• 2 weeks ago
I attempted to break the course record at a random golf club in one try..

Shoutout to Hackberry Creek & Invited Clubs for allowing us to film at their course!

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00:00How easy is the average everyday golf course to a top-ranked professional golfer?
00:04Boy oh boy, off to a hot start if I make birdie here.
00:08I thought it was just going to blip in.
00:11Today I will be attempting to break the course record at Hackberry Creek in only one try.
00:18I always make things interesting, why can't you just birdie every freaking hole?
00:22I'm nervous right now, I've got to break the course record.
00:24I'm sick and tired of not doing a challenge.
00:26With the first three episodes all ending in excruciating fashion,
00:30it's time for me to save a little bit of my dignity and finally get the job done.
00:36And a big shout out to Hackberry Creek and Invited Clubs for making this possible.
00:41Hey Gene.
00:41Hey, how are you?
00:42I wanted to, go ahead, I wanted to ask you a question.
00:45What is the course record out here at Hackberry?
00:47Hackberry is 63.
00:50Remember Texas City.
00:5063, that's nine under.
00:52Ten under.
00:53Ten right?
00:53I know.
00:54Very good.
00:54I've hit, you know, a couple course records right on the number,
00:58but I haven't broken a course record yet, so I hope it's going to be today, man.
01:02The wind's down, beautiful weather, I think you got a chance at it.
01:05Good greens too, so I'm excited for the day.
01:07Thanks for letting us out here, appreciate it again.
01:08Happy to have you.
01:08It's gonna be a lot of fun.
01:09All right, enjoy.
01:10I don't know, ten under is a little,
01:14gonna be a little tough for you.
01:14No, no.
01:15These are honestly some of my favorite videos.
01:17You think so?
01:18Yeah, because it's just, I just got to watch you slowly descend into madness every time.
01:22All right, hole one, Hackberry Creek.
01:25Got a whole gallery up there.
01:27Hello everybody.
01:32Today's gonna be a fun day.
01:34Hackberry, there's five par fives, five par threes.
01:37I'm looking to shoot 62.
01:40I got to go low.
01:40Par four, dogleg left.
01:42I'm just going to go just up the left center of the fairway.
01:53Yeah, that's good.
01:57Thank you, guys.
02:01That was a great start to the round today.
02:03This is going to be an interesting test.
02:04It's not an easy golf course.
02:06I mean, it's not the hardest golf course in the world,
02:08but with the Bermuda and everything, you just never know.
02:10You catch flyers.
02:11So I got to play really well today.
02:13Nine unders, a heavy lift.
02:14I'm looking to shoot ten under, guys.
02:16That shot was pretty nuts.
02:17It was nuts, but I'm in the rough.
02:19Can't have it be in the rough.
02:20That is a 108 shot right there.
02:23I'm gonna play a 10 o'clock, just under 10 o'clock, 50 degree.
02:28Let's see my wedges are today.
02:29This is the first test.
02:37Pretty good.
02:40Sit, don't spin.
02:42Oh no, that spun so much.
02:44Wow, that golf ball might be too spinny for me.
02:47Trying a new golf ball, by the way, today, guys.
02:49Boy, oh boy.
02:51Off to a hot start if I make birdie here.
02:52This is a massive breaking putt here.
02:57Nine feet.
03:10All right, that's a birdie to start.
03:11I'll take that.
03:12Trying to make it look easy today?
03:14I'm tired of not completing challenges, Chase.
03:16That was a great birdie to start off the round.
03:18I will take that forever.
03:21I'm gonna hit driver because I want to make sure I get past everything.
03:24I'm pretty sure if you hit iron off the seat, you still have wedges.
03:27No, I know.
03:29I'm thinking a three-wood's better.
03:44Okay, it's perfect.
03:46I literally slipped just a little bit.
03:48That's perfectly in the fairway, though.
03:50That's a great shot.
03:50I'm hitting it far, dude.
03:52You chunked that one a little bit?
03:53It was a little high in the face, Chase.
03:54Calm yourself.
03:55I mean, couldn't have drawn it up better.
03:56Yeah, this is pretty much perfect placement.
03:59Okay, 100 yards.
04:00What'd you have into the last green?
04:02All right, same thing.
