• 2 days ago
Aprende a cómo aliviar los dolores.


00:00How is it defined? What is osteoporosis?
00:02Osteoporosis is a chronic disease in which the bones are losing density.
00:07They become more porous, as the word indicates, more fragile,
00:10and therefore fractures are produced very easily.
00:13In a normal daily activity, even coughing or crouching can generate a fracture.
00:18Now, the worst thing I think, correct me, is that it is a silent disease
00:23and that it can become, in some way, as you say, serious.
00:26We also have a picture of the bones to imagine the causes.
00:31Look, there it is, correct me, this is how a bone looks with osteoporosis inside, right?
00:36That's right, there we see how it loses density, how it becomes more porous.
00:40The bones are always forming and constantly destroying, this is common.
00:45And what happens in osteoporosis is that the bone formation becomes slower than the destruction,
00:50so we lose more bone mass.
00:53It becomes super fragile. And why does it occur and what are the main consequences?
00:58As we constantly form and destroy bones, in fact, our skeleton is completely renewed every 10 years,
01:05and in osteoporosis in women, mainly due to lack of estrogen after menopause,
01:10that is the main risk factor for this process to be unbalanced.
01:16That is, when the woman decreases her amount of estrogen,
01:19that is when this process of formation, degradation, is unbalanced and we lose more bone mass,
01:24and there we have serious health consequences.
01:26That is the reason why it affects women much more than men, right?
01:30That's right.
01:31Now, that data caught my attention, we talked about it before starting the program,
01:34that the bones are renewed every 10 years, I didn't know that, how is that process?
01:38Sometimes we think that the bone is something inert, but it is not, it is a living tissue that has cells
01:42and that is constantly forming and dissolving.
01:45That's incredible, I didn't know that, I don't know if you are at home, it seems super interesting to me.
01:49Now, can it be prevented?
01:51That's the important thing, from the first stages of life we can prevent osteoporosis.
01:55How do we do it? With an adequate intake of calcium, with normal levels of vitamin D,
02:00and very important, and for almost all chronic diseases, with physical exercise.
02:04Yes, physical exercise.
02:05You see, I knew you were going to be interested in this topic,
02:07because we are already getting questions from our Instagram.
02:10We have a question from Connie Allende.
02:13Thank you, Connie.
02:14Hi, I'm 33 years old and my bones hurt in winter.
02:17Is it a symptom of osteoporosis?
02:19What do you think, Maria Pia?
02:21Look, I couldn't rule it out, but it is not the most probable.
02:24Remember that osteoporosis, as you said, is a silent disease that does not present symptoms.
02:29Also, Connie is very young, she doesn't have risk factors, apparently additional,
02:33but the recommendation always for Connie is to consult the doctor for a diagnosis.
02:37Thank you, Connie, for the question.
02:39And Maria Pia answered you very well, but to worry.
