9-1-1 S08 E08
00:00Gamma! Let's get this baby over like a can of tuna!
00:17More like a tuna now!
00:21Oh my legs! My legs are stuck!
00:26She's pinned under the steering column! Get me the hydronic ram now!
00:34It's too late! Just go!
00:37You don't need to burn too!
00:39Hot shots don't get burned! We just get a little toasted!
00:51Follow me! I got you!
00:58You're a hero!
01:00No! I'm just doing my job!
01:11So what do you think?
01:23That was very exciting, Brad.
01:25I really like the music.
01:27The production value, it's off the charts.
01:29Yeah, it's super cool.
01:31You hated it, didn't you?
01:33What? No!
01:34No one said that.
01:35It's not supposed to be a documentary.
01:37Yeah, real life is boring and who wants that?
01:40This was fun.
01:42But as professionals, did anything bother you?
01:47Did anything ring false?
01:49Well, and this is not a big deal.
01:53Usually we would put out an engine fire before attempting such a difficult extraction.
01:59That was the network.
02:00And also we wouldn't call it a hydraulic ram.
02:02We'd just call it a spreader and we'd get it.
02:04That was the network too.
02:06They thought spreader was provocative.
02:08I was just going to say that you wouldn't be blabbing so much to the driver in the middle of a rescue.
02:12Oh, blabbing?
02:14What blabbing?
02:16The speech at the end.
02:18Hot shots don't get burned.
02:20You're saying we should get rid of the speech?
02:22No, I'm just, in real life, we wouldn't be standing around reacting.
02:26We'd be getting around.
02:28I'm just saying it seemed kind of...
02:32Except if what?
02:34No, no, no, no, no.
02:36No, no, no, no, no.
02:37F is for fun, like Buck said.
02:39I think I just popped the loop.
02:41It was a good show, Brad.
02:43Exceptional production value, Brad.
02:45It's my kid's favorite show.
02:59Hello, Justice fans.
03:01Cart Cop here with a new edition of...
03:05What do we have here?
03:07Another shirker in the wild.
03:09Ma'am? Ma'am?
03:13Hi, I can't help but notice you left your shopping cart out right there in the open.
03:18So, there's a perfectly good cart corral for these carts.
03:21Carts go in the cart corral.
03:23It's part of the social contract that we all share.
03:25But instead of upholding said contract, you're choosing to shirk.
03:28Did you call me a jerk?
03:29No, not a jerk, ma'am.
03:31You shirked your duty vis-a-vis this cart.
03:36They pay people to move the carts.
03:38Who, him?
03:39Is that gentleman a senior citizen?
03:42Possibly a veteran.
03:43You'd have him clean up after your mess?
03:45Do you work at this store?
03:47Or are you police?
03:48Cart Cop, ma'am?
03:50I'm a concerned citizen.
03:51I don't have time for this.
04:02What the hell is that?
04:03That's yours. It's a magnet.
04:04For parking your cart like a shirker.
04:07I am not a shirker.
04:10Hey, I have to warn you, ma'am, that was nearly assault.
04:14Don't you dare. Don't you dare!
04:17There is going to be an assault if you keep putting this crap on my cart!
04:21There is no need for profanity.
04:25Hey, lady, this ain't a parking space!
04:27Yeah, I'm trying to leave!
04:28Then leave!
04:30This little douche is harassing me!
04:32I'm not harassing her, I'm just shaming her.
04:35She's refusing to return her cart to the cart corral.
04:37Lady, just put the cart back!
04:39It's like, what, 20 feet?
04:40Don't you lady me, baldy!
04:42How about if I go through you?
04:43Yeah, baldy!
04:49What are you, stupid?
04:50How obvious can a car be?
04:52Oh, jeez.
04:55911, what's your emergency?
04:56There's a riot at Fails Market.
05:01Come on, back it up, ma'am, move that cart!
05:04Lady, what the hell are you doing?
05:05Are you blind or are you stupid?
05:07Don't you dare!
05:08She's doing what she's doing!
05:10I am not playing with you.
05:16Come on!
05:17Whoa, whoa, whoa, now!
