• 2 weeks ago
Today I'm joining a gang and taking over territory. There were a ton of crazy/ funny moments in this GTA RP episode, enjoy!

Buildable Horseboy - https://www.bldblz.com/products/treyten
00:00Today I'm gonna be joining a gang we're gonna be taking over rival territory and turning cops into Swiss cheese
00:04This should be really fun
00:16And they're yellow as well
00:20Yeah, and we were yellow first
00:22Exactly, that's the main points. So we look here and we check
00:27Lagos 99% the boys won
00:38Okay, what is that?
00:42Hello who is that I
00:45Don't know
00:49That's not the other gang is it
00:52Highly possible
00:55Okay, this is terrible
01:00The airport we're gonna take the airport
01:04No, okay, let's take the airport
01:06I mean, is this even good territory to have no, I think maybe how it's better. It's like next to home as well
01:11Okay, let's go
01:13What I have I have no clue
01:17Well, how do we I mean 99% how long will that actually take to get them down
01:22It depends because we took over the other part in like an hour or two. So like an hour showing up
01:27There's like cops and stuff and the cops make it a bit more and you know
01:31They show up and you're like I'm not selling drugs and then they chase you
01:34They think you're selling drugs up. So you are but you can tell them that right just take a lot of tension
01:40Okay on the map all this yellow stuff. We need to take over and that's this whole block here. This is it
01:46I mean, we're in it right now, right? Yeah, give me some meth put some in the glove box
01:49Dude I really look good. I feel like a real gangster, dude
01:54So now what we just sell it. Hey, brah, we just sell it
01:58We sell and also we need graffiti
02:01Graffiti the top and we're going to add some nice. Do you have some where are the locals?
02:06Maybe I scared him away
02:09Yeah, so they shouldn't even hear me coming I don't get it
02:16You know friends I've been thinking of a lot about what we did the other day with Pete and
02:20I'm listening. I don't think we should have given him his car back truthfully
02:27Yeah, same yeah, you know because you think about it it's one less shit, you know in that way
02:32like I
02:37Hey, I forgot my wallet, can you buy me some?
02:40Got my wallet. Okay. He was in my other pair of shorts. This is new clothes
02:46Hey, give me 15
02:49How do you forget to put the toilet seat up when you're pissing and get it all over the
03:02Dude that hat is way too big for your head
03:10Yeah, because you're fat-ass he tried to roll out the car instead of opening the door
03:17You press the button, all right, bud, let's do some real gang shit dude, let's cut it up on the highway
03:23We're cutting it up
03:26We're cutting it up watch this we're gonna squeeze the gap we're gonna squeeze the gap
03:29Look at that
03:33Look at that
03:36Okay, shut the fuck up let me shut up
03:40Locals locals locals
03:44Downtown Bainwood no, it's further. Oh my god, dude. There's not a single local down here
03:54This is a nice wall to tag
04:00What are we spraying, okay, he's spraying the walls
04:07Yeah, yeah, I got it I'm I'll sell and then I'm gonna sell
04:13Yeah, we're making cash already dude
04:16Yeah, we're like we're like we're like we're like we like on this
04:24Yeah, I'm the log I'm the log
04:30Hey, does the other gang know that we're here selling
04:36Oh, I see
04:39Yeah, this is our search spray it up
04:43This land is my land this land is not their land. Oh my god, you're really spraying
04:52We're up to four already. Oh my god. I am the best drug salesman there ever was
05:00I mean, they're all buying. I haven't had one person turn me down yet
05:06I have a very approachable personality
05:12No, my feet look fine, they look really good
05:18Okay, we need more people we kind of ran out of people there I come over to this group
05:22Is he selling to them? Oh look at that boys boys
05:25Oh, there we go
05:28I know this is so good. Okay, the territory ends right there. So we can't sell to them
05:32We have to come over here. All right, let's check our percentage. It should be high. Oh 10% already
05:36We already have 10% dude
05:38Literally, yeah, we could take this over in the next 20 minutes. Probably let's keep going. Let's keep going as hell slows down though
05:45No, dude, let's just take this shit. All right, let's wait. I'm geared up dude. I'm ready a
05:50lot I
05:53Think you can yeah, I think you could sell while he's on the bike
05:58That's perfect
06:04Yeah, yeah
06:17Yeah, which one's Bob
06:19That position don't go up the front of a Vinewood one Roger
06:30Are you good? Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Are you good? Is that a guy? So I'm just killing it is a guy
06:35What's he doing? I'll kill this guy right now. Who is this? Do you need me to take a shot?
