• 2 weeks ago
Mediacon for It's Showtime TNT All Star Grand Resbak with hurados and resbakers

#pepvideo #ItsShowtime #TNTAllStarResbak

Video: Rachelle Siazon

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00:00when you've nailed it, when you've nailed it first.
00:04So I think it's really more of a matter of
00:07I don't know if that helped you, but that's how it is.
00:11You look cool!
00:14Thank you so much, guys, for taking us to Cayenne.
00:18Thank you so much for being Cayenne.
00:21We have a question for our responders.
00:24First question is for Marco Uju.
00:29Marco, are you ready?
00:31Marco, Enzo, and Mackie.
00:34Marco, Enzo, and Mackie.
00:40Alright, question is,
00:42what was the funniest or craziest thing that happened to you while you were performing?
00:53The funniest thing?
00:57I don't know why I'm laughing.
01:01Well, there were a lot of unforgettable moments
01:07when we came here to Cayenne.
01:09But the funniest thing was,
01:12I think the funniest thing was that we were all nervous.
01:16I think the funniest thing was after the performances.
01:21It was like, how do you cry?
01:24I don't know.
01:25When you ask,
01:26Huh? Really?
01:28When you look at it,
01:30Yeah, but it's okay, right?
01:33That was our way to raise our confidence.
01:42And over and over again,
01:44no matter what we started,
01:46we got angry.
01:48We were really laughing.
01:51It was like,
01:53I was about to cry,
01:57but I don't know what to do.
01:59Those were the funniest moments.
02:02Thank you so much, Marco and Uju.
02:05I'm so nervous!
02:07No, I'm not laughing.
02:09I'm just nervous.
02:10I was nervous after the performance.
02:12I was nervous.
02:13But Enzo was like a prince.
02:15Yes, he was amazing.
02:16Go Enzo!
02:19Why did you cry?
02:20I'm quiet here.
02:22No, I think the craziest thing for me was when I went to the church,
02:27and I made contact with Jesus.
02:30Because I saw people in the spotlight.
02:33I just sang and that was it.
02:36So after that, it was a success.
02:40Thank you so much, Enzo.
02:42And for Bach, please.
02:43Same question.
02:48Why did you call me?
02:53Stand up, Bach.
02:54So that you can be seen.
03:00Why did you call me?
03:01I'm shy because
03:04I'm the only person who will ask you about your outfit.
03:08That's a bonus.
03:09That's a bonus.
03:10I was in a rush last night.
03:14Before anything,
03:15I was like,
03:16this is so beautiful.
03:18What made me laugh was that
03:20during the performance,
03:22during the half-day here,
03:23my heels were full.
03:26And when I went to the bathroom,
03:28I was like,
03:29why did I do that?
03:33That's what made me laugh.
03:34And when I was about to cry during the performance,
03:37I realized that I'm not that pretty on TV.
03:43Thank you so much, Bach.
03:44You have a wonderful gown and sleeves.
03:47Same question goes to Raven.
03:50Raven, yes.
03:53Of course, it's my mom.
03:54My mom designed the outfit.
03:56It's Raven.
03:57Raven, not Loisa.
03:59Yes, Loisa.
04:00Loisa is prettier than me.
04:03But that's okay.
04:04Shut up.
04:05Maybe for me,
04:07when I put petroleum gel on my pants,
04:11and when I put on my underwear,
04:13it was smoking.
04:14So I took it off.
04:15It was a rehearsal.
04:17Oh, my God.
04:21Girl, I'm shy.
04:23That's it.
04:26Thank you so much.
04:28That's what good people do, right?
04:30Before the performance.
04:31That's true.
04:33As for Ben Sor,
04:34what would you like to say to him?
04:36Where's Ben Sor?
04:37There he is.
04:39The funniest or craziest?
04:41The funniest thing for me,
04:43from my experience,
04:44is that I thought I was going to sing in my debut.
04:48You thought you were going to sing?
04:50I thought so.
04:52Because those who idolize me,
04:57they're surprised when they see me in that song.
05:00Because they said,
05:01I'm going to sing in my debut.
05:03Why did you choose that song?
05:06Hey, Ben Sor,
05:07are you sure you're going to sing in your debut?
05:09I don't know.
05:10Ben Sor.
05:12I thought you were going to sing.
05:14There he is.
05:19Thank you so much, Ben Sor.
05:21Anyone from Miss Venus?
05:22Same question.
05:25Venus is famous.
05:30You know,
05:31you have a beautiful voice.
05:33Maybe that's what makes me crazy.
05:35Maybe the part that makes me crazy
05:37is the composition of the songs.
05:42Because there are so many contestants,
05:44there are so many,
05:46there are so many seasons,
05:48there are so many nominations.
05:50She keeps singing.
05:52I was really amazed at the composition,
05:55the best songs.
05:58I think you just have to believe in yourself.
06:03If you believe in yourself,
06:04you'll perform better.
