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Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 15 en Español Completo
00:00Perder mi bodeguita!
00:02No, no se preocupe Don Gilberto, esa maquina no nos va a vencer.
00:05Si, Don Gil, ya tenemos planeado desaparecerla.
00:07Eh, trabajar duro para recuperar a los clientes.
00:11Quiero echarme un rato.
00:16Está causando...
00:22La mano de Claudia.
00:24No era la mano de Claudia.
00:26Era un maniquí que alguien puso ahí para molestarte.
00:29¿Un maniquí?
00:32Pero no te preocupes por eso.
00:34Ya voy a encontrar al culpable.
00:36¿Qué? ¿Entonces el plan ya no va o qué?
00:42El plan sigue en marcha.
00:45Esa máquina tiene que desaparecer sí o sí.
00:50Solo vamos a tener que esperar el momento indicado para poder hacerlo.
00:57El muqui dijo que su alma no estaba en el plano espiritual.
01:01Por favor, dejen de meterle esas estupideces en la cabeza a Francesca.
01:05Tú y el otro charlatán han hecho que ella llegue a esta situación.
01:09Llego. El chamán no es ningún charlatán.
01:11Yo no tengo nada que hacer con él.
01:13Esto es real.
01:15Y esto también.
01:20Nuestra casa y la bodeguita corren peligro
01:24mientras ese tipo siga viviendo en las nuevas lomas.
01:28No, papito. Nadie nos va a quitar nuestra casa.
01:31¿Por qué en mi jardín?
01:33Bueno, porque el hueco ya estaba hecho
01:35y me quedaba cerca la casa para visitarla.
01:37Ah, bueno. Por tu genial idea,
01:39ahora Francesca se debate entre la vida y la muerte.
01:42¿Y necesitas el hueco para enterrarla?
01:44¡Correctito! ¡No seas tosco!
01:49No me voy a rendir sin darle pelea a esa máquina.
02:05¡San Juan Bendito!
02:07No está.
02:09¿Qué pasa, Félix?
02:10Quisiera saber si usted, por casualidad,
02:13le ha guardado su máquina.
02:15¿Qué máquina?
02:16La Neutrónica.
02:17No. No la he guardado en ningún lado.
02:19¿Por qué?
02:20Porque no está en su sitio.
02:22Este error te va a costar muy caro, Watchman.
02:24¡Muy caro!
02:29¡San Juan Bendito! ¡Abracitos a los guabrillos!
02:35Buenos días, Don Gilberto.
02:37¿Qué tal, Doña Margarita?
02:39¿Qué se le ofrece?
02:41Pensé que nos había abandonado.
02:43Por eso estuve comprando en la máquina del costado.
02:46Pero al parecer se la han llevado.
02:49¿Cómo que se la llevaron?
02:52Ya no está.
02:53Yo creo que se la han robado porque el Watchman está llorando.
02:58En fin.
02:59Deme dos latas de atún, un aceite y el vinagre, por favor.
03:04Por supuesto.
03:07Dos latitas de atún.
03:10Buenos días, Don Gilberto.
03:12Por favor, me da un champú y una mostaza.
03:15Oye, ¿qué será de la máquina? Que ya no está.
03:18Me tengo que lavar. Necesito lejía y detergente, por favor.
03:22Yo creo que se la llevó a la municipalidad.
03:25Ahorita nos atiendo.
03:30¿Cómo ha amanecido, Don Gilberto?
03:32Se escucharon mis plegarias.
03:35¡La máquina desapareció!
03:40¡Qué buena suerte!
04:04Hola, Fran.
04:07¿Cómo estás?
04:09Bien. No sé qué dicen los médicos.
04:11Dicen que debemos tomarnos vacaciones.
04:14Sí, ya quiero irme de acá.
04:16Sí, sí. Pronto nos iremos a un lugar tranquilo, con mucho sol,
04:20donde podamos tomarnos el descanso que nos merecemos.
04:24¿Cuándo me dan de alta? Quiero irme a mi casa.
04:27Hoy mismo nos vamos a la casa.
04:30¿Y la mano?
04:32Ya solucioné ese problema.
04:35El infeliz del cobrador de micro enterró a su maniquí en nuestro jardín.
04:40Mi infeliz es poco.
04:42Casi me mata de un infarto.
04:44Sí, sí. Ya está advertido.
04:46No volverá a enterrar nada en nuestro jardín.
04:50¿Sabes algo de Leonardo?
04:53¿Por qué me preguntas por él?
04:56Olvídate de ese infeliz. No es de fiar.
04:59Olvídate de él y del charlatán que te dijo todas esas cosas en la sesión espiritista.
05:04No te hace bien recordar esos momentos tristes de tu vida.
05:30Trini, ya tienes toda la información para recuperar mi máquina.
