• 2 weeks ago
Hasil rapat terbatas sejumlah menteri Kabinet Merah Putih yang dipimpin Presiden Prabowo Subianto telah menetapkan kebijakan strategis, untuk memperkuat perekonomian desa melalui pembentukan Koperasi Desa Merah Putih. Pemerintah akan membentuk Kop Des Merah Putih di 70 hingga 80 ribu desa yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Pemerintah akan mengoptimalkan dana desa yang selama ini ada untuk mendukung operasional dan pendanaan program Kop Des Merah Putih. Selain itu, Himpunan Bank Milik Negara atau Himbara juga akan berperan dalam pendanaan, melalui skema cicilan selama 3 hingga 5 tahun guna memastikan koperasi dapat beroperasi secara optimal sejak awal.

Pemerintah berharap, dengan terbentuknya Kopdes Merah Putih perekonomian desa akan semakin kuat, distribusi pangan menjadi lebih efisien, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat pedesaan meningkat. Program ini juga akan terus dikawal agar dapat berjalan efektif dan memberikan manfaat nyata bagi masyarakat.


00:00Yes, hello, Pemirsa, how are you today, straight from the IDX studio in Jakarta, I am Prasetyo
00:25Prasetyo Wibowong is back in Market Review, a program that deals with issues that are the driving force of the economy in the water and our live streaming can also be watched on IDX.com
00:35Pemirsa, let's start the complete market review
00:47Yes, the government will form the Merah Putih Village Cooperation, which will be the center of economic activities in the village area
00:53The government will build the Merah Putih Village Cooperation in 70,000 villages scattered throughout Indonesia
01:04The results of a limited meeting of a number of Merah Putih Cabinet Ministers led by President Prabowo Subianto have established strategic policies to strengthen village economy through the establishment of the Merah Putih Village Cooperation
01:15The government will form the Merah Putih Village Cooperation in 70,000 to 80,000 villages scattered throughout Indonesia
01:23The government will optimize the village funds that have been available so far to support the operational and funding of the Merah Putih Village Cooperation Program
01:30In addition, a collection of banks owned by the state of Tohimbara will also play a role in funding through a 3-5 year loan scheme to ensure that the cooperation can operate optimally from the beginning
01:43The Merah Putih Village Cooperation will be formed
01:49In short, the Merah Putih Village Cooperation will be built in 70,000 villages
02:00The budget will be based on the village funds that are currently available
02:06The Merah Putih Village Cooperation will be formed
02:10The Merah Putih Village Cooperation will be formed
02:15The Merah Putih Village Cooperation will be formed
02:25The government hopes that with the formation of the Merah Putih Village Cooperation, the village economy will be stronger, food distribution will be more efficient, and the welfare of the villagers will increase
02:34This program will also continue to be monitored so that it can run effectively and provide real benefits to the people
02:41Jakarta reported by IDX Channel
02:43Merah Putih Village Cooperation
02:47Yes, Mr. Mirso, to discuss our interesting topic this time, the Merah Putih Village Cooperation, the regional economic pacu
02:53We have connected through Zoom with Mrs. Sarmila Yahya, the Chairperson of the Induk Kooperasi Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia or INKOWAPI
03:01Hello Mrs. Sarmila, how are you?
03:04I'm fine, sir. Best wishes for Mr. Prasetyo
03:09Thank you for your time
03:11We also have Mr. Renaldi Sari Jowang, he is the Secretary General of the Indonesian Trade Union
03:17Hello, Mr. Sari, how are you?
03:19Hello, Mr. Prasetyo, Alhamdulillah, I'm fine
03:21Thank you for your time, and before we discuss further, Mrs. Sarmila, we will review first
03:27How is the update from INKOWAPI related to the condition of the business world?
03:32Especially at this time of Ramadan, how is the condition?
