Georgie and Mandys First Marriage S01 E05
00:00You want some hand lotion?
00:05How many times do I have to say no?
00:08Men can take care of their skin too.
00:10Yeah, men in California.
00:12We have got to get you on a plane one of these days.
00:15I was thinking, maybe we can spend Thanksgiving at my mom's.
00:18You know, it's the first one since my dad passed.
00:21Of course.
00:22You're the best.
00:23I know.
00:24So who's going to tell your mom?
00:26I'm sure when we're not there, she'll figure it out.
00:28Want a rock, paper, scissors for it?
00:30Or you tell her, and I won't scorch you.
00:33You wouldn't dare.
00:34You're going to smell so pretty.
00:36Get that away from me.
00:37Come here.
00:45Good morning.
00:46Mrs. McAllister, I was hoping to talk to you about Thanksgiving.
00:50Well, sure.
00:51I really think me, Mandy, and Cece need to spend it at my mom's.
00:56This is the first Thanksgiving since your dad passed.
00:59Of course you should.
01:01Oh, thank you.
01:03That's a relief.
01:08Why what?
01:09Why would you think that I would be upset that you want to spend Thanksgiving with your grieving mother?
01:15What kind of monster do you think I am?
01:20Georgie, let's go. We've got to get to work.
01:22Got to go. Thanks again.
01:25You saved my butt.
01:26Keep moving, keep moving.
01:55Hey, this is a nice surprise.
01:57Just wanted to drop off some of Cece's old clothes for the donation room.
02:02Are you sure you don't want to hang on to these in case you have another one?
02:06We ain't planning on another one just yet.
02:08You weren't planning on the first one, either.
02:11Fair point.
02:24While I'm here, I wanted to let you know we're going to come to your place for Thanksgiving.
02:28I'm not doing Thanksgiving this year.
02:30What are you talking about?
02:32Well, Sheldon's in school and Missy got invited to a friend's.
02:36Well, she can't go. It's Thanksgiving.
02:38I already told her she could.
02:40And to be perfectly honest, I don't feel like celebrating.
02:44But this was Dad's favorite holiday.
02:46I know, and doing it without him would just be too hard.
02:51Then come have dinner at the McAllister's.
02:53With your mother-in-law?
02:56Not for a million dollars.
02:58Oh, come on. She's not a monster.
03:02Come on.
03:07I didn't want to do this, but as the man of the house, I'm putting my foot down.
03:10You're coming.
03:12I have a foot of my own.
03:13Would you like to know where I'm going to put it?
03:17No, ma'am.
03:18All right, then.
03:22All right, then.
03:28Maybe next year we can take Cece to the Macy's parade.
03:31You're not taking my granddaughter to New York City.
03:34She'll come back a Democrat.
03:37She's a baby.
03:38A God-fearing Republican baby.
03:42Sorry I'm late.
03:43Hey, how'd it go?
03:45She don't want to do Thanksgiving.
03:47What do you mean? Like she doesn't want to cook?
03:49She don't want to do it at all.
03:50May I interject?
03:53I'm considering getting a cat.
03:56Connor, not now.
03:57Let me know when.
03:59She knows she's welcome here, right?
04:01She just wants to sit home by herself.
04:03What are you going to do?
04:05I don't know.
04:06I hate the thought of her being all alone.
04:13You're never alone if you have a cat.
04:16Oh, come on, Missy.
04:17If you come, Mom has to.
04:19Why are you making this such a big deal?
04:21It's a big deal because we're going to be together as a family.
04:24Is Sheldon coming?
04:25We're going to mostly be together as a family.
04:28Well, I've made other plans.
04:30Oh, please.
04:31Mom needs this.
04:33Mom needs a lobotomy.
04:35All right, I'm done asking.
04:36I'm telling you, you're coming.
04:38I'm not coming.
04:39I'm not coming.
04:40I'm not coming.
04:41I'm not coming.
04:42I'm not coming.
04:43I'm not coming.
04:44I'm telling you, you're coming.
04:50Is she coming?
04:52That's not funny.
04:53I'm sorry.
04:54Here, let me try.
04:56Yeah, sure.
04:57Why not?
05:01Hey, Missy.
05:02It's Mandy.
05:03About Thanksgiving.
05:08Hearts donut.
05:10Sweet of Georgie to worry so much about his mom.
05:13It is.
05:15I hope our kids worry about me when I'm a widow.
05:21What makes you think I'm going to go first?
05:27Of course they're going to worry about you.
05:29I'm not so sure.
05:31Amanda's likely to stick me in a home first chance she gets.
