• 2 days ago
9-1-1 S08 E06


00:00911, what's your emergency?
00:03My mother's been taken!
00:04Taken? What happened, sir?
00:06We were fighting about the stupid crafting corner.
00:08My wife can't stand that my mom took it over,
00:10so the one time I decide to leave the room and de-escalate,
00:13guess what happens?
00:14My psycho wife grabs her and takes off!
00:18Attention all units.
00:19Possible elder abduction in progress.
00:21Suspect is female.
00:22Celeste Davis driving a grey SUV.
00:24License plate John 2056 William.
00:30There she is.
00:37Suspect vehicle just ran a red light at 6th and Flower.
00:40Headed south on 6th.
00:42Show 727030 moving to intercept.
00:52I have eyes on the SUV.
00:57Suspect is turning right on Spring.
01:00Vehicle entering parking lot at 6394 Spring.
01:12Suspect has abandoned their vehicle. They are on foot.
01:14Copy, Sergeant Grant. I have your location.
01:20Suspect has entered the Gilchrist building on 4th.
01:23Requesting RA and backup unit.
01:25I need all available units to 6394 Spring.
01:29Suspect is on the roof.
01:40All right, let's get that airbag deployed.
01:46Oh, whoa, whoa! Hey, Cap!
01:47Sir! Hey, step back. You cannot be here.
01:49My wife took my mother up there.
01:50Your wife?
01:51She just sent me these. I think it's a threat.
01:54Celeste Davis, Leonard!
01:56What am I looking at here?
01:57My mother! I want her back, and I want no harm to come to her.
02:00That's your mother.
02:01Celeste? Where's Doris? Where's your mother-in-law?
02:05Right here.
02:07That's your hostage?
02:08Just the opposite. I'm her hostage, even in death.
02:12You said your mother was kidnapped.
02:14I never used that word.
02:15I just expressed my concern for her state of mind.
02:17My wife was a little...
02:18Crazy? Clearly.
02:20I'm on a roof with the dusty remains of my mother-in-law.
02:23I'm on a roof with the dusty remains of my horrible mother-in-law and the LAPD.
02:28Okay, she's over the bag.
02:30Okay, she's not over the bag.
02:32Okay, she's over the bag.
02:34She's not over the bag.
02:35Please stop.
02:37Buck, Eddie, flypaper southwest corner before this thing goes sideways.
02:41Let's go.
02:44So what happens next?
02:45You call in SWAT or something?
02:46It's an urn, not a hostage.
02:49Is that Trent?
02:51I knew he couldn't stay away.
02:53Even a cremation fire can't burn through those apron strings.
02:56Hey, maybe he's just worried about you.
02:59If he cared about me, then he wouldn't have ripped out my crafting corner and built a shrine to his dead mother.
03:04Who does that?
03:07Tell him.
03:08Tell him that I am done living in Doris's shadow.
03:11He needs to let her go or...
03:13Or I'm dropping her right here. Tell him that.
03:15Did you get that, Captain Nash?
03:17Tell her if she brings down the urn in one piece, I'll do whatever she wants.
03:20Tell yourself.
03:21Sweetheart. Sweetheart.
03:23Just bring Mother back down here.
03:25I'm just concerned for both your safety.
03:27And you can have your crafting corner back.
03:29I'll put Mother in the spare room, I swear. I swear!
03:31You hear that?
03:32I'm hearing that now. She's getting her own room.
03:38What is this thing welded shut?
03:40What are you doing?
03:41Stay back!
03:42He wants his mommy down there, I'm gonna give her to him.
03:44The unpermitted scattering of human remains carries a fine
03:48and up to six months of jail time.
03:52Celeste, stop!
03:54Now this is not about some space in a house for your crepe paper and yarn.
03:59This is about the space between the two of you.
04:02Now you both allowed her to come between you.
04:05Why give her more power?
04:07Especially since she's gone.
04:09You're right.
04:10And you heard what he said.
04:12He wants to change.
04:15And I still don't buy it, but who cares if he can't move on?
04:19I can.
04:20If it means that much to him, you can stay.
04:23In the garage.
04:30No! No!