03:37Thank you, Mr. Prasetyo, greetings of respect for IDX Channel friends, it's been a long time since we last spoke
03:44Yes, the current condition, we are busy, Mr. Prasetyo, Alhamdulillah, INKOWAPI is involved in the free food program
03:52So we are helping friends, businessmen in the region who have kitchens to partner with BGN to help
04:03The free food program will be held on March 17, God willing, we will start the first launching
04:11Okay, that means an update on the busyness of INKOWAPI businessmen
04:15Well, if we talk about the condition of the cooperation itself, in terms of the review of INKOWAPI itself, how is it, Mrs. Sarmila?
04:21Yes, Alhamdulillah, in the era of the leadership of Mr. Prabowo, the Ministry of Cooperation and the Ministry of Finance are separated by two, according to our position together
04:31It means that the Ministry of Cooperation or Cooperation receives serious attention from the government
04:38Indeed, the government helps cooperation through as the backbone of this people's economic guru becomes the basis in our national economy
04:49So I am very happy there is this separation and let's just see the current performance later, Mr. Prasetyo
04:56Hopefully in 50 years
05:00Almost to the 50th anniversary of Indonesia's independence, hopefully Indonesia's cooperation can increase
05:06What is interesting, Mr. Pras, there are two, the development cooperation with the latest issue, with the village cooperation, will be built at 70,000 points
05:16This village seems to be just history in the world of cooperation
05:21And maybe not only Indonesia, but all over the world we are revolutionary, it has never existed, even later we can get a record
05:29Okay, interesting to be discussed, Mrs. Sarmila
05:32Okay, let's move to food, Mr. Ray, if we look at the movement of food prices, as mentioned earlier, some activities of INKOWAPI are related to the free food program
05:43It means we need suppliers, how is the availability of food stocks, then the price is also stable at the level of modern and traditional market traders
05:55Please, Mr. Ray
05:57Yes, Mr. Pras, I want to convey and want to report on several points
06:02Today, the development of the price of staple food in the market, of course, the results of reports from members of the committee in various regions
06:11Some food communities are cracked like, like fried oil, this village alone has a price of Rp. 19,000
06:22Then there is granulated sugar that has penetrated from Rp. 18,300 to Rp. 18,400
06:29Then shallots, garlic around Rp. 50,000
06:34Red chili, this is quite spicy, I think the price is getting spicier at Rp. 120,000 per kilogram
06:44It's almost the same as meat, Mr. Pras, the price per kilo, more or less
06:49Red chili also experienced an increase from Rp. 78,000 to Rp. 80,000
06:53The big one is Rp. 81,000 to Rp. 82,000
06:56Chicken also entered the first phase of Ramadan, we call it the first phase in H3
07:05There is an increase of Rp. 1,000 to Rp. 2,000 per kilo in the range of Rp. 42,000 to Rp. 43,000
07:11Finally, beef which is still priced at Rp. 140,000
07:15Okay, so it means that the average people do Ramadan because the demand is also high
07:19As one of the promoters, there was a price jump in food materials, right?
07:25Yes, of course, this is an economic formula as usual, there is a supply and demand that is disturbed
07:32So that some food communities finally increased
07:39We actually see that as long as the traders in the market get a surplus or a lot of supply
07:48Of course, H plus 7, H plus 10, H plus 15 will increase the price
07:56Then it will go down if that happens
07:59Okay, now if we talk about the food supply chain
08:05As we know, there is also a cooperation involvement in it
08:07What do you think?