05:18You want to tell me why everyone's losing their damn minds?
05:21It's this cart shark!
05:23Cart cop.
05:24Cart pain in my ass.
05:26This kid is always stealing our stuff.
05:28Plus, this kid is always stirring up trouble.
05:31I tried to boot him last month,
05:33and then he reported me, and I got suspended.
05:35Well, it serves you right, persecuting a public servant.
05:38Are you doing this for you too?
05:40For justice.
05:41Well, the case starts in the cart corral.
05:43First they leave one in a parking spot,
05:45then they leave one in a handicapped walkway,
05:47and next thing you know, we're belly up in the abyss.
05:48What are you talking about?
05:50He vandalized my cart with this.
05:52I got cart knocked.
05:53Ma'am, vandalism requires damage.
05:56From what I can tell, that's a magnet.
05:58Which you're welcome to take home as a keepsake.
06:00Okay, sir, sir.
06:01Just keep your mouth shut.
06:03See, he's harassing me.
06:04He called me a, a stripper.
06:06Okay, I don't know what that means,
06:08but that is his First Amendment right.
06:10What about my rights?
06:12He videotaped me, and he's gonna post it without my consent.
06:15I don't need your consent.
06:16Okay, it's a public place, and it's legal in California.
06:19Really? Well, let me rephrase this.
06:21If I find you, I'm gonna hurt you.
06:24Look, sir, sir.
06:25The more you go off, the more views he gets.
06:28So why don't you just get back in your car?
06:30And you, sir, clear the parking lot.
06:33And ma'am, take this cart back to where it belongs.
06:37Okay, let's move, let's move.
06:39Get back in our cars now.
06:40You don't really want me to take...
06:44No problem, officer.
06:49All right, all right.
06:51Okay, okay, go on, go on home.
06:54Uh, hey, thanks for the backup.
06:56It's good to meet a fellow crusader for justice, Graham.
07:01You are not a crusader.
07:03You are a busybody.
07:05You want my advice?
07:06Stop all this cop-cart nonsense
07:08before you busy the wrong body.
07:15Son of a...
07:16I told you, it's belly up in the abyss.
07:24Hey, Chris.
07:26Hi, dad, what's up?
07:28You got a minute?
07:30I guess so.
07:32Uh, you still watch that show, Hot Shots?
07:34Yeah, why?
07:36Well, you never believe this,
07:38but Brad Torrance,
07:40the main guy from Hot Shots,
07:42been hanging out at the firehouse.
07:44Oh, yeah?
07:51He's been hanging out at the firehouse.
07:55Yeah, he wants to learn how to be a firefighter.
07:58Anyway, I was thinking about getting him
08:00to autograph something for you.
08:02For how much?
08:04I'm pretty sure I could get it for free.
08:06Me and him, we're kind of friends.
08:09You could put it up in your room.
08:12You'll send it to me?
08:14I meant your room here,
08:17but, yeah, that's fine.
08:19Uh, yeah, I'll send it.
08:24Okay, I gotta go.
08:26Grandpa set up the board.
08:27What board?
08:28Chess board.
08:30You play chess now?
08:32Grandpa taught me.
08:33I'm in a chess club.
08:35You are?
08:39That's great, Chris.
08:41Nobody told me.
08:43I have to practice.
08:44I'm in a tournament on Saturday.
08:46A tournament?
08:48Well, then, yeah, you should practice.
08:51Okay, well, can you, uh,
08:53tell Abuelita to send pictures to me?
08:55Bye, Dad.
09:03Hey, Mom.
09:04According to my map,
09:05I'll be there in 20 minutes.
09:07There's some construction on Wilshire.
09:09Do you think we'll still make the previews?
09:11Yes, we'll still make the previews.
09:13Because I love the previews.
09:16We must be working on the sewer lines.
09:18It stinks.
09:19See you there.
09:33Seriously, dude?
09:34Can't you see the signs?
09:36I swear, there are drivers in this town.
09:40Oh, my God!
09:45Oh, my God!
10:10That doesn't look good.
10:11That doesn't smell good, either.
10:13Ah, she blows!