05:35Rastreala y mándame todas las coordenadas a mi correo personal.
05:40La búsqueda de Neutronics ha comenzado.
05:44La verdad no entiendo cómo puede desaparecer una máquina como esa de la vuelta.
05:49Yo te dije que si algo le pasaba, tú ibas a ser el único responsable.
05:54Y vas a asumir todos los gastos si no la recuperamos.
05:58Señor Miguel Ignacio, no sea malito.
06:00¿Yo de dónde voy a sacar para pagar una máquina como esa? No tengo.
06:04Entonces reza para que la recuperemos.
06:07Buena idea.
06:08Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga.
06:12Máquina ubicada, Miguel Ignacio.
06:15San Juan Benito.
06:17La ubicación ya está en tu correo.
06:29Llama a la policía.
06:31Comunicándome con la comisaría de las nuevas lomas.
06:37Espero que esa máquina no vuelva a aparecer nunca.
06:45Hemos vendido 200 soles en menos de una hora.
06:49Jamás una máquina va a poder superar la atención de una persona.
06:52Y usted, don Gilberto, es el bodeguero más maravilloso de todo el Perú.
06:56Eres muy dulce, maripacita.
06:59Me haces recordar mucho a la Gris.
07:02La hija de mi padre.
07:04La Gris.
07:06La hija de la Charito.
07:09Algún día te hablaré de ella.
07:13Pero ahora me pongo a pensar.
07:16¿Quién se habrá llevado la máquina?
07:19¿La municipalidad o los amigos de lo ajeno?
07:23No importa quién se la llevó.
07:24Lo importante es que usted va a poder seguir atendiendo a los clientes como siempre.
07:31Cuídame la bodeguita un ratito.
07:32Sí, sí. Yo la cuido.
07:34Mírala. Mírala.
07:40¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil! ¡Don Gil!
07:44¡Tres y una por la mejor bodega de la Napolitana!
07:55Señora Francesca.
07:56Qué alegría tenerla de vuelta.
07:57Gracias, Lucio.
07:59¿Arreglaste todo como te ordené?
08:01Por supuesto que sí.
08:02You can go up whenever you want.
08:05Let's go to the room so you can rest a little more.
08:08The doctor has asked you for at least three more days of rest.
08:13And that scandal?
08:15Some stupidity of the rustics of the front.
08:18Don't listen to them.
08:26What is this scandal?
08:29Did I get the house wrong?
08:30Yes, yes, the bandits are the dead ones.
08:33What are you doing here?
08:34To the wall, to the wall.
08:37What's wrong with you?
08:40Let's see, let's see, let's see.
08:41We are poor but honored.
08:42You are confusing me.
08:43I don't have my car, I don't have my car.
08:46Where is the machine?
08:47What machine?
08:49Check the whole house.
08:51Don't move.
08:52There, calm down.
09:00I knew you were behind all this, criminals.
09:11Are you crazy?
09:12We haven't stolen anything.
09:13What fault do we have that you have taken it?
09:15Why do we want your machine if we have our own little winery?
09:18Valentino, where did you hide the machine?
09:21A magician never reveals his secrets.
09:23Is this serious?
09:24You know I just wanted to prevent Don Gilberto from stretching his leg.
09:31Don't move.
09:32Don't move.
09:34Don't move.
09:35So, I'm going to go get my stuff.
10:04And who tells me that you're not in cahoots with these delinquents?
10:07Do you think the watchman...
10:09I'm very sure of that!
10:12Go over there!
10:12No, get out of here!
10:13Go over there!
10:13Just look at their faces!
10:34I'm going to make all of you pay!
11:03I'm going to make all of you rot in jail!
11:05We don't know how this machine got up there!
11:07Look, you know us, officers.
11:10We are good people.
11:11We would never take something that's not ours!
11:13In the room, my daughter and Yuli sleep,
11:16and they would be unable to steal a pin!
11:19So, how can you explain that you found the machine on the second floor of your house?
11:23Ah, that's a very good question!
11:25But I don't have the answer.
11:27We're going to clarify that now, gentlemen.
11:29But I didn't think I'd find so many people here.
11:32Tell me, is that microphone of yours outside?
11:34Now, please!
11:35Everyone, go to the vehicle. We're going to the police station.
11:38No, no, no, no, no!
11:40No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
11:42No, please!
11:43Get out, gentlemen!
11:44Go back to work!
11:45Go back to work!
11:46I'm going to work!
11:48I'm going to work!
11:48You already lost!
11:49We're going to work!
11:49Go, go, go!
11:51Go, please!
11:52Yes, yes.
11:52Go, go!
11:56You are the only ones who can explain all of this!
12:01I... They are not to blame for anything.
12:04I am to blame.
12:05What? Another Gonzala?
12:07She was not alone.
12:09I left her in her tent, Mrs. Lorena.
