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Crossbow triple killer Kyle Clifford's police interview after murder of John Hunt's familyHertfordshire Police


00:00Do you accept, Kyle, that based on the evidence, that this is a premeditated murder of three people?
00:10Do you accept that you have meticulously planned this murder from the moment that you split up the case?
00:21From the moment that she sent you that text message at the end of June, you began to plan her murder? Yes?
00:29It's evident quite clearly from your purchase of the crossbow, from your purchase of the additional bolts,
00:41from the purchase of the gun and the knife, in the two weeks leading up to the murders.
00:48Do you agree?
00:51Do you agree that it shows that you only had one thing in mind and that planning began when you purchased these items?
01:02You purchased rope and you purchased duct tape in order to restrain Louise and Hannah and Carol, didn't you?
01:14Five, six days before this happened, you made these significant purchases that really only have one plausible explanation, didn't you?
01:27The only plausible explanation is that they were purchased in order for you to carry out these murders. Do you agree?
01:37You got to the address and you came well prepared. You came prepared with Louise's belongings, didn't you?
01:43Louise's belongings were your ticket into that address, yes?
01:48You deceived your way into that address at the front door with Carol, pretending that you were having a civil and friendly conversation
01:59and returning Louise's property and you'd even written out a thank you card, yes?
02:05The next thing I'd like to speak to you about, Kyle, is some more information, some more evidence that we've obtained from the download of your mobile phone.
02:15So, on the mobile phone, in the notes section, there is a note which is titled Last Letter
02:23and it's written to different family members as individual paragraphs addressed to each individual family member.
02:32This item was created on the 26th of June and the last modification was on the 7th of July.
02:40The opening part of the note reads as such.
02:44Please don't think of this as me throwing my life away. I have lived and I am grateful for everything and everyone that has been a part of it.
02:51It is now my time to leave and be at peace as this is what I ultimately want.
02:56I know you will all have so many questions and wish you could have done something different to prevent this.
03:02However, none of you have failed and there is simply nothing any of you could have done.
03:07This is my decision to just be at peace.
03:09You all have to take care of each other and speak to each other as that would be the best thing for you all.
03:15I love you all so much.
03:18Are you okay, Kyle, to carry on?
03:21When you wrote that note, had you already planned the murders of Louise, Carol and Hannah?
03:28So I'm interested in the words prevent this.
03:31Tell me what you mean by prevent this.
03:35Do you mean the murders of Carol, Hannah and Louise?
03:44The next note is addressed to myself.
03:48I don't want to live my life without her.
03:51I don't want to experience new things.
03:53Nothing I can think of can make me happy.
03:55I know I could have gone to therapy, found faith and become a new better person, but I just simply don't want to.
04:02I'm so sorry I didn't wait to move on and find my future wife, have the children I always wanted.
04:08What do you mean by that?
04:11Explain to me why you decided to deprive Hannah and Louise of that privilege.
04:19What gave you the right to do that?
04:23What gave you the right to deprive Carol of seeing her future grandchildren?
04:31It's a very self-centered note.
04:35It doesn't take into account anybody else. Do you agree with that?
04:40There's no apology to the Hunt family, is there?
04:43The only apology is to yourself.
04:46Do you feel that these are quite self-centered words?
04:50Why didn't you seek help, Kyle?
04:55You couldn't be bothered is what the letter suggests, am I wrong?
05:00You don't want to live your life without her.
05:03Explain that.
05:07But of course, you sit here in front of us and she's dead.
05:13Tell me how this has happened.
05:21Is your intention to make people feel sorry for you, writing these letters?
05:27Look at your behaviour. Look how calmly and nonchalantly you walk away from that house.
05:34You've just killed three people and you stroll away like you're going down the shops.
05:40It wasn't a crime of passion. It wasn't a loss of control.
05:45You didn't go to the address and all of a sudden form this intent to kill Carol, kill Louise, kill Hannah.
05:53You'd gone there with that sole intention in mind.
05:57You went there, the CCTV footage shows throughout that you are cool, you are calm, you're collected, you're considered.
06:05There is nothing about that which suggests that you've gone there for anything else than to kill an almost entire family.
06:15I am right in what I'm saying, aren't I, Kyle?
06:18Please correct me if I am completely wrong.
