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Schon bald kehrt Assassin's Creed im großen Stil zurück. Ab dem 20. März 2025 könnt ihr eure Reise ins feudale Japan antreten. Der Clou an Assassin's Creed: Shadows ist, dass ihr gleich zwei Charaktere abwechselnd steuert. Entweder schnetzelt ihr euch als angehender Samurai Yasuke durch eure Feinde hindurch. Oder ihr schleicht in Naoes Haut durch die Schatten und entledigt euch eurer Gegner, ohne Aufsehen zu erregen.

Wie genau diese beiden unterschiedlichen Spielstile aussehen, was die Besonderheiten sind und was für eine optische Figur Assassin's Creed Shadows macht, das alles seht ihr im obigen Gameplay-Video. Das geht übrigens 20 Minuten lang, Ubisoft hat also die Spendierhosen an!

Wie viel Spielzeit erwartet euch in Shadows? Wann geht der Preload los? Und könnt ihr mit einem GameStar-Test rechnen? Alle Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen gibt's hier!
00:00Greetings Assassins, my name is Simon, I'm Associate Game Director on Assassin's Creed Shadows and today we're gonna go through a comparative gameplay walkthrough showcasing both stealth and combat for our two protagonists.
00:14You ready, set, parkour down!
00:18We start off playing as Naoe as she approaches Nijo Castle in the city of Kyoto.
00:24We're also playing in the new immersive mode which means everyone in Japan is speaking their own native language but everything is subtitled.
00:33Give that mode a try, it's pretty cool.
00:36Like any castles in the game, this place is full of gear and resources ripe for the taking and we are free to go about it any way we choose.
00:45And so we choose to eliminate this poor Ashigaru soldier.
00:49Don't worry, he's with the bad guys.
00:55Okay, let's observe our surroundings and get our bearings.
00:59We've got one Ashigaru working the haystack.
01:03Another on patrol back there.
01:06And we've got a Samurai Daisho right here which could be a challenge.
01:11And there's the alarm bell which, trust me, if you pride yourself as being a stealth player, you don't want anyone to ring that bell.
01:20Although we're safe right now using the rooftops, Nijo Castle is fairly flat compared to most other castles.
01:27If things go awry and we have to disappear in a hurry, it's gonna be harder here because the roofs are just not that high.
01:34So we are gonna take our time.
01:39Yeah, the Samurai Daisho is by far the most dangerous enemy in this area.
01:44And since we have a Tanto equipped, this is a perfect setup for a double air assassination.
01:51Well, almost. Like I said, this Daisho is pretty strong, but no matter.
01:55A quick change of headgear with a particular perk that gives us one additional chunk of assassination damage on all air assassinations should do the trick.
02:08Oh yeah.
02:10Okay, that's a good start.
02:14Let's crouch in the shadows for now and see what happens.
02:18Vanishing in the shadows only works whether you're crouched or prone, so keep that in mind.
02:25Okay, as long as this guy stays far away, he's not much of a threat, so kunai to the face it is.
02:32And while this other guy is busy reloading his tempo rifle, we go up...
02:38...and he goes down. Beautiful.
02:42Okay, moving on to the next section.
02:48Using observe mechanic once again, we can see that there is quite a lot more enemies here.
02:54A few Ashigaru, a sniper, a couple servants, but I think we have a pretty obvious next move right here.
03:03Next customer, please.
03:07There's a lot of open space right in front of us, and it will be hard to close that distance without being seen.
03:13Perfect opportunity to call upon our ally Genojo and some of his exploding tricks.
03:21Okay, time to go to work.
03:24Tanto and hidden blade combo, baby.
03:27Oh, looks like we spooked a servant here.
03:30Now, these guys won't really fight back, but if they spot you, they will try and find some reinforcement and bring them back to the area they saw you in.
03:38But since we have no intention of staying here, this guy is not an immediate threat.
03:43So let's just use eagle vision and scout the house ahead.
03:47Orange are servant, and red means military archetypes.
03:51Let's make the most out of the shadows here and go around the problem rather than through it.
03:57We're probably bypassing a whole lot of loot opportunities right now, but it's the samurai daisho we're after, and so it's the samurai daisho we're gonna get.
04:07Wait, is this guy gonna... no. Okay, okay, we're good.
04:11Now, about that samurai daisho. Let's use a high-risk tactic here.
04:17We're gonna whistle him over to attract him to this shoji door, and using the katana...
04:24This is guaranteed to get attention from the outside, so let's disappear out of view and see if anyone shows up.
04:34Never stood a chance.
04:37Come on, it's cool to be a shinobi.
04:41Alright, quick use of the grappling hook to get back to the rooftops.
04:45Oh, somebody saw us.
04:48Eee, down boy.
04:51And with two sections of Nijo Castle cleared for now, let's make our way towards the Tenshu.
04:56Which, if you don't know, Tenshus are the biggest, tallest, most impressive structure in any Japanese castle.