10:18Are you in charge here?
10:20Henry Jennings, Department of Sanitation.
10:22What are we looking at here?
10:23About 5,000 gallons of wastewater.
10:25We were running pressure tests on the sewer lines.
10:28Well, looks like they failed.
10:29Went off like a bomb!
10:32His car blew up.
10:33He's okay.
10:34But cars started crashing everywhere.
10:36I think there's still people trapped in that one.
10:38In between two cars.
10:40Buck, Eddie, Saws and Jaws.
10:42There's a big SUV between a copper and blue sedan.
10:45Let's go, let's go!
10:46Yeah, Cap.
10:47How far away is the nearest shutoff valve?
10:49Half a mile away.
10:50Crews are working on it now,
10:51but there's too much water coming through.
10:53Copy that.
10:55Do I know you?
10:56No, no, no, no.
10:57I've got one of those faces, mate.
11:04Can't get to the door!
11:05It's falling through the roof.
11:09Oh, my God!
11:13Please help us!
11:14We're stuck!
11:15We're stuck!
11:18Help me!
11:24All right, LAMD!
11:25We're gonna get you guys out!
11:27We're gonna be okay!
11:29I'm going to bust the window!
11:30Guys, shield your eyes!
11:32Come here!
11:33Come here!
11:35Can you grab that on your own?
11:37My leg's caught!
11:38It hurts!
11:39All right!
11:41We're gonna need more hands!
11:43Copy that, Eddie!
11:45Yeah, yeah, can I come with?
11:47I'm good with a choice.
11:48I think it's best if you stay back here for now
11:50and take notes.
11:51All right, I'll point you in the windshed, yeah?
11:53Yeah, all right.
11:54All right.
11:55Point and wait.
11:56All right, grab my hand!
11:57I'm not grabbing your hand!
11:58I'm not grabbing your hand!
11:59I'm not grabbing your hand!
12:00I'm not grabbing your hand!
12:01I'm not grabbing your hand!
12:02I'm not grabbing your hand!
12:03I'm not leaving her!
12:05If you want me to help her, I need your seat!
12:08Jake, you need to go!
12:14I'll see you soon!
12:19I got you!
12:20Come on!
12:24Easy, easy!
12:25Come on!
12:31I'm gonna try and move the wheel, okay?
12:37Okay, okay.
12:39All right, I'm gonna feel around.
12:40It might hurt.
12:46Eddie, how's it going?
12:48Not good!
12:49She's got a laceration on her upper leg.
12:51Bleeding pretty good.
12:53Okay, if you find a way to stop the bleed,
12:56we'll find you a way out.
12:57You got it!
12:58Doors are all jammed.
12:59I tried them.
13:00What do we do?
13:01We can't drain it.
13:02We move it.
13:03I got the tail rope.
13:04I'm going back up.
13:05All right.
13:12This is gonna hurt, okay?
13:25All right.
13:27Watch your foot!
13:32Tail rope's secure!
13:34Okay, take the slack out and ease it back.
13:38All right, give it a little more gas!
13:40Come on, come on!
13:46Be safe, Buck!
13:47Hang on!
13:48Okay, keep it coming, keep it coming!
13:52I know.
14:00Unlock the door!
14:03Pull it back!
14:04Keep it coming, keep it coming!
14:08Keep it back, keep it back!
14:10Keep it coming!
14:13Keep it back, keep it back!
14:25Hello, wake up!
14:26What happened?
14:27Okay, hold, hold, hold, hold!
14:40I'm sorry.
14:43Luckily it missed your febrile.
14:45I think we can cut it right off.
14:49The wheel, not the leg.
14:52I got another one!
14:54What is he doing?
14:59She needs to be put on a gurney!
15:01Get a gurney in here!
15:02Single car accident.
15:03She was struck by the airbag.
15:05No signs of bleeding.
15:07Possible internal injuries.
15:09Did you check her vitals?
15:11How about for any head injuries?
15:13I got her out of the bloody car.
15:17Hey, are you Brad Torrance from Hot Shots?
15:21Yes, I am, love.
15:23Let's go, come on.
