Hope you guys enjoyed the video!! Deffo a more busy week in the life hahah, see you all next week π€
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaci.jay/
00:00Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. I thought I could do a little like a week in the life
00:05I actually had a few requests which was weird because I was gonna film this anyways, but like
00:10Obviously all my last content has been Australia
00:12So I thought we could do it a little week in my life back to reality sort of video
00:16This isn't actually the first week I was back
00:18I got back last week and last week I was busy but with boring stuff this week
00:23We've actually got a bit of an exciting week coming up. So I thought I'd bring guys along with me
00:27So today is Monday and when I tell you I have had nothing to do all day and you might think that sounds lovely
00:33No, I've been bored out of my mind. Like I when I have a free day
00:37I don't know what to do with myself
00:38Like I've literally just got changed out of my pajamas and I'm like, I don't even know what to do
00:43But Sabrina Carpenter dropped some songs today. Well, not today
00:48I think she did it the other day, but I had a chance to listen to it
00:50So I have listened to couldn't make it any harder about five times today within the space of a couple hours
00:57Actually a banger. I love it. I actually love it. I've got boxing today. I've never vlogged at boxing
01:02I've posted an Instagram story
01:04I'm gonna tell you the anxiety it gives me posting an Instagram story because I get so scared
01:08I'm gonna get judged but the reason I do boxing is for fitness. Like I'm not gonna be in this fits like
01:15Anytime soon. It's just I purely wanted to do it for fitness because I get bored of things really easy
01:20I also find it really hard to motivate myself
01:21So if I'm one-to-one with like someone else and then they're motivating you to work harder
01:27Then I feel like I do get a bit of a better workout
01:29I've been going to Alfie for about I think like since September or October
01:33So it's actually been quite a while and this week I've booked two sessions and I've booked Pilates tomorrow
01:39I haven't been to Pilates in ages. So I don't even know if I have the confidence to actually film in Pilates
01:44But yeah, so yeah, I've got a full-on week a lot of exercise, which is just not normal for me
01:50Like I normally do boxing once a week maybe like gym a few times but like with gym again because it's me
01:55I don't push myself to my absolute full potential, but I'm actually going skiing next week again crazy on a brand trip
02:02So I wanted to get all my fitness and exercise classes in this week because when I get back from skiing
02:08I don't have any time to fit it in. So I'm kind of like making up for it in this week
02:11I also have an Oh Polly. I feel like I'm just telling you guys ruin in the whole week
02:15I always have a London Fashion Week event with Oh Polly on Wednesday
02:20But the only reason I'm bringing this up now is because I was gonna wash my hair tomorrow and have it down for the event
02:26But then Ellie's doing my makeup and she said oh my god
02:28You should do a slick look with your dress and then we'll do loads of body glow and I thought that's such a good idea
02:32But I've slicked my hair today and you know
02:34I don't really want to slick my hair three days in a row because it makes me feel a bit dirty and gross
02:38But I don't want to wash it just to slick it
02:41So I don't know I'm kind of in a bit of like a predicament of like what to do with my hair
02:45I feel like every vlog I do I always have some sort of thing with my hair
02:48I've also decided healthy hair era is over
02:52I'm gonna bleach the fuck out of this because I need to be blonde again. The amount of comments I've had like
02:57Oh my god brunette really suits you guys
02:58That wasn't my aim but my aim was to become a natural girl and be like a dirty blonde
03:03But I've just realized I think I've lost that and I am just a brunette. I want to go back to blonde
03:08I want blonde highlights going through. This is what I normally I've done this before. It sounds crazy. It's not that crazy
03:14Basically when I put my hair up I had blonde highlights going through so I look blonde when I put my hair up and I was
03:19Looking at old tick tocks and like old videos when I had my hair scraped back and I was so blonde and I'm like
03:24Do you know what I need that back?
03:26So I don't care if I'm gonna damage my hair like I need that back and you know
03:29It's bad when your hairdresser replies you saying I've been waiting for this message. Let's get rid of them roots
03:33I thought you know what there's no backing out now because he's just admitted that my roots are bad
03:38That means that it's time to dye the hair. So I'm getting extensions out trim blonde in
03:43I am gonna be a new woman. You're not even gonna be able to recognize me. I'm really excited for the new identity
03:49The Sun is literally so bright today that it's making me feel like it's the summer and essentially not it's fucking freezing
03:56But it's tricking me because I literally thought I was in step at my house and feel like this won't hit me and it didn't
04:02And of course it didn't because it's literally February
04:05I realized that I was talking about posting myself on boxing and then I completely went on a tangent and like just did not finish
04:11That sentence what I was trying to say was that I get scared posting my boxing because I just like don't want judgment because
04:19I'm not looking at technique. I'm looking at like more the fitness side of it
04:22Obviously, I'm learning technique as I go along. There's not my main priority
04:25I don't know. I just I get scared posting things that I think people can critique
04:28I might vlog a little bit of boxing, but I don't just do boxing the whole time
04:32I also sometimes do that other workouts. So I don't know. I'll just see what I vlog also at the moment
04:37I keep getting like more on my rails, which is random weird weird comments from boys and men just like
04:45Disgusting comments and I made a tick-tock yesterday about like basically saying that this that content isn't for you guys
04:51It's for the girls only and when I tell you I had so many people offended
04:56But it got put tick-tock actually put them in my field comments and they didn't even come up
04:59So humble yourself, but so many men were offended and it's like if you're offended
05:03You are just one of them weirdos because there was other men and boys that commented and they weren't offended because they knew it wasn't
05:10Aimed at them. So if you felt attacked, it's because you're one of the freaks just saying
05:14I was talking about it on my snapchat. Go follow me Casey Konda. I had another guy just comment again
05:19sexual weird stuff and I click on the chat and like
05:23Every story is weird weird stuff and you know what?