12:11With my help.
12:12And mine.
12:13What am I going to tell your mother?
12:15It was a joke, ma'am.
12:16A joke?
12:18Oh, but we didn't do it with bad intention, huh?
12:21It was just to scare the owner of the machine, nothing more.
12:23Yes, we didn't think they would get into trouble because of us.
12:27You are older, right?
12:29Seventeen, how old are you, boss?
12:32And Mario?
12:33We are the same age.
12:34Please, Mr. Inspector.
12:35Miguel Ignacio.
12:36Did you hear the boys?
12:37It was just a joke.
12:38A joke?
12:41I'm going to make them meditate their joke
12:43from Maranguita.
12:46Maranguita, please.
12:47No, Maranguita.
12:48What is Maranguita?
12:49The street.
12:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:54Silence, please.
12:56Silence, sir.
12:57I don't see a serious crime here.
12:58But it can't be.
13:00He already got carried away by the crocodile tears
13:03of these juvenile delinquents.
13:04What happened?
13:05We are not even sure that my machine works.
13:08Well, you can try it now, right?
13:10I'm going to do it right now.
13:11Try it, try it, try it, try it.
13:14Juvenile delinquents.
13:15He's crazy.
13:16Calm down, boy.
13:19Give me a bottle of water.
13:24Give me a bottle of water.
13:27I'm sure he ran out of bottles.
13:29Shut up, sucker.
13:33Give me a package of mint candies.
13:36You told me you were going to have a good time, but ...
13:39The machine resented?
13:41It must be.
13:42Is it artificial intelligence?
13:44That means they have failed.
13:47Why don't all these people go to the police station?
13:51I don't want to stay here anymore.
13:54You don't have to say anything.
13:56The machine told you, Nachito.
13:58It's just that we've got a pretty special bond.
14:02I can't take it anymore.
14:04I'm going out.
14:15What's the heat doing there?
14:18Hello everyone.
14:19And you, boy with the appearance of an elf.
14:21Have you been stuck there all this time?
14:23Nachito just gave me a favor.
14:26To finish my little cellar.
14:28To finish your little cellar.
14:30Ha ha ha ha ha.
14:33It was not a joke.
14:35They believed it.
14:37What happens is that it occurred to me and I asked Panchito to ...
14:40I am your compadre.
14:44My compadre Panchito.
14:45I asked him to help me.
14:46Do you understand?
14:47Ha ha.
14:49Look at their faces.
14:50Ha ha.
14:51Mr. de la Casa.
14:52Listen to me, please.
14:53I'm going to ask you to be more responsible when you call the police station.
14:55The police is respected.
14:56It is not to be an accomplice in your jokes.
15:00Sorry, Mr. Commissioner.
15:01It just happened to me.
15:04We don't play with neighbors like that.
15:05You know, the ludic moves us.
15:08Let's go.
15:09But I'm yours and you're mine.
15:12Love is a trap.
15:16But I love it.
15:18But I love it.
15:20We cry of sadness and joy.
15:24But I'm yours and you're mine.
15:58Love is a trap.
16:02But I love it.
16:04But I love it.
16:06We cry of sadness and joy.
16:10But I'm yours and you're mine.
16:14Love is a trap.
16:17But I love it.
16:19But I love it.
16:23We're watching.
16:54apariencia a estar encerrado dia y noche sin ventilacion aprisionado sin baño bueno
17:03en realidad el vacin se volteo cuando se abrieron la maquina
17:05que le puedo decir ustedes hicieron su broma yo hice mi bromita estamos parches ya
17:15bueno entonces pase la prueba para trabajar en tu corporacion
17:18despues hablamos de eso este hombre si es de temer
17:23esclavizar a un ser humano para salirse con la suya
17:26es peor de lo que me habias hablado maripaz anda a la casa que estas castigada
17:31yo porque si no hice nada a la casa
17:34no pero es verdad señorita ella no hizo nada
17:35fuimos nosotros tres a la casa
17:37solo queriamos ayudar a mi hijito a la casa
17:40es evidente que la mente maestra detras de esto fue de mi hija
17:44hazle caso a tu madre este es un asunto que yo voy a resolver
17:58personalmente y no quiero que nadie mas intervenga
18:03si no hubieran cancelado la maquina real
18:21pero solo a mi se me ocurre confiar en alguien como pancho
18:34escuchame biscacha estreñida he venido a hablar contigo
18:41hace tiempo que no escuchaba ese apelativo pero pase por favor pase
18:45no quiero entrar a tu casa oh vamos don gilberto pase
18:49se ha venido hasta aquí por algo no he venido para decirte tus cuatro frescas
18:56bueno entonces siéntese que soy todo oídos así estoy vieja
