• last week
Yes. There is a second Peterbot.. Someone just as cracked, just as confident, just as loud... His name is VICO and today we get to really put him to the test. With 100 players who are all Unreal, and some extra surprises along the way. Vico is a top 2 player in the world, the only question is he better than Peterbot? Watch this endgame and let me know! Enjoy!
Check out Vico's YouTube: @vic0
Check out Vico on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/vicotryona

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Hey everyone itโ€™s SypherPK, and Welcome back to another fortnite battle royale vid! I try to keep these vids as clean and family friendly as possible! Hope you enjoy!

#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00Peterbot is one of the greatest players in North America, and maybe even the world.
00:06But Europe has to stop him, and they need to create their own Peterbot.
00:12Let me introduce to you, Viko.
00:15What's up, what's up?
00:16Today, we're going to spectate him and put him to the test.
00:19Every player in this lobby is unreal rank, and to make it even harder,
00:25some of these players have Fortnite earnings.
00:28If he eliminates any of the players with earnings, he will get their earnings.
00:33So there's some money to be made.
00:35Viko, how are you feeling?
00:36I'm feeling great.
00:37I'm feeling confident.
00:38I've warmed up a bit, so I'm not going in here with cold hands.
00:42And you're just coming off of an FNCS win, which is absolutely crazy.
00:47How was that?
00:48Was that challenging?
00:50Yeah, it was pretty challenging since there's a lot of good teams on EU that have challenged me.
00:56All right, all right.
00:58We're going to be spectating Viko and see how he handles this lobby.
01:03He's already being pushed by a player with the laser.
01:07At only 17 years old, he's already won two FNCSs.
01:12He has very similar attributes to Peterbot.
01:15People talk about the North American pros all the time,
01:18but sometimes people overlook the European prodigies.
01:22And that's why we're highlighting Viko today,
01:24because some people might say that he is on the same caliber as Peterbot,
01:28and he does play in a harder region, EU.
01:33This guy is giving him a little bit of a challenge right here,
01:36but not enough of a challenge.
01:38Viko is considered the number one player in EU right now.
01:43What are your long-term goals?
01:45Are you going to be competing in Fortnite for the next five years
01:48and try to get like eight FNCS championships?
01:51Well, my goals for the future are getting into the GOAT debate
01:55of Fortnite competitive all time.
01:57And that comes, of course, with the price of winning multiple FNCS
02:01and putting on dominances like never seen before.
02:04Who do you have as the top five competitive players right now in the world?
02:12Okay, so current, I'd have Peter on number one, obviously.
02:16I'd have myself on number two.
02:18I'd have Poyo on number three.
02:20Venno on number four and Flixie on number five.
02:24His trio is in the top five.
02:26I'm excited to see you guys win again this season.
02:29So, so far you have two kills.
02:31I don't believe any of the players you initially killed have earnings.
02:35Viko, by the way, is playing from Germany.
02:38That's where the servers are.
02:39So he has hard zero ping.
02:42One of the top fighters in EU.
02:44I've gone against some EU pros.
02:47I have some experience recording and making content.
02:50You know, with Mr. Savage.
02:52What do you think about Mr. Savage?
02:53Is he somebody like you watched in your early days?
02:56Is he somebody you look up to?
02:58Because he is like a little bit of an older pro now.
03:00It's crazy to say that he's like only in his 20s.
03:02But is there any creators that you watch in the scene or that you used to watch?
03:06Oh, well, from creators that I've used to watch back then was like,
03:11it was definitely Savage.
03:12BenjyFishy as well, like his old teammate, you know?
03:15And yeah, I mean, Mito as well.
03:21Mongren in his prime.
03:23All the EU goats, basically.
03:25Nah, I watched some NA pros as well.
03:27Like I used to watch Mero in his prime, you know?
03:30Okay, gotcha, gotcha.
03:31So now we have the mythic shotgun.
03:34Got a gold mammoth.
03:36Got a player here at the black market.
03:39Could be a player with earnings if he's at the black market.
03:42Oh, 74 tag from range.
03:45This guy's leaving.
03:47We're hitting the zip.
03:50Using the movement here.