04:03Yeah, but it's downwind.
04:05I just don't want it to spin too much.
04:07If I'm trying to break the course record, I can't risk spinning it to 20 feet short.
04:12I can't do it.
04:13I just can't do it.
04:14I just can't do it, Chase.
04:16So it's going to play 95, which is 15 yards under.
04:19It's just a 930 shot.
04:26Be good.
04:28Be good.
04:30I got about a nine-footer for birdie.
04:31If I start off birdie-birdie with all these par fives left, I'm in the driver's seat.
04:36I don't think it spun that much, actually, which is great.
04:39It just bounced and kind of stayed there.
04:41All right.
04:45Oh, crap.
04:48Oh, darn it.
04:49I pushed that.
04:52One under through two.
04:55Plenty of time left.
04:56Par five.
05:00Let's see how far it is through.
05:11Should be perfect.
05:12I am so bad at this.
05:14Starting to hit it a lot straighter now, which is great.
05:17I'm excited for Hong Kong coming up.
05:19I think this is a sign of things to come.
05:22Going into the Masters as well.
05:24It's going to be a lot of fun.
05:25I got 164.
05:27Up the hill three yards.
05:29Feels like a pitching wish, but I think it's going to rip with these greens.
05:32So I'm going to go nine iron, 1030 here.
05:39Keep slipping.
05:40I keep slipping on this grass.
05:45Oh my gosh.
05:47Thank goodness.
05:47I'm on the green.
05:49That'd have been Sour Patch Kids.
05:51Dropping the bomb in for Eagle.
05:53You sick?
05:54I can do it.
05:54I can definitely do it.
05:56A little uphill.
05:57Then it goes down the hill, right at the hole.
05:5942 feet.
06:02Play this thing three more feet.
06:0345 footer.
06:05Breaking a lot.
06:12Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
06:17That was good speed.
06:18That thing broke like crazy.
06:23All right.
06:24Thank goodness.
06:25That would have been really bad if I made par there.
06:29Having a nine iron into this par five.
06:31It's usually an Eagle hole.
06:32So I'm still on track.
06:34A little disappointing.
06:36Could have made birdie in the last.
06:36Could have made Eagle.
06:37But shoulda, coulda, wouldas don't get you where you want to be.
06:39Well, this is where the challenge really starts.
06:43I believe I can fly.
06:45This ball all the way there.
06:48And land it next to the hole and make birdie.
06:49I do think so.
06:50I'm gonna play this 240.
06:52Land a five short.
06:52So 240 shot.
06:53Just, just under 240.
06:55So this is a full five iron.
07:04Get right.
07:05Get right.
07:10Look at that ball move.
07:12It's on the back left side, isn't it?
07:15Gosh, that was a good swing too.
07:17My goodness.
07:17Hopefully I can run in a long putt here.
07:19That's a brutal par three.
07:21Those are three easy holes.
07:22And then you just get hit in the face with a 245 par three.
07:26How you doing?
07:27Good morning.
07:28It's the afternoon, but still good morning.
07:3132 feet.
07:37Oh, look, there's bear 2.0.
07:41Well, perfect timing, Chase.
07:44Go, go.
07:53It's in the hole.
07:56Might have missed left.
07:59But that was close.
08:00I mean, stealing one on the hardest hole in the course would have been big.
08:04That would have been gigantic.
08:05Too bad it wasn't.
08:06But no harm, no foul.
08:12All right.
08:13The 234 is right on track.
08:14We've got a par five coming up and some easy holes coming up.
08:18I'm excited.
08:19All right, here we go.
08:20Par five.
08:22Got to be on the left-hand side a little bit.
08:25Right over the right edge of this bunker.
08:37The fly's a lot lower, isn't it, Chase?
08:40Yeah, I mean, it's just, you're just beaming it perfectly every time.
08:42All right, all right, all right.
08:44How cool would it be to have Matthew McConaughey on break 50, huh?
08:46That would be great.
08:49Play a seven iron today.
08:50It's a little into the breeze, maybe.
08:52I'm gonna have to smoke this, but I know I can get it there.
09:09That's just on the edge.
09:11That's fine.
09:13I didn't know if that ball would spin a lot out of that lie, because it is, look at this,
09:16it's a fraction into the grain.