19:01e iré de frente al gran nunca se lo he dicho pero
19:05usted me recuerda muchísimo a mi padre que si era un hombre noble trabajador
19:12entregado a su familia con los años se puso reneon como usted
19:18hablate de tonterías esta vez no te vas a salir con la tuya
19:26no se que se refiere hasta el sonsonazo pusiste esa maquina
19:32para hacer quebrar mi negocio pero era solo un calentamiento
19:38lo que quieres es aplastarlos como la vez pasada
19:43no me diga que usted piensa también que yo quiero destruir su nueva casita
19:50la vez pasada pudiste hacerlo porque pepito no pagó la hipoteca
19:56pero ahora esta casa es mía y tengo todos los documentos en regla
20:05no no no le juro don gilberto que no está en mi plan es destruir su casita
20:11y porque voy a creerte ese día apareciste con tremendo aparato y
20:18dirigiste la demolición pero de verdad don gilberto yo lamento que
20:24usted y su familia piense que le voy a mandar un cargador frontal pero de
20:28verdad no es el caso mire yo lo que más quiero en esta vida
20:33es paz eso es justamente lo que no vas a tener si sigues metiéndose
20:41con nosotros soy un hombre de negocios don gilberto yo lo único que vi fue una
20:46oportunidad y puse la máquina una máquina de mentira bueno pero eso prueba
20:52que hay oportunidad para las máquinas expendedoras en nuestro distrito así
20:56como cuando vi su terreno y vi la posibilidad de que sería bueno levantar
21:00un edificio inteligente pero no es el caso gilberto no es el caso créame no
21:05fue ni en ni será algo personal qué cínico que puede ser no soportabas
21:13tenernos al frente y ahora la historia se repite
21:19pero si no quieres vernos esta vez quien se va a tener que ir es tú
21:27de verdad créeme créeme yo he perdido muchísimas cosas por mi arrogancia por
21:33mi ambición pero de verdad he aprendido la lección no te hagas la
21:39víctima conmigo te conozco muy bien y no creo en tus arrepentimientos
21:47no don gilberto no cosecho lo que siembro y de verdad no miento cuando digo que
21:54renunciaría a todo lo que tengo por tener a otito y a gladys a mi lado
22:01de querer
22:07que marchas otra vez
22:09y yo no se que hacer
22:11una noche más
22:13ay casita
22:15quien iba a pensar
22:17que me iba a acostumbrar tanto a ti
22:23al barrio
22:25a esta ciudad
22:27a mi nueva familia
22:35que paso
22:45que paso teresa
22:55ayúdame con esto
23:01no es necesario que te vistas así
23:03y bueno a ver
23:05aquí nadie ha pedido tu opinión
23:07es que no te veo cómoda
23:09tú no eres así
23:11es que de eso se trata
23:13porque siendo yo no me respeta
23:15en cambio decía mi mamita
23:17inspiro fuerza seguridad
23:19es más
23:21me empiezo a sentir como ella
23:23tú has visto esa película del fantasma
23:25en donde el medium
23:27está haciendo todo
23:29todo su conjuro
23:31y el fantasma entra en su cuerpo para hablar con la amada
23:33no, no he visto
23:35porque no me gusta ver películas de fantasmas
23:37no importa
23:39el tema es que siendo nelly camacho
23:41si puedo derrotar a miguel ignacio de las casas
23:43ese es un hombre maligno
23:45no le importa
23:47quien se cruce en su camino
23:49sea persona, animal o casa
23:51cosa querras decir
23:55ese hombre es capaz de cualquier cosa
23:57y nosotros tenemos que estar atentos
23:59porque en cualquier momento
24:01aparece con su aparato gigante
24:03y nos tumba la casa
24:09que tal me veo
24:17tú y yo juntas
24:19vamos a triunfar hoy
24:21besitos al ángel gabriel
24:37perdóname amor
24:39no entendí tu pregunta
24:41te escuché decir
24:43me gustaría tener a una tal gladys a tu lado
24:45a mi?
24:47estaba hablando de
24:49don gilberto le presento a la señorita
24:51greta gomez de la torre
24:53su novia
24:55casi novia
24:57tu no has aprendido la leccion
25:01ay mikey
25:03no esta muy mayor el gasfitero
25:05no, no, don gilberto es nuestro
25:07vecino de al lado
25:09god, no me digas
25:13usted es el que vive
25:15en la casa espantosa del costado
25:19yo vivo ahí
25:21y es de mi propiedad
25:23ay pero porque no la termina
25:25no se metale una manito de pintura
25:27una decoradita
25:29porque me gusta
25:37ay mikey no solamente la casa es
25:39horrenda sino tambien los habitantes
25:41uno mas horroroso que el otro
25:45yo creo que tienes que desaparecer de una vez
25:47por todo ese desmonte
26:03tenemos 5 años de experiencia laboral
26:05y que hacemos los que nos acabamos de graduar
26:07con quien hablas?
