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Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy haremos un recuento de los enigmas más intrigantes que fueron total o parcialmente desentrañados por detectives aficionados en Reddit.


00:00The work that I'm doing in a legal setting would be considered the work of an expert witness.
00:20Cicada 3301 says those who solve the puzzles can join the secretive organization.
00:25There have now been three puzzles, each on January 4th.
00:30Number 20, room 322 of the SASA hotel.
00:34In 2013, a redditor shared photos of room 322 of the SASA hotel in Houston, Texas, where his friend had stayed.
00:42The disturbing decoration of the place included a bed chained to the wall,
00:47a hideous portrait of a finance executive, and what seemed suspiciously a double-sided mirror.
00:53Naturally, the internet went crazy and some speculated that it had links with hidden rituals or secret fraternities,
01:00while others saw it as a marketing scam.
01:04A curious redditor decided to book the room to see it more closely,
01:09but he discovered that it was nothing more than a novel prison-themed accommodation.
01:14And behind that double-sided mirror, there was only a bathroom.
01:18Obviously, the conclusion was quite disappointing.
01:23To me, if that's a word, there's nothing that's telling me that there's anything behind this mirror at all.
01:32Number 19, the mystery 432.
01:35This enigma online appeared on 4chan, but as happens with most things on the internet, it finally ended up on Reddit.
01:43It all started as a cryptic email that told the recipient that he had been selected and that he was being watched.
01:50It also included a link to a strange website full of meaningless enigmas and messages.
02:02Although this was already quite strange, it had an even weirder turn when the administrator of the place
02:08began to publish personal data of the detectives who were trying to solve the case.
02:13Suddenly it disappeared, and the Reddit sub-forum in which the case was discussed was banned.
02:18Many now conclude that it was an elaborate deception designed only to troll curious netizens.
02:25Number 18, the Seat Toca ad song.
02:35Have you ever had a song in your head?
02:37Well, that was exactly the case of a Redditor in 2015.
02:41He had come across an ad for the Ibiza Toca by the Spanish car manufacturer Seat,
02:47and he instantly got hooked on the background song, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find the name.
02:53His desperation led him to send an email to the company, which told him that the music had been created specifically for the ad.
03:00When everything seemed lost, he turned to Reddit.
03:03Curiously, a random user sent him a message with the title and the artist of the song out of nowhere,
03:09putting an end to a mystery that lasted a year.
03:15Number 17, 11bx1371.
03:26This creepy video began to cause a stir on the internet in October 2015.
03:31With a masked figure dressed as a plague doctor, the clip was full of hidden messages.
03:38Buzzing and disturbing images.
03:49Once it reached Reddit, the detectives did not waste time.
03:52They deciphered several messages, including texts and images hidden in a sound spectrogram.
03:58As if that were not enough, the video alluded to the biological war and even contained an anagram that said,
04:05Although many of the messages from the origin of the video were deciphered, it was still uncertain.
04:11However, during the investigation, the name Parker Wright continued to appear,
04:17and months later, someone with that name finally admitted to having made the video as an art project.
04:24Number 16, Mysterious Metal Cylinder.
04:34Over the years, mysterious objects have appeared on beaches around the world,
04:39causing confusion and curiosity among the inhabitants.
04:42In 2023, the inhabitants of Greenhead, a coastal town in Australia,
04:48had their chance to come across a gigantic metal cylinder on the shore.
04:53The mysterious object aroused much speculation, but hardly anyone, not even the police,
04:58could say what it was exactly.
05:00Until it reached Reddit, where it caught the attention of amateur detectives.
05:05Shortly after the publication, a user correctly identified it as the third stage of a vehicle
05:11launching polar satellites launched by India.
05:14The Australian space agency confirmed it later, proving once again that Reddit knows everything.
05:29Number 15, Unfavorable Semicircle.
05:41Not even the most prolific YouTubers could follow the rhythm of Unfavorable Semicircle.
05:46The channel was created in March 2015 and quickly gained attention for flooding the internet with thousands of strange videos.
05:53These clips varied in duration, but all had blurry images and occasionally a distorted male voice
06:00that read letters or numbers.
06:09Reddit soon took an interest.
06:12Two of the videos, titled Log and Dlog, particularly intrigued users,
06:18which led one of them to combine their frames, which created a decipherable image
06:23that in turn brought them closer to the resolution of the enigma.
06:26In the end, this online investigation led the anonymous creator to reveal himself in 2022
06:32and said it was an independent artistic project.
06:35Number 14, Nequam Sonitus.
