• 2 days ago
Shrewsbury Hospital is having many changes and we got to take a look at new Re-suss rooms and a Majors ward that isnt too far from opening.
00:00Hi, I'm Dr. Ed Rysdale. I'm the clinical lead for the Hospital Transformation Programme here at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals, and I'm also a consultant in emergency medicine.
00:08So today, this is our new majors area, which is opening at the end of the month.
00:14It's 13 new cubicles built next door to our new recess area, which we're also opening at the end of the month as well.
00:20We're currently right by the clinical station.
00:23It provides a much larger environment with a lot more space, a lot more lighting,
00:28so we can provide a much better environment for both our staff and our patients,
00:31for our patients who need to come through the emergency department and then get admitted into the hospital.
00:37It's been developing over the last few months and will continue to develop over the next few years up to 2027.
00:43This is open now. It's only the first stage of our redevelopment of the emergency department,
00:47and the next stage of majors will be open in the next few months.
00:50And then after that, we develop the footprint for our children's area, our new ambulatory receiving area,
00:54and an expanded urgent treatment centre here at Shrewsbury.
00:57Alongside that, we're developing the urgent treatment centre over in Telford as well.
01:01This is one of our new recess rooms.
01:05These rooms are new large rooms, which will be there for our sickest patients who come in by ambulance.
01:10Those are the sort of patients who have had a cardiac arrest or a significant trauma, a stroke or a heart attack,
01:16but our sickest patients, they'll come straight in from the ambulance,
01:19and normally will be pre-warned by our ambulance services that the patient's coming.
01:23We'll have a team assembled here to look after them.
01:26So if it's a trauma team, it will be the surgeons, our anaesthetists, our emergency medicine team, and the nursing team alongside us.
01:32All the oxygen and all the gases are there, and you can see there's a lot of plug sockets,
01:38which will all be in use with all our monitoring for our sickest patients.
01:42They're much bigger than our current recess rooms, both at Shrewsbury and Telford,
01:47and they've all got doors on now, which our current ones in Shrewsbury don't,
01:50so we can provide better isolation, better privacy and dignity to the patients.
01:54So these are for our sickest patients that come in,
01:57and it provides a much better environment to be able to treat these patients,
02:00both for the patients and for our staff as well.
02:03So from a staff point of view, again, it's mainly space and visibility.
02:10The clinical space is much bigger, so it's area.
02:14It's just a much more pleasant environment to work in.
02:17The noise won't be as much because it's wider.
02:21And from a patient point of view, again, it's more space, it's less crowded,
02:25and it just gives a calmer environment for an emergency department to work in.
02:30Emergency departments are stressful at the best of times,
02:33but for a patient coming in, it might be a once-off in their life,
02:37and it's going to be one of the most stressful days they have.
02:39For some of the staff, we're here every day,
02:41but a patient coming into an emergency department, that's not normal for them.
02:45It's really stressful for them and their relatives or their family.
02:50So trying to make it as dignified, as private, and as calm as we can is really important.
02:55It helps to do that.
02:57I'll stop waiting and keep writing for you.
02:59Every member of staff in Warpath said,
03:02Can we come and have a look?
03:04It's a real buzz.
03:05It's a real buzz. It's engendered a load of interest.
03:08It's an excitement onto the next phase,
03:11and everybody realises how it's going to impact on the care for their patients.