09:18So normally into the grain, just fun fact for you guys, if it's into the grain, it usually
09:21tends to spin more.
09:23So when I hit that, I was really trying to go after that, making sure it didn't spin
09:27too much, so it would land short in the water.
09:29Consequently, pulled it a little bit, but it's actually in a fine place.
09:33And it's a new golf ball that spins more, so I didn't know if that was going to be too
09:37much spin or not.
09:39It's no excuses, it's just saying that I didn't really know.
09:43There we go.
09:43So it's an excuse.
09:45Okay, Chase.
09:46I don't know what to do here, so I'm going to bring a few things.
09:49Oh, shoot.
09:51What do I do here?
09:52It's actually a perfect lie.
10:02No, no, it's too firm.
10:06Dude, I thought that was perfect.
10:07Time to knock in a putt.
10:10This is where course records are made.
10:11I think this is just outside the edge here.
10:14Green's going that way, six feet.
10:24Okay, that's a good birdie, guys.
10:26That's a winner, winner, chicken dinner.
10:27I will take that birdie after that third shot.
10:31So nerve-wracking.
10:32It's 50-50.
10:32Could go either way.
10:33Could miss it, completely ruin the day.
10:35Make the putt.
10:36I'm on track.
10:36My heart rate's getting up.
10:38I was so nervous on that one, I didn't even zoom in.
10:40Yeah, too nervous.
10:43You thought I was going to miss it, didn't you?
10:45I was just holding my breath.
10:47All right, good start.
10:48That's a great start.
10:49Yeah, solid start.
10:50Okay, I'm going right at that bunker you see out there.
10:53Only sole bunker there.
11:04Hook, hook, hook, hook, hook, hook.
11:07Hook, hook, hook, hook, hook, hook.
11:11Oh, I could have gone way left of that.
11:14That's bad judgment on my part.
11:16All right, give me something.
11:19Something, please.
11:20Hit it back out in the fairway.
11:21Just get lucky.
11:22Oh, is that it?
11:24Yeah, there you go.
11:26Dude, I could have reached the green.
11:28I had no idea.
11:29All right, well, this is pretty good.
11:30I mean, I'll take it.
11:32I'll take that.
11:32That's what I needed.
11:33Wish it was in the fairway, but hey, I can't be greedy now.
11:36Okay, over face 60.
11:38Just like a 930 shot.
11:48Oh, it's up top.
11:50If it would have been shorter, it would have spun back down the hill.
11:55Darn it.
11:5521 feet.
11:587 feet.
12:006 feet.
12:01Oh, gosh, that's too far.
12:08That's so far.
12:15I thought I hit that too hard.
12:18That's an egregious pin.
12:21Ah, that's a bad par too.
12:23I would have hit driver right up here and chipped it and made birdie.
12:26We'd be in a way better place, but par four.
12:30Dog leg left.
12:32I've got to go right over those trees, I believe.
12:35Just down the cart path.
12:36Just right of the cart path.
12:46I mean, I don't know how much more perfect you can get than that.
12:51And that was smoked.
12:5356 yards.
12:54That's what I'm talking about.
12:56400 right there.
12:57That was a big drive.
13:02All right, so 90, 56.
13:04So it's going to be 60, just under 60.
13:0858 yard shot.
13:17I mean, we may have something here, folks.
13:19I haven't hit a wet shot like that ever.
13:21I'll take that all day long.
13:23That gets me going, baby.
13:26That was nice.
13:28Three and a half feet.
13:30Two and a half percent.
13:31It's going to be edge, just on the edge.
13:40That broke pretty hard.
13:41That was not an easy putt.
13:42What a great birdie.
13:43That's four under through eight.
13:45No, seven.
13:46We're now back on track.
13:47I got to keep this pace up, baby.
13:49Let's go.
13:50That got me going.
13:51That's light.
13:52I've never seen that out of my wedges.
13:53If that actually is legit and it's working that way and it continues that way.
14:00It's playing 137 downhill.
14:03I think the wind is helping off the right a little bit.
14:06So I'm going to go just over 10 o'clock with this.
14:19Sit, stop, stop.
14:21From the front edge there.
14:22It didn't go as far as I thought it would.