03:53Gathering some intel.
03:57Full beats and the pre-edit on the left.
04:01It's over for this guy.
04:03Indra goes down.
04:05Oh my God, that was such a good, good kill.
04:07The piece on that was insane.
04:10Yeah, that was nuts.
04:13So anybody you kill has earnings, I will definitely let you know.
04:18Are you still in school right now?
04:19Like what's the personal life looking like?
04:23So I'm currently not in school anymore.
04:25I finished it last year in May.
04:29Finished like high school?
04:31Yeah, so I could go to university now.
04:34I could go like study and everything.
04:36But I decided to like go full in on my potential
04:40and look how far I can actually get competitively.
04:43Dude, I love that.
04:45I did the same exact thing except I wasn't doing competitive.
04:48I was doing content.
04:49I graduated high school and that's when I decided to go all in.
04:53Great shot right there from Vico.
04:56Okay, so I mean I did the same thing.
04:57I graduated high school.
04:59I went all in on content.
05:00I think that's a smart decision.
05:02You're still very young.
05:03You have a lot of potential.
05:04A lot of tournaments to win.
05:07Are you creating content as well?
05:08Are you doing like tournament videos, things like that?
05:11Yeah, I'm definitely doing like content.
05:13I'm also streaming a lot because I do want to like build a future
05:17where I'm just not also like based off competitive.
05:21I agree with that.
05:23I think that's smart.
05:25I think it's also important to like focus in on competitive right now,
05:28especially since you're still young and you got the mechanics.
05:33Bro has not missed the mammoth shot yet.
05:35That guy was actually worth $100 by the way.
05:38So you just killed him so easily.
05:42Actually, I'm saying correct that he has $200 earned.
05:45So already so far $200 for Vico.
05:49He hasn't missed the mammoth shot yet.
05:53Bro is going crazy with the mammoth.
05:57Little action right there.
05:58Taking a little bit of damage is going to pop some shields here.
06:02So he's just rocking mammoth pistol pump, mobility and shields here.
06:06No spray weapons.
06:07Is this what you would run in like a solo cash go?
06:11Oh, yeah.
06:14Got to be careful here.
06:15I got to actually care for this guy.
06:17This guy might also have earnings with the way he's playing.
06:20Oh, he definitely has some earnings.
06:22I can feel that.
06:24I can feel that.
06:28This looks like one of the players with the higher earnings.
06:31It could be the $700 one.
06:33It could be another $200.
06:34I mean, you'd be surprised.
06:35Some of these players can be so good with no earnings
06:39just because they get nervous and competitive.
06:41The full piece!
06:44Oh, no.
06:45A little bit of third party coming in.
06:47I think that's your wall.
06:49Oh, there's the pressure.
06:51Oh, my God.
06:51The two for one.
06:53He just took his cone and wall in one take right there.
06:57That's a zero ping coming into action.
07:01I'll check if that guy has earnings or not.
07:03He could have just been a very sweaty player.
07:04I mean, every player in this lobby is Unreal,
07:06so they're going to be a little bit sweaty,
07:07especially if they're Unreal this early in the season.
07:12I'm not gonna lie though, this season is really fun.
07:16This is one of the most fun seasons I've played in a long time.
07:19Okay, okay.
07:20That's good to hear.
07:21I feel like competitive players, a lot of times,
07:23they do complain about the newer stuff,
07:25especially if it's super broken.
07:28This guy running for his life.
07:30Already six eliminations.
07:33In your trio, what role are you?
07:36I'm just the guy that's shooting his guns.
07:38Gotcha, gotcha.
07:39Makes sense.
07:40I do want to check out that train,
07:41but I'm kind of scared I'll mess it up and die.
07:44Have you opened the train?
07:46Not yet.
07:46Usually my teammates do it.
07:48Gotcha, gotcha.
07:49That's why I'm kind of scared to do it.
07:51No, those turrets, they don't mess around.
07:52They'll start taking your shields off instantly.
07:56Okay, I gotta ask you,
07:56because we've recorded a lot of videos
07:58with another EU pro player, Mr. Moneymaker.
08:02Do you have any thoughts on Moneymaker?