26:09no, estoy viendo una convocatoria
26:11para técnico de enfermería en una clínica fichita
26:13el sueldo es bueno pero
26:15pide mínimo 5 años de experiencia laboral
26:17y tu cuantos tienes?
26:19uno y eso con ajustas
26:21y es porque después de mis prácticas me contrataron en la policlinico
26:23si no, ni eso
26:25y has sabido algo de la policlinico?
26:29me gustaría ir a hablar con la directora
26:31para pedirle que por favor me saque la suspensión de mi ficha laboral
26:33pero no tengo cara
26:35pero y porque no le dices a la licenciada?
26:37ella se hace la dura pero se nota que te quiere
26:41si, algo de cariñito me tiene
26:43tal vez en estos días voy y la busco
26:45y tu?
26:47que haces con ese libro?
26:49ah no, estaba intentando estudiar para mi examen de admisión
26:51pero esta dificil porque
26:53no se como empezar
26:55si quieres te puedo ayudar
26:57gracias Yuli pero no se tu estas haciendo cosas
26:59y Jimmy esta en la china
27:01no me puedo ayudar
27:09te busca cara de apóstol
27:13no me dijo que iba a venir, como estoy?
27:15esta bien, linda como siempre
27:17pero dile a cara de apóstol que no se acostumbre
27:19a estar viniendo así cuando le da la gana
27:21el tiene que avisar, tu tienes cosas que hacer
27:23ay Tere que pesada
27:27doña tel
27:29asi esta mejor
27:31que esa niña insolente
27:35mami por favor dile que me espera abajito
27:41te veo muy entusiasmada con el salva
27:45es muy lindo
27:47y mas maduro que Cristobal
28:05asi que tu eres el nuevo enamorado de yulisita
28:07si señora
28:09eh linda no te preocupes
28:11yo perfectamente puedo acompañar a salva
28:13entre que baja yuli
28:15no te preocupes tu yo no tengo nada que hacer
28:17nada mas estoy conversando aqui tranquilamente
28:19con el joven salva no es cierto
28:21si asi es
28:23todavía me acuerdo del pavo
28:25el pavo que nos preparaste por navidad
28:27que rico
28:29que aroma que delicioso
28:31que salido felicitaciones
28:33muchas gracias muchas gracias señora linda
28:35he cocinado varias cosas en el tiempo
28:37que han estado en chalhuanca tambien
28:39si si si salva nos ha estado engriando
28:41ganandose a la familia querras decir
28:45no hay nada que entender
28:47mas bien deberiamos intercambiar recetas
28:49has cocinado alguna vez comida de chalhuanca
28:51quizas un par de veces
28:53a ver como fue
28:59disculpame por venir sin avisar
29:01pero tenia que contarte personalmente
29:03que me entere de otra entrevista de trabajo
29:05si si en la clinica de los nuevos lomas
29:07que buena noticia
29:09pasame todos los datos
29:11si claro
29:17me encanta que buena noticia
29:19cual es tu ascendente
29:23en el horoscopo chino
29:27no te preocupes por mi
29:29hijita querida
29:31ya estoy mejor
29:33voy a salir a caminar
29:37voy a meditar
29:39hacer estiramientos
29:43voy a seguir tu ejemplo
29:55todo bien
29:57todo perfecto
30:03si estoy hablando del retrato de mi hija
30:05me vas a internar por eso
30:07no claro que no
30:09entiendo perfectamente
30:11tu dolor
30:13lo unico que quiero es que vuelvas
30:15a tener el control sobre ti misma
30:17y que no te dejes
30:19embaucar por nadie
30:21no lo hago
30:29porque no nos vamos de viaje
30:33porque no me parece conveniente
30:35dejar la casa
30:37ahora que
30:39ahora que
30:41que ibas a decir
30:43que no me parece salir de viaje
30:45dejar la casa
30:47en plena investigación
30:49de ya sabes que
30:53si si
30:55tienes razon
30:57aunque nada nos acusa
30:59no se veria bien que
31:01intentamos salir del pais ahora
31:03vamos a la terraza
31:05yo te alcanzo
31:17es de ti
31:19de quien no me quiero separar
34:49We are always with our team.
34:53On Thursday, March 20th, at 7.15pm, the qualifiers are resumed.
34:59Live from the National Stadium, Peru, Bolivia.
35:05And on Tuesday, March 25th, from 5.45pm, Venezuela, Peru.
35:12Two decisive matches for the Red and White.
35:16For America, the channel of the Peruvian fan.
35:19The Peruvian!
35:40What would you do if you discovered that all your life is a farce?
35:44What would you do?
35:46What's up with the business, Jimmy? How did you do it?
35:50Easy, man. With Guardaditos, the virtual VSP or automatic network for my MotoGP.