15:27I knew I knew you!
15:29You're the guy from that show!
15:34It's Captain Banner, everyone!
15:36I'm just...
15:37It's not about me.
15:38It's not about me.
15:39You're a hero!
15:40It's just...
15:42It's not about me.
15:43It's Captain Banner!
15:44It's not about...
15:58Oh, they sure are such a specific aroma.
16:01Yeah, like sour milk and old fish guts had a baby.
16:04Isn't it glorious?
16:05All right, listen up.
16:07Get your turnouts off, put them in the rack.
16:09Jim, Buck, you're on decontamination.
16:11And everybody else, start washing the rigs and hit the showers.
16:15Brad, a word, please.
16:16Yes, Bob.
16:17How can I help?
16:18Oh, I can get my P.A. to deliver scented candles.
16:20You can listen carefully to what I'm about to say.
16:23What you did back there was reckless and stupid.
16:26That woman was in danger.
16:27She was trapped in the car.
16:28She needed my help.
16:29And if she'd had a spinal injury and you carried her around like that,
16:32you could have paralyzed her.
16:34All right.
16:35That's why we always put people in seat collars before we move them.
16:38Okay, good note, good note.
16:41But we tend to skip over these parts in the show because they're a bit tedious.
16:45It's because it's fake, Brad.
16:47You're not a real firefighter.
16:49And no matter what notes you put down in that journal of yours,
16:51nothing is going to change that.
16:53You are an observer here.
16:55You want something to do, you can start by washing and waxing that bumper.
16:59Because until I say otherwise,
17:01that is where you will be when we head out on every call.
17:05Got it, Bob.
17:07In this firehouse, it's Captain Nash.
17:15Yes, Captain.
17:20911, what's your emergency?
17:21I think the cart cop's dead.
17:30Ira came back here to hose off some carts.
17:32And we found him like this.
17:38These are stuffed in his mouth.
17:41He busied the wrong body.
17:43I can't find the pulse.
17:44Help me pull him out from under here.
17:58Sir, can you hear me?
17:59Do you know what happened?
18:01I think he got jumped.
18:02I wasn't able to get a pulse.
18:04Are we clear? I'm not getting a pulse either.
18:06Try a sternum rub.
18:10His GoPro's missing.
18:11Either of you see his camera?
18:16I need the footage from that security camera.
18:18There isn't any.
18:19What do you mean?
18:20But his camera's back here on the fritz.
18:22A guy's supposed to come this week to replace it.
18:24What about the front of the store?
18:25Hose work.
18:26Okay, I need whatever you do have.
18:32The right pupil's reactive.
18:34Let's get a C collar on him.
18:36What are you thinking, Hen?
18:37I'm thinking we need to get him to an operating room in the next ten minutes.
18:40Follow me. I'll be your escort.
18:43You think he's gonna wake up?
18:45He better. He's the only witness.
18:47One, two, three.
18:57Knock, knock.
19:02This is Detective Romero.
19:04He's gonna help out on your case.
19:06The charge nurse said you were okay to see visitors?
19:09You're the first, yeah.
19:11Come on in.
19:12Make yourselves at home.
19:18Does your family know you're here?
19:21No, I wouldn't wanna worry them.
19:25Also, they don't speak to me.
19:27Not everyone's a Justice fan, right?
19:29Don't I know it?
19:33You should just go ahead and say it.
19:35Say what?
19:37I told you so.
19:39The cart cop got what was coming to him, right?
19:42Whatever you said, whoever you provoked,
19:47you didn't deserve this.
19:51Can you tell us what you remember?
19:53Can you tell us what you remember?
19:55It's all kinda fuzzy.
19:58Well, just do your best.
20:02I purchased rations at the market at 4 or 5 p.m.,
20:05energy drink and an energy bar,
20:07and then I ate them in my vehicle on the north end of the lot.
20:10I proceeded to the southeastern corner.
20:12That's usually where I find the most shirkers.
20:15And then...
20:20I woke up here.
20:22That's it? You don't remember anything from the attack?
20:25Well, no.
20:27I got my head stomped.
20:29Look, there's even a shoe print.