06:38It's pulling a gun. Why is he pulling a gun?
06:41He put a gun on you. I almost popped him dude. I had a sniper on his head
06:47No, I'm selling drugs dude, what the oh my god, he's crawling on the ground. This is pathetic. What's my name?
06:54What's my name?
06:56What's my name?
06:59What what's my name what's my name?
07:03What's my name? Oh
07:08My god, he should have said it I would have helped him you ran him over you moron
07:19Okay, I believe you here, okay
07:21I just want to tell you here whatever design is this is moving over the election as long as you keep it
07:26That's great. We'll be fine. There will be no brief
07:29If you even step an inch for the forward north
07:32I ain't on the air to be more beef than you've ever seen your entire life. It'll be like
07:36I'll tell you what. I don't negotiate with terrorists
07:40and you approaching me like this is making me want to sell in that king's own and on behalf of all the boys I might just
07:46Can do it
07:47And I was kidding about that. I was kidding about that. Let me let me just pull your strings there for a second
07:57Not your chain ain't as big as mine though, but yeah
08:05All right, well
08:07I'm gonna help my buddy up here
08:10Get up you idiot fine. Thanks for asking. I'm gonna go selling Bob's territory now cuz I don't like the way he was speaking to me
08:19We don't need that beef, I don't know I didn't like the way he approached me there
08:25I'm gonna check our percentage after this sale
08:2913 that's it
08:34We should just pop in next door real quick to make some extra money
08:40Let's let's pop in next door real quick just down the street sell some down there and then come back over here
08:46Like just down the road there in Bob's turf, yeah, I
08:51Really don't like the way he was speaking to me
08:55No, no, I only dish it back once he gave it to me you do that
09:15Really want to go do Bob's here, but that's fine. I'm just gonna write some a wall
09:21No, no, I'm spraying. I'm spraying
09:27Hold on
09:29Why are you so obsessed with my feet you can creep you make flappy noises. It's so weird. It's disgusting
09:34You're gonna bring all the microbes into the hey. Hey, hey, you think this is cool. What's this watch this?
09:41On gang take my picture take my picture take my picture though
09:50Gangster don't God you got it. You got it or what?
10:01Dude shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up before I go over to Bob's territory and start selling shit. Oh
10:07My god, oh my god
10:10Well, he didn't seem like one when he's talking to me
10:16gang gang
10:18Wait, I like your shorts. Not so sure about the shoes. Thanks, man. Yeah
10:25Thanks, this chain this chain 500k gang by changing 100k
10:32You will change ain't yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah double double down right now. I like it. That's iced out on God on God
10:42That's right
10:59Just took 14% of it by the way
11:22Everything else makes sense. I got it. That's not air dynamics. Look at you. Here's their glasses. Thank you good
11:28But the shoes the shoes are so don't make stomping noises like you dumb when I'm creeping in the cut
11:36I'm not right dude. This is gonna be me in the cut with my can get hiding in the bushes ready to
11:47I'm ganged up guys. What the
11:51I mean, you guys are like half and half dude. You put on a hoodie and some baggy shorts
11:55I mean, what the fuck is that dude? I'm committed
11:59You're French your hat is two sizes too big dude
12:04One small in quiff of wind and that thing's gone
12:09That's what I'm saying, dude, he looks ridiculous
12:12He looks ridiculous
12:16Bro, what is it your second birthday and you got a big foam hat? I mean, what is this?
12:22I think so. What were you selling? What were you selling? I'm getting on cut
12:32Bob was saying some nasty stuff to me
12:40Bob little crowbar, I mean started yelling at me and I told him I don't negotiate with terrorists and he kept going
12:45I don't know why you pull a crowbar a day to get 1% in ever all that position. Oh you oh you dare me
12:51Okay. Okay. I know where I'm going. He said
13:00There's a lot of people up here this is the place to be but I'm gonna go get 1% in the emerald I'll be back
13:06He dared me he dared me to do it territory. This is Vagos emerald acquisition. Here we go
13:12If I sell drugs in here, I'm doing it. Where are the people?
13:18Well, that's a real genius plan, where'd you how'd you think of that?