04:33I got it.
04:34Hey! Hang back, let him get it.
04:40Oh, thank God.
04:42What is that, Ming Dynasty?
04:43Ming Dynasty.
04:44This is my inheritance.
04:46This thing has been in my family for a hundred years and it is worth a fortune.
04:50Celeste doesn't know that.
04:51I figured if I put my mother in it, she wouldn't go near it during our inevitable divorce settlement.
04:55Am I under arrest?
04:56You'll be booked, your husband can bond you out of jail.
04:59She can bond herself out.
05:00We're done.
05:01The house is in my name.
05:02You can keep the house.
05:03All I need is right here.
05:04Mother and I will be checking into a hotel.
05:15That's mom all over.
05:28Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
05:29It's been...
05:34I haven't done this since middle school.
05:35It's been 23 years since my last confession.
05:38I see.
05:40May I ask your name?
05:41May I ask your name?
05:42It's not required.
05:44It's Eddie.
05:46So, what brings you back now, Eddie?
05:4923 years of sins, I guess.
05:52I don't have to do all of them, do I?
05:54Maybe just hit the highlights.
05:56I'm not sure where to even start.
06:00Well, I imagine after 23 years, something in particular must be bothering you enough to make you feel like you need to be here.
06:07I lost my son.
06:08Lost my son.
06:11I'm very sorry.
06:13How old was he?
06:15He's not dead. He's still alive.
06:19He's with his grandparents, my folks.
06:22He's got special needs.
06:23He's cerebral palsy.
06:27It doesn't keep him down, you know?
06:29He's just this...
06:36optimistic soul, you know?
06:39All I wanted to do was protect him.
06:41Keep him safe.
06:47I couldn't protect him from me.
06:52I put my desires before his needs.
06:59I traumatized my son, Father.
07:02How so?
07:05It's hard to explain.
07:06It's hard to explain.
07:08Well, believe me, my son, there's nothing I haven't heard.
07:12He came home and found me with his dead mother.
07:17She wasn't his actual mother.
07:19She just looked like her.
07:20I mean, exactly like her.
07:23Which is why I was seeing her, but...
07:27I didn't tell her that yet.
07:28Well, not at first.
07:29And I lied to everyone else.
07:31My son, my best friend, my girlfriend.
07:35I see.
07:37Well, regardless, our God is a God that forgives.
07:41So, as your penance for these sins,
07:43I request you say five Hail Marys and ten decades of the Rosary.
07:48That's it?
07:49It's not the severity of the punishment.
07:51It's the sincerity of the plea.
07:54I don't even know what I'm doing here.
07:55This is a mistake.
07:56I don't deserve forgiveness.
07:57I gotta go.
08:03Mmm, that smells so good.
08:06So, is she still out?
08:07Yeah, like late.
08:09I don't know why she never wants to go to sleep.
08:11Did you when you were a kid?
08:14But she hasn't been like this for a while.
08:16Oh, I don't think it's that complicated.
08:17She just misses Mara.
08:19Well, yeah, but it's not like she never sees her.
08:22They see each other all the time.
08:23Yeah, but it's not the same.
08:24I mean, she lived with us for over three months.
08:27It's a long time in our little girl's life.
08:28I think maybe she liked having a sister.
08:32That reminds me.
08:33I gotta get that bed out of there.
08:34I keep meaning to make some space in the garage.
08:37Or we could fill it.
08:38What do you mean?
08:40I don't know.
08:41I just think maybe having another kid around was good for G.
08:47Yeah, maybe we should think about giving her a brother or sister.
08:52You wanna have another baby?
08:54It's just something to think about.
08:59Oh, that's my cue.
09:00And I am not done with that.
09:08Don't even think about trying to pay when the bill comes.
09:11Come on.
09:12You paid for takeout last night.
09:13Well, tonight is special.
09:15Do you know why?
09:18So I'm going to guess it's our sixth month anniversary.
09:24I didn't get you anything.
09:26You're paying for dinner.
09:29Well, okay.
09:34Lakers tickets.
09:35No way.
09:36And you don't even have to take me.
09:38Take Eddie if you want.
09:40And die.