06:38Nequam Sonitus
06:43If you today received any CD with noisy music and a plagued cover of links to websites,
06:49you would probably throw it in the trash without thinking twice.
06:53But when this happened to a Reddit user in 2013, he decided to publish it on the page and ask for advice.
07:00Soon, what started as a simple curiosity became a complex mystery.
07:05People began to investigate the CD and discovered GPS coordinates that led them to an old factory.
07:12Then, a mysterious creature began to make strange comments in the subreddit,
07:17interacting with those who tried to solve the case.
07:21It all turned out to be an advertising trick for an album by a performance noise group from Tampa,
07:26called Nequam Sonitus.
07:36Number 13, a series of encrypted codes.
07:40Nothing wakes up the mind of an online detective more than a series of codes that ask to be solved.
07:46So when a Reddit user began to publish random numbers without explanation,
07:51the aficionado detectives got down to work.
07:54The effort took years and several minds united, but the redditors deciphered until the last one.
08:00You would think that after so much effort, the message would be worth it, right?
08:04Well, no.
08:06It turns out that the person behind this was nothing more than a boring teenager practicing his coding skills.
08:12There was no golden pot at the end of the rainbow, but at least he kept them busy.
08:21Number 12, Debugs of Crazy.
08:24The redditors have seen almost everything,
08:27so when they call something Debugs of Crazy or Caja de la Locura, you know it's another level.
08:33In 2013, someone found a mysterious abandoned box next to the trash,
08:38so his friend took it to the army of Reddit pseudo-detectives.
08:42The content was incredible.
08:44It went from hand-drawn maps to unpatented illustrations,
08:48even going through sketches of UFOs and strange creatures that seemed to be taken directly from the Bible.
08:55Whatever you can imagine, there it is.
08:58The redditors managed to trace the box to a man named Daniel Christensen,
09:03who had died shortly before the age of 96.
09:18It is still unknown how the box ended up in the trash,
09:21but it is likely that they threw it after the death of its owner.
09:26Number 11, Nail through the Wood.
09:36Just by looking at the image of this entrance you will be scratching your head like thousands of redditors.
09:43The photo shows a block of wood divided into four sections,
09:47with a nail going through the two centers without touching the edges.
09:51How is this possible?
09:53Well, it left many bewildered until a redditor posted a video revealing the trick.
09:58Just submerge the end of the block in boiling water to soften it, compress it and slide the nail.
10:06Then you have to put it back in the boiling water and surprisingly the wood regains its original size.
10:13How did he have so much time to discover this?
10:16Number 10, Cicada 3301.
10:24Cicada 3301 is one of the most juicy mysteries on the internet.
10:29It is apparently a complex puzzle with the intention of recruiting smart people who can solve its various clues.
10:37The first puzzle appeared in advertising boards in 2012 and others reappeared in later years.
10:44The original was mainly focused on the idea of ​​creating a new world,
10:50The original was mainly focused on the idea of ​​creating a new world,
10:56which led most to speculate that it was some kind of recruitment tool for a government agency or an anonymous group on the internet.
11:06Many of its intricate and complex clues have been deciphered by Reddit collaborators
11:11and some have claimed to have solved the entire puzzle and have found a Reddit URL that provided crucial clues.
11:20Number 9, Stonehenge.
11:26No, Reddit did not discover how our ancestors built Stonehenge.
11:31And maybe that mystery will never be solved.
11:34This Stonehenge is totally digital.
11:37In July 2011, a Redditor opened a mysterious sub that consisted entirely of meaningless text.
11:43The Redditors assumed it was a code and thousands of people got down to work to decipher it.
11:49A Redditor did it and found an image of the famous Stonehenge, from England, in ASCII.
11:56Other smaller fragments of the text were also deciphered, but the broader meaning and its various codes are still a mystery.
12:05Number 8, Webdriver Torso.
12:15One thing are the mysterious texts and another the creepy and inexplicable videos.
12:21Webdriver Torso's videos began to appear on YouTube in 2013
12:26and consisted of a white background, blue and red rectangles in disturbing movement and beeps.
12:36The channel quickly captured the attention of the Internet and many speculated about its purpose.
12:41Some of the theories that were debunked were that it was a recruiting tool,
12:46espionage messages and, since we are on the Internet, extraterrestrial messages.
12:51The Redditors took action and an Italian blogger traced the account to Google.
12:56Finally, YouTube admitted that it was behind the videos and that they served as quality test mechanisms.
13:02Number 7, Intercepted Cable.
13:05This case surely intrigues the most conspiracy theorists.
13:09A user named ShadedBusiness15 called a fuse and opened his extension cable to evaluate the damage.