13:22Hey, you guys are lucky there's no people over there right now so in Bob's territory, oh I can graffiti and take
13:33Easy I'm gonna spray-paint boys
13:36Yeah, let's get it higher let's get higher
13:38Okay, I go over here and spray boys on their side of the street. Apparently that'll give us some territory. Okay, there we go
13:46Okay sprayed. Oh my god. I got 1% I got 1% I got 1% over here
13:53literally 1% in emerald acquisitions area
13:58Well, Bob might be upset here
14:00That's you and him
14:02Well, he shouldn't have talked. I mean straight up. I have some serious shooter. I'm I am the shooter
14:08I am literally the shooter. Honestly guys, we should say Ralph did it
14:13Absolutely, but we're all in agreeance here that Ralph spray-painted. Okay, good
14:20Yeah, he doesn't know he doesn't
14:24Know I he threatened me guys. We have 18% This is pretty good
14:35No, they're going somewhere else I see him they just went towards the city. Yeah. Yeah for sure hundred percent
14:40Are you selling drugs over here? No, are you you are nah? Oh
14:45I'll be selling in the in the Bob's territory
14:52He's doing it on purpose bro, this is Bob's
14:57You're an idiot I told you twice it was Bob's
15:04Come good. Oh, no. Oh, who's this? Hey who this gang?
15:12Yeah, it is
15:19You and Bob's crew you and Bob's crew
15:27Oh, what the fuck is everybody's obsession with my feet if you're gonna pay for them or something then just say it
15:33Why are you bringing it up?
15:35Take a picture. Why don't you wait? Can I it'll last longer? Yeah, go for it
15:41Now this better stop the fucking talk, okay
15:46Why are you asking us questions nice don't pick up. Oh, that's good
15:50Did you stay still you got a good?
15:56I don't want to I I'm done with the feet
16:06I think it's pretty smart
16:09They know yeah, they know who their daddy is now
16:15Police police know that a lot of people impersonate me in the city. It's fine
16:24When is that a cop behind me is that a police charger
16:29Okay, okay shut up is I think there's a cop behind me
16:35Okay, let me finish boys boys boys boys boys boys boys sounds like you're making like a song, you know, maybe I am
16:45What is he doing
16:48We're in trouble. Just lift your arms up if you want me to park up
16:53He lifted his arms, okay
16:55We did another Trey Sanders a bunch of boys boys Trey Sanders boys boys boys boys boys
16:58But French isn't getting interrogated by the police. I'm gonna go over there as well in the car. He's got a gun out
17:03I'm gonna hit his car so he can't chase
17:12He's in
17:14Seatbelt just hit it there. You can't get in
17:23No, I just hit his car so he couldn't get in so you guys could get out of here
17:26But you just parked there like a bunch of morons
17:33This is bad
17:35You guys should have gotten out of here. I had the diet version. Oh, he's slow. He can't even drive
17:41I'm just following you. Oh
17:50Sure, it was a real gang a real gang would light him up by now truthfully
17:59Hit the jump hit the jump hit the jump full speed. Oh, this is beautiful. This is beautiful. Oh look out
18:06Good where is he? Where's the cop?
18:09Okay, I'm going right. I'm gonna go in here
18:14Did you see that
18:17I'm gonna get boxed. I'm gonna get boxed
18:21Shut up, shut up
18:24I'm good. I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. Go go go. I'm dipping in the hills
18:28Yeah, I'm gonna try and pull off again and hide
18:31Are you confident in that big old boat? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope
18:37No, I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I do this all the time. Honestly do it again. Oh that driveways full
18:46Let's go through here
18:50I'll break. Give me a good driveway. Give me a good driveway. Let's go right. Let's go all the way up engine. Oh
19:00My god, it worked. I lost him. I lost him. Well, there's more cops though. They have a Mustang up in the hills now
19:06Wait, they might have found me. I'm hiding real good though
19:10They found me they found me
19:14Cake okay. Okay. You're you fat and lonely
19:24Hey, this is not good you guys are totally free
19:27A lot of there's more now. Let's go in here
19:34Well, I messed up bad I messed up real bad I messed up real bad I'm at the hotel I'm at the hotel
19:40With the pool. Oh, I messed up real bad real bad real bad. Wait, I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Oh the cops stuck
19:47Oh my god. I
19:50Know it's mixed signals. I understand it. Oh, I'm boxing. I need help over here for sure. I need help at the hotel
19:57I'm at the pool the swimming pool of the hotel. I definitely need help