09:41Okay, that sounds right.
09:46I am so sorry to bother you guys.
09:48Do you mind taking a picture for us?
09:50We're having a girls' night to celebrate my friend Sarah's divorce.
09:53Don't worry, he sucked.
09:56We want to get one of all of us together.
10:01Yes, I can do that.
10:04Oh, actually, can you take it on my phone?
10:07Unless you were hoping to get my number.
10:10No, that wasn't my intention.
10:12I can do that, yeah.
10:14I'll just, yeah.
10:20Cool, took a bunch.
10:22You guys look amazing.
10:27That was kind of weird.
10:29No, it wasn't.
10:30You're hot, so is she.
10:32It's okay to look.
10:33Yeah, right.
10:34I noticed you didn't.
10:36I'm Mackenzie Six.
10:38I'm not sure what that means.
10:40I'm gay.
10:41Have you ever...
10:43Tried with a woman?
10:45Oh, yeah.
10:46In fact, I was almost married to one.
10:48We were engaged for two years
10:50until I called it off,
10:52which was probably the only honest thing I did
10:54in that entire relationship.
10:58I heard she went a little nuts after that.
11:00Took up with some himbo half her age.
11:03Yeah, I mean, she's probably just
11:05using him to get you out of her system.
11:07And I hope it worked for her.
11:09After what I put her through,
11:11Abby deserved better.
11:17Abby Clark.
11:18She used to work at 911 Dispatch,
11:20where your sister is now.
11:21Amazing hair.
11:24How was everything tonight, guys?
11:28Can I get you anything else?
11:29Uh, no, I think we're good.
11:32Who gets the damage?
11:33That would be him.
11:35Whenever you're ready.
11:36No rush.
11:43The dissolution of a marriage is never pleasant,
11:46but my job as mediator is to make it
11:48as pain-free as possible.
11:49Like a root canal.
11:51With lawyers.
11:52Despite what you may have heard,
11:53this doesn't have to be the worst experience of your life.
11:55That one's taken.
11:56Our wedding night.
11:57Were you awake for that?
11:58Had to be,
11:59or you'd have slept with the wedding planner again.
12:01I told you, she and I never...
12:06See that?
12:07Every time he lies, he sneezes.
12:09No, no, no.
12:10That's not true.
12:11I have allergies.
12:12Not to infidelity.
12:13Let's, if we may, uh,
12:15turn first to, uh, finances.
12:17Ooh, we have some?
12:19I thought she drank them all.
12:20I never touch alcohol.
12:22Oh, no.
12:23You grope it.
12:24Been married ten years to this one.
12:26Last time I saw her sober,
12:27I was paying the rabbi.
12:31Every time he lies.
12:32We can remove the flowers, if you like.
12:34No, no need.
12:35Everything sets me off.
12:36All in.
12:38The truth.
12:39Remember when I told you you were a great cook?
12:41I didn't sneeze then.
12:43Remember when I said,
12:44oh, yeah, baby, it was so good for me?
12:46Two new sneezes.
12:48In regards to division of assets,
12:51we feel very strongly
12:53that Mr. Schaefer should retain
12:55possession of the house in Aspen.
12:57Are you his new go-to?
12:59Pardon me?
13:00Has he taken you to Cabo yet?
13:01He likes to do that in the first month.
13:03Did he show you the trick with the worm?
13:07Walter, why don't you be younger?
13:09Okay, Liza,
13:10you are out of line,
13:11and knowing you, ice.
13:12Remember the time you had me lie to your friends
13:14that you'd been mugged
13:15when really it was just a bad reaction to Botox?
13:17I'll have you know those hoods,
13:19they nearly killed me.
13:21Or the time you blackballed your own brother
13:24from your country club
13:25and told him you'd try to resign in protest.
13:27He didn't have the cash to...
13:37Let's start again, shall we?
13:40Mr. Schaefer,
13:42this was your first marriage.
13:44Is that not right?
13:53I knew it!
13:57Baby, are you okay?
13:59I knew you were sleeping with her.
14:01I am not!
14:10911, what's your emergency?
14:11My cheating husband just spilled his guts!
14:16LAFD, where's the patient?