14:24I was trying to land it up on that back slope and I didn't get it all the way back there,
14:28but that's okay.
14:29Thank you for letting us go through.
14:30I appreciate that.
14:32Thank you very much.
14:34We'll be quick.
14:34So I can't line this ball up, unfortunately.
14:37I was trying to land it back there and it didn't happen.
14:40Pretty darn straight.
14:40Maybe goes a little bit left if anything.
14:4314 feet.
14:45Play this thing right edge.
14:55There we go.
14:57We'll take that.
14:59That was huge.
15:00I made a birdie on a par three.
15:01Are you kidding me?
15:02Who is this Bryson?
15:03No one's more surprised than me.
15:06500 through eight, folks.
15:08I am ahead of pace.
15:10Let's keep it up.
15:11Don't think about it.
15:12This is the part where everybody needs to realize when you get to this place,
15:15you don't think about it.
15:17You just try to make birdie on every single hole and don't even know what your score is.
15:20Don't even worry about it.
15:21You get in your bubble and you just keep going.
15:24So I'm going to go over the car path again then.
15:26A little left of that.
15:28Right into the bunker.
15:33A little into the wind.
15:45That seems pretty dang good, huh?
15:52Let's keep it going.
15:53That was a great drive there.
15:54Just what we needed on the ninth hole.
15:57Five under through eight.
15:58If I can get to six under through nine, that would be special.
16:03Keep the head down.
16:04Get in your bubble.
16:05Stay there.
16:06It's just another day.
16:06Just on the practice range.
16:08Just in some golf balls.
16:09That's really all it is.
16:10You're just hitting one more shot to the best of your ability.
16:13And there's nothing to worry about.
16:16Just execute it.
16:17Don't even focus on anything other than just execution.
16:21This has just been crazy.
16:2360 yards.
16:24I'm gonna go walk up here.
16:28Just gotta land it six, five yards short.
16:3155 yard shot.
16:33Let it bounce up.
16:34Spin right next to the hole.
16:46Too far?
16:49Came out a little low.
16:50It's a little into the grain here.
16:51You see all that?
16:53I was just kind of worried about that.
16:54But it came out low, which is the important part.
16:55That's what I wanted to see.
16:58Lock in.
16:58Up the hill.
16:59Flattens out.
17:01It's all restraining.
17:02Goes right to left at the end.
17:0747 feet.
17:08Playing 33 feet.
17:09I like that.
17:16Oh no.
17:16Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
17:20Didn't go left the way I thought it would.
17:23All right.
17:24All right.
17:25We're right on pace.
17:26500 to nine.
17:27Not too bad.
17:27I just got to keep up that pace.
17:28Not make any mistakes on the back nine.
17:31All right.
17:31Start the back nine with a par five.
17:33Back nine with a par five.
17:35How many par fives are on this side?
17:38Three par fives.
17:40And I'm five under par.
17:41Going to the back nine.
17:43This is nerve wracking.
17:45I got to get my Bushnell now.
17:46I think we got to go just over this right center.
17:49How's the tree?
17:58Oh my gosh.
17:59That is krilled.
18:02They came up with a new word.
18:06It says it's good.
18:07All right.
18:08What a drive.
18:09It's downwind.
18:10Playing 55.
18:11I'm going to land it five past.
18:12I can probably land it past, can't I?
18:14Pitching wedge 160.
18:16So 1030.
18:17My full is 175.
18:19Try to draw this in there a little bit.
18:20Be right.
18:27I looked in for a second.
18:28Holy crap.
18:29That would have been nuts.
18:30I'd have gone nuts.
18:31Why don't you say we knock this one in, huh, Chase?
18:33Yeah, that'd be big.
18:35700 through 10.
18:36That'd be big for the program.
18:37Goes a little left at the end.
18:39Pretty straight.
18:39Goes left at the end.
18:40It's a 29 footer.
18:4130 footer.
18:42I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:45I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:46I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:47I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:48I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:49I'm going to play a 30 footer here.
18:51It goes left.
19:00What a read.
19:01Son of a gun.
19:06Darn it.
19:08I should have stepped back here one more time,
19:10because that thing broke pretty hard.
19:11Gosh darn it.
19:12That's okay.
19:14Six under.
19:16On pace.
