• yesterday
L'explorateur Percy Fawcett était en mission pour trouver la légendaire Cité perdue de Z, cachée au cœur de la jungle amazonienne. 🌿🏹 En 1925, lui et son équipe ont disparu sans laisser de trace, déclenchant l'un des plus grands mystères de l'histoire. Certains pensent qu'il a été tué par des tribus hostiles, tandis que d'autres croient qu'il s'est perdu ou qu'il est allé profondément dans la jungle et y est resté. Au fil des années, beaucoup ont essayé de suivre sa route, mais certains d'entre eux ont également disparu ! 😨 À ce jour, personne ne sait exactement ce qui s'est passé, mais l'Amazonie recèle encore de nombreux secrets qui attendent d'être découverts. La Cité perdue de Z pourrait-elle être réelle ? Ou Fawcett a-t-il poursuivi un mythe qui l'a conduit à sa perte ? Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Do you see this place on the map? Yes, right there.
00:03It is estimated that about a hundred people have disappeared or lost their lives here.
00:08Why do you ask? It seems that they were all looking for this man.
00:12Percy Fawcett. He was a British colonel.
00:15Famous for his piercing blue eyes, his perfectly shaven beard and his emblematic hat.
00:20He looked like a character of pride and prejudice, but lived more like Indiana Jones.
00:26In reality, this character was inspired by Fawcett's story.
00:30But his disappearance in 1925 was more macabre than any movie scenario.
00:35Colonel Fawcett was bold.
00:37Not the kind of ask for the password of your neighbor's Wi-Fi. Bold.
00:41I'm talking about a bold man in his own right.
00:43Like, I don't care so much about my life.
00:45He had been a soldier in Sri Lanka and had even done a secret espionage job in Morocco.
00:50But he needed more.
00:53Thus, in 1906, Fawcett began to explore parts of Brazil and Bolivia,
00:59where no one had dared to venture before.
01:02His mission was to create secret and amazing maps.
01:05Well, it doesn't seem very risky.
01:07But believe me, it was.
01:09If you want to explore the world today, you just have to open Google Earth and ...
01:14Well, that's all. No danger, no adrenaline.
01:17Maybe just one or two strange photos from Street View.
01:21Phew! But we're talking about the early 20th century,
01:24when satellites and this weird Google car didn't exist.
01:28At that time, if you wanted to complete the map of the world,
01:31you really had to explore the Earth on foot.
01:34So that's how Colonel Fawcett found himself in South America.
01:38And he became famous for his expeditions aimed at mapping the wild Amazon.
01:43For example, he was the first to record the locations of waterfalls in this region.
01:49But then, he became obsessed.
01:51We can blame the lack of sleep or any suspicious drink of the Amazon jungle that he drank,
01:57but suddenly, he began to think,
01:59I bet there is an ancient city and before it is hidden somewhere around here.
02:03Disclosure alert, there was none.
02:06He, but he was addicted to this idea.
02:08Visiting native Indians for so long convinced him that large groups
02:12could totally thrive in the middle of a huge tropical forest.
02:16And of course, Fawcett loved a good old adventure story,
02:19especially that of the 16th and 17th centuries, written by European explorers.
02:24In his stories, adventurers claimed to have discovered vast colonies
02:29and beautiful roads in the heart of Latin America.
02:32But Fawcett's favorite story of all time came from a manuscript written in 1753.
02:38At the time, adventurers were looking for precious metals in Brazil
02:42when they came across a ruined city with monumental buildings, roads and squares.
02:48Oh, and each corner had a Roman-style arrow.
02:51Naturally, the colonel was totally ready to find it.
02:55Too bad no one told him that this manuscript was mainly considered a fake.
03:00Yes, this story is as real as Snow White's.
03:03But then things got complicated.
03:05The colony described in this manuscript was supposedly located in northeast Brazil.
03:10But now he claims that there is an advanced civilization in Mato Grosso,
03:14which is located in another region of the country.
03:17So he decided to name this place the City of Z.
03:21In the 1920s, the colonel launched two separate expeditions to find it.
03:25But the two trips failed, because he had to face a terrible weather,
03:29fever and, of course, exhaustion.
03:32Now tell me in the comments,
03:34what do you think Fawcett did after two failed expeditions?
03:38Option A. He gave up.
03:40Option B. He called his mother.
03:43Option C. He tried again,
03:45because he didn't understand the message the universe was clearly saying,
03:50Of course, option C is the right answer.
03:52It's Tenaz Fawcett we're talking about.
