• 2 days ago
👉 El sumo pontífice se recupera favorablemente después de enfrentar una doble crisis respiratoria. Actualmente, su estado es estable y está recibiendo fisioterapia pulmonar para mejorar su movilidad. Aunque todavía no hay una fecha de alta médica, se espera que pueda participar en eventos públicos para el Domingo de Pascua. Los doctores Sergio Alfieri y Luigi Carboni supervisan su tratamiento en el Hospital Gemelli.

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00:00Here we are waiting for the departure of the night, we will have it more or less in an hour, an hour and a half.
00:06Everything indicates that the Pope continues to recover after having another good night,
00:13the night and so the previous ones after the scare of Monday with that double respiratory crisis.
00:20The Pope does not have a fever, he is stable, he is doing lung physiotherapy that helps him breathe better,
00:27in his lungs taken and he is doing body physiotherapy to begin to regain mobility
00:33in the face of perhaps some public appearance in the future in wheelchairs, we understand it would be,
00:40there is a lot left for that, but in principle the doctors Sergio Alfieri and Luigi Carbone
00:46who continue to work on several fronts because they have several things,
00:50but the condition of the Pope is stable with a picture in principle still reserved,
00:57they are not encouraged to give a press conference or announce it because they still do not have
01:03a more realistic image of how much damage the previous falls caused.
01:11The Pope is lucid, he is active, in fact he has appointed a bishop in Caracas in Venezuela,
01:21another bishop in Albacete in Spain and he wanted to participate in some way in the event
01:28that is taking place this weekend here in Plaza San Pedro, which is the meeting of volunteers of the world,
01:3430,000 volunteers are going to be gathering, this is the way of reconciliation,
01:37to give an idea, this is what unites Rome with the Vatican, thousands of people come and go
01:43praying in all kinds of languages ​​for the health of the Holy Father,
01:47we have really seen the genuine affection that he has here in Rome, in Italy and all over the world,
01:531,500 faithful of the Catholic Church.
01:56Of course, you said a word that yesterday appeared in the statement, which is the word mobility,
02:00which is what encouraged everyone to think that there is an improvement,
02:06the Pope is moving.
02:09There is an improvement, in principle he still has oxygen through his nose, not through the mask,
02:15intermittently, which allows him to move, he had had a problem with his knee,
02:20he removed mobility, he made him gain weight, the corticoids too,
02:24all this in the face of a public appearance to show an improvement,
02:28really, he is not ready for that yet, in fact, the date that is set would be what is Easter Sunday,
02:36Sunday, April 20, we are more than a month from that, but we understand that the process,
02:42for the moment it is going well, unless it goes from the day and the previous days,
02:49and then Monday, to a recovery, without yet a high,
02:54an estimated high date of the Medellin Hospital and a return here to the Vatican.
02:59Chris, it is the first time that they are planning a date of reappearance under any format,
03:06because until now you were telling us, no, no one dares to speak,
03:10nor to pass a common room, nor much less high medical,
03:14now, well, they are set as an objective on Easter Day, and well, one gets excited in that sense, right?
03:23Yes, yes, maybe this is more off the record.
03:26Okay, okay.
03:27The common room, Marina, has everything she needs, she needs permanent supervision,
03:35the lungs are taken, the mucus accumulated, they try to remove it,
03:41it causes a cough crisis, it causes vomiting of bacteria that can return,
03:46it is a bit like the egg and the hen, it is really a complex treatment,
03:50with kidney problems, for a chronic asthma, historical,
03:54that is why they still do not want to venture, the situation is delicate.
03:59We understand that the Pope is not fighting for his life,
04:02but for there, yes, to be lucid and sufficiently fit to continue being Pope.
04:08That is a decision that he will have to make with the medical staff.
04:11Easter is announced, because it is a key date, the Via Crucis in the Colosseum,
04:15and the Easter Mass here in San Pedro.
04:18From there until the Gemelli comes out, we understand no less than two weeks, for now,
04:24unless the panorama with the next report or the next few days worsens.