14:18Right in there.
14:19Hope you have better luck with him than I did.
14:22One minute he was fine,
14:23and then the next minute it was like a bomb went off in his stomach.
14:27Sure you're gonna need to let us take a look?
14:29If we let go, it'll all fall out.
14:34Evisceration of the small intestine.
14:36Were you attacked?
14:37Yes, I was.
14:40By her!
14:41She did this to me!
14:42I did not!
14:43I hate his guts!
14:44Why would I want to look at them?
14:46Sir, did you recently have any surgery?
14:48Not recently.
14:49I had my ruptured appendix taken out last month.
14:52That tracks.
14:53Were you doing anything strenuous
14:54when the incision reopened?
14:58Yeah, he was.
14:59He had a sneezing fit.
15:00A lying fit.
15:01He sneezes when he lies.
15:02Oh my God, I'm dying!
15:05I'm dying and this shirt is ruined.
15:09Is he gonna be here?
15:10Because if not, I get the entire estate.
15:12You get her out of here!
15:14You can have it all!
15:15I don't care!
15:16I don't care anymore!
15:18I never loved you anyway!
15:24Okay, look.
15:25Can you get Mrs.
15:26That's Mrs.
15:27Outside, please.
15:28Ma'am, please.
15:29Can you put it all back?
15:30Sir, they're gonna take care of that at the hospital,
15:32I assure you.
15:33Alright, everything appears to be intact.
15:34Let's irrigate what's exposed
15:36and pack him up for transport.
15:38Saline coming up.
15:40Eddie, grab me a biohazard bag.
15:43Copy that.
15:46Ma'am, are you feeling okay?
15:48I can't believe it.
15:50He said he never loved me
15:53and then he sneezed.
15:55He lied.
15:56He really did love me.
15:57I'm sure he did.
15:59Saying he never loved me is the most
16:02beautiful lie he's ever told.
16:05Oh, you need a tissue.
16:11Bottles are good.
16:13Let's get him on a gurney.
16:14Dispatch, our evisceration is stable.
16:16Please alert the trauma team.
16:17We're gonna have to bypass Trias straight to ER.
16:20One, two, three.
16:28Go away.
16:30Walter, I'm so sorry.
16:31I never meant for things to get this bad.
16:33I'll follow you in the ambulance, okay?
16:35And maybe we can try again.
16:37Yes, baby.
16:40We're gonna make it work this time.
16:42I promise I'll never stray again.
16:52Son of a bitch liar.
16:55They were engaged?
16:57What are the odds?
16:59A million to one.
17:00Wow, that's crazy.
17:02I know.
17:03I wonder how many men she turned gay.
17:06I'm kidding.
17:08Okay, first off, he was already gay, okay?
17:12And she and I were together years before I ever kissed a boy.
17:16I'm totally not eavesdropping.
17:17Who kissed a boy?
17:19Oh, Tommy.
17:20Unless there's another boy?
17:21No, there's not another boy.
17:23There's another woman.
17:24Wait, what?
17:25Buck slept with Tommy's fiance.
17:27No, he...
17:29Okay, she was not his fiance when I slept with her,
17:32and I didn't sleep with her.
17:33I was in a relationship.
17:35You make it sound so sordid.
17:36No, you're making it sound sordid.
17:38I don't think it's a big deal.
17:39Tommy was engaged to a woman?
17:40Abby Clark.
17:42Hold on, so Abby's Tommy is your Tommy?
17:45Wait, yeah, you must have met him back then, right?
17:48No, I mean, she wasn't one to bring her business to work,
17:51unlike some other people.
17:53I do know that she was pretty devastated
17:55when he broke things off with her.
17:56Okay, right, see?
17:58See, this is not a joke.
18:00He let her on.
18:01He said he loved her, and then he hurt her.
18:03And you're afraid he might do that to you?
18:05No, I just...
18:06I thought I knew him,
18:08and I didn't think he would be capable
18:10of being this dishonest or cruel.
18:13Do you love him?
18:15Uh, do I...
18:17Yeah, okay, forget that word.
18:18We don't need to go that far.
18:20Um, do you care for him?