05:27I actually pulled it out on my snapchat because I thought if you're comfortable enough to comment things like this
05:33It was honestly disgusting
05:34Then I'm gonna call you out for it because that should be more normalized like actually calling guys out
05:39So just put it out there that I'm not having any more
05:43Anyways, I need to go to boxing before I'm late
06:32Guys you're not gonna believe it but I'm
06:35Leaving house who would have thought I am actually leaving the house
06:38I'm going to the pub with my friends but super casual as you can tell I did mess it over like is this a bit
06:43Too trampy for the pub, but I feel like this jacket does dress up a little bit
06:48The only thing is these tracksuits is from skims, but they're just so long
06:52But I just like the way that it sits here whether it's like but they are really long
06:56So I don't know if that sometimes make them look a bit more gonna use the same word trampe
07:00Well Maddie just asked me where I'm going I said I'm going to the pub she went I love pubs
07:05I want to come you don't love
07:07It's for adults
07:18Whenever I'm normally the late person's probably not always get it from Ruben
07:21But because I was saying earlier like I felt like it was summer today
07:24I really fancied a Pimm's and I got one. I didn't know if they did it in the Windsor
07:28But I'm just gonna vision on the beach right now
07:34Few strawberries, but the glass is really on aesthetic. Yeah, you need the jug
07:40Mmm, it's still nice to be back. Let's normalize happiness in the winter. I can't wait for the summer
07:44I actually can't wait to actually know
07:46What this morning I'm going to Pilates and I actually changed in my class to the early one
07:51So I could go with my mom which means for a lot back. I haven't gone in ages. So I was actually nervous
07:55I've just got a black set on last night Chloe asked to come and see for my bed
07:59And I said, yeah, of course because she said she was scared
08:01She came in about 3 4 a.m. And she hasn't slept the whole night and the whole night
08:06She's singing in my ear waking me up
08:08Like I think she was asking my phone or whatever it was so I actually feel so tired
08:14I've got a banging headache this morning because I feel like I just have not slept at all
08:18Like I feel like I got tortured the whole night because I was constantly being woken up by Chloe
08:22She did apologize this morning, but I think I'm still holding it a slight crutch
08:26So I'm gonna go downstairs and take some paracetamol and hope that it clears this headache because my head is banging
08:32I feel like I've woken up hungover. That is it. She how I feel. I actually didn't watch the Love Island final last night
08:37I was actually gonna lie and say I completely forgot I didn't completely forget
08:40I just got too late and I couldn't be bothered and then this morning I woke up and I saw that Casey and Gabby won
08:44And I don't know if I have the effort to actually watch it
08:47I feel like the finals are always quite boring unless you care about who wins
08:51But I wasn't too fussed about who was winning. Anyways, I've just finished my class
08:55I didn't film because I didn't want to get anyone in the background and I just felt awkward
08:59I also was in the middle of my workout. So I didn't want to stop and just get my camera out
09:03Why is my camera so dirty?
09:05It's a little bit better, but I thought I'd show you guys the studio because it is so nice and aesthetic
09:11This is the reformer machines that we used but I was on this one and then my mum was on this one
09:16Like a couple well, we wasn't late but we was like just on time
09:20So everyone was already set up. So it's really hard to film it without getting everyone else in the background
09:24But the studio is so cute. I'm definitely want to get back into routine of coming here guys
09:28I'm not even joking that a whole time
09:31I was thinking about
09:32doing the
09:33It's really weird because yesterday and today because it's so sunny and like when I used to come to fly is it used to be
09:39The summer and then after I'd go into injuries
09:42I keep thinking it's just gonna be warm outside and I get out and it's a shock to the system
09:46When I'm absolutely freezing up, but yeah, I literally think that I don't use the whole time. It's like a ward got an ass a bowl
09:55Matchup basically the same order I always get but I'm actually pretty fancy in it. What did you?
10:03Strawberry banana juice your juice is actually really nice the
10:08Sports the sports juice one stress one stress, babe
10:12You know
10:14The sports juice is actually really nice compassion for it and pineapple maybe it's actually a good thing
10:18I saw friends, but it's because it's a really expensive habit to pay for a flight
10:22It's awesome to come and get during the juice Christ. I'll be fine bankruptcy
10:26so I got my table and my matcha and then
10:30I've decided this year. I wanted to get a scrapbook like this. I've got black one
10:35It just has black pages each time. I do something like for example things have done so far this year
10:42asylum Australia skiing and
10:45I've been invited to go skiing with Maybelline and then I've got the Brit Awards
10:49So like every time I do something that's like excited me
10:53I want to print pictures off and then put it in this scrapbook and I'm like, I don't know. I might write something
10:58I don't really know. I just that I can like look back on it and remember my ex
11:03I feel like there's some exciting things coming up
11:05So I just want to be able to look back on it because when I went traveling
11:09I now want to make a scrapbook but like now that I've got all these pictures
11:13I'm a bit overwhelmed by it and I'm finding it really hard to actually do it
11:16But it's like I haven't even started it. If I do it this year as I go along then it's a lot less overwhelming
11:22So let's hope I actually
11:24Stick to it, but it's just like a nice little kit for keepsake and then if it goes well this year
11:28I could do it every year, but we'll see how this first one goes and then I got a gold pen
11:33I didn't know what like I'm not very creative or artsy
11:36So I didn't really know like how I should go about this, but it didn't have to be perfect. It's just
11:43Well, cuz who is it? Oh, it's because I saw Alex. Oh, she was abroad for a magazine cover shoot and
11:51The night before she was journaling and she said that she was writing down all her thoughts in the journal
11:55Oh, that's actually a really good idea, but I'd want mine
11:58To include pictures. So I don't know. Maybe I'll put a few words on that. I'm not very good with my words
12:04More picture person, please. Thank you mama in the nail shop. I'm getting vibe for the first time
12:11Yawning on my head. So me nails. Oh
12:14Got bug and a I got a friend
12:18Mom's here as well
12:23Guys I look by up the best time nail reveal
12:29She hates it, this is why I don't get by up
12:32She hates the buyer everyone says to me. Oh my god, get by up get by up get by us natural naturals and fuck
12:39Natural. Yeah, that's the story. It's my channel. Yeah, but you still mother to the fucking or what?