19:17Through 10.
19:18400 through eight.
19:19That's all you got to do.
19:19400 through eight.
19:20That's all I need to do.
19:21173 playing 170.
19:23I'm not pitching much here.
19:26Well, it's downwind.
19:29Four, five.
19:34Just a 10-30 one of these again.
19:43Just pulled it.
19:44Oh, I can still make birdie from there.
19:47Just a little pull.
19:48I was trying to throw it out to the right and spin it back.
19:50I just got it left.
19:51This is very similar to the shot you had in your last par three to birdie.
19:54Number eight.
19:55I know.
19:56It's just a little farther away.
19:57That's okay though.
19:57I've got a good chance here still to make birdie.
20:00Man, this was such an easy shot if I just threw it to the right and spun it down.
20:03What a dork.
20:04That could have gone in the water so easily.
20:07I would have been Sour Patch Kids there.
20:09I would have been Sour Patch Kids there.
20:10I would have been Sour Patch Kids there.
20:11I would have been Sour Patch Kids there.
20:16Oh, I see it though.
20:18Just 12 more feet.
20:1939 feet.
20:20It's about a 40-footer, so it's just 37 feet.
20:22Oh, I can't touch it.
20:31I mean, it's so slow, dude.
20:33Holy crap.
20:38Okay, all right.
20:40That was a little nerve-wracking.
20:42I didn't like that putt whatsoever.
20:45I smoked that first putt.
20:48I just got a bad bounce, kind of hopped up in the air,
20:50and you can't really control the putt when that happens.
20:51Sixth under 311 right now.
20:53I believe a par five is coming up.
20:55I need an eagle here.
20:56That would tremendously help.
20:57Just pump one right down Central Expressway.
21:00Feeling a little bit of the jitters right now.
21:03A nerve bug.
21:10Is that good?
21:21Downwind five yards.
21:23It's about 178.
21:24Downwind five yards, 173.
21:26I'm going to full pitching wedge,
21:27get this thing spin back next to the hole.
21:37Be right.
21:40I mean, I did everything I could there.
21:46How you guys doing?
21:49Thank you for letting us go through.
21:50I appreciate that.
21:51Yes, sir.
21:52This looks pretty good.
21:53It's not bad.
21:54It was just a fraction short.
21:55Look at these pins though.
21:55They're on a crazy slopes right now.
21:57Look at that slope.
21:59Oh my gosh.
22:00What a pin placement.
22:0117 feet up at three and a half.
22:06Seven, 24, 25 feet.
22:10That was so much faster than I thought.
22:20I'm leaving myself deserts, Jase.
22:21Holy crap.
22:31Oh, I hated that.
22:32I hated everything about that.
22:34I'll take a birdie there.
22:35It's way too stressful for birdie with pitching wedge into a par five.
22:39Goodness, these pins are wild right now.
22:40Oh my gosh.
22:41Did I hate everything about that putt?
22:43That was ridiculous.
22:46We're through that stretch though.
22:47Thank goodness.
22:48Long John Silver here.
22:49217 playing 213.
22:52It's downwind.
22:53Probably five, six yards when I land a little short.
22:55It's crazy with no music and everything.
22:57It's a little eerie here.
23:09Get left.
23:13Ah, it's just a little short.
23:14Didn't bounce at all.
23:15It was a good swing though.
23:17Thank you guys.
23:18Y'all have a good one.
23:19All right.
23:19God, that was a good swing, Jase.
23:21That was an unbelievable swing there.
23:23I've got to make one of these putts.
23:24I've got to make one of these.
23:26Would you say that sometimes it's a little more uncomfortable when it's only like
23:29a couple people watching you versus 1,000?
23:31Oh, bar none.
23:33You know, if there's 1,000 people, everybody's like, oh, okay, whatever.
23:36A couple people, it's like, you better have your on, you know?
23:39You can't mess up.
23:40It's different.
23:41It's completely different.
23:42You better have your full stuff.
23:44It's a weird one.
23:45The greens are a little weird with the grain.
23:46It's tough to get the speed.
23:48I've been offing my speed a little bit.
23:50I got to practice that.
23:5121 feet, play this thing, 23, 24 feet.
24:09I thought it was just going to lip in.
24:12That hurt.
