ग्रामीण एरिया में मौत के कुएं से जान जोखिम में डालकर बूंद-बूंद पानी निकाल रही महिलाएं लेकिन गर्मीं के दिनों के लिए कोई इंतजाम नहीं होने के कारण पानी के लिए महिलाओं को मशक्कत करनी पड़ रही हैं।
00:30There is no water, no taps, nothing in our village.
00:34There is no water, no taps, nothing in our village.
00:37I have been working for a long time.
00:39My hands and legs are shivering.
00:41It is difficult to walk.
00:43Whenever there is water, I take it with me.
00:46There is no well, no tubal, no Burma.
00:49There is nothing in our village.
00:51I have been working for a long time.
00:53There is no water, no taps, nothing in our village.
00:55This is the problem.
00:56What kind of government is this?
00:57The government should not be like this.
00:59The government should not be like this.
01:03The government should not be like this.
01:06I cry a lot.
01:08I get sick.
01:09Whenever I get sick, I have to take my son to the doctor.
01:13I work a lot.
01:15The government should not be like this.