13:17He found what looked like a SIM card inside and posted a photo on Reddit.
13:22Users soon discovered that it was a listening device.
13:26Yes, ShadedBusiness15 had a microphone.
13:35Yeah, you hear me?
13:36If you called the SIM card number, you could hear what the device was recording.
13:41ShadedBusiness15 called, but it was no longer available.
13:46It was possible to solve what the mysterious device was, but not because there were microphones in his room.
13:53Number 6, the $50 riddle.
13:57The numbers can be funny.
13:59This one, not so much.
14:02A Redditor supposedly received a $50 bill and a secret code while walking down the street.
14:08He posted the mysterious numbers on Reddit and users quickly realized that it was something called the Bifido method.
14:16The code said textually,
14:18You can make a lot more money, decipher this and get ready to discover it.
14:23However, he also received another code in which they reprimanded him for asking for help and supposedly threatened him.
14:29Theories about the meaning of the text are varied and include links to the Defense Department,
14:35the planning of a meeting on Reddit,
14:37a hoax created by the OP,
14:39and a marketing stratagem.
14:42Number 5, the case of Jason Callahan.
14:46On June 26, 1995, a traveler died in a car accident
14:51and quickly earned the nickname of Grateful Doe
14:54due to his unconfirmed identity and his tickets to see the band Grateful Dead.
14:59Years later, a Redditor opened a subgroup called Grateful Doe
15:03and spread reconstructed images of the deceased,
15:06which ended up drawing his mother's attention and said it was his son, Jason Callahan.
15:12It looked a lot like the reconstructed image and disappeared in 1995,
15:17while he was still on tour with Grateful Dead.
15:20An investigation was opened and a DNA test was finally done on the unidentified man.
15:26After 20 years, Callahan was found.
15:30Number 4, hit and run.
15:35Hitting a car and then running away is the worst, but don't worry, Reddit is here to help you.
15:43The user Mithadath witnessed an accident and posted a photo of the broken headlight in the section
15:48R. What is this thing?
15:50Hundreds of fans of cars collaborated and located the headlight of a 1990 Cadillac Braham Gris.
15:59The author later discovered that the theft of a Cadillac Braham Gris had been reported in the area.
16:05The police linked a man to the vehicle and accused him of theft and several traffic crimes.
16:13Number 3, the unknown of Strongsville.
16:17Once again, Reddit helps in another unsolved case.
16:21In the 70s, a group of boys found a corpse, and the case was not solved for 40 long years,
16:29until a Redditor gave with the records of the cemetery and the autopsy report.
16:34After publishing it on Reddit, another user copied the files,
16:39and a foreign artist reconstructed the face of the victim.
16:42The image had an amazing resemblance to a teenager named Linda Pagano,
16:47disappeared since the mid-70s.
16:50Although the bones have not yet been officially linked to her,
16:54her brothers and Sergeant Akron Jeff Smith firmly believe that they will coincide.
17:00Number 2, Walter Scott and the Taser.
17:03On April 4, 2015, a man named Walter Scott was arrested for a broken brake light,
17:09and then the officer Michael Slager shot him with a Taser.
17:13The case jumped to international headlines,
17:16and the images of the phone of a transgender became the talk of the town.
17:21The case is still being investigated.
17:23The case is still being investigated.
17:26The case is still being investigated.
17:29The case is still being investigated.
17:32became a key evidence.
17:34The Redditor Daniel Buzzhardt stabilized and clarified the images
17:39and found what seemed to be Scott shooting Slagger with the taser.
17:44Buzzhardt maintains that Slagger may not have seen Scott get rid of the taser.
17:49The story of the Redditor and his possible discovery became a documentary.
18:02Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
18:11Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
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18:18You will surely like them.
18:20Now let's go to the end.
18:23Number 1. The Mysterious Post-it Notes.
18:26Sometimes Reddit can save a life, literally.
18:30A user named rbradbury1920 posted on rlegalodice
18:36that someone was leaving mysterious post-it notes in his apartment.
18:41Obviously he was scared and asked the community what to do.
18:45A Redditor suggested that he himself was writing the notes
18:49and forgot it due to a possible carbon monoxide poisoning.
18:53The owner admitted that he had had terrible headaches,
18:57that he lived above the parking lot,
18:59and that he had never connected the carbon monoxide detector.
19:02After doing so, he discovered that 100 parts per million were registered in his apartment,
19:07which indicated that he was indeed suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.
19:12The user kakerlag literally saved a life.
19:16Are you a passionate Redditor?
19:18What online mysteries have you helped to solve?
19:22Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo Español.
