• 2 days ago
April 2nd Will Be a Historic Day in American History, Says President Donald Trump
00:00I would say that could be suspicious.
00:03And then on the second assassin, you had, you know, and by the way, I have to tell you
00:10Secret Service did a great job on that by spotting him.
00:15But on the second one, he had six cell phones.
00:19That's a lot of cell phones.
00:21And a couple of them had some strange markings on them.
00:24So yeah, I want to find out and I would be willing to release it.
00:28I mean, maybe there's a reason that we shouldn't.
00:30So I don't want to get too far ahead of my skis, but yeah, I would be very willing to
00:36release that.
00:37I'd like to see it.
00:38I want to see it myself.
00:39Not only you.
00:40I want to see that one myself.
00:41President Macron yesterday said that France was ready to offer its nuclear protection
00:48to other European countries.
00:50What do you make of it?
00:51And in this case, would the U.S. also maintain a nuclear umbrella for European countries?
00:56Well, France is also willing to put soldiers into Ukraine for safety reasons, if we can
01:01get it.
01:02I will say that we've made a lot of progress with Ukraine and a lot of progress with Russia
01:07over the last couple of days.
01:10And it'd be great to bring that to an end so we don't have to talk that way about nuclear.
01:14Be great if everybody would get rid of their nuclear weapons.
01:17You know, we have Russia and us have by far the most.
01:22China will have an equal amount within four or five years.
01:27And it would be great if we could all de-nuclearize because the power of nuclear weapons is crazy,
01:34is crazy.
01:35And, you know, I was very far along the process with Russia, despite the Russia, Russia, Russia
01:40hoax, which didn't make it easy.
01:41It was a total hoax, a total rigged hoax by some bad people.
01:46But despite that, I was very close to having a program with Russia, de-nuclearization,
01:51and we're going to get China.
01:52I spoke to President Xi about it.
01:54And he would have been very happy to have gone along with it.
01:58But bad things happened, like an election that was rigged happened.
02:04And so we had to come back four years later.
02:07But I would very much like to start those talks.
02:09The opposite of what you say, the de-nuclearization would be incredible.
02:13Mr. President, on the auto tariffs that you were talking about, I know yesterday you spoke
02:18with the big three.
02:19Did you tell them that no more exemptions were on the way?
02:23And what was the reaction?
02:24That's it.
02:25This was a short-term deal.
02:29They came back to me yesterday.
02:31They said, could we have some help on the tariffs because of the speed?
02:36And I said, look, I'm going to do it, but that's it.
02:39Don't come back to me after the 2nd, April 2nd.
02:41I don't want to hear from you after April 2nd.
02:43We're not going to be doing it anymore.
02:44I want to help them.
02:45What was their response?
02:46They didn't complain.
02:50But I helped them short-term during this short-term transition.
02:55April 2nd is going to be a very big day for America.
02:58Mr. President, Mr. President.
02:59My understanding is that the long-standing U.S. policy is that we do not negotiate with
03:06So how did you come to the decision to send somebody from your team to negotiate with
03:11We are having discussions with Hamas.
03:15We are helping Israel in those discussions because we're talking about Israeli hostages.
03:22And we're not doing anything in terms of Hamas.
03:26We're not giving cash.
03:27We're not giving 6 billion like you hear other administrations give.
03:30In fact, I got 59 hostages out and we gave nothing in 59.
03:35We gave nothing, not including what's going on with Hamas.
03:39I mean, I consider that something where we're helping Israel for the most part.
03:43We had a couple of hostages, as you know.
03:46We got a couple of hostages out, American hostages.
03:49But certainly, Peter, you know, I do have to negotiate.
03:54There's a difference between negotiating and paying.
03:59We want to get these people out.
04:01If you would have seen the people yesterday, maybe you did.
04:03I don't know.
04:04But if you would have seen them, the way they spoke about their captivity, it was unbelievable.
04:09It's terrible.