08:09Cooperation involvement in the food supply chain from producers to traders to consumers
08:16Yes, I and Mrs. Arimila were looking for goods at that time, it was a bit difficult
08:21So it's like this, we see that our supply chain is always a bump
08:27Bump in supplying to several points, whether it's a modern market or a traditional market, it's always a bump
08:36What needs to be realized is that when our farmers harvest the harvest results
08:44Then brought in quotes, there is a jump
08:50Then the price is finally forced to be cheap and sold by consumers or consumers to be expensive
08:56This is what actually becomes a bump
08:58So if this supply chain is really cut off
09:01Then there is an institution or body standing in the middle
09:07Especially the government is present to ensure that the supply chain can really be cut off and minimized
09:13I think the price in the market will have good stability in the future
09:21Because the economy will find a point of balance
09:25Where we don't know, but when the government is present in this red-white cooperation
09:29I think it will give a lot of benefits
09:33Mrs. Arimila, with several challenges in the food supply chain
09:37It seems that until now there is still no solution
09:42What do you think, Mrs. Arimila?
09:44Related to the development plan earlier, the red-white village cooperation
09:4870,000 villages, is it really going to be a solution in the availability of food distribution at the level of producers?
09:56Then it can also increase the economic momentum in the village and region areas
10:03Okay, Mr. Pras, this is a supply chain
10:07From the market section, the market traders have informed us
10:17That the conditions on the ground are different from what the government sometimes says
10:26As Mr. Rinaldi said earlier
10:28The HET is often different
10:30Even though the HET in the government should be 17,500
10:37Mr. Rinaldi said it was 18,000
10:41Even the oil price has gone up to 19,000
10:44In the market, it should be 17,500-16,500
10:48So actually, thank God, through the cooperation we have
10:52This is a true story that we have been going through these days
10:56The role of cooperation is very important, Mr. Prasetyo
10:59And we get a price that is still HET
11:02So actually, the purchasing principle is probably in the market because of its own consumption
11:07The traders are not gathered in one big cooperation
11:11In joint purchasing, joint selling, and joint finance
11:16This can finally make the purchase to the village or factory
11:25The price is much higher, so the quantity is different
11:29So the influence of cooperation is very influential in the supply chain
11:34Alhamdulillah, INKUAPI as a cooperation organization
11:37We still sell directly to the factory, so we are the only one
11:41So we help a lot
11:43If there is village cooperation, this is much better
11:46If we go to the factory
11:48If this can go directly to the farmers
11:51I am very happy
11:53But we have to consider who will manage this village cooperation
11:57The villagers
11:59And who owns the ownership of this village cooperation
12:03The community owns it, which community
12:06And the condition of establishing cooperation
12:08Now the RU cooperation is still in Godok, in DPR
12:12The latest RU cooperation
12:14In the past, there were at least 20 people to form a village cooperation
12:20Who are these people?
12:22The villagers as the owners
12:25Or the farmers, or the fishermen
12:28So we have to take care of the organization
12:32Okay, we will see what the concept is
12:35What is the operational mechanism
12:37We will discuss in the next segment
12:39Mastery, we will be back in a moment
12:41And Pemirsa, make sure you are still with us
12:51Pemirsa, Budi Aristyadi's minister of cooperation affirms
13:03The establishment of the Merah Putih village cooperation
13:05Will have a positive impact on the distribution of goods in the country
13:09Merah Putih Popdesk is estimated to break the chain of distribution of goods
13:13The needs of the people who are in need
13:15Producers and consumers
13:20Budi Aristyadi's minister of cooperation states
13:23The establishment and development of the Merah Putih village cooperation
13:26Will go through three main approaches
13:29First, the government will build a new cooperation
13:31Second, revitalize the existing cooperation
13:34Third, build and develop
13:37Budi Aristyadi added that there are already 64,000 groups of farmers
13:41Who are ready to migrate into cooperation
13:43Thus, the farming system and food distribution in the village area
13:47Can be integrated better
13:49In addition to strengthening the village economy
13:51This cooperation is also expected to break the chain of goods distribution
13:54Which has been damaging to producers and consumers
13:57So that there is no significant increase in prices in the community
14:02Certainly, the establishment of the Merah Putih village cooperation
14:06Will break the chain of goods distribution
14:11Which has been damaging to consumers and producers
14:17So that the prices in the community can be cheaper
14:22Meanwhile, the government will form the Merah Putih village cooperation
14:25In 70,000 to 80,000 villages across Indonesia
14:29This step is used to strengthen the economy in the village area
14:34Jakarta Tim Liputan, IDX Channel
14:39Yes, viewers, let's continue this discussion
14:42I'm here with Mrs. Sarmila Yahya
14:44She is the head of the Merah Putih village cooperation
14:46And Mr. Renaldi Sarijawan, he is the secretary of the Merah Putih village cooperation
14:50Mrs. Sarmila, if we talk about the mechanism of the Merah Putih village cooperation
14:56During the operation
14:58As you said, who is the winner
15:00And who will be in charge
15:02Do you see the ideal
15:05If we talk about a synergistic cooperation
15:08In 70,000 villages, what will it be like?