12:48No, no, I don't hate them they're not that bad my thing was I don't like naturally long nails
12:54It makes me feel a bit ill. It's because I think of long nails you like dirty dull nails
12:59So that's what I've never done that and then my nails were like disgustingly long underneath my critics
13:04So I like I'll try and I'm going skiing anyway, so I thought I'd leave like shorter nails
13:09but then I was having such trouble finding like a pink color and normally I'm the type of person that I would just say I
13:13Like it even if I don't but he said are you sure?
13:17No, we honestly went for about four or five colors because I wanted like a nice pinky color
13:22But I didn't want it to look like it was my natural nails
13:25I just put clear polish over like I wanted it to look almost like I had short acrylics basically, but no, they're actually not that bad
13:33But I do think that when I get back from skiing I'll probably go and get acrylics
13:37No, I don't hate them. Okay, these are them guys. They're not actually not that bad. I can't tell if I love or hate them
13:43Wait, I don't like them
13:46I'm getting ready because me and Ava are going to the cinema today to watch Bridget Jones because it's kind of like my
13:52Everything that we watch Bridget Jones that we've watched number one two, I'm free
13:56Yeah, three together like we binge watch them all one evening and then we've rewatched them a year later
14:01So like we have to go together. We did actually get invited to go to the premiere
14:06But do you know what to be completely honest?
14:08I just really wanted to go to the cinema and watch it so I could be in a tracksuit with snacks
14:13That was just like well, I just thought like I don't know
14:16I love going to the cinema and I thought I'd rather just like us go together in our tracksuits
14:21So yeah, we're going today. We always said we were meeting earlier because we would go for dinner
14:25I don't really like Wagamama's like no, I used to say I don't like Wagamama's but now I do like it
14:31I just have to have like a big enough gap in between kind of like Wingstop
14:34I feel like Wingstop's the same sort of concept and I said, you know what?
14:37I haven't had in ages
14:38I can actually kind of fancy in it and I think Ava's never been so happy in her life because it's her favorite thing ever
14:44She genuinely I think she eats it nearly every day
14:47Oh and then we said that we're actually gonna go earlier because Ava's going to Paris and she just said that she wanted to go
14:53before for us to have her get cute outfits for Paris
14:57Which is fine because I do just feel like I haven't shopped in so long and I just have this urge to do shopping
15:04I keep doing a few online shops here and there like over the last couple days because I'm like, you know
15:09You just you just feel it you feel it deep inside
15:12That you just need to have a big shopping spree because I haven't actually gone shopping like I think like since before Christmas
15:19Been a couple months. I am a bit of a shopaholic. I'm not gonna lie
15:23I do want to go Selfridges and just buy like I feel like I need a few more like cooler
15:28Clothing items in my wardrobe and also like what kind of for example, I have like green joggers, right?
15:34I want to wear that green straight leg jogger trousers with a white t-shirt. What jacket do I wear?
15:40Do you know I mean what jacket you wear that because I feel like black is just gonna ruin it because you're wearing a white
15:46T-shirt, but there's not like I need a jacket that goes with like green blue. Don't know what I'm saying here
15:52Actually, I think I might just stop talking. But anyways, I don't know if I'm gonna do makeup or not
15:56Yeah, I feel like I might just go
15:59Natural. Oh my god, you know someone commented on my tick-tock the other day saying oh
16:03She's not as fit when she hasn't when she's not editing her pictures
16:07I have never and will never edit my Instagram page and I wanted to reply to it and
16:12Show screen recordings of all the pictures being on live
16:17But the comment got deleted ironic isn't it? Okay. I've just put on this tracksuit LV bag LV trainers
16:24I can't tell if it looks cool or if it looks a bit like boyish
16:28I don't know. I feel like it's a fine line and it's hard to like tell hmm
16:33I'm gonna get a resurrection. I got by up today. Yay. Thank God
16:41What do you mean you don't like them
16:45Why I why I've got by others if you couldn't tell because one acrylic
16:49Well, my thought process was I had to get my critics taken off today because my nails are too long underneath me for a bit
16:54Oh, but then I couldn't be bothered to sit there and get a critic. Yeah, I'm conscious. Oh, I'll try that quicker though
17:36But I did buy a top I was gonna get these like green joggers
17:40But they didn't have them out and they had them like in the stock room
17:44I just can't be asked to ask them by that point the hyperfixation have gone over there. I didn't care anymore
17:48Yeah, we're not in one moment. So we got
17:52Chicken teriyaki soy bar. Thank you. These are the prawn crackers with the sweet cheese sauce. They're actually so nice
17:59I have actually had these before that at home and I do eat pretty much the whole bag
18:03I'm so excited. I've been craving it
18:12Flowers come this stuff is like on
18:14All I've eaten is that Jones as I evil so like I purposely made myself hungry so that I would enjoy it
18:21We have about an hour until the cinema. So we're just basically looking around thinking what shit can we add to our drawers today?
