• 2 weeks ago
LeBron James is playing at an unreal level at this point in his career. LeBron James confronts Stephen A. Smith at Lakers vs Knicks over Bronny James comments.


00:00NBA action last night the Lakers beat the Knicks in overtime 113 109 LeBron James 31 points
00:0612 rebounds 8 assists and one confrontation with Stephen a Smith
00:12Angry well, you know
00:17I just unless he was just congratulating Stephen a Smith on his new contract. I
00:21Just I just I just think
00:25like at some point you got to just
00:29Call it like you see it
00:31LeBron's one of the all-time greats
00:35I'm just saying a lot of times
00:39People treat him as low-hanging fruit nothing to talk about. Let's rag on LeBron
00:45I think LeBron's issue with some comments that he had about Bronny James people are saying that the comments that he said here
00:52were to keep his son out of it and
00:56Then he walks away, but Stephen a Smith he swore he wasn't gonna talk about this on his show
01:01But then it mysteriously went viral. So now he's leading first take with it today
01:06Yeah, I mean like
01:09If you have kids
01:14Do you understand?
01:17Where that's coming from of course
01:21But it's not coming from a
01:25NBA player is coming from a father and if you're a father you understand that that's not fair though
01:32Like he has on he has access that other fathers don't I'm sure a lot of fathers would like to tell Stephen a to go bleep
01:39Himself, but you know, they don't have the same access as LeBron James pretty much
01:46Well, you're saying that if it wasn't LeBron
01:49That Stephen a could pretty much say anything about anybody's kid and have no repercussions
01:59That's a question for you frog boy
02:02Hold on. Let me explain something to you when Fonz was like
02:06Eight years old he came in the house crying
02:10What's wrong?
02:12the big kid talking trash to me
02:15Say some things
02:17You want I say you want me to go handle it
02:20Yeah, now I go out on the name. I go out on the street to find a kid riding
02:26You know like Debo up and down on his bike. He's 16 years old
02:35And I say hey man
02:37Would you pick on somebody your own size?
02:40Because my dad's a cop. I said, well, let's go see your dad. Okay, so we rode over to the house
02:47Yeah, I told the dad what's up? I say if he want to mess if you want to mess around like a grown man
02:53He gonna deal with a grown man
02:55And his father said I understand. That's it
03:01I'm never gonna have a problem with a parent
03:06Defending a kid. I don't care what the circumstances are. Okay, you and you as a parent
03:13Will understand that soon enough?
03:17I do understand. It's but okay, let's say
03:21Fonz played for his middle school team and then I'm a middle school writer
03:27Who maybe is in eighth grade when Fonz is in sixth grade writes Fonz stunk up the joint today
03:33Do you then go to the school? No, no, no, no to keep in mind
03:38Keep in mind. Yeah that conversation
03:42Had absolutely nothing to do
03:45With basketball
03:49Stephen a's comments
03:51right and
03:53I'm more than sure LeBron say if you want to keep it about basketball, that's fine
03:57Well, I think it was about I think the thing that that went
04:00Really viral on Bron is he asked he asked LeBron to step in and stop this because Bronnie was so embarrassing on the court
04:10It's harsh criticism, I mean it is
04:12But I would understand as a dad totally to be like
04:16That's what I'm saying. I'm like here. Here's here's all the reason why I came back at your frog boy, right?
04:27Do we?
04:29Eliminate the human side of
04:32Certain situations in sports this has nothing to do with Bronnie the basketball player. Yes to do with Bronnie
04:41The son of LeBron James and LeBron James as a father went over and talked to
04:47Not a basketball player. LeBron's great enough. He knows that he knows how good or bad his son is
04:54Yeah, the 40 year old father spoke to Stephen a however old he is other man and said stop talking about my son
05:00And I respect that
05:03See and that's and and that's where I think people
05:09Read I'm more than sure
05:13LeBron been getting talked about his whole career. Yep, right? There's criticism of
05:19a talent in sports
05:23The way Stephen a
05:25Presented it right was not clearly just about the talent
05:35He was saying LeBron stop this foolishness with your son
05:41Right, which is wait a minute. Oh like what father?
05:48What father?
05:49It's gonna go to a son of a team or their work and go
05:53You know what? My son sucks get him off the team who's gonna say that give me a father
05:58No, I mean and I completely agree with that
06:01You're gonna support your son, but you're you are the only reason for real for real
06:04You are the only reason your son's there like that because I'm one of the best ever do it. Yeah
06:09Okay, that is a bit of nepotism that comes. Okay, fine
06:13So so let me ask you a question. It's gonna be the Lakers. Yeah, and you got LeBron doing what he doing
06:21At 40. Yeah, and the way him and Luca look right
06:27You got a problem with putting Briony on in the 15th seat
06:35Okay, let's not let's not act like if we only because he's Ronnie. Let's say his name was something different
06:40I'm like Drew Smith. I'd be like, no, I don't want this guy this 15 spot
06:44LeBron wouldn't respond that way. Oh, cuz that ain't his son
06:48What I'm saying is a Bron you got your son to the league. You're gonna have to deal with some criticism sometime
06:53It is he is he is going to have to deal with criticism as a professional athlete
06:57that is that is that is that is with the territory, but I definitely think that there's levels of criticism and there's like
07:04He's asking he basically asked LeBron James to tap out on his career because it's so embarrassing, right?