08:04Have you ran into him before?
08:05He's a funny pro, you know?
08:08I wouldn't say he's a crazy pro.
08:10Yeah, he did qualify for the Grands,
08:12but he's not the top of EU.
08:14He's just more of an entertaining pro to watch.
08:17This guy, full-piece, 121.
08:19Only does 40 damage back.
08:21That's not going to be enough.
08:23Takes the wall.
08:26The pressure is coming in.
08:28This guy's trying to survive by any means necessary.
08:31A little bit of third-party action.
08:37Damn, I have to chill.
08:39He's third-party, though.
08:40Saving him.
08:41Yeah, the third-party with the Mammoth as well.
08:48Yeah, I like this.
08:55Good awareness right there.
08:59Oh, you got that wall?
09:00That's crazy.
09:03The pre-edit!
09:05Oh, that ramp just saved him.
09:09Oh god.
09:12Oh no, not the baseball bat.
09:14Not the baseball bat.
09:16Bro's desperate.
09:17Bro's desperate for it.
09:18He really wants that money.
09:20Might be a guy with earnings.
09:22They're still 43 up.
09:32Oh my god, it's over.
09:34It's over for that guy.
09:35Secrets goes down.
09:37Wait, I think that guy might have earnings.
09:39I think that guy might have earnings.
09:41He does not.
09:42Okay, but he's actually a really sweaty player.
09:44He wasn't moving.
09:46There's the healing mist.
09:49So, Niko, what is your training routine like?
09:51What are you doing day-to-day to stay the top fighter, to practice?
09:57Obviously, you're playing a lot of creative.
09:59What's your routine like to get better at Fortnite?
10:01Well, my current routine is pretty simple, actually.
10:04First of all, I always warm up my fingers for tournament, for anything I do.
10:08Because if I play with cold fingers, it just hurts my hands.
10:13And then I usually free build a little bit, you know, to get my brain running and going.
10:18And then from that point on, either I play a bit of Raiders Mechanic map, the newest one.
10:23Yeah, I've seen his map.
10:25Always really good for practice.
10:27And do you do like zone wars against other pros and stuff like that?
10:30Yeah, sometimes I play like some Realistics against some pros or zone wars.
10:36But at the moment, it's just actually just Realistics.
10:41Or I play a lot of scrims as well.
10:43How is the practice scene on EU?
10:45Do you guys take it very seriously?
10:47Yeah, it's a very serious section.
10:49It's also very stacked.
10:51I'd say it's probably the stackedest it's been for a long time.
10:56That's good.
10:56I think this guy has a mythic AUG.
10:59I think he does, because he does a lot of damage to you.
11:0735 players alive.
11:08This is a little stacked endgame here.
11:10Little solo cash cup vibes.
11:14There's your refresh.
11:17Sliding in free elimination.
11:20Big pot and a refresh.
11:22Okay, okay.
11:25There are still players alive right now that have earnings.
11:29So it could just stack up in this endgame.
11:32Start getting kill after kill.
11:33Stacking up a few hundred dollars, $200, and maybe even the $700 player as well.
11:38Let's see how Vico, number one player in EU, handles this endgame rotation.
11:48All right, we are in circle.
11:51Build's coming out.
11:53Little refresh right there.
11:54There's actually a heal refresh as well.
11:57A little sprite.
12:00Oh, the sprite died.
12:02No, no, it's still there.
12:05So then me taking that.
12:07You guys carry a sprite with you in tournaments?
12:11If we get the chance to, yes.
12:12But otherwise, we usually have Chug Chugs, Mad Miss, and Chugs.
12:1828 players.
12:20Trying to hit some of the Veno plays.
12:22Yeah, yeah.
12:24Veno has some interesting plays and very high confidence in the way he plays the game,
12:31which is a big part of his success.
12:33And I see a similar confidence with you as well.
12:38But not as cocky, not as cocky.
12:41You know, plays like Peter Bob, but a little bit more chill in the attitude.
12:46Or maybe you're just keeping it chill for the video.
12:49I don't know.
12:50Oh, oh, oh!
12:53Bro did not hesitate.
12:54Can I get my get back?
