master potion.
16:11Oh no.
16:13Have fun getting there.
16:14Okay, when is their creative key going to run out?
16:16I need them to be out of creative for this.
16:18Oh, wait, and I got a shield.
16:20Knocked back level 100.
16:21Wait, so once they get out of creative, that means I could probably push them away from me.
16:25You guys realize you better stock up on stuff because when that creative key runs out,
16:28you're not gonna be able to fly towards me.
16:30We got time, surely, right?
16:31I highly doubt it.
16:32It's been about 19 minutes, so I think you got like a minute left.
16:35Oh, thanks for the invis too.
16:36Well, thanks for the warning, pal.
16:39Yeah, no, I shouldn't have helped y'all.
16:41Oh, a lava pool.
16:42Nah, I'm just kidding.
16:43Y'all thought.
16:44Nah, you wouldn't die.
16:45We have fire resistance anyways, bro.
16:47I tricked you though.
16:48Stinks to stink.
16:49I tricked you though.
16:50Stinky boy.
16:50Okay, bruh.
16:51Guys, I found a mushroom island.
16:53This is awesome.
16:55Yeah, I was just throwing the eyes of ender.
16:57Wait, it changed directions on me.
16:59Does that mean the stronghold's right under the mushroom island?
17:01I've like never seen that before.
17:02Everyone keep in protect-
17:03Uh, Mia, did your creative key just run out?
17:07Oh, she dropped armor on her too.
17:09Oh my gosh.
17:10Give me that.
17:11Hey, Peanut, guess what?
17:12You want something?
17:13I'll give you the death upgrader.
17:14Everybody fight the Peanut now.
17:16He has the death upgrader.
17:17Wait, he does?
17:18So, Shady, you should go for him, not for me.
17:20No, no, no, no, no, yeah.
17:21Get the Peanuts!
17:24Run away!
17:25Come here, Peanut!
17:26Go for the Peanut.
17:28Yes, yes, yes.
17:29Good, everybody go for the Peanut.
17:30Okay, I'm going now.
17:32Oh no.
17:32I have a feeling Shady might know my trick here though,
17:34but as long as I can get down to that stronghold before he realizes,
17:37then I'm chilling.
17:37This slow falling is so annoying.
17:39I should have bought milk buckets.
17:40If I could have just found a cow, that would have been easy.
17:44Shady, did you kill the Peanut?
17:46Where's it at?
17:46Okay, I think he really wants that death upgrader.
17:48Where's it at?
17:49That's just messed up.
17:50You can't kill the Peanut.
17:51He's too wholesome.
17:52I did it, but I don't know at what cost, all right?
17:54It might have been messed up.
17:55Well, now everyone's gonna go for you.
17:56I'm sorry, bro.
17:57They want that death upgrader.
17:58Yeah, I'm gonna get you, Shady!
18:00No, I'm throwing it in the lava.
18:01Nobody's ever using it.
18:02Wait, what?
18:02Why would you do that?
18:03Ugh, where is the stronghold?
18:05I swear I've been digging for so long.
18:06Oh, there we go.
18:07Okay, took long enough.
18:08Well, well, well.
18:10What, Mia?
18:11Guys, here, take armor and hold them off from the portal for as long as you can.
18:14Why would you want to do that?
18:15I don't even have the upgrader anymore.
18:16Because you must not find it.
18:18Yeah, but I have no reason to die anymore.
18:20If I don't have the upgrader, I don't even get items.
18:22We want your OP stuff.
18:23Sorry, bro.
18:24Oh, yeah, no, that makes sense.
18:26Yeah, and also because.
18:28That's my reason.
18:29Stop saying because without a reason.
18:31Felt that, bro.
18:32I just gotta find wherever this portal room is.
18:34All right, let's go.
18:35We're already in the end, so what you gonna do about it?
18:38You guys are?
18:39How did you get there before me?
18:40Well, I am.
18:41Everyone else is still just chilling in the portal room waiting for you.
18:44Oh, no.
18:44Okay, well, you know what?
18:45If they're in the end, then that means they can't get back.
18:47So I have a plan.
18:49Wait, what is this plan?
18:50Since I have time to get to the portal now, I might as well craft myself a little bow.
18:54And now I should be able to shoot all the crystals that I want.
18:56I just need to get some arrows.
18:57So I'll just go kill my friends for it.
18:59All right, portal room.
19:00I know you're over here because I see all my friends in there.
19:03Go peanut.
19:04Go peanut.
19:05What are they?
19:08I guess they're just gonna.
19:11Wait, what?
19:12Oh, I thought that was gonna be so much more nonchalant.
19:14Let me just let me jump in the portal.
19:16Okay, perfect.
19:17Wait, what?
19:18Who put bedrock in here?
19:19Wait a second.
19:20I'm still invisible, though.
19:21All right, brothers.
19:22Hey, good luck finding me, guys.
19:23One tap him.
19:25Don't one tap me.
19:26Let me break out of here.
19:26I'm nowhere.
19:27I'm nowhere.
19:27Let him break out.
19:28Let him break out.
19:28Let him break out.
19:29Okay, that is not letting me break out.
19:31I'm eating a golden apple so I don't die to y'all.
19:34Come on, just let him break out.
19:35Let him break out.
19:35Oh, really?
19:40What are you gonna do?
19:40Now we're all stuck in here.
19:42We just have to.
19:42Oh, wait, we're all stuck in here.
19:44Yeah, shady.
19:45Did you think about building a door, maybe?
19:47No, I did have one thing in mind.
19:49Wait, what?
19:51No, wait, don't do that.
19:52Don't do that.
19:52Don't do that.
19:53Oh, well.
19:56Now no one gets any of the stuff.
19:58Problem solved.
19:59Oh my goodness.
20:00You ruin everything.
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