07:09That's what I'm saying. Like maybe it's a comment about how bad Briony is. Hell we've all done that
07:16Like I only played five minutes
07:18And it's also one of these things like I don't really have a problem with Stephen a saying it either
07:23Because he's free to say what he wants to say
07:25But don't think LeBron's but don't think LeBron's not gonna get pissed about it. He's free to say what he wants to say
07:32my question is
07:35When can what he's saying?
07:38Be taken
07:40not as
07:42criticism, but
07:44It's always gonna be personal with your son though, you're right
07:50Your son is over 10
07:53right, hmm and
07:55Somebody says what?
07:56Briony stuck up the joint. He was over 10
07:59There's a difference in that that is factual
08:03Okay, then going LeBron. You need to stop this
08:07Like is he supposed to keep it to himself at a certain point cuz like Briony James's basketball was at a point where it was
08:12So bad. It's like this is this is crazy for him to be on a court
08:15But if he but all my point is this if Steven a was talking about
08:24The basketball that's in the
08:28The basketball that's in the
08:31Was talking about
08:34The basketball that's indisputable. He's been bad, right?
08:42The way he went after it
08:45Was a different level then just criticizing basketball and that's when LeBron stepped in
08:55I'm not questioning whether Briony stinks
08:59I'm not questioning. Oh
09:02But the way Steven a threw some cheese on it and went after LeBron
09:12That's probably why he got the little
09:14Snapback. I mean, I really like it's also not a new thing
09:18It's it's going to be more of a microscope and it's gonna feel like nepotism because it's LeBron which it is
09:24But the league is full of nepotism like I've literally seen
09:29three Antetokounmpo brothers that can could an average a triple single like Zoran Dragic
09:35You know the the up and down the front office like the the league is full of it
09:40But if you say that about Giannis or you say that about Goran
09:46You don't get the same response or the same
09:50Clicks is if you say it about LeBron, of course, and so
09:55Biggest athlete on planet, right? So if if LeBron comes back and hey, man
10:01What are we doing? Right?
10:04Yeah, like yeah, I would have we would all as fathers have a problem with the way
10:12that Stephen a
10:15Went after that
10:17Situation, okay, so let's not act like
10:21You know, this is strictly about the basketball when you say something like that to LeBron
10:28Also last night the Warriors beat the Nets 121 190. Can they lose one like just
10:36Looked at the statue. Mm-hmm
10:39Jimmy is the only one that was plus
10:42Yeah, Steph was minus 16
10:45Well, they seem to be very in love Leroy 65 points come up 65 points combined yesterday
10:51Honeymoon stage. Hey honeymoon state. Hey, but my count there's only 18 regular season games left
10:58That's that's all right now. So right now right now I'm asking you a question. Yep
11:04This has nothing to do with love or hate for Jimmy. Yeah, okay
11:09Would you take LeBron and Luka?
11:11Or would you take curry and Jim?
11:16LeBron's playing amazing
11:20LeBron's playing amazing. I didn't think LeBron James could play like this
11:25Defensively like he's been a monster. It's been crazy. Like he used to like he was like taking time off now
11:30They got to let Luka take off. So now LeBron has to pick it up on defense and it's insane
11:35He's on the way down
11:42Five years on the way down. He's been he turned 40 and got better a couple years from now
11:49He won't even be able to make the lady like it. Let me tell you I will say one thing. Okay as a side
11:55I'm not saying this is a LeBron
11:58When he takes these breaks and he comes back
12:04You guys do what you will but he takes these breaks and he comes back and then all of a sudden he can't be
12:10Like six times in his career. I don't know what's going on there. Very interesting. Miss that all-star break
12:18Did you see that shot to by staff yesterday, oh
12:23Like, you know every time I see step shoot. I think it had commercial with the dude from criminal my shamar more
12:33But here's what's you know, what's pissing me off about the Warriors. This is what's really pissing me off
12:36They're the anti heat in that like the heat big lead collapse. I tune in like I look at my phone every day
12:43I'm like Warriors down 17 points. I'm like, ah cool
12:47And I'm even like looking on Twitter and there's a lot of Warriors fans blasting Jimmy Butler. They end up winning
12:53I'm like, it's every game. I'm tuning in like good warriors that maybe I can have a night of peace. Nope
12:58Warriors cruise control yet again Brunson's hurt. So I wonder how this is gonna go. Oh, that's not good. That's not good
13:06And you could see it when it that little ankle hit the ground you're like, oh
13:11Cuz it's laying flat. It's like it's like laying flat on the ground