18:29yeah, I've got a scalp massager because I know that this is gonna hit when I have these extensions out and
18:35Classic pramuk bralette. I want to get pajamas. I don't need more pajamas. My pajama drawer does not close
18:42He was getting Paris fits. Oh
18:46My god
18:55The confidence in the world
18:57Shock, I'm coming back on to him. I've just done something and I think you've got to film it
19:00You just got a snack from Sainsbury's. It's got magic stars and sour patch kids, which is actually
19:08But it's kind of like a road joy like fucking magic stars and sour patch kids like what am I five years old, but
19:13No, they're too solid solid. Yeah, but you do also eat like a five-year-old
19:24And I had the sauce as well
19:27That's also banging though. I was actually
19:31Was it? Yeah, they'd look good. I do want to see how I made it. Go watch my new video
19:38Ava Daniels, this is a cinema of choice
19:43Because everywhere for Bridget Jones was sold out in this case is very much empty
19:46So I don't know why I'm saying this America's guys. Please don't come here
19:50It's always empty. The only thing is the snacks here. Oh
20:01Guys we're so cold. Hey, I did leg day the other day and my legs are in so much pain
20:07It's so cold guys. This is the top I got today from Zara just like this
20:13Because when I was helping start Ava I said oh that you should wear this with dark denim
20:18Jeans and like a navy cap or something. It would look really cool. She said oh, it's not really me though
20:24I said, you know what? You're right. It's me and I'm gonna get it
20:27It looks so cool with my yellow and blue Travis's
20:30But I do have a bit of like a love-hate relationship with this new this Zara
20:35NFL collection because I really liked this green tracksuit from there and it said Jets on it
20:42Is it giving like oh, yeah cool or is it giving a bit cringe because Zara brought out so that makes it
20:49Do you know like Primark do collections?
20:50But I was given I was getting that kind of upset if I brought this in
20:54New York from an NFL shop or whatever it is. I don't know. I'm not actually into NFL
21:00So that you could say one thing about it. I just think it's cool
21:02Then it would be sick, but then it's like when you're going to Zara like it does take that coolness away from it
21:07So I feel like it's a very slippery slope between cool and cringe
21:10But I did actually really like this top and I feel like it's not a bad like I really like the striped jacket that they
21:17Have in and at first for us really nice
21:19Like I saw it on someone did like a new and new in on tick-tock and they turn around
21:25What's how you it's like a cape and it says Yale across it
21:29But you've just gone and ruined a perfectly nice jacket, but I do like this
21:33This is the view this is where me and Ava so different because she's like in every outfit
21:37You like a little bit of skin shown or like some tightness and I'm that she like baggy clothes
21:42Layers covered up like can't see anything. Oh my god. How did I just forget to even talk about the film?
21:49I'm gonna get in the shower get my pyjamas on
21:51I'm gonna do my skincare and talk to you guys about the new Bridget Jones film right when I was speaking earlier
21:57I said I had a dilemma about my hair because I need to stick it tomorrow
22:01But I don't wanna do a full hair wash because it takes so long and it doesn't make any sense me to wash my whole
22:06Hair just to put product in it to make it greasy tomorrow and slick it. It makes no sense
22:10however, I
22:12You know, it's just I literally felt like I just needed to wash the top of my head
22:16Like it just I felt dirty and I also thought like it now has got past the point of slick
22:21Look, it looks you look it literally looks like just grease and I feel like I need to look like slick
22:27But still blonde, you know, I mean, so my thought process was I just washed all the top of my hair and
22:34I'll blow-dry it and then tomorrow I'm gonna add dry shampoo so that it's like looks blonde and then slick it back
22:41But like slick it with a slick stick rather than oil or anything like that
22:46So basically, it looks like a clean slick rather than like a oh, she just couldn't wash her hair
22:52I feel like I feel a lot better for it as well because I literally just I love a slick look but like once twice
22:58I push but three times Jesus Christ that is when you know
23:03I just really did want to have my hair in a slick pony, especially because oh my god
23:08I didn't even say Alfie got back to me and he can do my hair on Thursday bless him
23:12He's staying later at the salon to be able to do it
23:15So this is like the last ponytail because the thing is is I've never done a slick ponytail with my extensions before
23:21I didn't really think I could and
23:23Then I started doing it like when I was in Australia and then I realized how much I actually love a slick pony
23:29So there's also another reason why I want to do it so that I could say farewell to it
23:33It's actually really hard to brush my hair like this, right?