35:56You can do it too. Go to the VSP app and start saving.
35:59Talk, little hand. A little blow?
36:02Did you know that if you have Claro in your house, and Claro on your cell phone, you are full Claro?
36:08Live full benefits, without paying more, and for life.
36:11Become full Claro by calling 0800 00200 or Claro.pe
36:26Don Gilberto!
36:29Get out of my cell!
36:32I already told you what I had to tell you.
36:35But you didn't let me talk.
36:37And why do I want to hear your lies?
36:42Look, you have every right to distrust me, but I've really changed and I want to show it to you.
36:48You have nothing to show me.
36:51I invite you to have lunch at Francesca's.
36:56You and me having lunch in a public place?
36:59And why not? What's wrong with that?
37:02Look, I'll wait for you in my office. You know I'm the new CEO of the Maldini Corporation, right?
37:08Ah, perfect. I'll wait for you at one o'clock at the corporation.
37:21What happened, Gilberto? Why are you all stiff?
37:25The strange Vizcacha invited me to lunch.
37:32Please, don't tell anyone anything.
37:43How can I not be proud of my daughter? She almost became a criminal to save the winery.
37:50And I would do it a thousand times more.
37:52Although the boys did all the work, I didn't do that much.
37:55Yes, but you were the leader.
37:57What are you doing here, daughter? Do you want me to take you somewhere?
37:59No, I just wanted to talk to you, and there are a lot of toads in the house.
38:03Is that how a lady expresses herself?
38:05Oh, dad, so you can understand me.
38:08And what do you want to talk about far from the toads?
38:11Studying at a university or institute is very expensive.
38:17Yes, but you don't have to worry about that.
38:19Yes, but before that I have to prepare for an academy and all that.
38:24Yes, but don't worry because I'm going to choose the cheapest one so you don't worry.
38:27Yes, but it has to be a good one so you can enter the first one.
38:31But are you going to be able to pay for it?
38:33Of course, daughter, of course.
38:36Thank you, dad.
38:38I'll have to work double or even triple. I don't care.
38:43My daughter is worth it.
39:05Nice detail, Miss Zapayal.
39:14Call Karen.
39:25Oh, why didn't Gilguerito ask me to tell anyone anything today?
39:32I'm so angry.
39:34I'm so angry.
39:36What happened, Tere?
39:37Mrs. Tere.
39:39I told Lorena that I was going to wash my clothes today.
39:42I went up to attend to her and the laces were full of her clothes.
39:45Her underpants, her Tito's underpants.
39:47Oh, I'm sure Lorena didn't understand you.
39:49Of course she understood me.
39:51But she wants to be the important one.
39:53She doesn't want to give me my place.
39:55She wants to suck up to the conversation we had yesterday.
39:57Or maybe she trusted that the sun was going to dry her clothes quickly.
40:02Look, don't defend her.
40:04She's probably putting you against me, isn't she?
40:05Oh, what's going on, Tere?
40:07I mean, Mrs. Tere.
40:09Don't worry if you want.
40:11We go up and let's see.
40:13Surely there is already clothes to go down.
40:16Look, this one is already dry.
40:18This one a while ago.
40:20They are thin.
40:21Very good.
40:23Already, beautiful.
40:24Take everything to the room.
40:25I'll tell the butterfly to order it later.
40:31I don't have to talk to Lorena.
40:33She has to respect the hierarchy.
40:35What thing?
40:37She has to respect the things that I have said are in this house.
40:40I'm going back to do the kitchen things.
40:43Oh, beautiful.
40:45A moment.
40:48It shows that I'm hiding something, right?
40:50It shows that you are hiding.
40:52Oh, they asked me not to say anything.
40:54Well, but I guess.
40:55What are you going to cook?
40:59Chicken rice.
41:00Chicken rice.
41:02Lorena left me all the ingredients to do it.
41:05More beautiful.
41:07I love it.
41:08Chicken rice.
41:13Do you really think they'll call me?
41:15Of course.
41:16You would be a fool if they didn't call you.
41:18You are the best nurse technique I know.
41:21Do you know other girls who want nursing techniques?
41:26Yuli Flor is insecure?
41:34I'm not insecure.
41:39But you are a fool.
41:41A fool who is going to make you a very tasty meal.
41:44Yes, of course.
41:45Well, if you insist.
41:51Come in.
41:52Excuse me for just coming to get your cup of coffee.
41:55Did you like it?
41:57A lot.
42:00That's good.
42:02Are you going to have lunch at your house?
42:04No, actually.
42:06I prefer to go to a gourmet restaurant or to the club.
42:09Have you already had lunch?
42:11Surely you invite me.
42:16Everything is fine.
42:18I'm going to have lunch.
42:21Not yet.
42:24Are you hungry?
42:27A lot.