20:32A boot print, actually.
20:35Size 9. Still trying to identify the brand.
20:39Is there anyone you can think of who would wanna do this to you?
20:44Can I borrow your pen?
20:47You making me a list?
20:49No. A link to my YouTube channel.
20:59Some good Chrome work, Brad.
21:01Thank you for saying that, Edmondo.
21:03I'm not just saying it.
21:05Use that thing as a vanity mirror.
21:07Well, I reckon when it comes to vanity, I'm a natural.
21:11Hey, everybody on the team gets an earful from Cap sometimes.
21:14It's part of the job.
21:16I'm not on the team, am I?
21:18I'm just an observer.
21:22What I really am is an imposter.
21:25Come on, man, that's not true.
21:27I'm 47 years old. I don't have one real thing in my life.
21:30Your show is real.
21:32Hot shots.
21:34It's a trifle with artificial sweetener.
21:36That tastes delicious.
21:38Your show matters to people.
21:40Really? To whom?
21:41To your millions of fans. To...
21:44To my son, Christopher.
21:46Who, uh...
21:48would love an autograph, by the way.
21:53Why don't you bring him to the station?
21:55Meet me in person.
21:57I would, but he lives in Texas with his grandparents.
22:01That must be hard.
22:03Hardest three months of my life.
22:06I feel like there's this gap growing between us.
22:10Every time I talk to him, he's this new person.
22:13He's a new friend.
22:15New hobby.
22:17He's in the chess club now.
22:19Ah, you might have a new Bobby Fisher on your hands.
22:21Yeah, we'll see.
22:25I'm so proud of him.
22:27Just wish I could be a part of the journey a little bit more, you know?
22:31My son was nine when I left.
22:33To test for a pilot on the CW.
22:36He never went.
22:38But I never did quite make it back to England.
22:41He's all grown up now.
22:43He's studying to be an architect, and he's getting married in the spring.
22:46That's great. Congratulations.
22:50Still holding out hope for an invitation.
23:07Can I be so bold as to offer you some advice?
23:10Yeah, of course.
23:17Don't let that gap between you grow another inch.
23:28Hello, Justice fans.
23:29Card Cop here with a red-blooded, all-American shirker.
23:33Sir, sir, did you mean to leave your card out in the egress?
23:36You shirked your duty.
23:38Get that camera out of my face.
23:39How about you cradle your cart?
23:40How about I beat your ass?
23:42You missed the corral.
23:44Oh, I'm sorry. I'm on a call.
23:45Since you left your cart stranded like Wilson the volleyball.
23:47You little insignificant, small-minded twerp.
23:50Holy moly.
23:53There you go.
23:55Doing your bit for law and order. Was that so hard?
23:57You drop dead, you little...
23:59Oh, my God. We got a live one, Justice fans. Here we go.
24:01Oh, boy.
24:03Excuse me, sir.
24:04As a cart maintenance professional,
24:06would you care to comment on the epidemic of shirkers?
24:08Please don't film me. I don't like it.
24:09Hey! Hey!
24:11How many times I gotta tell you?
24:12Stop harassing people!
24:17Martin, you seeing something?
24:19I think we bring him in.
24:21Bring who in?
24:22All of them.
24:28So, the other day in the parking lot of Fields Market,
24:31you told me that you tried to have Graham Key trespass,
24:34but he complained and you got suspended.
24:37Yeah, that's true.
24:39Sounds like management didn't have your back.
24:41No, they didn't.
24:43Maybe that's because you didn't just ask him to vacate the premises,
24:46but you threatened to crack his pointy skull.
24:50It's a little pointy.
24:52Do you often threaten people with assault on a weekday morning?
24:55I've never threatened anyone with assault.
24:57Are you sure?
24:59Because we have you on camera telling Mr. Key, quote,
25:02oh, there's gonna be an assault.
25:04That was a figure of speech.
25:08Beat your ass was a figure of speech.
25:10Yep, sure was.
25:12Honestly, you think I'm really capable of that?
25:14You tell us.
25:16Well, I admit I have anger issues, but I went to counseling after I went viral.