05:03Word of caution though, the area at the base of any Tenshu is generally very well guarded.
05:09This is where the good stuff is.
05:12But Simon, I hear some of you say, we know already about Naoe's cool shinobi assassin moves.
05:19What we wanna know is, what, if anything, does Yasuke bring to the stealth experience?
05:25Fair enough, let's take a look at Yasuke.
05:30Same city, same castle, different season, different character, different save file.
05:36For all intents and purpose, we're restarting the whole thing using Yasuke with a purpose-built stealth and archery setup.
05:44Worth pointing out that we're not using his typical samurai armor here.
05:51Clearly not as nimble as Naoe, Yasuke still has a pretty respectable amount of traversal skills,
05:57as long as we read the world differently than we do when we play Naoe.
06:01And aiming at this Ashigaru soldier with predictive damage, we can see that he's gonna survive this shot, although his armor's gonna break.
06:08Switching to silent arrows bypasses armor and guarantees the kill.
06:13He never saw it coming.
06:15Yasuke can generate a lot of sound while moving through the environment,
06:19so choosing where, and more importantly, when to drop is gonna be crucial as we make our way through Nijo's courtyard.
06:28Taking a calculated risk here.
06:32Okay, we're good.
06:34Yasuke not having a hidden blade means that his types of kills are...
06:39badass, and very noisy, so you wanna space them out as well to avoid unwanted attention.
06:47And here is the first samurai daisho in this Yasuke stealth run.
06:53And I think he just noticed his buddy is missing a head.
06:58Welcome to the club.
07:10Silent arrows all day, baby.
07:14Oh, and here's a little pro tip.
07:16Yasuke's arsenal of weapons mostly relies on the same type of stuff that most samurai would have stockpiled in military setups.
07:24So little guard towers like this are always full of arrows and bullets for Yasuke to plunder,
07:29making his particular stealth playstyle much more generous than Naoe's more limited and cautious shinobi tool approach.
07:37Now, Yasuke does have the ability to climb, although his vertical leaps are more limited than Naoe.
07:43Similarly, we can reach most high points like this and use the observe mechanic to tag people, get our bearings, and find where our next objectives are.
07:52Yes, he's a lot bigger and a little slower than Naoe, but once you get a hang of his controls, Yasuke is a lot of fun.
08:00Oh, let's use prone navigation here and avoid being seen.
08:04This allows us to stay hidden while on the move, just like Naoe does.
08:08Okay, for the section up ahead, we're gonna call in our second ally, the poison specialist Oni-Yuri, who has the ability to put multiple enemies to sleep.
08:24Yeah, no poison for you.
08:28Courtyard clear, time to move into the house.
08:31Little fun fact about Oni-Yuri's poison clouds, they will affect any other enemy who investigate those bodies and will also make them fall asleep.
08:41And since Yasuke does not have eagle vision, whistling in a doorframe is a sure way to get the attention of whoever might be lurking behind a door and get the drop on them.
08:54We previously saw with Naoe that this house during winter is full of people, but here in summer during broad daylight,
09:02there was only one samurai guarding a tapestry which will look infinitely better in our own hideout.
09:09Your move, buddy.
09:11Yeah, that's a good move.
09:12Okay, moving on to the next section here.
09:17Hold on, we're gonna get some elevation first and get our bearings.
09:21Let's use this crate here.
09:24And let's get a feel for the neighborhood.
09:29Hm, let's take down the alarm bell just to be safe.
09:33Okay, let's go.
09:34And let's get a feel for the neighborhood.
09:39Hm, let's take down the alarm bell just to be safe.
09:44Because I can't shake the feeling that stealth with Yasuke might be coming to a close here.
09:51Okay, we have their attention now.
09:53Now, we're not wearing the most efficient armor for an open fight, so we're gonna switch the yumi bow for the kana bow.
10:00That gives us a much better insurance policy in an open fight like this.
10:05Okay, let's go get it.
10:08Oh yeah, you're up.
10:14That's one down.
10:20That's two.
10:25Yeah, you should have made that shot.
10:29That is three down.
10:30That is three down.
10:32And I think it's kana bow time, baby.
10:37This thing hits hard, but it is slow, so we have to be precise here.
10:42Give me some space, will ya?
10:45Next few hits are gonna be critical here.
10:50Backbreaker ability.
10:53Nicely done here.
10:56Now, let's go.
10:57That's why I raised my arms.
11:27Such as this headband that allows us to vault over an enemy when we sprint at them in open combat.
11:33Let's switch up our outfit as well while we're at it.
11:36Yeah, we don't have a good perk reason to equip this right now, but I kinda like this one, so life's about taking risks, man.
11:44And we're also going to swipe the tanto hidden blade combo in favor of the more versatile kusarigama.
11:50Oh yeah, this one has 60% increased damage over distance.
11:54Okay, let's put that to good use.
11:55Okay, let's put that to good use.
11:57And I think I see our first victim here.
12:00Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.