24:14Oh, it's a par.
24:16I needed that one.
24:22700 through 13.
24:23What a great roll, too.
24:24Goodness gracious.
24:26Good speed and everything.
24:27Oh, there's no way.
24:28It's 360.
24:3120 more yards into 255.
24:34Bitten five iron over that.
24:36Oh, I needed that, guys.
24:37That's crazy disappointing.
24:48Oh, no, that's in the bunker.
24:55That bunker?
24:56I didn't see exactly where it landed, but it was on that ramp.
24:58I should have hit five.
24:59I just don't know how far to hit that.
25:01I was literally watching you, and you still break 50, right?
25:05I was literally upstairs watching it.
25:07I started on the plane yesterday, and I was finishing it.
25:12That's awesome.
25:12This little girl got the blue.
25:14She's three.
25:15She's got the blue.
25:16I was like, it's nice.
25:17I was checking the water in the pool.
25:18I was like, it's wet.
25:19She wanted to come outside for a little bit while it's still warm.
25:22And Bryson DeChambeau shows up.
25:25Let's go.
25:26Appreciate that.
25:29Have a good one.
25:32Are you playing good?
25:32Yeah, I'm playing great.
25:33Are you doing the break the course record thingy?
25:36Course record.
25:37Oh, God.
25:38Is he doing it?
25:39He's doing it.
25:40He's on pace?
25:42I think I just hit it in the bunker and got no shot.
25:44Oh, my gosh.
25:47This is crazy.
25:48How do you do that, Bryson?
25:50The worst place you could be.
25:53Oh, I had so much room, too.
25:55That's really frustrating.
25:58All right.
26:01Just part of not knowing the off course.
26:04I mean, this is horrific of a lie, too.
26:15I mean, that's the most incredible shot I've hit in a long freaking time.
26:19Holy crap.
26:20It was a bevel, too, and I bladed it perfectly.
26:24Oh, my gosh.
26:25Thank goodness.
26:26If I made birdie here, this would be the all-time uno reverse card.
26:30Yeah, you've had a lot of these on the fringe putts.
26:32I know.
26:32I've been fringed out today.
26:3421 feet playing 2%.
26:3818, 19, 20 inches.
26:40Well, this is the putt right here.
26:48Oh, it went low.
26:50Oh, that broke hard.
26:57That's a par.
26:58That's so disappointing, the last two holes.
27:01Could have made birdie on those last two holes.
27:03I've been nine under par already, guys.
27:05Set them seven under par through how many now?
27:07It's getting 15, 16, 17.
27:09I got four more holes.
27:12Well, I'm happy to get out of there with par, but still not exactly what I wanted.
27:26I think that's good.
27:31It's moments like these when it gets a little tough.
27:34I'm going to make three birdies and four holes to break it.
27:38Left myself so many chances today.
27:40It's tough when you don't eagle holes either, but I can still do it.
27:45Got to make some putts.
27:46Not give myself 20 footers, but three footers, four footers coming in.
27:51I think I'm going to play the 55 degree here.
27:5482, that's 15.
27:55That's 930.
27:56That's 82 landing there, so too short, it's 915, just over 90.
28:12What a horrific wedge shot.
28:14I thought that was going to be fine, and clearly it wasn't even close.
28:18That ball is coming off so much lower.
28:19Don't you know that?
28:20I mean, can you see that?
28:21Yeah, I can see it.
28:22It's definitely coming off lower, which is good, but I'm not used to that fully.
28:27Definitely is helping in certain situations.
28:29If there's any time to make a long putt, it's right now.
28:3435 feet up a two, six, yep, 40 feet, 35 to 40 feet.
28:48Yes, yes.
28:52Let's go.
28:54That's eight under, baby.
28:57You're 15, baby.
28:58Come on.
29:03Three more holes.
29:05Got a birdie, two of them coming in to break it.
29:07Come on, let's go.
29:09Par four, pretty straight away.
29:10Little dogleg left.
29:12310, got a tree out there.
29:13I'm going to go right at that post and just draw it off that post.
29:17Wind's a little off the left.
29:21That's really good.
29:36You can't really see it.
29:37It's pretty far out there.
29:38It might've just gone in the rough.