23:35I'm gonna dry this and then talk to you guys about the film
23:38okay, I'm washing my hair was definitely the right move because I just feel so much better about it and I am so excited for
23:45When I get my hair dyed and my extensions out to like completely wash and scrub my head
23:51My face has been being really dry these past couple days
23:54So I'm gonna soak it in serums and moisturizers that literally screams break out
24:00I feel like it just needs to be rejuvenated overnight. Anyways, let's talk about the film
24:06It was so good. I expected it to be good. But when I was watching it, I was like, I don't want this to end
24:12It was one of them films where I just I just yeah
24:15I didn't want it to ever come to an end and I really hope they make another one because I don't think I could
24:22Go without
24:24Yeah, it was very emotional which is so unlike a Bridget Jones film
24:28Like I've never even even felt like I would cry in any of the other films like that
24:33Obviously all that pretty much straight-up comedy where it was like this one
24:37It was actually emotional like quite a couple times. I was like, oh, this is quite sad
24:43Yes, I feel like sometimes when films like when they make another one
24:46It just doesn't hit the same but this one actually did
24:49I mean, obviously you can never ever compare to like the originals like the original films
24:54But it definitely was still up there. And yeah, it was really good
24:58So if you think I'm going I would definitely recommend going to see it
25:02I feel like Bridget Jones. It's just like one of them films that you can just watch over and over again
25:07Jesus Christ, I'm having such a hot flush at the moment
25:09I keep sweating in the night like I haven't put my air con on
25:13I know it's literally the winter but it keeps getting really hot. I'm using this serum
25:17It's from the Serenity lab. It's meant to be like for blemishes and breakouts
25:22I've only been using it for like a couple days
25:24So I will let you guys know how I got on with it
25:27But they actually sent it to me because they saw my one of my YouTube videos
25:30I was talking about my skin just breaking out and it not calming back down, which it still hasn't
25:35I don't know I've been saying for months that my skin's broken out, which I think I've now just come to a conclusion
25:41It's not a breakout. It's just the winter and I'm clearly just lacking a bit of vitamin D
25:45I actually really need to get a supplement that has vitamin D in it because I realized that that is just what's missing in my life
25:50But yeah, I'll let you guys know how I get on with it. I did a lot more than usual. So I'm literally
25:56Glowing. I just really need my skin to rejuvenate. I'm gonna use this overnight
26:03Rehydrating mask from Kiehl's this stuff is literally like a paste. Oh
26:08God, I have actually taken loads here, but I need it earlier
26:12I washed my face just to redo my skincare because my skin felt that dry that I felt like I needed to do it
26:19For wash and skincare routine guys, you know, I'm actually I'm so sad. I actually watch Hollyoaks
26:24I just watched it because there were like clips coming up on my tick-tock and I thought you know what?
26:30I want to start watching this and I then like got hooked on type one of them tick-tock pages
26:35And I think I watched about a 50 part story
26:38But literally the whole storyline and then I got hooked and now I can't stop won't stop watching it
26:46Oh my god, guys
26:47If you ever feel like your skin is dry
26:50Fuck me go and get yourself some of this because I literally feel very oily bar feel like that is gonna do the job
26:56I'm actually getting a bit of a sensor over there right now. I'm really hot. My hair's going in this mask
27:00And my hands are all greasy. I don't really have to do it myself
27:03I'm getting pretty hot. I need to calm down for a second. Oh
27:08Let me just tie my hair up because that is the main issue. I really brought a
27:13Gua sha the other day because I used to use these all the time
27:16Oh that feels really nice because I'm hot and it's really cold
27:19I used to use these all the time and then mine I dropped it and it smashed on the floor and then I never
27:24Rebrought it. I don't even know what possessed me to buy this
27:27I actually think I got I don't know if this is the one I got one on tick-tock shop and then I got one sent
27:31To me in PR which is really annoying because I wish I knew that that would come in a PR box
27:35I literally brought one. So now I have to have one of my bathroom one over here
27:39Oh, did you know what the thing is, right? I went to Australia my skin started getting clear if I stayed there an extra week
27:44I want to come back with clear skin
27:45But I didn't so I came back and then the plane broke me out and I've got a proper
27:49Red angry spots like not just little pimples at the ones that are actually
27:55Kind of painful. I'm gonna call it a night and I will see you guys in the morning morning guys
28:00Oh look, I'm back the same setup because all I ever do is sit here, but it actually feels like in my vlogs
28:06I feel like I'm either here or in my car. Anyways, I
28:10Feel like I didn't actually dry my head properly last night
28:14I have had a full-body shower like shaved everything
28:17It's actually really long because I've got laser in tomorrow and I like to shave
28:22Right before laser because it just feels like a smoother cleaner shave
28:26Whereas I feel like if you shave and then even if like you go over it the next day
28:29It's just not it's not the same like the guys I get it get it
28:32also, sometimes I get like a shaving rash, so I really hope that I don't because I did exfoliate and
28:38Moisturize because if I get a shaving rash, I think then it just makes it more painful
28:42I don't know. This is why I get laser in because like shaving rashes hands shave all the time
28:48I'm not cut out for it. Anyways, what time is it? It is quarter past one
28:52I need to leave at half to and I don't even know why I'm getting ready now because all I have to do
28:57Put my hair in a slick back and put tracksuit on. Do you guys remember when I had this Foreo?
