• 2 weeks ago


00:00Was it a big surprise to you that Trump and Israel rejected this alternative plan to Gaza
00:09by the Arab leaders?
00:11Because obviously they've come up with this since Donald Trump said he wanted to turn
00:15it into the Riviera of the Middle East.
00:17No, I'm not at all surprised by this rejection.
00:21I think the one positive thing that you could say about Trump's analysis of the situation
00:29is that he's right in that if we continue to do the same thing over and over again,
00:34we're going to end up in precisely the same place.
00:37And so for the Arabs to step up and reconstruct Gaza under circumstances where it seems almost
00:44inevitable that eventually Hamas will return to resistance, which will then motivate the
00:49Israelis to do precisely what they have done on numerous occasions in the past, which is
00:54to launch attacks not only on armed resistance, but also on the civilian population and the
01:03civilian infrastructure.
01:05So I can understand why there would be some reluctance on the part of the Arabs to simply
01:10go around this circle once again.
01:13So that's the reason, the stated reason why Donald Trump will not support this initiative.
01:22But as was just pointed out, there really are no clear alternatives on the horizon.