12:55I'm shooting.
12:57You are stacked right now.
12:58Nine eliminations, still 27 people up.
13:01One more charge with the...
13:04Looks like you want to take something else.
13:06Want a little bit of spray pressure?
13:07Is that what you're trying to get?
13:09Yeah, I'm trying to get something to spray with so I can apply more pressure on the enemy.
13:15What do you think of the new AR?
13:16Is it good for endgames?
13:17Yeah, I like it.
13:18It's really good for endgame.
13:20It saves a lot sometimes.
13:23Can be a big game saver too.
13:29Players on the high ground.
13:30We got 26 players up using the baseball bat for mobility to get in.
13:36And guys, Viko does stream and create content.
13:40So I'll be sure to link that in the description.
13:42But we're watching him approach this endgame.
13:44There's still a lot of earnings for him to potentially get.
13:47There's players in this lobby with $100, $200, and even $700 earned.
13:51He's already got $200 earned in this game.
13:53There's also another $200 for whoever wins this match.
13:56It could be Viko.
13:57It could be one of the participants.
13:58Viko finding a player.
14:01Getting pressured, but he's going to get this refresh.
14:04That guy looked lost.
14:06Hopefully, that guy had some earnings.
14:09Hopefully, hopefully.
14:10The guy with $700 earned is Amplify, and he is still alive.
14:18Good positioning with the circle.
14:20Going to cover his ground here.
14:21Looking on the rotation.
14:2224 players.
14:23I mean, this is kind of stacked.
14:2599 damage.
14:27Got the gold mammoth.
14:29And I would have loved to see what you would have done with the mythic mammoth.
14:33I would have probably done some pretty insane stuff.
14:37Yeah, yeah.
14:38Players on the edge of storm.
14:40It's not safe.
14:41Here comes the pressure with the new collateral AR.
14:44What is that?
14:48Some shockwaves.
14:49Those aren't competitive, but they are in this.
14:57A little bit of damage.
14:58Still good on materials.
15:02Vico doing so much right now.
15:10Staying alive.
15:15This guy's trying to jump in with the baseball bat.
15:17We did not let that guy in.
15:20That's a scary sight.
15:21This guy's not going to get him a box.
15:23I would not like that.
15:25Here we go.
15:25We're in the end game.
15:32Finding this guy.
15:35Full box.
15:36There's the refresh.
15:39Oh, the big.
15:42Great, great find right there.
15:45High ground's putting pressure.
15:48Getting our shields up.
15:51We're gonna have to check the total earnings at the end of this.
15:55A lot of the guys with earnings might still be alive
15:58because they're used to making it to end games
16:01in this Victory Cash Cups.
16:03Vico on the high ground with the mammoth.
16:08Oh, he's not missing.
16:15You don't take fall damage with the baseball bat if you sprint jump.
16:18Purge didn't know that.
16:19He didn't sprint jump yesterday.
16:21He fell to his death.
16:22Oh, my God.
16:24Classic Purge, dude.
16:26Hitting the tin in the tap, man.
16:27Yep, yep.
16:29This is all.
16:29This is almost too easy right here.
16:31This is almost too easy.
16:37Oh, there is a pressure coming in.
16:40This guy might have earnings.
16:42Be smart enough to look up and shoot high ground out.
16:43He might have earnings.
16:46He's one shot full piece.
16:47What's he gonna do?
16:50Oh, he hit you hard, but it's okay.
16:54You got heels.
16:58The guy with $700 is still alive, by the way.
17:01He's still alive.
17:03I gotta take him out.
17:05This could be a $1,000 game if you take him out here.
17:08$1,100 game if you win as well.
17:13Also, you don't want him to die.
17:21Still plenty of mats.
17:24Oh, my God.
17:27That was him.
17:27That was Amplify.
17:29$700 earned.
17:30173 to the head.
17:36Yo, good.
17:37That was insane.
17:39Insane performance from Viko.
17:42He catches Amplify.
17:44$700 plus $200.
17:47That is $900 earned.
17:49That was insane.
17:50Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Viko.
17:52Catch him on his streams and on his videos in the future.
17:56In the description, Viko.
17:57That was insane.