20:01Most certainly
20:04Well, the cop the cop might have saved me well, they're putting spike strips down I'm definitely gonna need help I
20:11Know I know I know it's super confusing. I understand. Oh
20:15My god. Oh my god. I dodged I thought I'm insane. I'm insane. I'm gonna be fine. Oh, no, I flipped the car
20:22I put the car. No, it's good. It's good. It's back. It's back over. It's back. Oh, I'm in a hot tub
20:27I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm about to get out. Just give me 10 seconds
20:31I'm free. I'm fully free. I'm fully free
20:49That was a rollercoaster you guys should have been there
20:55Was flipped on the side of the wall and then he put spike strips down
20:58But then I dodged them and I grinded down you should have been there. Oh my god
21:06I know it was crazy. You should have been like, I don't know. It's just crazy. I think we're good, right? Oh
21:12My god guys our gang has never been stronger
21:18We own the police
21:21Trey Sanders is the man
21:26Yeah, I could I could feel so real good without any shoes on that things, you know, no matter what you mean
21:35That's why I kept crashing yeah, you probably just break it for the reason I thought it was a clutch
21:41Anyway, it feels good to be a successful entrepreneur. I know we were just starting to come up
21:46You know, they hate us cuz they hangin us bro, huh, you wanna go back get some more territory? Absolutely. All right, let's do it
21:53all right, we're gonna go back to the territory and
21:55Try and take more of it the cops show up. We're gonna have some trouble
21:58I wonder if they got out of here and that guy's car was really stuck up top probably impounded it though
22:02That was really funny. We're back. I'm gonna park right by my beautiful graffiti. I don't see any cops. So we're good
22:08Is that you are you here PD again PD again? I think a
22:11red Mustang
22:13Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes PD already
22:16What's up? No, it's it's King. It's the same Kimbo's. Oh
22:22I'm gonna get a I'm gonna get a zing go to jail. I'm tazed. I'm gonna get cuffed
22:27I'm by my graffiti. I broke I broke off. I broke off. I need help
22:37I pulled a gun. Where is he by the cars? He's in his car. He's in his car. He's in his car again. I
22:43I ran up top. I ran up top. He's chasing me. He can't he went he got scared or something. Yeah. Yeah, I see you
22:49I'm gonna try and get my car. He might tase me
22:53Don't don't don't don't don't don't don't
23:01I'm so sorry. I had no choice. I had no choice. I had no choice. I had no choice. What was I supposed to do?
23:13I'm stealing his minecraft pickaxe
23:16Guys, we gotta go. He called panic button. We gotta go
23:18Where'd you guys go? We should we should honestly let's just go straight down stay in the territory and try and sell more down here
23:28No that dude, we're getting on cut gang
23:33There's a cop going into the area what do I do with this what this
23:47There you go, you're not doing much
23:50It's the wrong tree. Maybe it's like, you know, the French is pretty dense. Let's try it on him. Yeah
23:56What come here, oh my god, hey dense, too
24:04It's three pixels dude
24:07French ah, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just trying to see what this is about. I'm just gonna get a repair
24:12Guys, okay, fine
24:17Wait, what does that mean? We know what you did to her. What does that mean? What did you guys do to who?
24:24What did you do, okay, it was it was this was like a gang-related issue, right?
24:29Okay, it was a gang-related fix for it. We might have to fix a kid what?
24:35So there was a crazy woman who thinks we're married right echo and and no, no, that's not married
24:42That's she that's another crazy woman who thinks I'm his dad. Okay
24:51Read me
24:55Share with the class. Wait, wait, this is a new newspaper. Oh, wait, it's just a newspaper about the okay
25:01Step step one cuz you're going too far. What is step one? Okay step one. There's a crazy woman who thinks we're married
25:07Okay, okay, right crazy woman who thinks we're married, right? Okay, she called she disappeared and she was like
25:14It's our date, but we're selling gang stuff, right?
25:17And I was like, this is this what so then French was like he made that word. I can run her over
25:23So so you went on a date regretted it pretended like you didn't know her and now you're trying to
25:30Keep the day was the day was
25:32That's just a cover story. We all know that you probably were actually into it
25:36But yeah drag you into this triangle circle somehow. No, I'm good. I will drag you into no, okay, right?
