• 2 days ago
GH- 3-6-25 - Sonny vs Tracy Part 2-4


00:00Well, I'm gonna get going.
00:01You know, if you have a few minutes, why don't you stay and have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea with us?
00:10Because I appreciate your vigilance and your thoughtfulness. Thank you.
00:16Well, you're welcome. But, uh, I don't want to intrude.
00:20Oh, you wouldn't be intruding. I'm inviting you. I'd like you to join us.
00:23And I'm sure everyone would agree.
00:26We absolutely do.
00:27There it is.
00:29All right, thank you.
00:30You're welcome.
00:32This morning is turning out to be quite lovely.
00:36There you go.
00:39Oof, I spoke too soon.
00:45Hey, Dad.
00:46How you guys doing?
00:47Hey, Sonny. Uh, sit. I'll make you a coffee.
00:51If you hear about deception, I suggest you do whatever it is you have to do
00:56at a more appropriate time and place.
00:59Let's say the, um, deception offices, perhaps.
01:02I'm here to get a signature from Gio, that's it.
01:06Well, as he resides here, I am entitled to know what the business is you want to conduct with him.
01:11Gio, get your coat. We'll talk someplace else.
01:14Granny, is this really necessary?
01:16You want Gio to sign anything, I want my lawyers to look at it.
01:19Uh, actually, Diane and Alexis already had everything signed up.
01:24Your lawyers could just stay out of it.
01:25Okay, well, why don't I take the papers and look at them later?
01:30I hope you don't mind if I don't take your word for it.
01:32Oh, no, no, go ahead.
01:40An educational trust?
01:42Absolutely not.