03:55So, three years later, the colonel finally raised enough money
03:58to launch a new expedition in search of the City of Z.
04:02All he needed was a team of pretty crazy people to join him.
04:06Famous and experienced explorers begged him to go with them.
04:10But no, Fawcett decided to take his son and best friend in his place.
04:16In January 1925, this brave trio set off on their journey.
04:20They brought mosquito nets, cans and made a promise.
04:24We'll be back.
04:25Another revelation.
04:26They didn't come back.
04:27Oh dear.
04:28The journey began in New Jersey, in the United States.
04:31Then they sailed to Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil.
04:35There, they stopped to take animals from the bottom, like horses,
04:38and hired some local guides.
04:40Now, they were ready to head for the city of Cuiabá.
04:44Keep in mind that the distances to Brazil are incredibly huge.
04:47So, this little trip was like going from Miami to Chicago, on foot.
04:51Three months later, they finally ventured into the jungle for the first time.
04:55And that's where the fun really started.
04:58Their team faced infested rivers of piranhas,
05:01a endless bed of thick trees,
05:03and worst of all, insects.
05:05The constant buzzing of thousands of mosquitos kept them from sleeping.
05:11And Fawcett's best friend's foot became huge because of the tick bites.
05:16But the colonel didn't have time to play the babysitter with his friend's princess foot.
05:21Oh no.
05:22He was too obsessed to take a break.
05:24In fact, at one point, he was so ahead of his companions
05:29that he had to camp alone for a night.
05:31On May 29, Fawcett finally regained his senses.
05:34There was no city of Z.
05:36But did that stop him?
05:38Not really.
05:39He unpacked their equipment and sent the local guides back to Cuiabá.
05:42But before saying their final goodbye,
05:44he asked them to deliver a letter to his wife, saying something like,
05:48Don't worry, darling.
05:49Our son is doing well and is getting stronger every day.
05:52Of course he was.
05:54Anyway, after this dramatic goodbye,
05:56the trio ventured alone into the bush.
05:58The darkness engulfed the dense forest.
06:00And then they were never seen again.
06:03It was intense.
06:04So let's move on in time.
06:05Two years later,
06:06the newspapers were still speculating about the possibility that the trio could still be alive.
06:11And Fawcett became a legend.
06:13Like Bigfoot, but less hairy.
06:15One man said that the colonel had become one of the locals
06:18and lived his happy forever in the jungle.
06:20Another said that he was held captive by the Indians.
06:24But no one could confirm any of these observations.
06:27It was only in 1928 that the British authorities finally thought,
06:31better late than never,
06:33and decided to look for Fawcett and his crew.
06:36At that moment,
06:37they were almost certain that their expedition had perished.
06:40But they still needed proof.
06:42And after surviving days and days in the worst nightmare of the jungle,
06:47they found, well, nothing.
06:49But in a strange way,
06:51this mystery inspired more explorers to look for them.
06:54It is estimated that about a hundred people lost their lives in this process,
06:58and some of them followed the traces of the explorers,
07:01disappearing without leaving a trace.
07:03So, what really happened with the expedition?
07:06Researchers have accused everything and anything.
07:08Parasitic infection,
07:12jaguar attack,
07:13you name it.
07:14Some even say that Fawcett plunged into mysticism
07:17and started an occult community in the jungle.
07:20The Brazilian anthropologist Orlando Villas-Boas
07:23is probably the one who came closest to the resolution of this case.
07:27In the 1950s,
07:28he was working with the Indian Kalapalos
07:30when they suddenly confessed to having,
07:33er, eliminated Fawcett.
07:35They even had bones to prove it.
07:37But it turned out that a medical-legal analysis
07:39showed that the remains did not belong to the colonel.
07:43we go back to the starting point and no one knows,
07:46to this day,
07:47what happened to them.
07:49Fawcett's quest,
07:50as we know it today,
07:52is based on rather debatable sources.
07:56it is possible that he did not live in a dream world.
07:59Recent discoveries suggest, Dan,
08:01that his idea of ​​a sophisticated city in the jungle
08:04was not just a pure fantasy.
08:06In 2024,
08:07a vast ancient city was discovered in the Amazon,
08:11hidden under dense vegetation.
08:13Evidence suggests
08:14that it was built about 2,500 years ago.
08:18And it was surprisingly advanced,
08:20including houses and squares,
08:22all connected by an incredible network of roads and canals.
08:25But this city
08:26was in a forest in Ecuador,
08:28not in Brazil.
08:29Who knows?
08:30Maybe the legendary city of Zed
08:32is still there somewhere.
