• 2 weeks ago
Dive into the rollercoaster friendship of Sheldon and Penny from "The Big Bang Theory"! We're exploring the moments that prove they're either perfect companions or hilariously incompatible. From heartwarming connections to epic showdowns, this countdown reveals the complexity of their unique bond.
00:00Sheldon, you big weirdo, I want you to know that I love that you're in my life.
00:03I love you too.
00:05Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the moments when Sheldon
00:09and Penny's friendship on The Big Bang Theory felt destined to be, and the times they clashed
00:14like true arch-nemeses.
00:15I don't know what you're doing right now, but there are little bubbles forming in the
00:19corner of Sheldon's mouth.
00:20Okay, yeah, I kind of crossed a line.
00:24Number 5.
00:26Sheldon confides in Penny.
00:28As Penny and Sheldon grew closer, he sharpened her critical thinking while she helped him
00:32step out of his comfort zone.
00:34Mommy, why are you crying?
00:36Well, because I'm going to miss you, Shelly Bean, even though you creeped the bejesus
00:40out of me.
00:41Okay, I guess we're improvising now.
00:44However, the moment that cemented their bond arguably came in Season 10.
00:50After Sheldon and Amy moved in together and couldn't stop bickering, Leonard and Penny
00:54separated them to cool off.
00:56Penny learned Sheldon was essentially picking fights with Amy due to a painful childhood
01:02I heard a sound coming from my parents' bedroom.
01:06When I opened the door, I saw my father having relations with another woman.
01:11Oh, that's awful.
01:13Young Sheldon fans now know that isn't exactly what happened, but it speaks volumes that
01:18Sheldon trusted Penny enough to share it.
01:21Considering he'd held onto this secret for so long without telling anyone highlights
01:25just how deep their friendship had grown.
01:28What happened with your dad?
01:30We locked eyes, I ran to my room, and we never ever spoke of it.
01:36Poor thing.
01:37Number 5.
01:38Mortal Enemies
01:39Teaching Penny a little physics
01:41As well as a wealth of knowledge on their subject, we'd like our teachers to have interpersonal
01:46skills too.
01:47Well, Sheldon's got one of those.
01:50Someone could teach sign language to Coco the gorilla.
01:53I could teach you some rudimentary physics.
01:57It's a little insulting, but great!
02:00I'll be Coco.
02:01Not likely.
02:02Coco learned to understand over 2,000 words, not one of which had anything to do with shoes.
02:06Penny appeals to his inquisitive mind to convince him to teach her a little physics.
02:11Honestly, she must have been desperate because, well, she's met Sheldon before, right?
02:17That's college ruled.
02:18I hope that's not too intimidating.
02:24You're welcome.
02:25It doesn't take long for things to spiral as Sheldon's condescension and insults push
02:29Penny's patience to the limit.
02:31The tension peaks when Sheldon makes a particularly rude comment, leading to a heated confrontation.
02:38What does that imply?
02:39I don't know.
02:40Wait, how can you not know?
02:41I just told you.
02:43Have you suffered a recent blow to the head?
02:45Hey, you don't have to be so mean.
02:49Thankfully, he changes his teaching technique just in time.
02:52Those two are like particles in an unstable system.
02:55Had the lesson continued, their bond would have decayed faster than a muon.
03:00Why are you crying?
03:01Because I'm stupid!
03:02Well, that's no reason to cry.
03:07One cries because one is sad.
03:09For example, I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad.
03:13Number 4.
03:15Sheldon supports Penny's decision.
03:16In his own way, Sheldon has often supported Penny, whether it's helping her launch a
03:21business or lending her money when she falls on hard times.
03:25In this episode, Penny's frustrated when Leonard doesn't support her decision to
03:29quit her job at the Cheesecake Factory.
03:32Got your job back.
03:33That is great news.
03:34I didn't want to say anything, but you are making the right choice.
03:37To plunge yourself into debt right now would be literally insane.
03:40Yeah, I'm just returning my uniform.
03:42Normally, she's very self-assured, but Leonard's reaction makes her second-guess
03:47Then, in a twist, Sheldon becomes the one to comfort her, telling her she made the right
03:53The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.
03:57Now, when I decided I was going to be a physicist, I didn't take some other job in case it didn't
04:02work out.