15:13There are three ways
15:15I heard from Mr. Minister
15:17There are three ways
15:18One is to create a new cooperation
15:20The second is to repetitize the existing cooperation
15:23The third is to develop the existing cooperation to develop
15:27The third means that if it is already there, it can be developed
15:31It means that the opportunities are already there
15:33It remains later
15:34Indeed, there must be a decision
15:36The minister's decision
15:39The minister's decision
15:41Maybe later there will be data
15:44There is data in each village
15:46There is already a cooperation that moves in the food sector
15:50In this consumer
15:52This is called consumer cooperation
15:54Not producer cooperation
15:57Consumer cooperation
15:58There are types of cooperation, right?
15:59There is a borrow-keeping cooperation
16:01There is a producer cooperation
16:03There is a consumer cooperation
16:05What is meant is consumer cooperation
16:08But later we have to pay attention
16:12Because this budget is made by the government
16:15Usually cooperation is independent
16:17Because the community that gathers forms a cooperation
16:20If this is funded by the government
16:23Maybe later the managers
16:26Maybe if there is no government support
16:29Maybe everyone will sleep
16:31So maybe if there is no more support
16:34Whether this can still work or not
16:36That's our next task
16:37The second
16:38There used to be an input
16:41For agricultural cooperation
16:44In each village
16:45At that time, KUD was really played
16:50The role at that time was to help farmers
16:53Related to agriculture in all villages
16:56Finally, Himbara Himbara gave loans
16:59For their development in the villages
17:04Finally, there was a KUD
17:07Agricultural business credit
17:08And finally some cooperatives
17:11Can't afford to pay
17:13Because maybe the construction is not enough
17:17There is no support
17:19Finally, the cooperation is now like that
17:23There is still
17:24But not all successful
17:26Hopefully, this is a consumer
17:29I see
17:30The type is consumer cooperation
17:32So more to cut the input chain
17:37This is very good
17:38So later they are like
17:40Buyers from agricultural results
17:42And sold again
17:44That's what Mr. Renaldi was hoping for
17:46There is one in the middle
17:47There is one in the middle
17:48They are present for those in the middle
17:50Later it looks like this
17:52Mr. Ray, how is it?
17:53As Mr. Sarmila has said
17:55Is this finally a solution
17:57Really expected for so long
18:00If we look at it from ICAPI
18:02And friends of MSMEs
18:04Or other market traders
18:06Right, Mr. Ray?