18:22Yeah, of course.
18:23You're romantically inclined toward this person?
18:25Uh, I think that much is obvious.
18:27Do you think about him when he's not around?
18:30Are his concerns your concerns?
18:32Um, is his happiness at least as important to you as yours?
18:37And could you see a future there?
18:42Uh, I-I could.
18:44Then you have to stop judging him,
18:46because you don't know what you're talking about.
18:48Wait, what?
18:49Let me break it down for you.
18:51There's a pre-Glee world and a post-Glee world,
18:53and you, my friend, were lucky enough
18:55to have your sexual awakening in the post-Glee world.
18:58Oh, I never watched Glee.
19:00Yeah, that's the beauty of Glee.
19:01You don't have to have watched it to benefit from it.
19:04Tommy, guys like me, we came up in the pre-Glee world.
19:08It was scarier, more confusing, and not half as accepting.
19:12And so sometimes we did things to protect ourselves,
19:15things that we might not be proud of,
19:18that in a post-Glee world look less than noble,
19:22but you don't judge the people who came before you,
19:27the ones who fought battles you didn't have to,
19:30because they have scars.
19:33You honor their scars, and you thank them.
19:39I'm gonna make a dramatic exit now.
19:47You never saw Glee.
19:53Do you want me to read you a story?
19:57I'm sorry, did I wake you?
19:59No, that would imply that I've actually slept at all tonight.
20:03I'm really sorry. You know what?
20:05I should just go sleep on the couch.
20:07Okay. What is wrong?
20:13How could you just casually drop
20:15maybe late at night on the couch?
20:19How could you just casually drop
20:21maybe let's have another baby
20:23after it almost killed you the last time?
20:26So that's why you're not sleeping.
20:28Yeah. It kind of came out of nowhere.
20:31It didn't come out of nowhere.
20:33I told you, I saw G and Mara together,
20:35and it just got me thinking, that's all.
20:39And I get wanting to get her another sibling,
20:42but you know Mara's not blood-related.
20:44What's the matter with adopting?
20:48And maybe that's what we should do.
20:52But I also love looking at her and seeing us in there.
20:56Not to say that I couldn't love an adopted child just as much.
21:01I just don't know that it's our only option.
21:06I'm being selfish.
21:09I mean, I don't want her to not have a brother or sister
21:12because I'm afraid.
21:14Betty, I am afraid.
21:18I know.
21:20But it's not like I'm the only woman
21:22to experience postpartum depression.
21:24I'm pretty sure my mother's still going through it.
21:26I just don't know if it's worth all the risk.
21:30Was it worth it the last time?
21:35Okay, it's not fair.
21:37I couldn't imagine my life without that little girl in it.
21:42I also don't want to imagine it without her mother in it either.
21:46And I don't want you to imagine that.
21:49Look, we don't have to talk about this right now.
21:52Whatever we decide to do, we'll do it together, okay?
22:02Are you sure that you don't want me to read you a story?
22:05I think I'm good.
22:07Okay. Goodnight.
22:29You know what? I changed my mind.
22:36Take the water and sleep.
22:49Mind if I sit here?
22:53Go ahead, yeah.
22:57Oh, it's a beautiful day.
23:00Did you know this is the first time
23:02I've ever stopped at this juice bar?
23:04I was passing by and something just compelled me.
23:09How about you? You come here often?
23:12Oh, listen, no offense. I'm straight.
23:16Oh, that's all right. I'm celibate.
23:19I'm Father Brian.
23:21It's Eddie, isn't it?
23:27So, I couldn't help but notice
23:30that initially you grabbed the juice,
23:33but then opted for the water.
23:35Why do you think that is?
23:37You decided I wanted water?
23:39See, I think that you were punishing yourself.
23:42I think that you were denying yourself
23:44because you don't feel worthy right now.
23:46I don't feel worthy of juice?
23:49Of joy.
23:55I don't have a lot to be joyful about.
23:57Oh, I'm sure that's not true.
23:59You have a son whom you love.
24:01Who's in Texas.
24:03Is he safe?
24:04Of course. He's with my folks.
24:06So you have parents who love you
24:08and who are willing to step up if needed?
