• 2 weeks ago
Nancy Grace is scoffing at Casey Anthony's new career pursuit -- slamming her new legal advocacy gig as a shameless cash grab and insisting the focus should remain on Casey's murdered daughter, Caylee.


00:00Legal advocate, legal advocate, my rear end, she says she's been in the legal field since
00:112011, when she was tried for murder, that's her exposure to the justice system, I agree
00:20with trial judge Belvin Perry, this is just a money grab, she needs money, so what does
00:27she do, come try to get money out of your pocket and guess what, thousands of idiots
00:33have already signed up to hear tot mom talk about her legal expertise, which by the way
00:41FYI tot mom, that's against the law to pretend you're a lawyer and give legal advice if that's
00:47what you're planning to do, that said what do I think of it, not much, you know what,
00:54why isn't she seeking justice for Kelly, I'm curious to find out what expertise, what
01:03legal advice tot mom has to offer, but I'm curious in a way that when I go to the zoo
01:10and I'm in the snake house, I look at the poisonous snake through a glass, that's about
01:15as close as I'm going to get, so I will not be subscribing to tot mom's sub stack.
01:21For those of you that are purchasing advice from tot mom Casey Anthony, I advise you to
01:34go put your money in a savings account, please don't do this because I know many people think
01:42it's laughable, I don't, every time someone gives tot mom one penny, they are voting, not guilty.
01:56A lot of focus right now is being placed on tot mom Casey Anthony, who is a freeloader and more,
02:03but my focus is still on Kelly, because Kelly was murdered and she was thrown, this little girl
02:13that just turned three, was bagged in trash bags from the Anthony home with one of her favorite
02:23blankets inside and thrown into a swampy area, just 10 houses down from the Anthony home to decompose.
02:36When her body was found, she was covered in flies and maggots and decomposed, duct tape
02:43had been wrapped all around her skull, including her face, the front of her face, mouth and
02:49nose with a heart sticker placed on it.
02:54That's my focus, so all the attention about tot mom finally getting a job, eh?