04:10Are you thinking about making any changes to NATO where a NATO country gets attacked
04:16but they're not paying enough dues so the United States doesn't defend them?
04:20Well, I've said that to them.
04:21I said, if you're not going to pay, we're not going to defend.
04:23I said that seven years ago.
04:27And because of that, they paid hundreds of billions of dollars.
04:30I said, if you're not going to pay your bills, we're not going to defend you.
04:35And it also went for the attack.
04:36But if they got attacked, they said, well, does that mean you won't defend us?
04:40I said, are you current or are you delinquent?
04:43They said, if we were delinquent, would you?
04:46I said, nope, I would not.
04:48And because of that, as you know, hundreds of billions of dollars came into NATO.
04:52You wouldn't have NATO right now if I weren't there.
04:55And your previous secretary general has said that.
05:00He said he's never seen anything like it.
05:02When I came to NATO, when I first said my first meeting, I noticed that people weren't
05:06paying their bills at all.
05:09And I said, I should wait till my second meeting.
05:11And I did.
05:12And I brought that up.
05:14And I said, if you don't pay your bills, we're not going to participate.
05:17We're not going to protect you.
05:19And when I said that, as soon as I said that, it was amazing how the money came in.
05:24The money came in and now they have money.
05:26But even now, it's not enough.
05:28It's really not enough.
05:29They should be paying more.
05:30Mr. President, a question on the investment, sir.
05:33You've overseen about $2 trillion worth of domestic private sector investments come in
05:38in just about two months.
05:40This is the newest one.
05:41It comes after your announcement of a new shipbuilding office at the White House during
05:45your joint session to Congress.
05:46Can you talk about why this is important, not only for national security, but to continue
05:50the renaissance of domestic manufacturing?
05:53Well, we have to maintain a strong country.
05:56We have to maintain, we want to pay off debt.
05:59We have a lot of debt, but that'll start coming off quickly when this all comes around.
06:04Look, we've been supporting the whole world.
06:07You mentioned NATO and you mentioned other things.
06:09We've been supporting the whole world.
06:12When I first came in, we were paying almost 100 percent of NATO.
06:16NATO wasn't.
06:17It was crazy.
06:18We were supporting NATO.
06:19We were paying the bills for other countries.
06:22And yet those same countries, mostly European, you know, the European countries were ripping
06:27us off in trade.
06:30They won't take our cars.
06:31They wouldn't take our agricultural product.
06:33They wouldn't take anything.
06:34Yet we were taking their cars, their cars by the millions, Mercedes and BMW and Volkswagen,
06:43all of them.
06:44We were taking their cars.
06:45They weren't taking it.
06:46We were taking their farm products.
06:47They weren't taking ours.
06:48It was a total ripoff.
06:50And yet we were protecting them by giving them the money.
06:54And, you know, that adds up to a bad, a bad number at the end of a lot of years.
06:58And that's what happened.
07:00And now it's time for this country to stop being ripped off.
07:04I had that done very much in the first administration, but then we had to focus on other things at
07:10the very end with COVID.
07:12And but we had the greatest economy in history.
07:15We had the greatest economy in history.
07:17I think we're going to redo it here, but even better.
07:20And I wanted to do what we're doing now in the first term, but we had so many other things
07:25to do.
07:26We had to fix the border, which we did.
07:27We had to fix our military.
07:29We rebuilt our military.
07:31We completely rebuilt the military only to watch Biden give so much of it away to Afghanistan.
07:38If you can believe it's not even believable.
07:42It's not even believable what he did.
07:44The damage that that man did or that administration did to this country is, is frankly, not even
07:52And in particular, in particular, allowing millions and millions of people to come into
07:58our country.
07:59Many of them were murderers and and drug dealers and gang members and people from prison for
08:05very heinous crimes for him to allow those people into our country.
08:10And now we're spending tremendous amounts of time and effort.