12:02Okay, that must be a servant.
12:09One more for good luck.
12:12Ah, where did that servant go?
12:18Second target acquired.
12:20Trust me on this one, you will want to unlock the kusarigama rush assassination skill.
12:27You can quote me on that.
12:30Quiet approach here, and down he goes.
12:35Observe mechanic.
12:37This identifies a secondary target we've been tracking for a while now.
12:43Wait, yeah, it was a servant, because we can see them coming back with a bunch of reinforcements.
12:49So we're going to dispatch Yaya to take care of that distraction.
12:54She should have no problem dealing with these two grunts.
12:58I mean, I think.
13:00Yeah, she's got this.
13:02Okay, here we go.
13:06Pulled the trigger too fast on this one.
13:09Deflect plus manual volt over.
13:12But with this headband perk we got on, we just have to sprint at the enemy, and it auto-volts over.
13:19Nice little perk.
13:23Whoops, sorry about the barrels.
13:34Yo, I'm over here.
13:36And catch it.
13:39Okay then, have some of this.
13:41And this.
13:48Hey, Yaya comes in with the assist.
13:52Okay, we're going to deploy some tricks here.
13:55Can't assassinate him in smoke, but he won't see this coming either.
14:07Yeah, you tell me.
14:08Don't worry, it'll all make sense once you get your hands on the game.
14:12For now, let's take a look at the very top of this Tenshu, where this white dot represents the unique Samurai Daisho chest from this castle.
14:21Using the grappling hook, it's pretty easy to hook up on those large overhangs, and make climbing the exterior of a Tenshu pretty much a breeze from that way.
14:30That being said, we're bypassing quite a few loot opportunities right now.
14:35There is more than 30 unique castles in the game, and each of them comes with their own Daisho chest, which only unlocks once you deal with all the Samurai Daishos stationed within that castle.
14:48We're not talking about random loot drops either.
14:51Every single Daisho chest contains bespoke, handcrafted, legendary gear, either for Naue or Yasuke, all of it some of the best loot you'll find anywhere in Assassin's Creed Shadows.
15:04Let's have a look at the beautiful skyline of Kyoto on a brisk winter morning.
15:09Using the observe mechanic on top of a synchronization point like this will reveal nearby points of interest.
15:16Up to us to place markers as we see fit to further our exploration.
15:21Okay, so, we've seen both Naue and Yasuke, and now it's time to head back to the castle.
15:26We'll be back in a bit.
15:50We've seen Yasuke's stealthier sides, and we've seen what aggression looks like for Naue.
15:55Now, let's switch over to our Samurai and see what we can muster from a full frontal aggressive assault with Yasuke.
16:02Once again, it's time to shake up our loadout with much more aggressive weapons.
16:07Okay, first we're gonna pick the Naginata here, which is excellent for crowd control.
16:12And because stealth will not be an option here, let's use the Tepo rifle for maximum range efficiency as well.
16:18We expect stiffer position here, so using a full-on armor set with a perk that allows Yasuke to parry unstoppable attacks makes a whole lot of sense.
16:28And to literally cap it off, a matching Samurai helmet with a perk that deals 50% damage on parries.
16:36Look, I don't want to jinx it, but I think we've got this.
16:40Okay, are we ready? Knock knock.
16:43Knock knock.
16:46Yep, you're done.
16:59Alright, who's next?
17:02Okay, I think we're just gonna beeline straight to our target here.
17:06Oh, Sniper on the right. Calling in Yagoro.
17:10He'll take care of that Sniper while we are running straight into the Dragon's mouth.
17:16This is gonna be good.
17:21Hello, Takahashi Shiro. We've been looking for you.
17:27Come on, what you got, big man?
17:29Come on, what you got, big man?
17:34Right, we can parry these.
17:36There you go.
17:39No you don't.
17:47He's down. It's you and me, pal.
17:54Armor break.
17:58Now that he has no armor, we're chipping away at his health.
18:03And here we go.
18:13Yeah, I know. People will just have to untangle that mess for themselves.
18:18Okay, not bad. Here's to a job well done. Two Daishos dead and one secondary target off the board.
18:27Now, we've seen Naoe climb the exterior of a Tenshu with ease and agility, but when it comes to Yasuke,
18:33sometimes it can be easier to just take the stairs and climb all the way up.
18:38You'll find plenty of loot, the occasional straggler, and most awesome of all,
18:43you'll be able to enjoy our fantastic sound design. Just listen to that rain.
18:53It's awesome.
18:55Okay, up the ladder and on to the last floor here.
18:59There's the same Samurai Daisho chest we previously talked about.
19:04Mm-mm, that delicious handcrafted legendary gear.
19:09And before we leave, please allow me to indulge myself and take one last look at the beautiful city of Kyoto
19:17and its mountainous surrounding landscape during the bountiful summer months.
19:24Thank you very much.
19:54We hope you'll join us on the streets of feudal Japan very soon. Have a good one. See ya!
