• 2 weeks ago
مدي 1 تي في : قراءة في عناوين صحف مغاربية - 06/03/2025


00:00Welcome back to Moroccan news, the military expert Abdelrahman Mekkawi said in a statement
00:17to the Hespress newspaper that the advanced American Apache that Morocco has killed is
00:24one of the most advanced aircraft in the world, as it has the ability to carry a variety of missiles.
00:32He explained in his speech to the newspapers that its speed is about 300 km per hour and it can fly at an altitude of up to 6,000 meters.
00:42It is also equipped with an independent radar that gives it the ability to monitor and track targets and control drones.
00:51In his turn, Al-Baraq Shadi Abdel Salam, an international expert in the Department of Crisis Management,
00:56Confrontation and Analysis, said that these missiles are used to carry out large-scale destruction operations,
01:06which helps achieve superiority and control in the battlefield and carry out concentrated operations that contribute to the elimination of threats and strengthen control on the ground,
01:15where it enjoys the ability to maneuver and operate in a variety of air conditions, which makes it effective in various combat scenarios.
01:26Al-Bayani newspaper today said that farmers and walkers in Morocco are asking the government to provide direct support to vulnerable farmers,
01:37who have suffered heavy financial losses as a result of the weighting of crops in preparation for Eid.
01:43Some of them have bank loans and debts as a result of the high costs of medicine, care, and other expenses.
01:51The newspaper interviewed one of these farmers in the Seragnes region.
01:57He told her about his experience and the crisis he is going through, and expressed his anger at some farmers
02:04for not declaring their real numbers for the heads of the marches that they have occupied during the last march.
02:13In another article published on the 24th, we read that the Halal Consumers Association called on Muslims on Saturday
02:23to suspend the slaughter of the victims this year, in line with the decision made by the Kingdom of Morocco to cancel the celebration of Eid al-Adha
02:32due to the lack of supplies and rising prices.
02:35It was also reported in the article that Morocco recently announced the cancellation of the slaughter of the victims
02:40due to the lack of supplies in the marches and rising prices, which affected the most vulnerable groups in society.
02:48The Halal Consumers Association considered that this decision should also be applied on Saturday,
02:55in view of the close relationship between the Muslim community in Medina and religious customs in Morocco.
03:05Al-Husayn Al-Yamani, the editor-in-chief of the National Oil and Gas Commission, said in a statement to Al-Alam newspaper
03:12that the reasons for the rising prices in Morocco have nothing to do with the rising international prices,
03:19as the barrel of gasoline lost $150 in 2008 and did not exceed 1 litre of gasoline for 8 dirhams.
03:29The issue is mainly related to the cancellation of the supply provided by Al-Maqasa,
03:33the freeing of prices and the rising profits of distributors for more than three times,
03:38in addition to the rising repetition rates and the heavy taxation.
03:42It is clear that Al-Husayn Al-Yamani failed to deal with the issue of burning prices
03:48by deviating from the safe application of the competition law,
03:53the freedom of prices and the protection of consumers by the weak party.
03:57Rather, he tried to convince and normalize Morocco through his exits with the outrageous prices of burning.
04:07The Minister of Economy and Trade of Libya, Mohamed Al-Huwij,
04:11published in Al-Ain newspaper in Libya,
04:13he took a tour of a number of markets and shops of food, meat and vegetables,
04:17to find out the situation of the local market and the level of availability of goods.
04:22This is within the framework of the efforts of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the UN
04:27to adjust prices and provide basic goods for citizens.
04:31The goal of the tour is to monitor prices and ensure their stability
04:35by taking necessary measures to ensure their reduction during the month of Ramadan,
04:40in line with the purchasing power of the Libyans.
04:43The minister, according to what the newspaper reported,
04:46emphasized the importance of adhering to fair prices
04:49and providing a sufficient supply of basic goods.
04:54The newspaper reported that the rainwater that fell on the city of Tanja last Wednesday
05:01flooded a number of neighborhoods in the city, as well as the underground buildings,
05:06and caused the movement to stop in the main streets of the city.
05:10This led to the need for a number of merchants in some local markets
05:14because of the water that overflowed their products.
05:18According to the newspaper, a number of areas were affected by the flooding,
05:22as well as the floods that resulted from the flooding of health facilities,
05:26which resulted in heavy waste in some neighborhoods,
05:29especially as a result of the movement in these neighborhoods.
05:34We will see you at the end of the program.