04:03For someone who usually focuses on Penny's flaws, it's pretty special for him to throw
04:07his full support behind her, telling her not to let anything hold her back.
04:12Honestly, sometimes we all need that kind of confidence boost.
04:15Thank you, I needed to hear that.
04:17Why can't Leonard understand it?
04:21Because he's not like us, Penny.
04:24We're dreamers.
04:25Number 4.
04:26Mortal Enemies
04:27Who's going to Switzerland?
04:29Sheldon gets excited when Leonard's invited to see CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
04:34Only, Leonard plans on taking Penny as a Valentine's date.
04:38We also put in what happens if one of us wins a MacArthur grant, or if one of us gets super
04:41powers, or if one of us is bitten by a zombie.
04:46He can't kill me even if I turn.
04:48Is there anything in there about if one of you gets a girlfriend?
04:52No, that seemed a little far-fetched.
04:54Although this battle is tactically between Leonard and Sheldon, Penny ends up caught
04:58in the middle.
04:59Sheldon is determined to go, and pulls out all the stops to make it happen.
05:04He follows Penny to the laundry room to argue his case, but his approach isn't exactly persuasive.
05:11Maybe don't insult the person you're trying to convince?
05:14And here we have a waitress brushing her teeth with her finger, a.k.a. you.
05:20I'm sorry, is this supposed to be buttering me up?
05:23While his pitch doesn't work, he does guilt her into agreeing.
05:27However, the joke's on him as both Sheldon and Penny get sick and end up spending Valentine's
05:33Day with each other.
05:34It's you!
05:35I touched you!
05:38Happy Valentine's Day.
05:39Number 3.
05:41Sheldon comes to Penny's aid.
05:43We'll never forget the events that led to the introduction of Soft Kitty.
05:47Soft Kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur.
05:56Keep rubbing.
06:00Little ball of fur.
06:02When Penny needed help, Sheldon showed that despite his quirks, he wouldn't abandon his
06:08Can you help me, please?
06:11All right, let it never be said that Sheldon Lee Cooper ignored the pleas of a damsel in
06:16No one's saying that.
06:17Let's go.
06:18He helps her out of the tub, gets her dressed, and, against his better judgment, even drives
06:23her to the hospital.
06:24Is Sheldon the person you really want around in tough times?
06:28Probably not.
06:29But when he's all you have, you make the best of it.
06:32Sheldon, Sheldon, look, I am scared and in a lot of pain.
06:36Could you please take a break from being you for just a minute and try being, I don't
06:41know, comforting?
06:42To his credit, he tries his best to be supportive.
06:45He's even surprisingly patient after Penny's painkillers have well and truly kicked in.
06:50You have to help me get into bed.
06:57Sheldon has to get me into bed.
06:58Bet you never thought I'd say that.
07:04Who knows if he'd been quite so sympathetic had he known the consequences of his heroism.
07:08Number three, mortal enemies, scavenger hunt partners.
07:12You'd think this would be a great chance to show how well these two get along, but
07:17What are you doing?
07:18You have to start with the edges.
07:19There's no right way, Sheldon.
07:20I already found a few pieces that fit.
07:22Well take them apart and start with the edges and stop wasting time.
07:28In fact, it's a pretty accurate representation of their friendship, especially in the earlier
07:34While they make a good team by playing to their strengths, their competitiveness takes
07:38over and tensions rise fast.
07:43Those are map coordinates.
07:44Got them.
07:45Let's go.
07:47Do you want to know how I figured it out?
07:51No one likes to know it all, Penny.
07:52Sheldon, as we know, believes he's the smartest person around and even when Penny solves clues,
07:58he doesn't care to give her any credit or appreciate her contributions.
08:02They clash so often that honestly, it's a wonder Penny didn't just leave Sheldon
08:06stranded somewhere.
08:08The real prize here is that their friendship survived it all.
08:11No one's opening.
08:12We're the first ones here.
08:13It's dirty laundry.
08:14You're up.
08:15Why me?
08:16Because you've been training for this your whole life.
08:20You live in a pile of dirty laundry.
08:22Number two, soulmates, party in the bathroom.
08:25In one of the most heartwarming moments of the show, Penny comforts Sheldon after he
08:29panics at his birthday party.