25:21How many people besides yourself knew that the cameras behind the store weren't working?
25:27You know, the bag boys, they do whippets back there.
25:30They call it the Bermuda Triangle.
25:32You're the one who found them. You didn't see anyone else back there?
25:35Sorry, I was focusing on the carts.
25:37The damn carts.
25:39Hey, I agree with the guy. People need to put their carts back.
25:42Why should I put my cart back?
25:44No one else does.
25:45Don't they pay folks to do that?
25:46They pay Ira to do that.
25:48Well, actually, they pay me to return the carts to the front of the store.
25:51Technically, the customers are encouraged to cradle them in the cart corral.
25:55Do you own a pair of boots?
25:57Do Jimmy Choo's count?
25:58It's fall. Everyone wears boots.
26:00They're brought in by uniform.
26:02Sir Digby's. Orthopedic joggers. Special order from the UK.
26:06I recommend them if you're on your feet a lot. It's like walking on air.
26:10Those are about a size 9?
26:12I'm an 8.
26:146. And a half.
26:16Get a warrant.
26:19911. What's your emergency?
26:21There's a guy in the overpass. I think he's going to jump.
26:43What do we know about this guy?
26:45What do we know about this guy?
26:47Well, a call started rolling in about 10 minutes ago.
26:50Dispatch, I need LAPD and a crisis response team.
26:53Copy that, Captain.
26:54And, Jim, have you landed yet?
26:56Right below you, Captain.
26:58All right, start deploying that bag.
27:02Buck, Eddie, capture strap. Let's go.
27:04On it.
27:12Are you the guy?
27:13No, no. I'm nobody, mate.
27:14Yes, you are! It's the hot shots guy!
27:20Can I get a selfie?
27:24Hey, buddy.
27:25Want to do us a favor and take a seat?
27:28Maybe we can have a chat?
27:29You know, what do you say?
27:31I think I'll stay where I am.
27:33And so should you.
27:35We respect your space.
27:37I'm Eddie.
27:38That's Buck.
27:39What's your name?
27:41Craig. Okay.
27:42What's going on, man?
27:43I just got laid off from work.
27:45That's what's going on.
27:51Jim, how's that bag coming?
27:52Working on it, Cap.
27:54All right, work faster.
28:01I see that you have a wedding ring.
28:03Guessing there's somebody at home waiting for you?
28:07You'd guess wrong.
28:10My wife left two months ago.
28:13There's nobody at home but the TV.
28:18Nobody cares about me.
28:20That's not true.
28:21People care about you, Craig.
28:24Oh, yeah?
28:27There's a whole crowd of people right there.
28:29Just pulling for you.
28:32Oh, yeah?
28:34They really look like they're at the edge of their...
28:39Is that...
28:40Is that Brad Torrance?
28:43Uh, you know who he is.
28:45Of course I do.
28:47He's Captain Ray Spanner.
28:48I watch every episode of his show.
28:50Hey, Cap.
28:51Turns out our new friend is a Hot Shots fan.
28:54No kidding.
29:00Everyone, please step away from the TV!
29:02I'm not watching.
29:05Everyone, please step away from the fire engine!
29:09Step back from the engine, now!
29:11Step back!
29:13Sorry about that, Bob.
29:14I'm Cap... Captain... Cap... Cap...
29:18We need your help.
29:19My help?
29:20You want to be a real hero?
29:22Now's your chance.
29:30Hi, lads. Mind if I join?
29:36Uh, Craig?
29:38This is Brad.
29:41It really is you.
29:44I thought you'd be taller.
29:46You're standing on a ledge.
29:48That's true.
29:50Craig here, he lost his job today.
29:53And his wife.
29:56Just one. I've lost five.
30:00Not having much luck on the job department either, mate.
30:05What are you talking about?
30:06You're on a hit TV show.
30:07Meaningless, disposable trash.
30:12But that...
30:13That is not true.
30:16When my wife left me,
30:18I binged the first three seasons.
30:22You're my comfort, Captain.
30:25Well, I appreciate that, son,
30:26but you're going to have to switch the channel.
30:30Captain Ray Spanner is in a coma.