25:42So, okay, so we need to kill some crazy girl later. Maybe potentially
25:48Yeah, we need like sick freak that will go on a massive sick
26:06Okay, so I go on a date with this person, okay
26:10Okay, I confess my true love and then I can slit their throat that was I mean, this is five minutes copy
26:17This is not even a hard thing and you can't do it. Okay, send her a phone call
26:21I could do this in 5-10 minutes tops. I don't know
26:25It's green was it green she's not pink. It's call her bro. I'll do this right now
26:29You guys are a bunch of soy boys can't handle your own problem. Hey
26:35Totally normal person I wouldn't I don't know about
26:41Yeah, you ever seen baby reindeer no call her it's no answer so she's not around okay, so we'll solve this later
26:52You know, I mean, it's scary. Okay, so we'll solve this later. Let's go get more territory here sirens, but
27:00See anyone staking out the area we're gonna keep spraying and selling I guess the territory goes
27:06Big it just goes right from here and over
27:14Okay, that man is another soy boy and I don't think we have to worry about him
27:19Oh, yeah, I heard you he's an idiot
27:28Already oh my god
27:31Are they coming in here my car is very wanted I might park in a little spot
27:38Are they coming for you?
27:40Oh, it's literally a chase passing through
27:50Yeah, yeah, we have 21% already
28:00That's gotta just be a chase, okay the whole upper level you can't see it because it's too far away but
28:18What what's happening what's happening
28:23Oh my god, I took 2% of emerald acquisitions
28:30It's just a goof it's just a goof
28:34Bob will not kill me for 2%
28:37More people in it. I'm pretty sure the gang is stacked. I will kill all of them before one of them even touches me
28:42Oh full with armor ball pops
28:46Okay, I don't feel like heavy sniper armor dead
28:53Sirens sirens lots of sirens. Is that the chase again? Are we about to get swatted?
28:56I hear less sirens, so it might be sweat. Maybe it was driving up
29:04Yeah, we're fine we're fine, well, maybe not
29:15Okay understood
29:19I've been pulled over. I'm gonna try and talk my way out of it
29:23Food from the 24-7 good
29:28Okay, just stay back there for now kind of lurk and tell maybe we need you all these local gangs are really messing with the
29:33Real estate value, huh?
29:37Yes, I
29:42Yep, exactly officer hurry this up. I have important business meetings. I work at a place that doesn't allow tattoos
29:51Who's yes. Hey
30:01Drug folks. They are they are
30:04Over there and they're right here bad neighborhood bad neighborhood
30:08Hey, well, it seems if you are the one stop out at the neighborhood
30:12We have nothing to do with the negativity that is being brought upon this community
30:20The Vagos yes the Vagos they're insane themselves they go sweet. I actually I have a photo
30:30Well, we are not the Vagos
30:32Well, no Vagos
30:34Vegas so I need searches and the vehicle. Oh, that's all right. Let's do it. Let's do it. Search it up
30:41All right, you ever play Minecraft
30:55Just minecrafted man, you know, it'd be so strong. I was just trying to knock him out. He went flying
31:03Whoa, whoa, so much to someone shoot. Oh my god
31:10Shoot back shoot back shoot back
31:14multiple cops
31:17Okay, I didn't know it was gonna be that hard you said it was soft
31:25Stay low stay low. This is bad move move move
31:37Wow, ah
31:40It's over it's over
31:43It's over. I
31:46Didn't know I thought I was just gonna bonk him
31:50Stay away from me
31:53I didn't know is that important?
31:56No, I didn't know
31:58I didn't do anything. I didn't know I thought I was gonna
32:05My god, he's taking all my stuff
32:10You take my drug money no
32:17Hey, man, hey man, what you eating? Oh, no. Oh, you sure?
32:22You know, my mask is stuck in my mouth a little bit. You know, you really enjoyed that mask
32:28Oh, I had to eat a small section of it there. Um, yeah, I don't know what happened there
32:32I do you can whack the police officer. He probably panic button and they all rolled up. That's a good theory
32:38But we can never be sure what happened there. I mean you were there. Can you tell me what happened?