18:08So we don't stop
18:10To tell the government
18:12That for almost 10 to 15 years
18:16We always do the same thing
18:19To tell the government
18:20That there needs to be a new food business order
18:23There needs to be a new food grain design
18:26We welcome this red and white co-pledges
18:28Because this is a new way
18:30Which is certainly modern
18:32This idea and idea
18:33Maybe the cooperation has been quite long
18:36Standing in each village
18:37There is KUD as mentioned by Mrs. Sarmila
18:40KUT and so on
18:42But it still works on its own
18:45Now this is when someone conducts
18:47Or when someone becomes
18:50What is the term
18:53Who has authority or policy
18:56Of course it will be much more effective in the future
18:59Because we see
19:00As we explained earlier
19:02The problem is not only in Hulu
19:04Which is in Produsen
19:05Or not only in Hilir
19:06Which is in Pengecer or Pedagang Pasar
19:10The main problem is also in the middleman
19:12Or in the middle lane, distribution
19:14I think if this is present
19:16Then can solve the Hulu-Hilir problem
19:19Then it will have a serious impact
19:22Especially the economic activity
19:24Which is in the village
19:25Keep growing
19:26Keep moving
19:27So that the red bird chili earlier
19:30Rp 120,000
19:31When Sentra
19:33Let's say Sentra in Luwu
19:35There is surplus
19:36This chili can be brought to several other areas
19:39To several other red and white co-pledges
19:41I think that's it
19:42Then in addition to red and white chili
19:46Shallots are harvested
19:48This can also be brought
19:49When shallots are harvested
19:51And there is also
19:54What is it called?
19:55Meat in NTB
19:58When this surplus can also be brought
20:00What does it mean?
20:01There is a surplus subsidy
20:03Which can be done
20:04By the producers or the centers
20:08I just this morning
20:10Coordinated with the employment cooperation
20:13Mas Pras
20:14They are the producer cooperation
20:16Eggs and chicken
20:17Of course welcome
20:19What is the name of this red and white co-pledge
20:21They will join
20:22But there is a but
20:24But if SDM
20:35Mas Ray
20:39All right
20:40It seems that we have a signal interference
20:42And we will continue again
20:44The discussion that took place in the next segment
20:46And stay with us in Market Review
20:53Market Review
21:06You are still watching Market Review
21:08And we will continue today's discussion
21:10Together with Mas Renanti Sarijawan
21:12Who is the Secretary General of KAPI
21:13Then there is Ibu Sarmila Yahya
21:15General Chairman of INKOWAPI
21:17Yes, Mas Ray
21:19Yes, Mas
21:20All right, there was an interference earlier
21:21If we can say it again like that
21:24There is a but
21:25If it is related to the formation of the village co-pledge
21:28Or this red and white village cooperation
21:30Please continue
21:32This morning I got a report
21:34Of course from the cooperations in Blitar
21:37The name of the employment cooperation
21:40So they are the food production cooperation
21:44So for
21:45I read a little
21:46For the red and white co-pledge
21:47If the SDM is not managed
21:49It can be destroyed
21:51This is the headline
21:54We are ready to be partners
21:56Coincidentally, our cooperation is as a consumer
21:58This is important
22:00In our opinion
22:01I think this cooperation has been quite long
22:04Even the largest
22:05The largest egg production in the Blitar area
22:08I think
22:10Can be
22:12What's the name
22:13Can be a good partner
22:15Of course
22:16If this is orchestrated
22:19Not only the government
22:20But we as stakeholders too
22:22Want to do the same orchestration
22:25So that in the future
22:27Food issues
22:28Which for several years
22:30Experiencing the same thing
22:32Every year experiencing a price cut
22:34This will not happen again
22:37Some of the cooperations earlier
22:39I tried to convey here
22:41Imposing the same expectations
22:43There is only a but
22:45There must be a competent SDM
22:47In the future
22:48In the red and white co-pledge
22:50Okay, that's it
22:51Related to management
22:52As a common concern
22:54Even though we know
22:55This has been a flood of support from the area
22:57As a cooperation
22:58Cooperation that exists today
23:00Has given a signal
23:02That they will join
23:04In one place
23:05Red and white village cooperation
23:07Which will benefit many villages
23:1070,000 to 80,000 villages
23:13As stated by the government
23:15Buya, how is it?
23:17Do you see and comment
23:19What has been said by Mr. Ray?
