• 16 hours ago
Belajar Baca Al Quran dengan Bahasa Isyarat Saat Ramadan di Bandung
00:00This is the excitement when the Tuna Rungu saints learn to read the Qur'an using sign language.
00:28At the Isyaroh Qur'an House in Bandung.
00:32In this holy month of Ramadan, dozens of participants from the Santri dan Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa, SLB,
00:40learn the hija'iyah letters in sign language, which has been standardized by the Ministry of Religion.
00:48The mentors also teach the participants how to memorize the picture until the game of guessing the hija'iyah letters.
00:58The hija'iyah letters are written in the form of letters.
01:16By knowing the signs for each letter and the tajweed or short length of a letter when read,
01:24the Tuna Rungu saints can read the Qur'an like ordinary people, especially in the holy month of Ramadan.
01:34One of the Tuna Rungu saints, Hadi, said it was his first time and he was happy to learn the Qur'an in sign language.
01:54I understand, I love learning.
01:58Me too, me too.
02:06Meanwhile, participants from the Salma students group admitted that they wanted to learn because of their interest in becoming sign language teachers.
02:16In the past, I wanted to be a sign language teacher in SLB.
02:25And this is a small part of my goal to reach my goal.
02:32Now I want to learn the basics first.
02:36To support this training, RQI sent at least 7 mentors and Tuna Rungu students.
02:46One of the mentors admitted that he came to RQI to learn sign language in 2020.
02:53After understanding it, he also shared his knowledge with other students and became an instructor.
03:05I came to RQI to learn sign language in 2020.
03:10To support this training, I came to RQI.
03:20I want to learn sign language in sign language classes.
03:30According to the head of RQI, Siti Umayah, this training is held so that Tuna Rungu students are able to read the Qur'an and worship in sign language.
03:44The purpose of this training is to help students read the Qur'an and worship in sign language.
04:14To support reading the Qur'an, RQI continues to develop sign language with the Ministry of Religion.
04:22From 2 pages of the Qur'an, 1 to 15 juz, and 16 to 30 juz are developed.
04:29Only the first page has been printed and submitted to the Ministry of Religion.
04:34However, for those who have studied the Qur'an, they can read it in sign language without depending on the Qur'an edition of sign language.
04:45From Bandung, West Java, Dian Hardiana, Kentor Beritantara, reported.
05:04For more information, visit www.rqi.org.