32:43Hey, you know, I can give you a hypothesis. I mean, we'll probably never know. Oh, okay
32:46I think what happened was I had that Minecraft axe hero Brian was probably around in the area
32:52He saw that I had the Minecraft axe called the police police showed up more of them showed up
32:57I'm gonna guess it's just it's one of those things where you get third-partied, you know, you can't do anything about it
33:01You think you'd follow us all the way? Yeah. Yeah for sure. We'll never know. It's just one of those things
33:07Hmm said that's an interesting theory. Hey Fred. I think go ahead
33:10Yeah, we're trying to figure out what happened, but I guess we'll never know truly
33:14We're thinking maybe hero Brian was in the area and he saw me with the axe
33:20I mean I was behind I had I kind of saw what I saw
33:23Well, I think I saw somebody
33:26Whack a cop with a Minecraft axe and I'm guessing he probably
33:30You know panic buttoned
33:32Called in all the other, you know police officers. They came in hot and heavy
33:36Stopped shooting. We shot back which made more officers arrive and then
33:40Yeah, I don't know if that's what happened. Okay
33:49About setting a house, yeah, you know, yep
33:54He's cutting us the bag
34:00Yeah, I wanted to search him I said sure get out of the car and he said such this and hit him with my cutbacks
34:07Well, is that a theory? Is that what happened? That's probably another hypothesis
34:11So which one's more likely hero Brian or you two having almost the same story?
34:16My vote goes for you, O'Brien
34:24Steve have a mobile phone
34:26Hero Brian, he could do anything. He's in Minecraft
34:34Yeah, I think so
34:38Because I had the Minecraft axe in the wrong universe, did you still have it?
34:42No, it was taken back by the other officer. So we shouldn't have any more issues going forward
34:49Yeah, yeah, yeah, I keep your eyes peeled I'm glad we all agree here that it was not my fault
34:55Yeah, yeah what happened with you did you even kill any he was watching yeah, it really felt like we were a fucking TV show
35:00for you
35:06What do you mean I guess what homemade baby
35:12Wow, you
35:14Disgusting I bet it's not
35:19Hourly basis does it does
35:25Everybody needs to shut up. These are all theories
35:31Hey, look, it's me Trey Sanders on the wall. Yeah, is that a good idea? Oh, there's multiple
35:36That's the third one that I've done today. Oh, yeah
35:39Okay. Okay. We're back. We're selling drugs. It's going well any problems that the cops are rolling up heavy car rolling up car
35:45Rolling up Durango. Is it PD?
35:49I don't think it is looks like gang
35:53Is that your girlfriend
35:59Lazy for you. Are you Vagos? You get the fuck out of here. I tell you what, this is my territory Trey Sanders owns this one
36:10You say what
36:16Said what you said what?
36:21Okay says you in a Durango scat pack what the even is it the Wranglers get back dude, it's a three nine two
36:28That's what a scat pack is you dumb
36:33I know cuz this bitch is broke and she could only afford to put the engine in and slap a badge on the side
36:43The scat bags good to be on it, it's the same engine, but it's a worthless ass minivan
36:51No, there's not it says SRT dog like she's trying to be a Hellcat now, it's just a mess. It's a mess
36:57She's an up badging poor ass loser
37:02Yeah, get the fuck out of my territory remember the name Trey Sanders the Trey Sanders territory
37:13Step out the car, I dare you
37:17Show with the badge, I'll show her the badge
37:20This is the badge right here says I own the territory
37:29We might actually have to make our first block lesson right now
37:37Wouldn't be my first time dishing out a block lesson
37:43It's ours, it's ours, that's it period
37:47So we're here
37:51Step out the car
37:53Step out leg nuts step out. Oh, she's scared now. She's scared all of a sudden
38:02Okay, okay
38:08Nothing I'm a sniper I'm living a sniper stay clear
38:23Go go go go go. I'm in
38:25Fuck does she think she is pressing Trey Sanders run my car
38:29Left left down there left left left left left here. Go left here. Go left here. Oh, you're such a boomer go, right?
38:34What do you mean go right then right again right again right again down here on the street?
38:42Lost her I had lost her cuz the boomer I literally saw her
38:51You know, I mean she doesn't have many tires right cuz we lit some up I
38:57Saw her car down there. Yeah. Yeah when I said turn left I saw her car like actually saw it with my eyeballs
39:06Don't know don't worry about it just find do we think any of us hit her ashamed if none of us hit her because there
39:11Was a lot of well, then I'm thinking she could be at the hospital then, right?
39:18Do another little loop, yeah, why doesn't the name Trey Sanders carry as much weight as it used to
39:25It had it had the weight of a
39:28747 loaded up with elephants. Don't carry it. Anyway, it was
39:32Okay, that fat. Okay, you
39:37Yeah, that was
39:39That her behind us it was like a black I couldn't tell it wasn't no nevermind nevermind
39:44Go hospital
39:48Maybe she swapped cars check that BMW that just left
40:05I'm the only one that saw that coming. I saw that coming to you before we
40:10Fair better than that. I don't know. He's gone. Oh my god. Who's this? Who's this?