23:21Talk about SDM optimization
23:23Later when operating
23:26Yes, Mr. Ray and friends
23:29It's true what Mr. Ray Analdi said
23:31I also said earlier
23:33This must be ensured first
23:35To the legality
23:38With the SDM that will drive
23:40From this cooperation
23:43This cooperation is actually
23:45Will be met later
23:46With other cooperation
23:48In the field
23:50In the village
23:51There are other cooperations
23:53Who have stood up and walked
23:55But nevertheless
23:57Will not reduce their existence
23:59They will walk together
24:01With the seventh principle of cooperation
24:03Cooperation between cooperatives
24:05So the producer's cooperation
24:06For example, umgas with eggs
24:08Can cooperate with
24:10This consumer
24:12And also interlanding
24:14Can be done
24:15Products that can be more here
24:17Can be sent there
24:18So it can be interlanding
24:21Can work with inter-cooperation
24:23And what is certain
24:24Hopefully we see
24:26We give the government a chance
24:28To work
24:30Setting everything well
24:32And this is interesting, Mr. Pras
24:34This is built on the budget
24:36Village ministries, yes
24:38APBN budget
24:40To the village ministries
24:41Don't be because the SDM
24:43Not good
24:44In the reports
24:46Finally the cooperatives
24:48Or the SDM-SDM management
24:50Finally arrested
24:52Or go to jail
24:53Because of the intention
24:55To help the community
24:57To cut the chain
24:59This chain
25:03It means the SDM is really right
25:05The law is obligatory
25:08Because later the APBN budget
25:10It's not a joke, right?
25:12There must be accountability
25:14So hopefully
25:16Everyone is careful
25:18And no longer use state budgets
25:20For something that is not
25:22Sustainable program
25:24Only for a moment like that
25:26Okay, that's it
25:27Related to how management
25:29Must be professional
25:31And also this
25:32Give one
25:34Result or output
25:35Which is really felt
25:36With the involvement of stakeholders
25:39Which of course already exists
25:40Then later there is also a plan
25:42To form a new cooperative
25:45Last, Mr. Ray
25:46How do you see the presence
25:48Red and white ACOPDES
25:49From IKP
25:50And maybe
25:51Other business actors
25:54Yes, we have been waiting for so long
25:56This idea
25:58To improve our food business status
26:00Our future
26:01Food management status
26:02Food grand design
26:03Of course, if this is implemented
26:05Implemented well
26:06We hope
26:08And we will be ready
26:15Okay, that means it's already
26:18As soon as the support is given
26:20From IKP and friends
26:21Market participants
26:23Both in the modern market
26:25Or traditional
26:26Mrs. Sarimila Yahya
26:27Please, how do you ask
26:29If I have the statement
26:30We walk together
26:33Later we see
26:34We monitor and evaluate
26:36And IKP will definitely support
26:38Because we also have many
26:40Cooperations in the village
26:41We also have partners
26:42And we open the door
26:44For the government to accelerate
26:46For acceleration
26:47IKP is ready to partner with
26:49With the government
26:51For Lisa to be part of the village cooperation
26:54Okay, that's it
26:55We wait later
26:56From the village cooperation
26:57Red and white
26:58Like that, forward
26:59Mrs. Sarimila
27:00Mrs. Sarimila
27:01Thank you very much
27:02For the information
27:03Updates delivered to the audience
27:05Congratulations on your activities
27:08And see you again
27:09Thank you
27:10Thank you, Mr. Trash
27:11Thank you
27:12Yes, audience
27:13Don't leave your place
27:14We will still be back
27:15Of course with other interesting themes
27:16Challenges and business opportunities
27:18Lending in 2025
27:20Market Review
27:21Be right back
27:30Thank you very much
27:31Good morning
27:32Good morning
27:33Yes, we have a movie
27:34We have a movie
27:35Yes, we have a movie
27:36The movie
27:37Is a movie
27:38It's a film
27:39It's a movie
27:41It's a film
27:42It's a film
27:43And a film
27:44So, what's the program?
27:45It's called