08:14Nikki and Tom Holman is doing an unbelievable job, but we shouldn't, we shouldn't have to
08:20be spending anything on that.
08:21We had the safest border ever.
08:23Now we have actually, as you saw, the numbers just came out where we have actually the lowest
08:29numbers in the history of our country.
08:31But we shouldn't have had to do that.
08:34What we what we're doing now is we're looking for murderers.
08:37Can you believe it?
08:38We're looking for murderers because thousands of murderers, some, some about 50 percent
08:44killed more than one person.
08:47One killed five or seven.
08:50And we're looking for those people right now.
08:51We shouldn't have to be looking for them.
08:53President Trump, on Peter's question, are you going to make that policy, U.S. policy
08:56that the U.S. wouldn't defend NATO countries that don't pay?
08:59I think it's common sense, right?
09:01If they don't pay, I'm not going to defend them.
09:03No, I'm not going to defend them.
09:04I got into a lot of heat when I said that.
09:06They said, oh, he's violating NATO.
09:09And, you know, the biggest problem I have with NATO, I really you know, I mean, I know
09:13the guys very well.
09:14They're friends of mine.
09:16But if the United States was in trouble and we called them, we said, what a problem, France.
09:25We got a problem.
09:26A couple of others I won't mention.
09:29Do you think they're going to come and protect us?
09:33They're supposed to.
09:35I'm not so sure.
09:36You know, with Japan, you know, with Japan, we have a deal, which is a very interesting
09:42And I love Japan.
09:43We have a great relationship with Japan.
09:45But we have an interesting deal with Japan that we have to protect them, but they don't
09:49have to protect us.
09:51You know that that's the way the deal reads.
09:53We have to protect Japan.
09:56And by the way, they make a fortune with us economically.
09:58There's another case.
09:59But we have to protect Japan.
10:02But under no circumstances do they have to protect us.
10:05I actually ask who makes these deals.
10:08Yeah, Peter.
10:09So why stay in NATO at all?
10:14I view NATO as potentially good, but you got to get got to get some good thinking in NATO.
10:21It's very unfair what's been happening until I came along.
10:24We were paying close to 100 percent of NATO.
10:28So think of it.
10:29We're paying 100 percent of their military and they're screwing us on trade.
10:34And when Zelensky inevitably comes back to the White House, what do you expect from him?
10:41And do you think you'll see him in the next time?
10:45Well, I think what's going to happen is Ukraine wants to make a deal because I don't think
10:50they have a choice.
10:51I also think that Russia wants to make a deal because in a certain different way, a different
10:56way that only I know, only I know they have no choice either.
11:00Are you still thinking of going to Saudi Arabia and meet with Putin about this?
11:05I don't know.
11:06I can't tell you.
11:07I'm going to Saudi Arabia.
11:08Mr. President.
11:09You know, I've made a deal with Saudi Arabia where because normally you'd go to U.K. first.
11:17And last time I went to Saudi Arabia, they put up 450 billion dollars.
11:22You know that, right?
11:24You were there.
11:25We had a we had American companies that took in 450 billion.
11:30I said, well, this time they've gotten richer.
11:35We've all gotten older.
11:36So I said, I'll go if you pay a trillion dollars, one trillion dollars to American companies,
11:42meaning the purchase over a four year period of a trillion dollars.
11:48And they've agreed to do that.
11:50So I'm going to be going there.
11:52And I'm in a great relationship with them.
11:55And they've been very nice.
11:56But they're going to be spending a lot of money to American companies for buying military
12:00equipment and a lot of other things.
12:02Is that a trip in the near future?
12:07Probably over the next month and a half.
12:09Mr. President, you told us a couple of weeks ago that you were looking to speak with President
12:15Xi of China.
12:16That hasn't happened.
12:17How come?
12:18I have spoken to him.
12:19Since that last phone call?
12:20I don't want to say that, but I have spoken to him.
12:23I have a great relationship with President Xi.
12:27It was hurt because of COVID.