29:03I think this was like probably one of my first ever
29:06Brandles I ever did so long ago and I just found it in my drawer completely forgot about it. So I charged it
29:12I'm gonna use it because I did a face mask earlier
29:15Like I did a clay one
29:16Because I was saying how dry my skin's been and I need to like prep my skin before I put makeup on it
29:21Well, I just actually thought do they run out of date because I probably shouldn't use this I have actually had this for about
29:26Five six years that has got to be out of date. Surely
29:30I'm sure it'll be fine if I break out in a massive rash. I swear to God. It's just good because
29:38You don't have to wait there with a face mask on like it's quick right you turn it on
29:42Oh here go, but I do remember it actually these used to actually really help my skin because of the red light
29:48I think maybe I'm making that up. I'm sure this is a red light anyways, and it heats up
29:53It's actually so nice. I don't know how long it stays on for but no, it's I'm just gonna be here
29:58Okay, I've straightened my hair and I've added a bit of dry shampoo to make it a bit more blonde because the roots are ruined
30:04I'm gonna slick it now, but I'm just gonna try not to add like too much greasy products
30:09I don't want it to look greasy. I just want it to look like I've slicked it
30:12Also, I've lost like my combs. I'm having to use this headband to center it. Oh guys
30:17I'm literally I'm so excited for tomorrow to get these extensions out and have freshly blonde hair
30:23Like I don't think you guys even understand like who was I trying to kid myself that I wanted to be natural like of course
30:29I don't be natural. I want to have
30:31Blonde blonde hair. I feel like my head
30:34It's gone
30:34It's so annoying because when I was every like blonde gal won't have this growing up
30:39My hair was so blonde so why and then you hit puberty
30:43Apparently you lose that gene in you that makes you blonde which is why like every blonde girl
30:49Experiences going darker because you just lose that gene, which is so bizarre, right? I'm gonna tie it like this for now
30:56I'm also so excited to be able to stick my hair when I get these extensions out because it's so easy
31:00It's been two seconds those are extensions. I have to actually worry about it a little bit more
31:05I can't lie these slick sticks. They actually do hurt a little bit because they pour in your hair, right guys
31:10I actually think I hate them quite well
31:12I don't know that sometimes you can see them at the back
31:15But don't really care because the back is none of my business
31:16but the front the problem is I actually can't really see around here, so
31:22We're gonna watch this back and down. We're gonna come leave one out like that or it'll be okay
31:26But I actually think I did a pretty good job. I'm so glad I was able to wash my hair yesterday
31:38Feel like to what I
31:41Can't see the back. It's literally none of my business Matt Ellie's
31:44We're actually quite blinds the makeup on but sure we got to give a camera out because we've just been chatting away
32:13Want to see guys Ellie is so good
32:15I what she does that I come out with a whole new personality you like alter ego confidence like my head
32:22I can barely fit out that door because I'm just like why can I not do my makeup like this?
32:28Like she just kills it every time anyways, I need to get home because when I've got home
32:32I've got half an hour until I need to leave so I need to like get dressed obviously get ticked off spot
32:36I need you've been at her house for two hours because we're just shooting loads of content when we were done and also like she took
32:42so much to the makeup or one we would chat in so much and then two or three she's just taking longer time because we
32:47Wanted it to be like perfection for these pictures, but I need to get this heat on some so-called, but yeah
32:52Yes, I'll see you at my home. I'm already for the event
32:55I've got this little bubble dress on although it's actually a little bit too big for me
32:59So if anyone is gonna get it size down because normally I feel like we've dressed as the house of CB
33:04I probably I'm normally like an a this is a six and it's massive. So I need a four in this
33:08So if anyone's getting it then like what your true size is size down because it is quite big
33:13But we couldn't get a four in time, but it does it doesn't like look obviously big
33:17But so cute little court heels and then my mom's kindly
33:21Let me borrow her bag because it just tied it all together. Anyways, I've just heard a baguette to door
33:27So I'm gonna go downstairs because our uber is on its way
34:10Didn't give a makeup
34:27We've had an absolute mayor trying to book an uber don't accept it and they were just canceled
34:31I came home and my parents had a curry and they left me some out. This is literally
34:37Heaven right now because I'm so hungry
34:39I haven't eaten since about 12 because I went and got my makeup done and then as soon as I came home I had to get
34:45Ready and leave so that's the only thing with events. It was at like dinnertime
34:48So you don't have to eat before or after but I had to get my makeup done
34:53She don't have to eat before or after but I am
34:57Enjoy myself right now. I take my makeup off
35:00I was procrastinating for so long because I was just filming tick-tocks because I didn't want to take it off actually
35:05I'm, so glad I got my makeup done
35:07I didn't even think about it and then I was messaging Ellie about her doing my glam for
35:11Something else and then I was like, oh wait, I've got a pulley event. I would love to have my glam done
35:17So glad I did because I got the Instagrams. We were using this in a YouTube videos the other day
35:23and poor
35:25vacuum thing. I wanted to try it. Oh
35:28It's a bit strong actually. Ow. Ow. Best when you're normal. Imagine if I put that on ultra strong
35:34I think I'd pull my whole fucking nose off
35:35I actually think if I put that on ultra strong
35:38It would genuinely rip my skin because when this gets a hold of your nose, it's actually quite painful
35:44I can't lie though. That is not doing anything. Do you know what? That is a load of crap that
35:49They didn't even do anything guys
35:51I do actually have blackheads though like and I don't know how the hell to get rid of them
35:54Do you remember that vlog ages ago when I went and got my eyebrows done and the lady told me that my blackheads were really bad
36:00They're actually not even that bad. They're actually not deep. I can just when I look close I can really see them
36:05I just feel like I've had facials I've had that I've tried different products
36:09But nothing actually gets rid of them like how do you technically speak and how do you actually get rid of them?