30:33And what the suits of the network don't know yet is...
30:37he's never woken up.
30:39You're killing off Captain Banner?
30:41I'm afraid so.
30:42You... you can't.
30:44Craig, why would you care?
30:45You're about to...
30:47end it all.
30:49I'm considering it.
30:51I say we join hands.
30:52Go over together, eh?
30:53Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.
30:55About 20 seconds more, Cap!
31:00Do you realise how many people would be devastated if you did that?
31:05Two days on TMZ tops,
31:07and they'd all forget about me.
31:10You're wrong.
31:14I know it seems dark right now,
31:17but there's one thing I can tell you.
31:19There's a spark inside each of us.
31:22And if we just hold fast
31:25and refuse to let that spark die,
31:28it'll grow into a roaring flame
31:31nobody will ever put out.
31:36What's happening here?
31:38Season 2 finale, Captain Ray Spanner's speech on a runaway nuclear sub.
31:43I don't know what you're talking about.
31:45Season 2 finale, Captain Ray Spanner's speech on a runaway nuclear sub.
31:51You can't kill off Captain Banner.
31:54He's what keeps
31:56119 Fire Family together.
32:06All right, Craig.
32:08I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
32:10I'm gonna promise you that Captain Ray Spanner is gonna wake up from his coma
32:13on one condition.
32:16You get down from there.
32:18Return to Terra Firma.
32:21You swear?
32:25Captain's honor.
32:28Come on.
32:31I got you.
32:33It's gonna be all right.
32:35Go ahead.
32:36I got you.
32:40Come on.
32:44Come on.
32:59Well, Brad Torrance,
33:01you just saved a man's life.
33:04How do you feel?
33:05For once in my life, I feel like a real damn hero.
33:15Buck, Eddie, need a life pack.
33:21That's nice.
33:24That's way too much for me to handle.
33:27You know what?
33:29I'm not gonna do it.
33:31I'm not gonna do it.
33:33I'm not gonna do it.
33:36Come in.
33:44What are you doing here?
33:45I almost relapsed.
33:46I almost called Tommy,
33:47so I baked every speck of flour I had in the house
33:49and I'm still jonesing for it.
33:50Here, have a scone.
33:52Come on in.
33:55I figured I could make us some snickerdoodles
33:57if you had the stuff.
33:59This is actually pretty good, Buck.
34:02But seriously, what's your secret?
34:04I've been softening the butter
34:06instead of melting it.
34:07It makes everything fluffier.
34:11What was that?
34:15You flipped the tablet.
34:17Did I?
34:18What are you looking at, Eddie?
34:20Oh, sorry.
34:21None of my business.
34:22Privacy of your own home,
34:24and I respect that.
34:26But just a quick...
34:34You're thinking about moving.
34:37Starting to think about it anyway.
34:39They have in-depth neighborhood overviews.
34:43Get a real feel for the area.
34:46But where are you going to find a place like this in L.A.
34:48at your price point?
34:50They're not in L.A.
34:51They're in El Paso.
34:58Are you serious?
35:01I'm tired of missing out on all my son's big moments
35:03before he grows up.
35:05Well, uh...
35:07So, so when would this be happening?
35:10I have this virtual appointment
35:12with the real estate agent in a few minutes.
35:15Get the ball rolling.
35:17Hence the button-down.
35:19Hence the button-down.
35:24We should move this party to the couch.
35:30You're going to need a wingman.
35:31Some of these places are tragic.
35:33I don't trust you to pick a nice one on your own.
35:41Get you a cup of coffee.
35:54Sergeant Grant.
35:56You must be looking for Tyson.
35:58You know where I might find him?
35:59Oh, yeah.
36:01Probably on break.
36:02I'll show you about that.
36:04You all right?
36:06Oh, still recovering from a hamstring pull.
36:09It kicks up.
36:11Yeah, I'm telling you.
36:13These sneakers are clodhoppers,
36:15but they're a godsend.
36:17Oh, yeah, I looked into them.
36:19Yeah, I had to do a little math
36:21because they only come in U.K. sizes.