12:30That's why I don't call it the China virus anymore.
12:32So please don't call it the China virus.
12:36But to be clear, you've spoken to him since January 17th.
12:38I don't want to say that, but I have spoken to him and I speak to him a lot.
12:42Regarding this executive order, you signed revoking security clearances at Perkins Coie.
12:48Do you think there should be more steps like this to be taken against other people involved
12:53in the Russia collusion?
12:55I do, but that's going to be up ultimately to the attorney general and various other
13:00This is a follow-up.
13:01The other night, you know, we saw Democrats' behavior during your joint address to Congress.
13:06Do you think it shows just how out of touch they are with the American people, especially
13:11given that 79 percent, according to a CBS poll, approved of your status?
13:16I love this guy.
13:17Who are you with?
13:18My name's Nick Gilbertson with Great Bar News.
13:19I see.
13:20I really liked your questions.
13:21Thank you very much.
13:22Sir, regarding the executive order-
13:23The answer is just, Nick, just to, and I know your name very well.
13:28Good job you do.
13:30Yeah, the answer is I thought it was very embarrassing for the Democrats what happened
13:34the other night.
13:35And that's not said for any other reason other than it's obvious it's fact.
13:40Even CNN fake news said that.
13:43They came out and they said it.
13:45But worse than CNN is MSDNC, which is the worst.
13:51And the good news is very few people watch them anymore.
13:54They have lost such credibility.
13:56And frankly, what Nicole Wallace said, I've never been a fan of hers, but, and she's not
14:03very talented.
14:05But I'll tell you what she said the other day about that young man is disgraceful.
14:09She should be forced to resign.
14:12And Rachel Maddow should be forced to resign.
14:14Nobody watches her anyway.
14:15I don't know if it's not possible they pay her as much money as I hear.
14:19But certainly she's lost all credibility, both of them.
14:23But what they, what they said the other day, they should be forced to resign about that
14:27young person who is suffering greatly.
14:32Will you extend, if the TikTok deal was not made on the timeline you gave, will you extend
14:38I think, look, we have a lot of interest in TikTok.
14:43China is going to play a role.
14:45So hopefully China will approve of the deal, but they're going to play a role.
14:50We have a lot.
14:51We have a lot of interest in TikTok.
14:53How long would you extend it?
14:54And how close are you to a deal?
14:55Well, we'll see.
14:56But if I need, I don't right now, we have at least another month.
14:59So we don't need an extension.
15:00But if I needed an extension, I'd probably get it extended.
15:03Mr. President, regarding the executive orders, there was talk that you might sign one winding
15:09down the education department.
15:10Which, which department?
15:11The education department.
15:12Are you having second thoughts on that one?
15:15No, no, no, no, no.
15:16I want to bring the schools, I want to bring the schools back to the states.
15:23And I've said it a hundred times, we're ranked at the bottom of the list and yet we spend
15:28We're ranked number one for, for course pursuit.
15:31We're ranked at the bottom of the list in education.
15:35And I know if I bring it back to Iowa, Indiana, Idaho, all these great states, I think I could
15:43say 40 states.
15:44I want to bring it back.
15:4610 states won't be perfect.
15:47Five states will be probably not so good, but they will be every bit as good as Norway
15:53and Denmark and Sweden and all of the states that are rated at the top.
15:59If you tell me about Indiana and some of these great states that run really well, Iowa,
16:06you tell me about those states and if they run their own education, they're going to
16:10do a lot better than somebody sitting in Washington DC that couldn't care less about the pupils
16:16out in the Midwest.
16:17When would you sign that order?
16:18Well, I want to just do it.
16:21I mean, we're starting the process.
16:22We're trying to get the schools back into the states, let the states run the schools.
16:28And I'll tell you, you see something, it's going to, it's going to blow your mind.
16:32It'll be run so well, the school system.
16:35And I also believe in school choice, but that will take care of itself.
16:38I'll look to that.