36:14Like a face wash is not gonna get rid of your blackheads like let's be real
36:17My prevent blackheads, but it's not getting rid of them
36:19Also, can we actually know it's absolute horn on the side on the side of my head every time I open a vlog
36:25Oh my god, my skin my skin skin, but I just don't understand
36:28I think I actually need to get like a vitamin D supplement because I think that that is just what I'm missing
36:35Anyways, I'm gonna do my skincare and I will
36:37Catch you guys tomorrow because got lazy and tomorrow super excited. I'm not not a relationship. Oh, no
36:43I know I'm excited for my hair my hair guys. Take it in. It's gonna be gone
36:50Breakfast or lunch, I don't really know
37:03The lunch we're at Faygo's and they do this on
37:07Buffalo chicken strips and I get that with a side of the Caesar salad
37:10I think I've made up my mind that I need to get that because
37:13the buffalo hot wings here
37:15they're honestly on another level
37:18My buffalo chicken strips have come. I'm actually so glad I went for these in the end because now that I've got them
37:23I'm really fancy in them
37:25Guys, I had to come home and get changed because I don't know if anyone else is like this
37:28But if I wear an outfit on like a long-haul flight
37:32I then can't really wear that outfit again because it makes me feel like a tramp and that outfit that I was wearing
37:41Mean like
37:44Anyways, I was wearing I wore them that black trousers and great. I don't know a lot jumper
37:49I went to Australia and so now I just
37:52Resonate that outfit with feeling dirty. I'm swearing day voo
37:58Knitted tracksuit. I think we've still got this on the website brown coat
38:02Uggs a little lube on bag and I'm gonna head off to transition out. I'm actually really tired
38:09Fucking knackered don't you never have to ever in well
38:11I have to but I don't actually have the effort in me to go to London, but I've got choice. Honestly, it's just
38:18Hit me like a wave. I
38:20Feel so tired that my eyes I think if I just held this position for two minutes
38:25I'd be asleep and like the thought I have to get the train to London
38:30That's what's long, but you know what it's because I've never I've never done a laser an appointment this late it's not even late
38:36It's like half free, but I always do it and at 12, so it's like over and done within the morning
38:42I don't know what it is. It's think about going to London
38:47That just feels like a chore. I just took paracetamol as well little life hack
38:51I've never done this before but my mom said you should take it before like if you ever get a tattoo piercing laser and take
38:57paracetamol because it helps with the pain
39:00Tell me why I'll know where it's just started pissing it down
39:04I can't it was calmed down or not. This is pathetic fallacy. I just went to London
39:09I just realized that when I am on my way home, it's gonna be like rush hour
39:15From like all the people coming back from work. I didn't even think about that and
39:20It's hell when it's so busy because you literally like shoulder-to-shoulder people on the train
39:24But all I think about is my bank straight this is pulsed laser that I come to thanks
39:35Yeah, finally she can't do anything
39:38Good just finish my laser hair removal and it is so easy this machine
39:43I love it because you can use it on tan skin, which makes it so much easier because where I'm always on holiday
39:49I can just come even after holiday and also it is less painful than a lot of other machines
39:57So it's just like prickly. It's weird because I if I was gonna get a tattoo or piercing
40:01I'd be so nervous before when I was like with laser and although it does hurt a little bit
40:05I don't get nervous before there's only like some parts where sometimes we'll do like if the hair follicles really
40:13Prominent or thick then we'll do like a zap which is like prickly
40:16It's the best way to describe it as soon as it stops. It stops that pain is gone
40:19If that makes sense, so it's pretty bad for like armpits are fine legs a bit prickly
40:24Obviously I get full down there and that's a little bit more painful, but again, not that bad
40:29Honestly, I wish I started it sooner. Like it's brilliant
40:31Okay, next stop is Langstreet because there's one literally across the road. This laser is literally in
40:39Right by Oxford Street. So it's pretty much like a lot of stuff select
40:43Sometimes I go shopping after but obviously I get my hair done. Oh my god. I'm so excited my hair done
40:48I don't feel as tired anymore
40:49I think it's a bit of the adrenaline from the laser in but I am so excited for this Bank Street because it's been
40:55Way too long since I had my last one
41:01You actually can't beat it like I have tried so many of our matches none of them have come close
41:06Also when I have a match on such a chugger can't drink it nicely
41:10Right back in the car, do you know what it actually wasn't that bad the rush-hour like I managed to get a seat on the
41:16Train, that's what I cared about. I'm actually really early to my hair appointment, which is good
41:20Cuz I'd rather be early than late
41:22It says I'm gonna get there for five to six and my hair points are half six
41:25I'll just see if he is free at six. If not, I will
41:30Wait in the car
41:31The thing is I wish I was hungry then I could like I don't know go and get some food or something
41:36But I'm literally not hungry at all. There's no point me going home because I have to go home and leave straight away guys
41:42I just got a message from the hair salon. It came through my Apple CarPlay
41:46Alfie will be free at quarter past six to do my hair. So how perfect is that?