29:40The pin's back right, so I have a shot to the back right of the flag.
29:43I got to hit this wet shot close, man.
29:45This is it right here.
29:46This is what the whole video's come down to.
29:48This hole right here.
29:50I have to make birdie.
29:5295 yards.
29:53It's a perfect 10 o'clock, 55.
29:56A little uphill sloping.
29:59Play is three, four yards long.
30:05Oh, no.
30:10No, it's just so stupid.
30:12Why did I do that?
30:14I knew I needed to hit a 50 degree.
30:17It's the only thing that's trying to figure out these spin.
30:20The spin rate on the wedge is 11, 33 feet.
30:25I always make things interesting.
30:26Why can't you just birdie every freaking hole?
30:28Up a four, 12, 45, 47 feet.
30:33I like 47 feet.
30:49That was two right on the lip.
31:02Don't remind me, Chase.
31:04Eight under through 16, two holes to go.
31:06Man, that was a chance there to make it.
31:09You just got to keep moving on.
31:10You can't focus on the pass.
31:12You just got to keep going.
31:12Keep executing good shots.
31:14That's all you can do here.
31:15All right, 179.
31:19Into the wind.
31:21Place five yards, six yards into the wind.
31:24Yeah, three down.
31:25So, 78, 79, 76.
31:28It's not that much into us right now.
31:3076, 80.
31:32Just over 10 o'clock here.
31:38Stop drawing.
31:44Oh, my gosh.
31:46That was such a good swing too.
31:48Darn it.
31:49Let's knock this one in.
31:50Got a par five to end on.
31:51I can make eagle though.
31:52This is becoming so stressful.
31:55Great prep for next week, though.
31:56I feel like I'm going to be on point when it comes to next week.
32:00Just barely off.
32:0125 feet.
32:02A little downhill, if anything.
32:04It's going to probably play pretty neutral.
32:06Just roll this in.
32:07Do something with your life.
32:08It's 40 inches up, 36, 45.
32:12It's 45 inches.
32:1425 feet and placing 23 feet, 22 feet.
32:26That's a good putt.
32:28Not mad about that.
32:33Shoot, that's a shot to the heart.
32:36I have to make an eagle in the last hole to beat the course record.
32:40Birdie to tie, eagle to break.
32:43I've got to break the course record.
32:44I'm sick and tired of not doing a challenge.
32:47I'm nervous right now.
32:49Just another drive, Chase.
32:50Just another drive.
32:52Where do you go here?
32:53Okay, hold up.
32:54I need the bush now.
33:02All right, that's good.
33:19Come on, keep rolling.
33:20Go back in the fairway.
33:22It's a good swing.
33:23No, that's where I was aiming.
33:27This is unbelievable.
33:30I cannot believe.
33:33It's come down to the 18th hole.
33:35I put way too much pressure on myself all the time.
33:38I've got to learn how to not put pressure on myself down the stretch.
33:44Let's just do it.
33:45It happens too much for me.
33:47So I got to learn how to just execute just a little bit better.
33:50So I'm shooting way under par way more often.
33:53200 yards.
33:55It's a little in the breeze.
33:56I'm going to hit a hard eight.
34:15get left.
34:18That's for eagle.
34:19Break the course record right there.
34:20Come on, baby.
34:20Let's go.
34:21Knock this son of a gun in.
34:22Got to make it to shoot 62.
34:26Let's go, baby.
34:3327 feet down to three.
34:36Two and a half.
34:42Two and a half.
34:42It's going to be two and a half.
34:4327 feet down, two and a half.
34:44That's 13, 15 feet.
34:4615 footer.
34:56Go break left.
35:13It's still a course record.
35:14It is a course record.
35:16I semi accomplished a course record here.
35:18You tied a course record.
35:19I tied a course record in the DFW area.
35:21That's nine under, dude.
35:22Gosh, it's 63 and I had so many chances out there.
35:25Hit some great shots.
35:26That could have been 11 under really easy.
35:30Yeah, so just confirming scores.
35:34Yeah, 434.
35:35I made three.
35:36Almost made that.
35:37Made an amazing four there.
35:38Made a great birdie on that hole.
35:40Nine birdies.
35:41No bogeys.
35:42Course record.
35:44And then you want to sign it, Chase?
