• 2 days ago
The Wheatsheaf Pub in Wolverhampton, a pub with its ceiling covered in Wolves shirts, the perfect place to ask people if Wolves, for there 150th year should go back to Old Gold?
00:00The big topic amongst Wolves supporters is will the shirts for the 150th season be the
00:07normal colours that we see at the moment, the sort of yellowish orangey colour or are
00:10they going to be old gold? We've been here at the week shift here in Wolverhampton to
00:14speak to supporters of the club to see what they think and every single one of them uniformly
00:19said the same thing. Let's go and see what they have to say.
00:22Well this is Julie, tell me what you think about the idea, what do you think would be
00:26better an old gold shirt or the shirt that they've got now?
00:29Definitely the old gold, definitely go back to tradition, yeah.
00:33What is it about the old gold that makes it for you?
00:36Well again I think it's going back to tradition, I think it looks great on the shirt.
00:42It's something synonymous with Wolves as well isn't it?
00:44Yes, definitely, yeah. I'm talking about the idea of history because
00:47obviously there was the Arsenal shirt in 2006 when they were leaving Highbury they did that
00:51so it's a good way of celebrating the important landmark for Wolves as well.
00:58And I think at the minute we're playing pretty well, so yeah, anything to just bring everybody
01:03back together. Is it a shirt that you'd go out and buy as
01:06well? I think I would more so, yeah, definitely.
01:09Well we're here to talk to people about the Wolves kit for the 150th season, whether fans
01:14think that it should be the Curraghs at the moment or it should be old gold.
01:18I'm here with Dave who is a Wolves supporter, so what's your thought Dave, what do you think
01:21it should be? 100% old gold, the historical age of course
01:27and it should be back to the 150th with one doubt.
01:31What is it about the old gold kit that makes it so synonymous with Wolves?
01:36It's just the colours, it is the Wolves colour basically.
01:41What do you think of the current kits at the moment?
01:44I'm not that keen because basically it looks more yellow and it does the old gold, they
01:49keep saying old gold, but it looks the more yellow.
01:51You think we could get more confused with Norwich City or something like that?
01:54I wouldn't say that, no, because that's a dip in the yellow.
02:00And do you think that if the club listens to enough fans they'll actually say, OK we'll
02:04go with that? Well hopefully, at the end of the day you
02:08just don't know do you, but we're hopeful that they would.
02:12Right, cool. OK, so I'm with Aaron who is a long time Wolves
02:16supporter as well, so what do you think of the debate between old gold shirts and orange
02:21shirts, which ones would you prefer for the 150th season?
02:24Straight old gold, straight old gold. What we need to do, because it's an anniversary
02:30event, is literally just refresh it, go straight back to what we were, bring it all back and
02:37show that we are black and gold. It's a bit like what Arsenal did when they
02:41were leaving Hybrid, they had that plump shirt. Yes, yes, that actually, sorry I'm flashing
02:46a lot, do it, like peacock it. Absolutely, but what is it about the old
02:51gold colour that makes it synonymous with Wolves? Black and gold, it's just what it
02:57is, we are Wolves. Exactly, what do you think of the current
03:02kit at the moment? Do you know what, it's nice, but it's like
03:06they keep dulling colours, and they're doing it at other teams kits, they're dulling colours
03:10down and it's like why? And I think it's for this moment, I think
03:14it's for when we're in these situations to bring back the vibrancy, so let's go.
03:20This is Steve, as you can tell he's very much a Wolves supporter, what do you think
03:24of the debate between old gold shirts and new shirts like this?
03:26I like the old gold, the old gold. What is it about the old gold that you like?
03:31It's the old tradition, isn't it? Is that the thing about Wolves that sort of
03:34works as well, the fact it's a great traditional club?
03:36This one is too bright, it's still a light colour, it's still light.
03:41Do you think it's something that's just synonymous with the city of Wolverhampton?
03:44Yeah. What's that like?
