• 2 days ago
With the return of Crufts, we meet some Leeds locals and their four-legged friends in Roundhay Park to talk all things dogs.
00:00This is Henry, he's two, he's a Fox Red Labrador, so chose that breed because grown up with Labradors
00:06we've always had them lovely family dogs, trustworthy. This is the first sort of pet
00:11dog I've actually ever owned. I grew up overseas and we had dogs as working dogs but Wilson is
00:18the first dog that I've ever actually owned as a pet. Me and my partner we went to get a Jack
00:22Russell Terrier but then his legs kept on going so I'm not entirely sure what breed he is but
00:27he's ours and we love him. Barney is nearly 13, he's a Cocker Poo which is a cross between a
00:33Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel. In his case it's a Show Cocker which is more of a lap dog type
00:40breed as opposed to the Working Cocker so he's pretty chilled. I chose him because I've always
00:46wanted a Golden Cocker Spaniel ever since I was six years old so I finally got one when I was
00:51in my early 40s when I had time to stay at home and look after a dog and I chose the cross breed
00:57because they don't molt. We got Reggie, the smaller one, as a family dog, our first family
01:03dog. I grew up with dogs so I wanted my kids to have the joy of having a pet in their house as
01:09well. Four years later we got Chase, the big one, who's actually a rescue so he's crossed with a
01:15Wired Hare Vizsla which are like bigger but yeah he was a Hungarian rescue and they said yeah he's
01:23we were going to get a girl dog but they said we got we've got this one this dog he's nine months
01:26old he's quite big we're like we got him and he's this big you know he's great. It came straight to
01:32mind he's definitely a Henry it's just a strong solid name I think for a boy. It's always going
01:37to be Barney because I also got a Teddy Bear at the age of six and I named it Barney and I decided
01:44all the way back then that my dog would be called Barney. They're very very demanding
01:49I'd say anybody who wants to get a dog don't do it unless you've got time because they do take up
01:54all your time. Being able to spend time with them at home, being able to be at home or have a dog
01:59walker to give them plenty of exercise and make sure you register with a good vet who will always
02:05look after you. It's definitely a commitment so I think you need to know what you're signing up for
02:09they require a lot of time, walking, exercise but definitely worth all of the commitment for the
02:17love and everything that you get back from having them. With the Vizslas they call them Velcro dogs
02:21because they just want to be with you all the time so they make good hunting pals
02:25but you know they're great because they are very good at being trained they'll take as much as you
02:31want to give them but they also need walking you know you need to be able to give them some
02:35exercise and that's when you get I think behavioral problems with dogs is when you've got
02:39high energy dogs that aren't being walked or kind of taken out or stimulated. Not to say that they
02:45don't have their own kind of quirks. Always go to a good breeder, I went to a good breeder and
02:51Barney's mum and dad are both Crufts champions which wasn't necessarily a factor in buying him
02:57but it's a good bragging rights.