06:05You'll be able to handle all the challenges.
06:17Thank you so much.
06:18You're supposed to share.
06:23Last two questions.
06:27From Push Manila.
06:29Push Manila.
06:32Push Manila's handbook.
06:36My name's Manila.
06:38Manila's Manila.
06:40Push Manila 2021.
06:42My question is for the judges.
06:47So you guys are highly respected and admired in your field,
06:51but was there ever a time in your life
06:53where whether something got postponed, canceled,
06:56or an opportunity that got away,
06:59where you felt that you came back to the vengeance,
07:02whether it be a minor or a major thing in your life?
07:09For me,
07:10there were a lot of opportunities that I didn't grab.
07:18I guess it's life.
07:19I guess it's part of life.
07:20There are things that happen in your life
07:24that you just let them pass
07:26and then you regret it.
07:29I always take note of it
07:33and I always tell my mentors
07:37that always grab any opportunity that comes
07:41because you never know if it will come again or not.
07:47So, especially when you're an artist
07:49and you're here in the Philippines,
07:51there are a lot of people who want to see this
07:54and want to enter the industry.
07:58So, whatever opportunity that's given to you,
08:01grab it.
08:02And then,
08:03when you get that opportunity,
08:05make use of it
08:07and, you know,
08:08really milk it.
08:10Do everything
08:11so that you can bring out
08:13what you can do.
08:17Thank you very much.
08:20I didn't have a judge's answer.
08:24How do I answer this?
08:29I'm old now,
08:32I think there have been so many opportunities
08:35that I thought were meant for me
08:38but never transpired.
08:40And of course,
08:41it comes with major disappointment.
08:45It's like you're going to die if you don't get it, right?
08:48But sometimes,
08:49I think at this point in my life,
08:51I'm old.
08:52What I embrace is,
08:54I know that there is a better plan for me
08:58from the man above, right?
09:01I will just take whatever is for me.
09:04At the end of the day,
09:06I'm thankful and grateful that I have a family,
09:09I have a wonderful wife,
09:10and children that I love.
09:13That's my priority.
09:15Everything else is secondary.
09:20with vengeance,
09:22I don't think of those things anymore.
09:24For me,
09:25as long as I'm able to do what I do,
09:27which is write music,
09:29and sing,
09:30that's all I care about.
09:33Thank you, Artis.
09:35I just have one,
09:37just my love for theater.
09:39It's like,
09:40I let it go,
09:41and then the pandemic happened,
09:42I did Carousel,
09:43and then everything else followed.
09:46So, I think,
09:47staying true to what I love so, so, so much,
09:51it helped me just find my space in the world,
09:54and to just really grow.
09:56I was surrounded by such giving actors,
09:59everyone in the community was just
10:01oozing with artistry.
10:04Being surrounded by national artists also helped a lot.
10:07Just knowing that even when I grew up,
10:09people were contributing to the show that I did.
10:13Artists were artists.
10:15They wanted to fund the tickets of the young artists.
10:18So, you know,
10:19the artist community is more than just a performance,
10:23a successful song,
10:24a hit song,
10:25or a successful solo play.
10:27It is who we are as a people.
10:30We are artists,
10:31Filipinas are artists,
10:32and there will always be support
10:34from every single space in the world,
10:37because it's bigger than just our own small little room.
10:41So, if we work on it together,
10:44that's the respect.
10:45It's really big.
10:47It's not just about my own career.
10:53For me,
10:54I grew,
10:56I started competing at the age of 16 years old.
11:02That was in 1976.
11:05Wow, last question.
11:08I didn't win all the time.
11:11I had a couple of defeats.
11:16to get back on your feet
11:19and say,
11:20I will not give up,
11:23and I will compete,
11:25and I will win.
11:28So, always remember that.
11:30Never give up.
11:32you know,
11:33it's your own decision.
11:34You always say,
11:35maybe it's not my time today,
11:37or what.
11:38But never give up.
11:39You just have to keep on dreaming
11:41and doing what you love to do.
11:48this is what TNT is doing.
11:50It's giving you the opportunity
11:53to give back and show that,
11:58I won because
12:00I'm not afraid to give up
12:04and willing to give it another shot.
12:06So, that's the most important thing.
12:08Never with vengeance.
12:11Do it for yourself.
12:12Do it because you love it.
12:14And again,
12:16you're honing your craft.
12:18Not alone.
12:19You are winners already.
12:21It's a never-ending journey.
12:25And I thank you.