24:10A little too willing.
24:12You have an occupation, which I assume gives you meaning.
24:15It does.
24:16And you have that very handsome mustache.
24:22You want to know why I grew this?
24:25Tell me.
24:26Because the LAFD doesn't allow beards.
24:28Yeah, too flammable.
24:30Otherwise, I would have gone full mountain man.
24:33So it's a disguise.
24:36Something like that.
24:39What are you afraid of seeing when you look in the mirror?
24:44A failure.
24:46A man who doesn't deserve forgiveness.
24:50Or joy.
24:52That's not what God wants for you, Eddie.
24:55He's already forgiven you.
24:57Don't deserve to be.
25:00So earn it.
25:02But in the meantime,
25:04stop punishing yourself.
25:06From the little that I know of you,
25:08you're someone who spent his life in service.
25:10That's something that I can understand.
25:13But we can't take care of others
25:15if we don't first take care of ourselves.
25:21I understand.
25:25Then, once you've done your Our Fathers,
25:28I want you to do something frivolous,
25:30something fun, something that expresses pure joy.
25:33Just nothing that violates the Big Ten.
25:35I'll think about it.
25:46No, you said the pool would be done by July.
25:49It's November, and they barely made a dent.
25:52You get that?
25:57We'd remember.
25:59I've already read you a word.
26:02No, I'm busy.
26:03Mom, where's my worm?
26:05Okay, honey, Dad and I are on the phone with a contractor, okay?
26:08Just read it to him.
26:09He's so annoying.
26:11You're his big brother. He looks up to you.
26:13And now they're leaving.
26:15I swear, these guys are on banker's hours.
26:17You need to come down here.
26:19Where's my worm?
26:21Where's my worm?
26:23Where's my worm?
26:24You are a worm.
26:25I wish you'd just wiggle away for good.
26:31I'll read it to you.
26:32Just give me the book.
26:43Where are you?
26:44Come on, don't be a baby.
26:58Jack, where are you?
27:09Jack, where are you?
27:27911, what's your emergency?
27:29Our little boy, he was in the backyard.
27:31We're putting in a pool, and he fell into an open drain pipe.
27:34Can you see him?
27:35Yes, yes, but we can't get to him.
27:37Please, send help. Hurry!
27:41Over here. It's my little brother.
27:43He fell all the way down.
27:45We only took our eyes off him for a second.
27:47It's okay. Just step back. Let us have a look.
27:49Let's go over here and give them some space, okay? Come on, buddy.
27:51He's about 20 feet down.
27:53Pipe's pretty narrow.
27:55You know where this thing leads?
27:57No. The construction crew found it when they were digging up our pool.
27:59He said it was an old drainage pipe.
28:03Got the camera, Cap.
28:05I-I don't hear him anymore.
28:07Jack, please get him out. It's all my fault.
28:09Hey, this is not your fault.
28:11Yes, it is.
28:13He wanted me to read Wilma Worm again, and I told him to go away.
28:16Little brothers can be annoying, I know.
28:18But you still love him a ton, right?
28:20A billion tons.
28:22Please get him out.
28:25Dispatch, this is Captain Ash 118
28:27requesting a USAR task force
28:29at 5273 Ridgeford Drive
28:31for a trench rescue ASAP.
28:33Copy, Captain 118.
28:35Jack, this is Captain Bobby.
28:37Can you hear me?
28:39How you doing down there?
28:41I know it does.
28:43Just hold as still as you can, okay?
28:49Look at this.
28:51Yeah, he's still sliding.
28:53I can hear his wedging it tighter in there,
28:55impairing his breathing.
28:57Positional asphyxia.
28:59Dispatch, where's my USAR?
29:0160 minutes out, 118.
29:03Get O2 down to him?
29:05It won't help if he can't expand his lungs.
29:07Well, okay, so we dig.
29:09There's a backhoe right there.
29:11Too risky. We need to be precise.
29:13We use that, we could trigger a collapse.
29:15Someone's got to get down there.
29:17I don't think you're going to fit this time, Eddie.
29:19I can do it.