08:31I know that you worked hard to put this together.
08:33I'm sorry I'm ruining it.
08:35Oh, please.
08:36You're not ruining it.
08:37Look, at some point, Raj will try to get everyone to do the electric slide.
08:39Now that will ruin it.
08:43I don't think I can go back out there.
08:45That's fine.
08:47Instead of coaxing him out of the bathroom, she allows him the time and space to handle
08:51his emotions.
08:53It's such a sweet scene that really shows how much both of them have grown and what
08:57their friendship has become.
08:58Penny shares how in the past, they might not have been friends, but now she cares for him
09:04There was a time I never would have been friends with someone like you, and now you are one
09:08of my favorite people.
09:10So if what you need is to spend your birthday in a bathroom, I'm happy to do it with you.
09:16Thanks to her, Sheldon rejoins the party.
09:19Although he doesn't verbally express his gratitude, his willingness to accept a hug
09:23with minimal complaint is basically him telling her that she's one of his favorite people
09:29I hope you didn't think you were going to get through tonight without a hug.
09:33You know, I used to hate these hugs.
09:38Now they're just extremely irritating.
09:40Number 2.
09:41Mortal Enemies.
09:42The armchair fight.
09:43Early on, we get a glimpse of why Sheldon and Penny never ended up together.
09:48We were an old married couple.
09:49The wife would serve iced tea and snickerdoodles.
09:54I don't have iced tea and snickerdoodles.
09:58Good wife would go to the store.
10:02I want a divorce.
10:03Just kidding.
10:04But it does lead to one of their funniest fights.
10:07When Sheldon finds out the chair he's been sitting in was something Penny picked up off
10:11the street, his germophobia kicks in and he makes it his mission to get her to toss it
10:21What's up, buttercup?
10:24You have to get rid of the chair.
10:27Penny, of course, has no intention of giving in, but she sure loves messing with him.
10:31It's perhaps one of the funniest takes on the Sheldon's Knox running gag.
10:44Penny even tries to use Amy and Penny's friendship against her, but that backfires
10:50Penny eventually abandons the chair, but shh, don't tell Sheldon why.
10:53Where do you want to tell Sheldon what happens?
10:55I swear!
10:56Can I tell my doctor?
10:57I'm probably going to need shots!
10:58Yeah, sure!
10:59Number one soulmate.
11:00Sheldon hugs Penny.
11:01We quickly learn in this episode that the best gift you can give Sheldon is no gift
11:11at all.
11:12I know you think you're being generous, but the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity.
11:17You haven't given me a gift, you've given me an obligation.
11:20Why bother with a nicely wrapped present when you can spare him the stress of figuring out
11:24how to reciprocate?
11:25But of course, that all goes out the window when Sheldon sees what Penny got him.
11:30Turn it over.
11:38To Sheldon, live long and prosper, Leonard Nimoy.
11:44And no, we're pretty sure no bath item gift set could ever match the thoughtfulness of
11:49her present.
11:50While a hug of gratitude is no big deal for most, it's huge coming from Sheldon, especially
11:56since until this moment, everyone probably thought he had no clue what a hug even was.
12:01Penny being his first makes it that much sweeter.
12:11Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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12:27Number one mortal enemies.
12:29Chaos erupts over an onion ring.
12:31By the time they call a truce, so much has happened that it's easy to forget it all started
12:36with an onion ring.
12:37Yes, one misplaced onion ring leads to Penny's banishment and an escalating feud, with both
12:43using their wits to take the fight further.
12:55Penny refuses to serve Sheldon, so he retaliates by blocking her access to Wi-Fi.
13:00She ruins his laundry night, so he hangs her delicates on a phone wire.
13:16It's funny that despite being mortal enemies, they're more alike than they realize.
13:20Leonard gives Penny the key to end the battle, leading to a truce.
13:24This episode is one of their funniest, and it gives us the ultimate comeback.
13:28Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.
13:31Yeah, well, your ken can kiss my Barbie.
13:35Which moment do you think cements Sheldon and Penny as soulmates, and when did you most
13:39enjoy watching them go head to head?
13:41Let us know in the comments.
13:50Do you agree with our picks?
13:52Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo, and be sure to subscribe and ring the
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