05:36Well, on the bright side, Connor will probably be your roommate.
05:41Very funny.
05:43Hope you like cats.
05:52Hey, what are you doing here?
05:53I thought I'd bring Georgie some lunch.
05:55Slice of pie.
05:56He's on a tow-trap run.
05:58Oh, shoot.
05:59What kind of pie?
06:02I was just curious.
06:03It's pecan.
06:04His favorite.
06:05I was hoping to cheer him up.
06:06Yeah, he has been a little moody lately.
06:09Kind of snapped on a customer.
06:11What happened?
06:12Well, they wished him a happy Thanksgiving,
06:14and he said, whatever.
06:17Oh, for him, that's bad.
06:18Yeah, it was hard to watch.
06:21Well, this is his first Thanksgiving without his dad.
06:24Sure, that's rough.
06:26George was a good man.
06:28He sure was.
06:29He sure was.
06:31You know, I thought we'd be celebrating Thanksgiving together for a long time.
06:35Me too.
06:36But, uh,
06:38guess you never know what the future holds.
06:41Makes you appreciate what you do have.
06:44We're really lucky.
06:45We sure are.
06:48Don't you go anywhere.
06:49Oh, I won't, baby girl.
06:51You better not.
06:55I should go.
06:56All right, well, thanks for stopping by.
06:59Don't eat Georgie's lunch.
07:00I am hungry, but I won't.
07:06So, how's it going?
07:08My little great-granddaughter saying me-mo yet?
07:11No, just dada.
07:12Pisses me off.
07:15I enjoy it.
07:16My kid doesn't even talk to me anymore.
07:18Why bring it up?
07:19It's called making conversation.
07:23What about you?
07:24How you doing?
07:25I'm all right.
07:26I'm a little worried about your grandson.
07:29Is this about Thanksgiving?
07:31We just gotta give him married time.
07:33When my husband died, I was just miserable those first few holidays.
07:37Well, maybe he died because you're miserable.
07:41It's a big house.
07:42Go somewhere else.
07:48Good day.
07:52Um, so, here's the thing.
07:54Georgie's going through a rough time, and I want to help.
07:57What can I do?
07:58Well, it would mean a lot to him if you could be with us for Thanksgiving.
08:02Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
08:04I promised Dale I'd go camping with him.
08:06That's okay. It's all right.
08:08Just let me talk to Dale.
08:09We're not going camping!
08:14I was gone 20 seconds.
08:16What the hell happened?
08:19We're having Thanksgiving with Georgie.
08:22I've been looking forward to this for months.
08:24Oh, I know, honey. I have too.
08:27What time you want us?
08:32Your Meemaw and Dale are coming.
08:33I just think it would mean a lot to your brother if you could be there.
08:38Really? Thank you.
08:39But first, any little favor?
08:42Take me to get a tattoo.
08:44What? No.
08:45You said anything.
08:46Yeah, and then you said tattoo.
08:49I guess I'm not going.
08:50Oh, come on.
08:51I can't decide between a dolphin or a sunflower.
08:54What do you think?
08:55I am not taking you to get a tattoo.
08:58All right, well, maybe I'll see you at Christmas.
09:03Ow, it hurts.
09:14Hey, Mary.
09:15What brings you by?
09:17Just wanted to talk.
09:18But this is about Thanksgiving.
09:20I'm not changing my mind.
09:23Well, your mom and Missy are coming.
09:25I don't care.
09:27Look, I understand. I really do.
09:29I just think it-
09:30You do not understand.
09:31You do not know what it's like to lose a husband.
09:35I don't.
09:37But Georgie's struggling, too, and I think it would be great-
09:40Well, I'm sorry if I'm disappointing everyone, but this is what I need.
09:44And for once, I am putting myself first.
09:48Okay. Sorry.
10:00Hey, I hope it's okay I invited Missy, Georgie's meemaw, and her fella Dale to Thanksgiving.
10:05Her fella?
10:07Her beau?
10:08I don't know what to call old people who are doing it.
10:12I've seen them. They're not doing it much.
10:14It's fine. The more, the merrier.
10:16Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.
10:19And don't think you're sticking me in a home someday. I'm dying in this house.
10:24You heard me.
10:26What was that about?
10:28I don't know.
10:31So, good news. Your family's coming to Thanksgiving.
10:34Really? Everyone?
10:36Well, meemaw, Dale, and Missy.
10:39You still know my mom?
10:40I tried, but-
10:41It's okay. This is great. Thank you.
10:44How'd you convince my sister?