40:20I'm getting out so I can drive. Do you not see my friend can swap you came blind ass
40:24I will do something if you keep the pain standing here and King instigating
40:29Green snacks back here
40:31They're eating snacks and I'm gonna take the wheel cuz I'm not eating snacks. Don't you can touch me?
40:35He was just in it. I'll fucking turn you to Swiss cheese like there's fucking nothing
40:40Right even five or you're not a party. That guy is not him, dude
40:47What do you mean that guy literally pressed me first, what are you talking about? My name needs to carry weight again?
40:52Okay, my name
40:53It's not what it used to be. All right, well, let's go to a burger
40:59Says says the two because I couldn't drive because they're stuffing their faces. Okay, couldn't be me
41:07Meal of the day, dude
41:08What you'd run in are you one of those markers that says you have two days in one day?
41:11You got micro days or something. You probably have 15 days in one day
41:15You never seen that grind and hustle guys. They're like, oh I wake up at 2 p.m
41:19That's my first day and then I'm gonna sell drugs, dude
41:22You guys are fucking annoying. Are you fat ass is gonna get out of the car and do something or is this really gonna be?
41:26Trey Sanders territory
41:38Good dry, this is a great car. You'll be able to escape. Yeah, I don't think they're here
41:44I know but
41:47You're panicking there's nothing is it where does it stop down here? It's very skinny. Yeah, you go right more though
41:53I like a Trey Sanders. I love it
42:01It's like you're trying to make a joke from the side of the fence that the joke is on you're literally stuffing your face
42:06Trying to make a fat joke. It just can't work. You understand that right?
42:10No, no, it doesn't it doesn't work. It doesn't work at all
42:16No, stop see cuz you're trying too hard now because it's already doesn't work because you're the one stuffing your face
42:21And to make your name with them thing
42:23I can literally I can literally hear the saliva and the thing the food in your king
42:28Nasty ass fat came out and the guy that I was gonna sell drugs to is gone now cuz I was talking to you
42:33You get a personal size pizza when you're talking cheese, or is it like a grown-up one?
42:38You you guys are on thin ice man. You guys are in I
42:42Do you mean I'm just
42:51Yes, why do I need French heritage is it absolutely something I do not
42:57What the fact Oh
43:01I'm the only one making gains for our territory here
43:21Don't know I don't see anyone
43:29I got him. I got him. I got him. I got him. I got him. I got him
43:32Is that the only one down that the only one I saw?
43:36That's what you get for sitting in the car like fast, dude. You get you run up on by another game. Okay, I'm okay
43:41Who was that? We need to get up there, right? I don't know. Yeah, I go around we need to figure out who that was
43:46Yeah, here's their car. Is there anyone else AP out? I dropped that guy French is slum
43:56What the girl did they crawl off the front pops are gonna come
44:01Wait was back here maybe I
44:06Lost him. I think they call off the front
44:12I'm still on the roof. I think we're okay. The cops aren't gonna find us. I don't think I really want to find who this was
44:20I'm going down the front. I'm gonna crawl down like where they would have gone. Ah, there's nothing on the front
44:23Literally nothing on the front. It's got to be on the back somewhere. Literally nothing up front. It's in the back
44:27It's in the back somewhere. How do we kill someone?
44:30What you got her where?
44:39Up top. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's them. That's them. Yeah, I scoped in on them put him in the car
44:43I think we need to interrogate first. Oh, yeah
44:47Okay, well Dan will go damn interrogate dump to get to that. You need to go to the city
44:52Yeah, one second. I just think whoever just tried to kill us doesn't deserve tires
45:06Guys my name will carry weight my name will carry fucking weight. Do you understand?
45:14We're fine, we're literally okay. I want to see it blow up
45:19There we go. We're fine. Where do I go for the
45:29They're normal people. Why do you care?
45:32French no, we don't need to make everybody farmless. No, we're at a point in the world where
45:38we have a
45:40Emissions crisis. Okay, those people drive cars now. They don't was that Pete sound a little little bit, you know, you're
45:47You know
45:50So you're saying the answer is to kill I'm just saying that it doesn't hurt if you just kill a normal person
45:57Yeah, that's kind of like, you know, you know, you're like the event of takedown, okay
46:01Yeah, you're like what what the history books teaches about you know, what legends
46:06strong figures
46:09That's the way I would describe them. Why is there a bus?