42:34tell Bruno's old tracker to invite you to lunch.
42:40Oh, yes.
42:42Thank you, I will do that.
42:45Excuse me.
42:46Excuse me.
42:48Miss Zapata.
42:53Yes, sir.
42:56The cup.
43:01Yes, the cup.
43:16The cup.
43:26Could you tell me where is the office of the Vizcacha Estreñida?
43:30Vizcacha Estreñida?
43:32Miguel Ignacio.
43:34Ah, the man from the houses.
43:36Please help me.
43:38Ah, you didn't tell me that Miss Zapata is a smuggler.
43:42Come in.
43:49I'm here.
44:15I'm starving.
44:17I've come all the way dreaming of that rice with chicken.
44:23Rice with chicken?
44:25Ah, it's just that Teresa told me to prepare the mundong.
44:29But if yesterday I bought everything for the rice with chicken.
44:32Oh, but the lady doesn't like the mundong.
44:34No, it's not that.
44:35No, it's not that.
44:37Well, here we all like the mundong.
44:40Yes or no, my chocolate truffle?
44:42Yes, Mrs. Teresa.
44:44Oh, Max, what a pity.
44:46Honey, if you want, I'll take you to the gachadito.
44:48No, no, don't worry.
44:50Tomorrow I'll prepare rice with chicken for you.
44:52Oh, yes.
44:54How delicious, it's been a long time since we ate rice with chicken.
44:56Thank you, Olinda.
44:58I'm going to wash my hands.
45:03Serve yourself.
45:05One moment, please.
45:09One moment!
45:11Where's my daddy?
45:13I'm finally going to tell him.
45:15He went to have lunch with the biscuit.
45:21They finally asked.
45:25Hurry up, Velazquez.
45:27I'm already winning you so much.
45:29This is competition.
45:31Hurry up, you know.
45:33The client of table 4 is very fat.
45:35I've already told you how to treat customers.
45:37With respect, with love.
45:39With service.
45:41Service is the most important thing.
45:43What are you talking about?
45:45He's asking for everything, but he doesn't decide for anything.
45:51Good afternoon.
45:53Have you already decided what you are going to ask for, gentlemen?
45:56I know you.
45:58And I also know you.
46:00You are Jimmy's grandfather, right?
46:01You are Jimmy's grandfather, right?
46:03You are Jimmy, right?
46:05To leave him to Alessia.
46:09He is already correcting his mistake.
46:11Are you the chef?
46:13No, no, no. I'm in charge.
46:15The candy cane went to do some errands.
46:18I was asking the waiter for the recommendations of the day.
46:20Oh, no, it's not the recommendation of the day.
46:22How can it be?
46:24Ask for anything.
46:26Here everything is delicious.
46:29Excuse me, Mr. Gilberto.
46:32I'm going to talk to Diego to make some improvements in his business.
46:35What would you like?
46:37I don't care.
46:40Nobody cooks as good as my candy cane.
46:45So he fell in love again and made his life again.
46:48How good.
46:52I was also happy, but I missed Gladys.
46:56He took my son and now he doesn't let me see him.
47:02Do you really
47:04don't care that they see you with me?
47:09And why would I care?
47:11What's more,
47:13finishing eating, I'm going to take it to the club to try a coffee club.
47:19What will that be?
47:22I'm going to try it.
47:31Let's go.
47:40For Christ's sake, my daddy with Miguel Ignacio from Las Casas.
47:43But why did you let him go? Did you go crazy?
47:46He told me he wanted to check something.
47:48But that guy is not to be trusted, he is a bad person.
47:51Really, the guy who was in the machine was his buddy?
47:54And he had no choice but to do that to him.
47:56We are going to look for Mr. Gil.
47:58Do you have any idea where he is?
47:59Linda, call him on his cell phone.
48:01Yes, I'll do that.
48:07A cell phone is ringing.
48:13He left his cell phone at home.
48:15He left his cell phone at home.
48:29I did everything wrong.
48:31My marriage to Isabela failed.
48:35And my children,
48:37Fernanda and Nicolás,
48:39ignore me.
48:42They don't communicate.
48:45How is it, Mr. Gilberto?
48:47One harvests what one sows.
48:55How I would like to have a family like yours, Mr. Gilberto.
49:00A real family,
49:03united in good and bad.
49:15A real family, united in good and bad.
49:29Papito, where are you?
49:31Oh my God, it's been many hours.
49:35Don't look at me like that, you make me feel guilty.
49:38And who is to blame?
49:40Oh, Tere, Mrs. Tere.
49:42Calm down, please.
49:43I'm worried about your humid panties
49:46and your unilateral decisions on the menu.
49:48And my Papito is in the lion's den, I'm sure.
49:51Aunt Tere is going to return, Mrs. Tere.
49:54Yes, Aunt Tere, don't think about the worst.