36:23You said you wore size 8, didn't you?
36:26Which means that in the U.S.,
36:27you would be a...
36:30Size 9.
36:32They were in his locker, just like you thought.
36:34I don't see a warrant.
36:36Sorry, Otama.
36:38Those lockers are store property.
36:40That looks like a match to me,
36:42but we'll have forensics confirm it.
36:44I think I see a little blood still in there.
36:47How'd you do it, Otama?
36:51Didn't Clark Cobb make your job easier?
36:55He was stealing it.
36:57He's a self-righteous weasel.
36:59You know, if everybody cradled their cart,
37:02you'd be out of business.
37:04I had to put my foot down.
37:30I don't understand.
37:32Ira was such a sweet old man.
37:35Except Ira wasn't Ira.
37:38His real name is Maurice Smith.
37:41Wanted for jumping parole in North Dakota five years ago.
37:45Two-time convicted criminal.
37:48For what?
37:50Intent to distribute hard candy?
37:52Felony assaults.
37:56Brutal ones.
38:01What ticked you off?
38:03You did.
38:05Or your camera.
38:07There was something about the way he avoided it.
38:10Like he just really didn't want to go viral.
38:13Is he going back to prison?
38:15For a long time.
38:18Thanks to you.
38:20People always tell me I'm wasting my time
38:23with this cart cop thing.
38:27it's not really about the carts.
38:30It's about what the carts bring out in us.
38:34I understand.
38:36You and me.
38:38We both wish that people would choose to do the right thing.
38:42But you can't shame them into it.
38:45Then they tend to double down.
38:47So how do you then stop the moral decay?
38:52By setting an example.
38:56And I think you're ready to go pro.
38:59You think I could be a real cop?
39:04I say this with all the love in the world.
39:11there's a job opening at Phil's Market.
39:14I talk to the man.
39:15And she said that as soon as you're back on your feet...
39:20the job is yours.
39:22No way.
39:28Just promise me that you'll keep those carts corralled.
39:36One, two...
39:39Such a shame.
39:41Someone so talented to end up like this.
39:45Why am I here?
39:47Doctor! Doctor! Come quick!
39:51What's all the commotion?
39:53He's awake.
39:54My God.
39:57What happened to me?
39:59You were hit by a bowling ball going 40 miles per hour.
40:02Bowling alley.
40:04There was an explosion.
40:06It was Orphan Night.
40:08From what we heard, you saved every last one of those orphans.
40:12You're a real hero, Captain.
40:17I was just doing my job.
40:19You know, we were this close to declaring you brain dead.
40:22How did I wake up?
40:24In my scientific opinion...
40:26it's a miracle.
40:29Good thing.
40:31I'm in the miracles business.
40:35And cut!
40:37Beautiful job, everybody.
40:39Check it. We're ready.
40:41I need another. I need another.
40:43I just wanted to say one more time,
40:45that the accent thing, it's uncanny. It's amazing.
40:47Thank you, Chuck.
40:49Is that Brad? Is that Brad? Brad?
40:51Was that too much? I feel like maybe I was too much on that line.
40:53It's a miracle.
40:55You were perfect.
40:57So, what do we think?
40:59I think you look like you're back where you belong.
41:04But I meant about the scene. What are your thoughts?
41:06I loved it. No notes.
41:09It was good.
41:11There'll be music under it, right?
41:14You hated it, didn't you?
41:16Where did I lose you?
41:18No, you didn't.
41:22You were in a coma, right?
41:24Well, when you opened your eyes,
41:26it just looked like you were seen pretty clearly.
41:29In real life, it would take you some time to adjust to the lights.
41:32That's brilliant. Go on.
41:34Well, and...
41:36you'd be hooked up to a ventilator
41:37if they were going to really declare you brain dead,
41:40not a cannula.
41:44This is why I've been asking for a medical consultant for years!
41:47Marcus! Marcus!
41:49We're going again.
41:51Back to one. We're going again.
41:53It's a miracle. It's a miracle.
41:55It's a miracle.
41:57Can somebody bring me a bloody ventilator?
42:07Can somebody bring me a bloody ventilator?