16:39Mr. President, if the education department were eliminated, how would you see sort of
16:43what department, what agency would handle student loans and the other types of federal
16:48That would be brought in.
16:49Yeah, that would be brought into either treasury or small business administration or commerce.
16:55And we've actually had that discussion today.
16:59I don't think the education should be handling the loans.
17:02That's not their business.
17:04I think it'll be brought into small business, maybe Kelly really liked it and really would
17:09like to do it.
17:10So the loans would be brought into a group where they really do that.
17:14And I think that is by the way, the most complicated thing in moving, but it's very simple if you
17:19do that.
17:20I think that Gaza is a mess and I think that Gaza could be good.
17:37I think it's got to be run properly, but right now Gaza is an absolute mess and it has been
17:42for many, many years and decades.
17:46Peter, did you have one more?
17:48The two Starliner astronauts stuck in space for eight months, have you spoken to them?
17:53They left them alone.
17:54Biden left them up there.
17:55And what do you know about that?
17:57I know everything about it.
17:59I said, we have two astronauts that are stuck in space.
18:02I have asked Elon, I said, do me a favor.
18:06Can you get them out?
18:07He said, yes.
18:08He is preparing to go up, I think in two weeks.
18:09We'll talk about how this went down because he's saying that the Biden White House was
18:13offered some kind of SpaceX rocket to go get these guys and they said no.
18:18That's what I heard.
18:19I can't tell you that, but that's what I heard.
18:21But Biden was embarrassed by what happened and he said, leave them up there.
18:26I would have said, if you're embarrassed, you got to get them out.
18:28Elon is right now preparing a ship to go up and get them.
18:32I'm sure that they will see this in space.
18:34What is your message to them?
18:35We love you and we're coming up to get you and you shouldn't have been up there so long.
18:40The most incompetent president in our history has allowed that to happen to you.
18:46But this president won't let it happen.
18:48We're going to get them out.
18:49We're coming up to get you.
18:50I've authorized Elon.
18:51I said, can you get them out?
18:53Because, you know, they've been left up there.
18:56I hope they like each other, but maybe they'll love each other.
19:00I don't know.
19:01But they've been left up there.
19:03Think of it.
19:04And I see the woman with the wild hair, good, solid head of hair she's got.
19:11There's no kidding.
19:12There's no games with her hair.
19:13But and, you know, there's a danger up there, too.
19:16They can have some failures up there.
19:19That would be very bad.
19:20You got to get them out.
19:21So I've lost.
19:22I've authorized Elon a week ago.
19:25I said, you know, we have two people up there that Biden and Kamala left up there.
19:31And he knows it very well.
19:33I said, are you equipped to get him?
19:35He said, yeah, he's got a starship and they're preparing it right now.
19:41So Elon is going to go up and get him.
19:44Should I go on that journey just to be on the ship when we stop?
19:47If that's an option, yes.
19:50I should do it.
19:51Oh, that's terrible.
19:52I thought he liked me.
19:53I thought he liked me.
19:54I thought, Maria, should I do it?
19:56Well, you should stay here.
19:57Maria likes me better.
19:58You should stay here.
19:59President Trump, should they come back from space?
20:01Well, when they come back, I'll greet them.
20:03How about that?
20:04Now, no, we're going to get them out.
20:06I've authorized Elon Musk to go and get him.
20:11And he's prepared to do so.
20:12Mr. President, what are you making of the market sell off?
20:15I think it's just I think it's globalist that see how rich our country is going to be and
20:20they don't like it.
20:21You know, a big market out there.
20:24But again, they've been ripping off this country for years and now and they're going to do
20:29Everyone's going to do great.
20:30But we can't let this continue to happen to America.
20:33Otherwise, we're not going to have a country any longer.
20:35Thank you very much, everybody.
20:36Thank you, sir.
20:37Thank you, sir.
20:38Thank you very much.
20:40Thank you, Nick.
20:41Thank you, President Trump.