41:53How private is that but the thing is right it comes from my Apple CarPlay
41:57So when I reply I have to like tell Siri what I'm saying
42:00And I always get scared that when I add a kiss at the end
42:02It's actually gonna write the message like it's gonna write kiss like k-i-s-s and not just put it. Oh my god
42:09I'm mortified. I'm actually mortified guys. You know, it's my biggest fear. It is saying this. Oh my fucking god
42:16It's n the words kiss kiss at the end of the message. That is it's so embarrassing
42:22I need to go in there right now and say that that was my fucking Siri, but I've done it before
42:28And it's oh my god, oh my god
42:30I'm actually I've got a second hand right but like of them reading that message thinking why the fuck has this girl put kiss
42:36Oh, I feel sick. Oh my god
42:39I'm actually so embarrassed right now, but I've done that before and it's sent like an ex. Oh my god
42:44I need to actually go in there straight away and tell them my god
42:49Takes out. Thank God. I can't wait to scrub my head. I have hair underneath still so that is a boat
42:57This is the main event
43:01Yeah, what is it that we're doing
43:04We're doing this time. We're doing full head
43:08Highlights and then tapping out the brooch. Let's feel proper blonde and then
43:15So excited
43:16Guys, the reason I stopped down my hair because I had a fringe and it's not from the hair
43:22And I don't want to come to terms with it, but guys it's gotten shorter I haven't seen her since May
43:28What's the hell is that? She has not stopped it, but I'm just gonna tell myself. It's regrowth so that I don't throw up
43:37We've got the root blend on look out. Oh my god, look how blonde we haven't touched anyone yet though, so look
43:45Guys look how blonde that is. Oh
43:48It's the fact as well that it's all blonde when it goes back in the room obsessed
43:54Oh my god
43:56Thank God. I thought I was up again. It's resurrecting. Oh
44:05No, it is so blonde
44:07About oh my god, and then when you there she is
44:11That's insane. I'm not brunette when I put my hair back. Yay. Oh my god
44:16We're now trimming it because I've missed my blunt cup. I need it back just makes my hair look a little bit healthier
44:22I'm thicker. Oh my god. I'm so
44:26Guys I'll be just this film in my reaction. I'm which is this
44:35All right. I've never been felt so hungry. It's half ten because basically
44:41Bless Alfie. He stayed after work. Oh
44:44Whoa, he stayed off the work to do my hair
44:47So it was like a super late one love him so much and I literally haven't eaten since 12
44:52So I'm so hungry and I didn't know if to order food or make food and you know
44:57I'm just like your passport and hungry where I said you could eat anything
45:00So you don't know exactly what it is that you want. Anyways, I ended up going for our famous pasta beans dinner
45:08Guys, I can't express you how nice this is like trust me. I'm someone
45:13I don't like weird foods and this is a weird food, but it tastes unreal
45:18so you have pasta and beans and then
45:20While it's still on the stove like just if you cooked it add cheese
45:24I'm not that in first then loads of ketchup loads of vinegar guys. Trust me
45:30The face you're probably pulling is the exact same face that I pulled when my dad told me about this and then I tried it
45:35And then my life's been changed ever since especially like a late-night
45:41Or like if I'm doing my period
45:43Yes, or like I don't know if you've just coming from a night out like this is like the meal you need
45:49And it's so good. And also you can never have enough in a room ketchup in it
45:53Like I know it sounds wrong, but the flavors they just go so well together
45:58Anyway, I think it's this is up having a lot like bitch about to burn my mouth. Oh
46:03My god, so hot, but I made the right choice
46:05We were filming today at the studio and I just got home. This has been dropped off from Maybelline
46:11Let's say yeah, I just say I'm going skiing with Maybelline, right? Oh
46:16My god, wait that literally looks like my ski jacket that I had that is so funny. Oh my god
46:21Oh, I love that. Oh my god. It's from my Sunday skiing and I've got white trousers. Oh my god. That is so cool
46:30This is so cool. Oh my god. No, that is actually the sickest outfit
46:38This is so cool
46:41No, you can't keep it. I'm actually obsessed with that and then
46:46This is so cute. Oh my god. Fuck off. I've got a ski goggles. I love ski goggles. Oh my god
46:51And they say Maybelline on them
46:56I don't know. I think I'm guessing this is filled with like makeup Wow. No, I am stopped up on makeup it
47:07Actually wore these sunglasses in Australia and then they messaged me about sending me
47:13Another pair. Well the first pair I brought and then they saw that I was wearing them
47:17So they asked about sending them from OS sunglasses. So I actually have no clue
47:22Oh, there's a few pairs in here. Oh
47:26My god, I look like a teacher what are these ones?
47:32Thought they could actually quite cool of a bikini on all day. Okay, then mesh key
47:37This is actually a dresser ordered for the Brits
47:40I really hope this looks nice because I don't really have that much time to look and order more
47:46It's a high neck yellow dress. I feel like I just can't tell until I try it on
47:51I don't know what this package is then because I thought this is the mystery one. Oh
47:56I ordered I ordered a cream leather jacket because I needed a
48:01Cream or white jacket to go with like colored trousers, for example green bottoms, but they only had a large left
48:08So I don't know if it's just gonna be absolutely massive
48:12That's not bad. Is it? I don't know. I'm looking in this camera. Wait, I actually think that this jackets, right?
48:18It actually was quite nice. I feel like this with like even like little shorts and boots could look quite cool
48:24Oh god, I need to try on my ski outfit make sure it all fits and stuff, but I'm so excited
48:29I feel like I've literally filmed so much in this vlog. Sorry guys. I've still my skincare routines
48:34I have like a hairband in god. My hair is so blonde. Oh god. I look as you look a state
48:39Well there was going on. Anyways, I always feel like when I'm filming over like a few days. I
48:45Struggle because I think by the end of it
48:47I'm like, is there any structure to the vlog or is it just like bits here and there?
48:50I never know until I watch it back, but I really hope you guys enjoyed this video
48:54Please make sure to subscribe because I really want to hit a million
48:58I said by the end of the year, I feel like that's not going to be possible
49:01But I have high hopes so if you guys subscribe that would mean the absolute world and I will see you guys in my next video