29:21All right, once you're down there,
29:23I want you to hook this under his arms
29:25and pull it real tight.
29:27Then you're going to reach down and grab his hands
29:29because you'll be pulling him up.
29:31When you're done, kick your feet and we'll bring you right up.
29:33Got it.
29:35All right, time to go.
29:37We love you.
29:39Love you guys, too.
29:41Miles, you're a really brave guy and a great big brother, okay?
29:45All right. Ready? Here we go.
29:47Here you go. Tuck his head.
29:49All right, you got this, Miles.
29:51Just stay nice and relaxed.
29:53Okay, Eddie, Buck, no matter what,
29:55in two minutes we pull him up.
29:57Everybody got that?
29:59Come on, buddy.
30:01You got this.
30:09I'm coming, Jack.
30:13I'm coming, Jack!
30:15I'm coming, Jack!
30:17I'm coming!
30:19It's okay.
30:21Hold still, Jack.
30:23Good. Great job, Miles.
30:27You got me.
30:41Okay, I'm here, Jack.
30:43Let me slip under you.
30:51I got you.
30:53We're gonna work well.
30:55Just like Glimmerworm.
30:57Is this Glimmerworm?
31:01Okay, he's kicking his feet.
31:13All right, buddy.
31:17Good job, Miles!
31:21Is he okay?
31:25He's alert and oriented.
31:27Mom, Dad,
31:29Miles helped me wiggle out.
31:33Good job, Miles.
31:35Jack's really lucky to have a big brother like you.
31:37And I'm lucky
31:39to have a little brother like him.
31:41Wait, Glimmerworm.
31:47I will, buddy.
31:49Glimmerworm wiggled
31:51closer and spotted Froggy the Frog
31:53submitting on a lollipad.
31:55Hello, Froggy,
31:57Glimmerworm called.
32:03You're not gonna believe this.
32:05I got a spot right out front.
32:07I think we should Uber the movie
32:09so I don't lose it.
32:11Sure. Can we talk first?
32:13Yeah, of course.
32:15We've got time.
32:17What's up?
32:19Maybe sit.
32:27So I've been thinking
32:29about what you shared with me
32:31the other night at the restaurant.
32:33My spumoni?
32:35No, not your spumoni.
32:37About how you almost got engaged.
32:39I did get engaged.
32:41What I didn't do was get married.
32:43Right. Well, I appreciate
32:45how honest
32:47you were with me.
32:49And now I want to be honest
32:51with you.
32:55Oh, not uh-oh. In fact, maybe
33:03This will explain or at least
33:05help break the ice.
33:07Scroll through these.
33:11No, no way.
33:13You know Abby?
33:17Did you two...
33:21I'm the Himbo.
33:27Yeah. Crazy, right?
33:29Yeah. And
33:31a little awkward.
33:33Yes, it was for me too
33:35at first.
33:37Look, I should have been honest with you
33:39at dinner. You know,
33:41I was just, it kind of
33:43freaked you out a little?
33:49listen, obviously
33:51if I had known,
33:53I never would have used that word.
33:55I do not think that
33:57you are a Himbo.
33:59Oh, no, I was.
34:01I definitely was.
34:03But that was before
34:07What I had with her was not that.
34:09At least not for me.
34:11No, my relationship
34:13with Abby was
34:15the most transformative
34:17of my life.
34:19Until now.
34:23Look, I think one of the
34:25reasons that I am
34:27so comfortable with you
34:29is because
34:31you're so comfortable with you.
34:33It wasn't always that way.
34:35I know. I do.
34:37And honestly,
34:39it just makes me admire
34:41you more.
34:45I want you to move in with me.
34:51I want you to move in with me.
34:53I'm ready to take
34:55the next step. And I'm not saying
34:57let's get married or engaged,
34:59even though we would have the right things
35:01for the brave people who came before,
35:03including you.
35:05All I'm saying is
35:07why be apart when we can be together?
35:11that is so sweet.
35:15But I can't move in with you.
35:17And why not?
35:21I know
35:23how this ends.
35:25What's that supposed to mean?
35:27Look, Evan,
35:31you're an incredible guy.
35:35Hot as hell. Funny.