10:48I just asked nicely.
10:51That don't sound right.
10:53Well, what can I say? The kid loves me.
11:02Go easy, Jim.
11:04My second one.
11:05It's 10 o'clock in the morning.
11:08Well, I'd put it back, but it's already open.
11:12Table's all set.
11:14Anything else I can do?
11:15We're good for now.
11:17Ooh, what's this?
11:19It's cranberry sauce.
11:21Mine is shaped like the can.
11:23It's homemade.
11:25Huh. Maybe next year we should spring for the good stuff.
11:30I'm not sure.
11:31Huh. Maybe next year we should spring for the good stuff.
11:37Smells delicious, Mom.
11:39Thank you, honey.
11:40Why are you all dressed up?
11:42I was told to look nice for company.
11:44That meant take a shower.
11:50Be right back.
11:56Hey, happy Thanksgiving. Come on in.
11:59Happy Thanksgiving, Jimmy.
12:02There you go.
12:04Forget the turkey. I'm gonna gobble you up.
12:08I won't be eating any children.
12:11Thank y'all so much for coming.
12:13You bet.
12:14I had no choice.
12:17Good call on the socks.
12:18I'm not stupid.
12:28That beer for you?
12:30No, ma'am. Mr. McAllister.
12:32Another one?
12:33Uh, I haven't been keeping count.
12:35Well, you let him know I am.
12:38Or you let him know and I'll stay here and mash them potatoes.
12:41Tell him.
12:50I hope it wasn't too much trouble adding a bunch of people at the last minute.
12:55No problem at all. Audrey loves this.
12:59Does she need any help?
13:00I have no idea.
13:01So, Dale.
13:04When are you two kids gonna make it official?
13:06I've asked repeatedly.
13:09We don't need to get married. We're fine just as we are.
13:12Well, she's hoping somebody better comes along.
13:15Don't you want the best for me?
13:19Okay. Cece Snappin. What'd I miss?
13:21She don't want to marry me.
13:26I really appreciate you coming.
13:28Well, I knew how important it was to you.
13:31What'd she rob you with?
13:34She just asked nicely.
13:36You're a lying sack of you-know-what.
13:41Welcome, everyone.
13:42As a special surprise, I've composed a Thanksgiving polka for accordion and turkey call.
14:18You stay right there. I got my guitar in the trunk.
14:30I hope it's okay. I just drove by.
14:32Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
14:36Come on in.
14:38Hey, look who came.
14:42But next time...
14:45I can't believe you got them all here.
14:47Well, what can I say? You knocked up a pretty special lady.
14:52You sure made your son happy today.
14:54I'm glad. I thought you were going camping.
14:57So did Dale.
15:00Just eat.
15:05Where you going?
15:06Get another beer.
15:09Excuse me.
15:13Oh, boy.
15:15Here comes one of our Thanksgiving traditions.
15:19Put that back. You've had enough.
15:21It's a holiday. I'm celebrating.
15:23You're embarrassing yourself is what you're doing.
15:25I'm having a good time.
15:27Maybe you need a drink.
15:28I have been up since the crack of dawn putting this thing together.
15:32You are not going to ruin it.
15:33Oh, I'm not ruining anything.
15:35Ru-ruining. Ruining.
15:38Oh, my God. Listen to yourself.
15:40Well, I'd rather listen to me than you.
15:42Mom, can I get you anything else?
15:44I'm sorry. I have to go.
15:46Put me down.
15:50As loud as I please.
15:54Where you going?
15:55I'm sorry. I can't do this.
15:57Don't mind them. They argue all the time.
16:00It's not them.
16:02Then what?
16:05Tell me.
16:06Tell me.
16:11Your father and I used to argue about him getting drunk on Thanksgiving, and...
16:19I'll never get to do that again.
16:22You miss arguing with Dad?
16:35I'm going home.
16:36Please tell everybody I'm sorry.
16:39No, wait.
16:41I got a better idea.
16:48This is nice.
16:51It is.
16:54Not creepy at all.
16:57What the heck is that?
17:22Still better than camping.
17:30To the burning ring of fire.
17:33Down, down, down.
17:35In the flames you burn.
17:37Come on, Jim.
17:38Burn, burn.
17:39In the flames of fire.
17:42In the flames of fire.
17:46There's a bowl of cereal on the stairs.
17:48That's mine. I actually forgot that.
17:50It may be hectic, but it's never boring.
17:52I'm not done walking my dog.
17:54Good boy.
17:55Doggy, sit.
17:56A new episode of Children Ruin Everything, next on CTV.