49:59And? And?
50:01We went to the corporation, but nobody gave us a reason.
50:04They saw us leave at lunchtime, but they haven't returned yet, love.
50:07Oh my God, have mercy on my father and protect him, Lord Jesus Christ.
50:11Let's do a prayer session.
50:13Dorma, please.
50:15I have an idea, let's do a prayer session.
50:18Come on, everyone.
50:20Come on, come on, let's go.
50:41I'm a lonely man, Mr. Gilberto.
50:47And I'm lonely and sorry
50:50for not acting otherwise.
50:54But now you have a very pretty girl by your side.
51:06No, she doesn't fill my days.
51:09I'm very sorry.
51:12It's what I deserve.
51:17At least you recognize the evil you have done
51:23and you regret it.
51:26That speaks highly of you.
51:31Thank you, Mr. Gilberto.
51:39Give me a ticket, I want to go to China today.
51:45I want to reach it, I want to catch your little heart.
51:53Baby, I'm waiting for you there, under the sun.
52:00I want to walk on the bridge and another under your belt.
52:07You promised me Shanghai, and here I am, part of Hong Kong.
52:14Tens of negotiations, luxury and freedom.
52:19I'm in love, I want to go to China today.
52:29I know.
52:31No, please.
52:39Papito, where were you?
52:41What's up? Why are you so excited?
52:45You took a long time.
52:48And Miguel Ignacio is not to be trusted, Mr. Gil.
52:51Did he do something to you? Tell me, I'm going to put it in my head.
52:54Why do you see him in violence?
52:56No, he behaved very well with me.
52:59He was very kind.
53:00Yes, really.
53:03He invited me to a spa.
53:07He also invited me to Flanchesca.
53:11And then to a club.
53:15A very nice thing.
53:17He behaved very well with me.
53:19Well, I think I'm going to rest for a while.
53:24Yes, yes, dad.
53:26The best.
53:31I bought for the mundongo.
53:34And I bought for the rice with chicken.
53:40It seems that Teresa and Lorena are arguing, right?
53:44I told you I was going to need the laces.
53:48I'm going to need the laces.
53:51I'm going to need the laces.
53:54I'm going to need the laces.
53:57I'm going to need the laces.
54:00Well, after the spa.
54:03I stay very calm, relaxed.
54:07It doesn't bother me at all.
54:10I hung up the clothes before going to work because I was sure they were going to dry quickly.
54:15And when are you going to take some time to help clean the house?
54:18Lorena works, Teri.
54:19And what do I do?
54:20You also work, love, but you work in the house and that makes you have a more flexible solar energy.
54:23One moment.
54:24Which side are you on?
54:25Right, I'm here.
54:27Which floor? I'm going.
54:28Please stop arguing.
54:30Look at the time.
54:31You're right, Olinda.
54:33Why don't you organize us nicely?
54:35Why don't we make a schedule with all the activities of the house?
54:38And so we see who touches who.
54:40We see what we cook during the week.
54:42And all the important things for a better coexistence.
54:47I don't agree with you.
54:48I am the matriarch of the house and you are taking away my authority.
54:51You are trying to impose your power.
54:54And they elected me democratically.
54:56You have a good idea.
54:57I don't care because I am the matriarch of the house.
55:12The most beautiful.
55:13She is an angel who lives on earth.
55:17I don't know.
55:19And leaves a mark.
55:21She flies very high like the comets.
55:25She lights the fire when she passes.
55:28What can I do to catch her?
55:31I am not the only one who wants to conquer her.
55:37The most beautiful.
55:38She is an unattainable princess that everyone desires.
55:42There is no one like her in the world.
55:46She has me trapped.
55:48I can't avoid it.
55:50I can't escape.
55:52The most beautiful.
55:54Since I saw you, I can't stop thinking about you.
55:58And when I'm asleep, I dream of you again.
56:02You have me trapped.
56:03I can't avoid it.
56:05I can't escape.
56:12A signature and you will have the biggest gift of your life.
56:24The most beautiful.
56:26She is an unattainable princess that everyone desires.
56:30There is no one like her in the world.
56:34I can't avoid it.
56:36I can't escape.
56:38I can't avoid it.
56:40I can't escape.
56:42I can't escape.
56:44I can't escape.
56:46I can't escape.
56:48I can't escape.
56:50I can't escape.
56:51Listen to me, listen to me, please, listen to me.
56:53Here, I don't know how you do it, but you're sleeping very well,
56:56while here the skinny dog is all nauseous until he wants to jump off a bridge, okay?
56:59I don't know how you do it, but right now get me the information where Alesia is, okay?
57:11Don't resist, if you collaborate, everything will be fine.
57:14Don't worry, don't worry, we're not going to do anything to you,
57:16we just want to know where Alesia is.
57:18Little boy, don't be silly.