(Adnkronos) - "Ci stiamo focalizzando sui prodotti senza fumo. Il 90% degli investimenti è in ricerca e sviluppo e dal 2008 abbiamo investito oltre 14 miliardi di dollari per offrire prodotti completi al consumatore in tempi rapidi”. Lo afferma Tommaso Di Giovanni, Vice president international communication & engagement di Philip Morris International, al lancio in Italia dei sacchetti di nicotina ZYN, l’ultima novità del portafoglio di prodotti senza combustione di Philip Morris International (PMI).
00:00We are focusing almost exclusively on new types of products,
00:10products without smoke, such as e-cigarettes,
00:13heated tobacco and now nicotine sachets.
00:16And as far as investments are concerned, we are already virtually at 100%,
00:19that is, we are at 90% of research and development
00:22and since 2008 we have invested over 14 billion dollars
00:27to make sure that these products are complete
00:30and are given to the consumer as soon as possible.