• 2 weeks ago
👉 La desaparición de Lian Flores ha escalado a una investigación federal donde los padres del menor prestarán declaración ante el juez Sergio Pinto. Anteriormente, ya habían declarado en sede provincial. La fiscal Virginia Carmona ha liderado búsquedas exhaustivas sin resultados positivos. Testimonios sugieren la presencia de una camioneta sospechosa el día de la desaparición. La Procuraduría de Trata y Explotación de Personas también participa, explorando un posible secuestro extorsivo. Esta colaboración entre autoridades provinciales y federales busca esclarecer el paradero del menor tras 12 días sin pistas concluyentes.

👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
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00:00In the case of the disappearance of Elian Flores, the truth is that they are going to take a testimonial statement from the parents in the Federal Court of Belleville.
00:12They have already approached here on a mobile phone of the Federal Police. In this case, it is the third statement that the parents are going to provide.
00:20They already did it on two occasions in the Provincial Court, but now it is Judge Sergio Pinto, the Federal Judge of Belleville, who takes the intervention.
00:28Let's remember that the Protex, which are federal prosecutors, is already intervening.
00:32The prosecutor, Virginia Carmona, has also been in the territory for the last 48 hours, in Zone 0, removing mounds of clay and also working with dog binomials and drones,
00:43with a negative result, already advancing that Elian is not here, he is not in Zone 0, but now it is the Federal Judge himself who takes the intervention to be, we presume, face to face with Elian's parents.
00:56We speak of Elias and also of Plácida, and on the other hand, also today, Gessel Chamber to three of Elian's brothers.
01:03Fundamental piece to know what happened that Saturday, February 22, with 45 degrees of temperature, when the parents, according to their statements, were taking a nap and Elian disappeared.
01:15There are two neighbors of that brick cutter who said they had seen a white truck with polarized viruses, modern, enter and leave abruptly, at speed.
01:25But of course, why do we say that he climbed a step? Because now he is taking intervention, as happened in the case of Loan, the Federal Justice.
01:31That's why the parents are going to be here now.
01:34Excuse me, is it the first time that the parents officially declare in the Federal Justice?
01:41Exactly, the parents declared in the Provincial Court.
01:46Remember that when the investigation began, it was the Provincial Court that took the intervention.
01:52Exactly the same, what happened in the case of Loan, they separated the Provincial Police under suspicion, they separated the local commissioner.
02:00And it is also necessary to see, the action of the provincial prosecutors is being analyzed.
02:06Here, in that sense, it has been worked together. The evidence is collected for both, for the provincial and for the federal.
02:13But the measures are taken in a particular way.
02:16The parents declared in the Provincial Court.
02:18There is the prosecutor Isabel Reina, who intervenes in the territory, and the prosecutor Gambini, taking declarations.
02:24They are the two provincial prosecutors.
02:25But, from the progress of the investigation, and given the fact that the minor does not appear, Antonio, after 12 days, other hypotheses begin to advance.
02:36And that's why the Prosecutor's Office of Treatment and Exploitation of Persons intervenes.
02:39That's why there is an international exhortation in what has to do with the line of investigation.
02:43We can make this public, because the Federal Prosecutor said so, with an alleged extorsive kidnapping.
02:47Other clues begin to be analyzed.
02:50And now, the turn of the federal judge.
02:52Dr. Pinto requested that the parents come here.
02:55They arrived at 1 a.m. from Ballesterosud, which is a small town 39 kilometers from this city.
03:02Behind us, the federal judge.
03:04Here, the witnesses will begin to parade.
03:06A new instance opens, but we repeat.
03:08Teamwork, joint work between the provincial and the federal.
03:12They share evidence, but the testimonial requests are separate.
03:18Cristian, thank you very much.