46:16Yeah, yeah
46:18What I see my partner in you and you're like sure angry one thing your name to matter if you guys are gonna keep talking
46:24I'm just gonna throw you off the damn food. You need for what for what you can sit in the car and yell at me
46:29Why you eat your food?
46:34You called it out because you were distressed you still really said your words were I can't do anything I'm eating
46:40I can't do anything. I'm eating and then so I had to run over like you were a bunch of toddlers and figure it out
46:48Yeah, which led me to my recall me let's do a bridge down a bridge down
46:54I don't think anyone's ever done it. Everyone goes to the dam. Let's do a bridge dump
47:06That's good, that's taller than the damn I think
47:10Well, holy shit French get it out
47:16We don't know if it's a girl a guy
47:19Get up. Oh, who is it? Hey, don't do anything dumb. Don't do anything dumb
47:25Take the helmet off. Hey, it's the place the thing. It's the girl
47:32Who am I who am I who am I?
47:39Trey Sanders that name carries weight. Oh
47:43She jumped on her own
47:45All I had to do was say my name and she jumped
47:49All I had to do is say Trey Sanders and she knew what to do my name carries weight
47:58My name carries weight fellas and French can't walk my name carries weight
48:04I didn't even say jump. I said Trey Sanders and she went boink. She faced she felt that creep
48:10I don't know. Yeah, maybe she felt like don't say yeah, cuz the name carries weight
48:14It's just some Bob's territory
48:17Right here. Look at all the locals. Oh
48:20Yeah, this is it this is it I don't know I we're almost at 30% territory which is quite a bit for how
48:29Time we've been doing. Oh, uh, the officer already took 60 grand off of me
48:40I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble cop on me. We need the car now. We need the car now
48:45I'm in trouble. Give me my 60k back. Give me my 60k. Oh, give me my 60k. Don't tase me. Give me my 60k
48:53It's not tasers gone. Actually. Okay. Well, I don't even have a weapon. So that's ridiculous
48:58Give me 60k. I'm just protecting myself because we've had lots of gunfire from that. They're actually specifically from that vehicle. So that's actually more
49:06What you've been shooting from that?
49:10You've been shooting Winston
49:20Give me my 60k back
49:27Give me the 60k
49:30Okay, great you bring more cops over here that's just ridiculous
49:45We have not shot
49:47Step out. Let me GSR test you. Well, you could you could just our testament for the window car now
49:51No, there's three of you in the car
49:54But wouldn't you need to just start this to all of us be GSR testing?
49:57No, I just need to be you were trapped in the is this I never saw them in them
50:03Yeah, sure
50:10All right, let's
50:14Give me
50:17Go go
50:23I got it. I got it. I got it. Wait, I didn't know I was getting into this car. I'm so sorry officer
50:27I didn't know I didn't know
50:31Go I tried to make a distraction
50:44Yes, yes, everybody shot you will all be positive
50:49Yes, absolutely you sat there shooting at the cops from this
50:55Yeah, no, it wasn't us it was somebody having a flare-up a little fucking
51:00Somebody's should I take out tires?
51:04Okay, oh
51:08You're an idiot you're an idiot you're an actual idiot
51:14You're right, you're right, that's my terrible. I I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry
51:18You're you're one of the better drivers around. Thank you inspired me
51:25You're close to being able to drive well
51:32Your income
51:35You're doing well
51:38I'm better. Who am I?
51:40Okay, who makes this happen, which the racetrack driver am I in front of them?
51:43You are Logan sergeant, and unfortunately, you just got fired, but but but but hey, listen, listen
51:48You might be an IndyCar champion. Okay. Okay, great. So I'm gonna get
51:57You suck you suck worse than Logan you suck worse than why would you turn here back up quick
52:05oh my god, oh
52:10My god
52:13What a moron, please just give up after seeing what a moron
52:19I'm not
52:21Whoa, it's not me. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me
52:30Why would you shoot French you idiot friend you idiot friend you
52:37idiot French
52:40You idiot, why did you shoot?
52:44No, it wasn't there's three car you can get it you idiot
52:53Fucking idiot get me up officer, please so I can murder my friend
52:58Please I'll kill him for you, please
53:01Please I'll kill him. I'll cut his head off. Please officer officer. Please help me. So I'll kill him
53:09All right. That's it for this one being a gangster kind of sucks. Anyways, I believe you enjoyed and yeah
53:14I'll see the next one boys. Peace