35:39But what you're
35:41feeling right now is
35:45And it's exciting.
35:49it feels like forever.
35:53you're still figuring yourself out.
35:55And that's good.
35:57What are you saying?
35:59I'm saying no matter
36:01how bad I want it to be,
36:05I'm not your last.
36:07I'm your first.
36:09Hey, they can be the same thing.
36:13But they usually aren't.
36:15If I were to
36:17move in with you,
36:19you wouldn't mean to. You wouldn't plan for it.
36:23But you'd end up breaking my heart.
36:27And I...
36:31I don't think that
36:33I could deal with that.
36:41I should go.
36:45Wait, wait, wait. Hey, hey.
36:47Um, wait.
36:49Did you just break up with me?
36:53Yeah, I guess I did.
36:57Believe me, I didn't see it coming, either.
37:01Should've known that part of his plot was too good to be true.
37:07I'll see you around, Buck.
37:21Hey, where's...
37:23You should bet.
37:25Nice work.
37:27I ran her ragged.
37:29Excellent strategy.
37:31Of course, now I'm a bit ragged.
37:33Downside of an excellent strategy.
37:37why did you do that for us?
37:39Run her ragged?
37:41What if we gave her a brother or sister?
37:45What changed your mind?
37:47We went on this call today,
37:51and there were these two kids.
37:53Brothers, actually.
37:55And the younger brother,
37:57he went under this pipe,
37:59and he got stuck.
38:01And we really didn't think there was gonna be
38:03any way to get him out of there.
38:05That's terrifying.
38:07Yeah, it was.
38:09But then the older brother,
38:11he offered to go in the pipe himself
38:13to rescue his little brother.
38:15Turns out he was a perfect fit.
38:17And he got him out just in time.
38:21So he was a hero.
38:23See, that's the thing.
38:25He wasn't even trying to be a hero.
38:27He was just... He was just being a brother.
38:29And I want our baby girl
38:31to have that.
38:33A little brother or sister
38:35will always be there for her.
38:37Especially when you and I leave this world.
38:39And then she'll always have
38:41a little part of you to protect her.
38:43Oh, and a little part of you, too.
38:45Although there are no guarantees.
38:47Sometimes siblings don't bond.
38:49Cain and Abel will come to mind.
38:53Are you sure about this?
38:57Are you sure about this?
38:59I'm sure.
39:01But you and I,
39:03we have to set some ground rules, okay?
39:05If you're ever
39:07feeling sad or overwhelmed,
39:09you come tell me.
39:11And you don't get to leave
39:13or try to manage this all
39:15on your own. We have total
39:17and complete transparency.
39:21And you're pregnant already,
39:23aren't you?
39:27Why didn't you say something?
39:29Well, I thought I had been.
39:31You know what?
39:33I have some rules, too. Well,
39:35actually, just one.
39:37We can't go into this acting like I am broken.
39:39Or a bomb
39:41that's gonna go off any second.
39:45Give this a chance to be what it is.
40:33Just take those old
40:35records off the shelf
40:37And listen to them
40:39by myself
40:41Today's music ain't
40:43got the same soul
40:45I like that old
40:47time rocking roll
40:49Don't try to take me to
40:51a disco
40:53♪ Never even get me out on the floor ♪
40:56♪ In ten minutes I'll be late for the door ♪
41:00♪ I like that old time rock and roll ♪
41:04♪ Still like that old time rock and roll ♪
41:08♪ That kind of music just soothes the soul ♪
41:12♪ I reminisce about the days of old ♪
41:15♪ With that old time rock and roll ♪
41:35♪ Won't nobody hear I'm playing tango ♪
41:38♪ I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul ♪
41:42♪ There's only one sure way to get me to go ♪
41:46♪ Stop playing old time rock and roll ♪
41:50♪ Call me a relic, call me what you will ♪
41:54♪ Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm overly ill ♪
41:58♪ Today's music ain't got the same soul ♪
42:02♪ I like that old time rock and roll ♪
42:05♪ That kind of music just soothes the soul ♪
42:09♪ I reminisce about the days of old ♪
42:13♪ With that old time rock and roll ♪
